Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!)

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Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!) Page 10

by Sable Hunter

  “This way, Ryder.” Gideon led her to a private elevator. “Our suite is ready.”

  “Suite?” she squeaked.

  “This is our Austin home-away-from-home; we have many meetings in the private dining room of the penthouse suite.” Gideon tried to reassure her, even though he and Samson both hoped the evening ended up with Ryder between them in the big king-size bed.

  The trip up in the elevator was tense for Ryder. She hugged herself, rubbing her arms.

  “Chilled, darling?” Samson immediately blanketed her back.

  “We’ll warm you up.” Gideon promised, moving to her front, mirroring his brother’s stance behind her.

  Ryder shivered, not from the cold but from arousal. “I feel a little crowded.”

  Samson chuckled, giving her a little space. Gideon wasn’t as giving. “Sorry, baby, we’re just so happy to be here with you.”

  The elevator opened before she had to respond. “After you.” Samson held the door and Ryder was surprised to find they were inside the suite, not an entrance hall.

  “Oh, how magnificent,” she breathed, taking in the fabulous room. This might be a suite, but the focal point was a huge artisan bed. Pillows seemed piled to the sky. She took one glance at it, then almost put a crick in her neck, jerking her head the other way. A blush rose in her cheeks. The bed was big enough to hold all three of them and then some. “Oh, look at the fireplace.” She hurried into the sitting room, admiring the furniture. The colors in the room ranged from a regal alabaster to a rich gold. All the floors appeared to be hand-scraped hardwood and the ceilings were vaulted with exposed beams.

  Samson and Gideon shared a smile. Our beautiful girl is nervous.

  “The dining room is this way and everything should be waiting for us.” Gideon led the way into an adjoining room with an intimate table set for three with a dramatic candelabra overhead.

  The setting for three, the significance of it, was not lost on Ryder. This was really happening – she was dating two men, together.

  “The bathroom is equally luxurious; perhaps we’ll take advantage while we’re here,” Samson told Ryder. “There’s an oversized whirlpool tub and a massive rain shower.” When Ryder looked at him with wide, doe eyes, he changed the subject. “There’s also a balcony with views of 6th and Brazos Street. If we want, we can check that out while we have an after-dinner drink. Now, come sit down and see what we have for you.”

  Ryder approached the table and Gideon pulled out her chair. There was no way she could miss how handsome they looked. Both were clad in black jeans and black jackets, with Gideon in a dress black shirt and Samson in a dress white one. Neither wore ties, but they did have on their signature Stetsons, Gideon’s black and Samson’s gray. “I think I might be too nervous to eat,” Ryder confessed.

  As the men joined her, one on either side, Samson tried to put her mind at ease. “You have no reason on earth to be nervous. You are with two men who would die to keep you safe. We only want to please you, not to cause you one moment of discomfort.”

  His words were meant to soothe, but Ryder trembled. “Thank you.” While she watched, they uncovered dishes and served her filet mignon adorned by a shaved black truffle sauce, balsamic bacon brussel sprouts, and smoked blue corn grits. “This looks too pretty to eat.”

  Gideon laughed. “Nothing looks too pretty to eat, not even you.” He picked up a bottle of wine and filled her glass.

  Gideon’s teasing comment lit a fire in Ryder. She felt parts of her warm - from her cheeks, to her breasts, to her sex. Yes, she was in trouble. Picking up her fork, she took a bite of the warm grits.

  Don’t tease her, Gideon. Patience and finesse is required.

  I’ll try. I’m sure you want her as much as I do. And I ache, brother.

  “How many other women have you brought here?”

  The brothers were so in their own head; Ryder’s question took them totally by surprise. Samson recovered first. “Don’t judge us for our past, sweetheart. Judge us by how we’ve conducted ourselves since meeting you.”

  Ryder sipped her wine, looking from one to the other of them.

  “We’ve been with no one else since meeting you, Ryder,” Gideon explained, holding her gaze. “No one.”

