Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!)

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Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!) Page 9

by Sable Hunter

  “I heard about that trip from Libby. You two were nuts. She said she fell down on her butt and accidentally shot a duck and you caught a fish in your tube top,” Pepper said laughing, feeling better.

  “I enjoyed them so much, I can’t believe your two families never knew the other even existed. The idea that Christian and his twin brother, Sebastian, were separated at birth after their parents divorced is just unreal. Their parents did not treat those children fairly. They lost out on a whole lifetime of knowing one another.” Cato was still suffering over their recently discovered family history.

  “Well, I think there may be more to the story than we know. Daddy said something really strange the other night,” Pepper confessed quietly.

  “What?” Ryder asked, but all the girls leaned toward her, not wanting to miss a single word.

  “Well, I’m not exactly sure what the details are, but he said he and Sebastian had seen one another on at least three occasions. One was their mother’s funeral and the other was when Dad almost died after Mother was killed. He said Sebastian also came to see him in the hospital, this was just before Sebastian and Sue drowned in a flashflood.”

  “All of this was before we supposedly met them for the first time?” Ryder gasped. “Why didn’t he tell us? Why would he lie about it?”

  “I don’t know.” Pepper mused. “What he said shocked me so much, I didn’t know how to ask him to explain.”

  “How sad!” Molly rubbed her arms. “That story gives me chill bumps. After losing my mother the way I did, it just breaks my heart to hear of others who let their time together slip through their fingers.”

  Ryder swallowed a lump in her throat. She knew Molly had lost her mother when she committed suicide, jumping off a steep cliff on the Rio Grande river to her death. “You’re right. We’ll talk to him about it when the time is right.” Visions of Samson and Gideon kept coming to mind. What if she was making the biggest mistake of her life?

  After that remark, the girls grew quiet, all lost in their own thoughts.

  When they arrived in Austin, they first went to Racy’s house where they were joyously welcomed by the excited woman. “I am so glad you all came! We can have a slumber party tonight!”

  “Thanks, Racy, we owe you one.” Ryder hugged their old friend. “Are you seeing anyone these days?”

  With a wry laugh and a frown, Racy waved her hand. “Are you kidding? I’m having to beat them off with a stick!” When Ryder looked surprised, she hugged her. “No, honey. I’m still an old maid and will one day win the title of oldest virgin in Texas.”

  “Ah, I don’t know, Racy. I may be competing for that prize myself one day,” Ryder whispered once Racy was out of hearing range.

  Once their hostess showed them all to their rooms, Pepper slipped off to check her messages. Sure enough, there was a text from Samson saying they were back in the States and on their way to Austin. She messaged him that they’d arrived also and everything was on schedule. Now, if things would only go as smoothly with Judah.

  * * *

  “Where is she, do you see her?” Samson asked as they made their way through the crowd.

  “No, not yet,” he spoke loudly, trying to make himself heard over the music playing in the studio/performance hall.

  “Do you think she’s going to be glad to see us?”

  Gideon couldn’t help but smirk and shake his head. Less than twenty-four hours ago, Samson Duke had made a French government official shake in his boots for having the audacity to question the motives of OuterLimits quest for interstellar space travel. Now, that same man sounded like a timid teenage boy. “She might not show it right away, but yes, I think she’ll be glad to see us.” At least he hoped he was right. Everything had seemed off since Ryder put a quietus on their relationship. The emotional bond they’d shared after the near-disastrous car bomb experience seemed a lifetime removed from where they were now.

  “Let’s go backstage. I bet we’ll find her there. Her sister’s not answering my text messages.” Samson led Gideon around the perimeter of the building, never considering for one moment they wouldn’t be allowed entrance.

  He was right. The Dukes were some of Austin’s most famous residents.

  “Here are your passes, Sir. Just be wary of the ‘On Air’ lights to indicate when we begin filming.”

  Samson nodded and Gideon lifted a hand in salute. They eased down the dark hall, seeing if they could spot Ryder in any of the rooms.

  They didn’t have far to go before they ran into a scene they weren’t expecting.

  “Please, Judah, stop! I don’t understand.” Pepper pleaded with Judah James who stood against the dark wall, staring at her with anguish in his eyes.

  “Pepper, I beg of you. Stop haunting me!” He turned to walk away from her and she followed, almost reaching him, her hand outstretched.

  Samson and Gideon stayed in the shadows, not wanting to draw attention to themselves at such an inopportune moment.

  “Judah, please listen to me. I love…”

  Before she could say more, a door opened and a gorgeous woman stepped out clad in a sequined jumpsuit. Samson immediately recognized her. Ivana Paul.

  I see her.

  “Judah, you need to get rid of this overzealous fan. I’m ready to start my honeymoon, aren’t you, baby?” She grabbed Judah by the collar and pulled him close for a kiss.

  When Gideon started to step forward, Samson held him back. Pepper wouldn’t appreciate our interruption. Just wait.

  “Judah?” Pepper asked, her heart in her eyes. “Why?”

  Judah tore himself from Ivana’s arms and turned to face Pepper McCoy. “You need to go back where you came from, little girl. Be it my dreams or be it my nightmares, I don’t know. There is no place for you here. No reason for you to stay. You and I will never be. All of this is just in your head! Can I be more clear? I DO NOT WANT YOU!”

  Gideon watched Pepper sway. To hell with this. He rushed forward. By the time he reached Pepper, Judah and Ivana were gone. “Hey, come with us. Let’s get you out of here.”

  Pepper sank against him, resting for just a minute, her whole body shaking with emotion. “He doesn’t want me. God, he’s already married.” She clutched Gideon’s jacket. “I need to leave. Molly and Cato are in the lounge with Ryder. Could you ask them to meet me at the car?”

  “Of course.” Samson walked away to follow her instructions. “Gideon will take you outside, we’ll join you shortly.” If he ever met Judah James in a dark alley, he was going to rearrange that pretty boy’s face.

  “And tell Ryder not to worry about me.”

  Samson heard Pepper’s voice and understood. She still intended for her sister to spend the evening with them. Take care of her, Gideon. And wish me luck.

  Hell, your batting for both of us, brother. I wish you Godspeed.

  …In the lounge, Ryder was bored. She was surrounded by famous musicians and a myriad of groupies, band members, and their crew. Liquor and other substances were being passed out hand over fist. She, Cato, and Molly sat on the couch like three little monkeys. Ryder’s eyes were covered, she had no desire to see two people fornicating on the pool table right in front of her. Molly’s mouth was covered, because she felt queasy from the smell of pot and alcohol. Cato’s ears were covered, and since she couldn’t hear anyway, it had to be because her hair was about to stand on end. With her eyes wide open, it was apparent Mrs. Heath McCoy didn’t want to miss a thing.

  “My gosh, I don’t think we get out enough. This is shocking the refried beans out of me. How about you?” Molly whispered to Ryder.

  “Same here. Just as long as it doesn’t shock the baby out of you,” she murmured. “What time is it?”

  Molly glanced at her watch. “A few minutes after ten.”

  An uneasy feeling wiggled around in her middle. Why hadn’t Samson or Gideon called or texted? She tried to ignore her worry, but the more she thought about it, the more agitated she became. “Excuse me,” she spok
e to her companions. “I’ll be right back.” Ryder rose and went toward the restroom, weaving her way through the crowd. The music was so loud she couldn’t think. When she rounded the corner, she pulled out the satellite phone and tapped out a message to Samson.

  You didn’t call.

  Just down the hall, Samson felt his phone vibrate. When he picked it up to look, he smiled.

  You miss me?

  His question instantly made Ryder feel better. Maybe it was the events of the day, but before she could question her motives, she answered.

  Yes. Are you okay?

  Look up and see for yourself.

  Ryder’s head jerked up and her eyes met his. Her heart immediately leapt in her chest and her feet began to automatically head straight for him through the crowd. “Samson? What are you doing here?”

  He placed an arm around her shoulders and gave her a hug. “We came for you.” Before she could voice a question, Samson added. “Gideon took Pepper outside. She’s upset and asked for you to get Cato and Molly to meet her at the car.”