  Feeling contrite and shocked, Ryder folded and refolded the napkin in her lap. “Sorry, since meeting your mother the other day…”

  Gideon groaned. “So sorry about that. You have to know it wasn’t our idea. We have little to no control over Leilani Duke.”

  Samson was about to apologize too, but Ryder stopped him. “No, she was totally charming. She made me think. I found myself wondering a few things.”

  “We want to answer any questions you might have, but first…a toast.” He raised his glass and the other two followed suit. “I want to tell you, Ryder McCoy, how perfectly exquisite you are.”

  “Yes,” Gideon clinked his glass to hers, “and I want to tell you how hard my heart is beating in your presence.”

  Ryder blushed anew, wondering how this all came to be. “Thank you. I was hesitant to even hope to be with the two of you like this again, but I’m glad I am.” She lowered her glass. “I must tell you I was surprised at what your mother told me. When we first met, and I became…” She cleared her throat, then continued. “When I became aware of your preferences, I assumed this was a form of kink for you, a fetish. Your mother implied it was much more.”

  Gideon nodded at Samson, who laid down his fork. “I don’t know how much Mother told you, but, yes, this is more than indulging in a fantasy for us. Our sharing a woman is part of our family’s tradition. This custom is our sacred way.”

  “Yes, it is hard to explain but we are linked, Samson and I,” Gideon explained. “We’re linked as all pairs of males born in our family have been, dating back generations.”

  Ryder was confused. “You’re twins?” She looked from one to the other of them.

  “Yes.” Samson smiled. “One pair of twins, two fathers. Rare, but entirely possible. We’ve always shared more than just our hopes and dreams. We share our thoughts.”

  “What? Are you psychic?” Ryder asked, the frown on her face showing her confusion and surprise. She knew such things existed, their cousin Joseph’s wife, Cady, had convinced Ryder of the possibility.

  “We share the bond that many twins share,” Gideon added. “Only we share more. I feel what he feels and vice versa. We also know what one another’s thinking at times. It’s a trait we inherited from our maternal grandmother. She was a trip.”

  Ryder audibly gasped at Gideon’s revelation. “No wonder you share women. I can see why that gift would be a problem if you were with other people.”

  Samson shrugged. “True, but it will make being with you even that much more satisfying for us all.”

  Discussing intimate matters with these two was almost more than she could handle. “Wine. I need more wine.” She held out her glass and Gideon refilled it with a smile.

  “There’s only one thing you need to truly understand. The woman who’ll be in our life will be the center of our universe. We will honor her, protect her, and love her all of our days.”

  Ryder visibly shivered. “I think I need to go to the powder room.”

  Both men stood and Gideon jumped to pull out her chair.

  “Excuse me.” She smiled and fled the room, needing air and some water to cool her face.

  “Of course, Princess, take your time.”

  Samson’s voice followed her into the restroom. She made for the large marble vanity with its two copper bowl sinks. She turned on one of the crystal faucets and splashed cool water on her cheeks. “What am I going to do? All they have to do is look at me and I want to fall at their feet.”

  Outside…the brothers talked quietly.

  “Let’s check on her sister, that will help her feelings, I think.” Samson took out his cell and called Pepper.

  Meanwhile, Gideon rose and walked to the balcony, looking out over the lights of d
owntown Austin. If the truth be known, he was on pins and needles. There was no doubt Ryder was important to them both, she held their hearts in her small hands. This was a woman he could see himself being happy with for the rest of his life. But Gideon had never seen Samson like this before. His brother was already head over heels in love with this woman. Gideon could feel the surge of emotion raging through Samson at every glimpse he had of Ryder. And as much as he wanted to find happiness himself, Gideon wanted happiness for his brother more.

  After all, Gideon owed Samson his life.

  Some nights, he still awoke in a cold sweat, reliving the night he almost drowned. When the powerful wave had pushed him under, when the surfboard had come crashing down on his head – when he’d been dragged down by the current, water filling his lungs – it had been Samson who’d dove in after him, Samson who’d swam to his rescue, and Samson who had pulled him to safety, working with him until Gideon had begun to breathe once more.

  Yes, if only one of them were meant to be happy, Gideon wanted Samson to be the one. He would sacrifice his own self for his brother in a heartbeat.

  While he and Samson had been busy on their plans to send a rocket to Mars, Gideon had spent whatever extra time he had researching Ryder’s family. The McCoys and the Dukes shared some similar characteristics – a love of the land, an astute business acumen, and a fierce love of family. Despite their common ground, there were also some distinct differences in the two clans’ outlook on life. In essence, they really were from two different worlds, more so than just liberal vs. conservative. Ryder was close to her family, they’d been through some hard times together, many in the past year, which only served to strengthen the bonds between them. Considering all of this, Gideon was mighty afraid their sweet Ryder would never be able to wholeheartedly give herself to both of them – not publicly and not for the long term. She would end up feeling torn in two, between her heart and her family.

  Hiding things from Samson wasn’t easy, he had to perform some mental acrobatics to build a wall he could hide some of his feelings and intentions behind. Over the years, Gideon had found blocking his brother from some of his feelings was essential. Gideon had a dark side, not evil – not mean, but sometimes he saw shadows where his brother only saw sunlight. Maybe it had to do with his near-death experience, and maybe it was something he’d inherited from his father. Whatever the cause, he didn’t want to color Samson’s life with his harsher palette. Samson, while brilliant, was the most positive human being Gideon had ever encountered. And Gideon wanted Samson to stay that way. The world needed as much goodness as it could get.

  . So…he’d made a decision, a decision he couldn’t share with his brother. In order to preserve their future relationships – just in case their plan didn’t work out – there would be some boundaries he would not cross tonight.

  “I’m back.” Ryder announced, surprised to find both brothers had moved from their spots.

  “Good. We missed you.” Samson greeted her with a kiss. “I just talked to Pepper. You’ll be glad to know she and your sisters-in-law have gone out on the town with someone named Racy. They seem to be doing well, despite their hostess’s unusual name.”

  Ryder let out a small giggle. “I’m glad. Racy is nothing like her name. She’s a doll, but the only time Racy is fast is when she’s behind the wheel of a car. Believe it or not, she’s on the Indy 500 circuit. Racy is better known by her full name, Rachel Monahan.”

  The name immediately clicked with Samson. “Well, I’ll be damned. She’s good. I’ve seen her race.”

  Gideon watched Samson and Ryder. They looked good together. “Who’s ready for dessert?” He picked up the house phone. “Cherries Jubilee sound appetizing?”

  “Oh, yes.” Ryder almost clapped in delight. “My favorite dessert!”

  “Your sister gave us a head’s up,” Samson admitted with a smile. “So, while we’re waiting for our sweet to arrive, how about some more wine.”

  They moved from the dining table to the living area, to find a seat on a large cream sectional sofa, big enough for them all to be comfortable. They talked casually until the dessert arrived, then they teased Ryder by taking turns feeding her the luscious concoction.

  “Anything else you want to discuss, beautiful?” Gideon asked, settling on the couch to the left of Ryder.

  Ryder scooted back, her skin tingling at their nearness. In for a penny, in for a pound, she thought. “Well, I’ve read some books, some ménage books.”

  “I remember you telling us you did. That’s a good sign,” Samson muttered with a satisfied smile. “Did you like what you read?”

  “Yes, but I wouldn’t expect what we might share to be like a romance novel.”

  Gideon took a risk, placing a caressing hand on her knee. The initial touch of her skin made his palm tingle. “No, it will be better.”

  “How?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  Samson leaned closer. “If we were to be allowed to love on you, we would do everything in our power to please you. Sometimes we would bring you to the heights together, and sometimes we’d crave our own time with you. But at no time would you feel anything less than cherished.”

  Ryder felt her reservations fading. There was only one more question bearing on her mind. One she had to ask. “You two are every woman’s dream. You travel in circles I could never attain.” She looked down at herself. “I do own a mirror and I have a sister who looks like a Hollywood starlet.” Gideon tried to interrupt her, but Ryder persisted with a held up hand. “My question is, why me?”