  “Oh, no.” Ryder’s heart immediately sank. “She talked to Judah?”

  Samson nodded. “And his new wife.”

  “Damn, Judah James, damn him to hell,” she murmured heatedly. “I hate the way he’s jerked her around.”

  Samson didn’t know the whole story, but he did know he would side with Ryder. If she would but allow him, he would always take her part.

  “What’s going on?” They were joined by two women. Figuring they were Ryder’s sisters-in-law, he introduced himself. “Hello, I’m Samson Duke. I’m so pleased to meet you. I’ve come for Ryder. Pepper is outside waiting for you.”

  The women shared a quizzical look between them, but they all hurried out of the lounge and exited through the back. “What happened with Judah?” Ryder asked as they walked along.

  Samson hesitated to say. “Not knowing all the details, all I can tell you is that he didn’t let her down gently.”

  “Bastard!” Ryder exploded. She stopped. “I ought to go back and…”

  “No, come here, baby.” Samson enveloped her, holding her close, while Cato and Molly continued on to where Pepper and Gideon were waiting. “I think your sister is better off without that individual. No man who values a woman treats her the way James just treated Pepper.”

  Ryder softened. “I know, but she thinks she’s in love with him.”

  To Samson’s absolute delight, Ryder rested against him, allowing him to cradle her close.

  He could no more keep from placing a gentle kiss to the top of her head than he could prevent himself from seeking his next breath.

  “How did you know how to find me? Find us?” she asked in a whisper next to his chest. “I still don’t understand what you’re doing here.”

  “Your sister called me yesterday to tell us where you’d be tonight. We flew back immediately; on the off chance we could talk you into letting us kidnap you for a few hours.”

  “So, this is her divine intervention.” Ryder raised her head and grumbled with a sad half-smile on her face. “No wonder she knew you were in France.” Looking in the direction of the car, she whispered, “I need to go to her.”

  “Let’s go.” He led Ryder across the parking lot, wanting to say so many things, knowing this wasn’t the time.

  When they caught up with the others, Ryder took her weeping sister into her arms. “I’m so sorry, honey.”

  “Don’t be.” Pepper hugged her close. “I needed to do this. I needed to look him in the eye and hear him tell me that all of this was just my imagination. That he cared nothing for me.”

  “Do you want to go home?” Ryder asked. “I’ll take you.”

  “No.” Pepper pushed away. “I want you to go to dinner with Samson and Gideon. This trip was to kill two birds with one stone. My goose is cooked, but yours is still chirping.” Her awkward analogy made both sisters laugh sadly. “Go talk to them. You’ve been as miserable as I have. Why don’t we see if one of us can find happiness?”

  “You’re a meddlesome little minx.” Ryder pushed a lock of light blonde hair from her beautiful sister’s face. “I’m wasting their time. I can never be what they need. You know that and I think they know it too.”

  “I know nothing of the kind and they’re crazy about you. I wish you could’ve heard Samson when I spoke to him on the phone. Don’t you know I would give anything in the world for Judah to love me like that? Don’t waste this. Please.” She pushed Ryder gently. “Go to them. Don’t worry. Molly and Cato will take care of me. We’ll spend some quality time with Racy.”

  Ryder looked over her shoulder and saw the brothers waiting for her.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be all right?” she asked Pepper, seeing Molly and Cato waiting just a few feet away.

  “Skedaddle. I’ll call you if I need you.” Pepper kissed Ryder’s cheek. “I won’t wait up for you. I’m going to cry myself to sleep.”

  Ryder took Pepper by the shoulders. “Don’t waste your tears on that guy, he’s not worth it.”

  Pepper nodded. “I’m sure I’ll feel that way soon.” She kissed her sister on the cheek. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Ryder laughed. “I guess I have a wide range of options, don’t I?”

  Pepper started to laugh, then bit back a sob. “Go!” She yelled at Ryder as her sister started to hug her again.

  Ryder backed up two or three feet, then turned and walked toward the Dukes. As soon as they saw her coming, they each held out a hand and Ryder didn’t hesitate to accept them both.

  * * *

  “Where are we going?” Ryder asked, sitting between Samson and Gideon in the back of their stretch limousine.

  Samson picked up her hand in his and rubbed his thumb over the palm. “To the Driskill Hotel. We’ve reserved a private dining room.”

  Gideon bent his head to hers. “We would never expose you to gossip, not intentionally. Protecting you will always be our priority.”

  “What are we doing? It’s awfully late to eat.”

  Samson squeezed the hand he held. “I can tell you’re nervous. You have no reason to be. Have you eaten?”

  Ryder shook her head. “No.”

  “Well, we’re taking care of you, that’s all,” Samson muttered. “Isn’t that right, Gideon?”

  “Absolutely. When Pepper called, she seemed to think you wanted to see us as much as we wanted to spend time with you. She thought this was our perfect chance. Was she wrong?” While he still had serious reservations, Gideon had been unable to stem his own rising hope that they could make this work between them.

  “I don’t know. I don’t really feel like having a good time, knowing she’s hurting.” When she’d set out on this trip, her only thoughts had been for Pepper. Now, Pepper’s heart was breaking and Ryder was about to be wined and dined by two men who, if things were different, could make all her dreams come true. Ryder didn’t know whether to be happy or to cry.

  Ryder’s words worried Samson. “I don’t want you to be unhappy.” He bent over and buzz kissed her cheek. “What if we just agree not to have a good time - together.”

  A giggle burst from Ryder’s lips. “Silly.”

  Gideon hugged her. “I don’t know about you, but just the possibility of spending a few hours with you is incredible. All we’re asking you to do is join us for dinner. Perhaps if we all get to know one another better, we can work through this maze of emotions we’re feeling.”

  Being so close, sandwiched between them in the seat, Ryder felt excitement, an edgy eroticism. But she also felt secure, like nothing could possibly harm her. Her feelings of being so sheltered were odd, considering the attempt on their life. “Did you ever get any more news on the car bomb? Did you ever find out who did it?” This was one topic they always managed to dodge, but now that they were together, perhaps she could get some answers.

  Samson and Gideon exchanged a look.

  How much should we say? I don’t want he
r to be worried.

  At this point, I think honesty is a must, Gideon.

  Speaking in an even tone, full of confidence, Samson assured her. “We do know who did it, yes. There is a group of people, backed by a Russian faction, who would like to prevent us from sending our unmanned mission to Mars in a few months. We don’t know the mastermind behind the plot, but we will soon. You, my beautiful girl, foiled their attempt and possibly saved mankind. When this world is threatened by drought, famine, or alien invasion – whatever - we’ll have laid the groundwork for a whole new habitable world. And don’t worry, we’ve taken aggressive action to make sure they don’t get within striking distance again.”

  His positive attitude and sure words eased Ryder’s mind to a degree. “Good. I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to either of you and I sure didn’t enjoy those bloodhounds you kept on my trail.”

  “Huh.” Samson chuckled. “I’ll have to tell Gabe you likened him to a droopy faced dog with long ears and a mournful howl.” What he didn’t tell her was that she was still being monitored and if she agreed to their arrangement, she always would be.

  As the limousine arrived at the Driskill Hotel, Ryder wondered what the evening would bring. “This is a beautiful place, thank you for bringing me.”

  “You’re more than welcome, it is our pleasure.” Gideon climbed out as the chauffeur opened the door, then held out his hand to assist Ryder to her feet.

  Flanked by the Duke brothers, Ryder entered the opulent lobby of the hotel. Despite the late hour, the place was hopping. Heads turned when they entered, fingers pointed, and a few cameras flashed. “I feel out of place,” she whispered, her hands working at the hem of her top. “I’m not dressed for this.”

  “Your beauty and grace puts the rest of them to shame, sweet girl.” Samson placed a possessive hand on the small of her back. He guided her through the morass of people while Gideon stepped ahead to tell someone they had arrived.

  Ryder’s eyes widened. She’d been to the Driskill before, but it’s beauty always amazed her. The magnificent columns rising to the stained-glass ceiling drew her eye and she didn’t know where to look next, there was so much to see.


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