  Again, Samson and Gideon seemed to speak to one another with their eyes.

  Gideon took her hand. “While we have had other relationships, of course, we always knew they were temporary. Those associations were to be honored, to be respected, but not to be sustained. From the time we were small, our mother told us of a blue-eyed goddess who would come into our life and give it meaning.”

  “Do you know how many women have blue eyes?”

  “Billions,” Samson answered. “But there is only one you. Our mother also told us this woman would risk her life for ours. While we were attracted to you from the first, we did not recognize you as our soulmate until you ran into our arms after saving us.”

  She couldn’t wrap her head around his mother’s vision. Although, after having met her, she wouldn’t be surprised to find out she was an oracle to the ancient gods. What did stand out in her mind was their attitude of indebtedness. “So…this is gratitude, maybe?”

  Gideon gave her a smile hot with promise. “Gratitude has nothing to do with how we feel about you.”

  “Let us show you, Ryder.” Samson ran his hand underneath her hair. Ryder trembled, but didn’t move from her place between them. “You don’t know what seeing you all those times this past year has been like, loving to be with you, yet aching to touch you.”

  “Just say the word, baby.” Gideon came closer, moving to face her. They were so close; she could feel their warm breath on her face and neck. “Let us give you a taste of paradise.”

  Ryder tried to think. Did she want this?

  Oh, yes. She wanted Samson Duke. He was so powerful, yet so gentle. When he looked into her face, she felt like she was home. The very thought of his hands on her body made her weak with desire. She looked at his lips and felt her own part with need.

  “You’re so soft, so sweet.” Gideon’s whisper drew her attention.

  And yes, Ryder wanted Gideon too. So much. She could almost drown in his dark eyes. Every time he touched her, a sizzle of heat danced across her skin.

  “Surrender, Ryder, let us show you how much we want you, how much we need you.” Samson clasped her nape and turned her face to his. The first touch of their lips made her whimper. But his weren’t the only lips she felt…Gideon picked up her hand and kissed the palm. Ryder’s whole body felt alive with electricity, her nipples swelled and grew hard, poking through the thin material of her bra and silky top.

  “I want to
surrender,” she whispered. “I want to, so much.” The idea of being with these two was daring – wild. Her nerves sizzled beneath her skin. Curiosity and want churned within her.

  “Do it, baby,” Samson whispered back. “Fall and we’ll always catch you. Run to us and our arms will always be open for you. Trust us, we’ll never let you down.”

  “I do trust you. I just don’t know if I can trust myself.”

  Samson could see her confusion; she was surprised at her own reaction to them. This endeared her even more to him. “Kiss her, Gideon. See how sweet she is.”

  With one finger to her chin, Gideon turned her face toward his and he captured her mouth, consuming Ryder with his kiss. When she strained toward him, Gideon felt his cock grow long and thick, filling with desire for this woman.

  Samson leaned in and twisted a lock of her hair around one finger, lifting it. Lowering his face, he kissed the warm, sweet flesh of her neck. “Let’s go to the bed, stretch out, get comfortable, and play a little. Just a little. Okay, Ryder?”

  Ryder’s breath was coming hard and fast. Being touched by both men was almost too much excitement for her to process. The slow burn of their fingers on her body caused a blistering spiral of desire to rise within her body. She didn’t know what to do…who to touch…when… “I don’t know how I could possibly please two men like you.”

  “By breathing, angel. Just by breathing,” Samson muttered as he tilted her head toward his to receive another kiss.

  Ryder was overwhelmed. Between these two she felt small, protected, and utterly feminine. The tomboy was gone and Eve of Eden had taken her place. “Show me, please.”

  Her simple request inflamed them.

  We’ll have to go slow, she’s skittish, Samson.

  As slow as we need to, this is all about her.

  Gideon swept her up into his arms and Samson led the way to the big bed awaiting them. Once his brother had pushed aside most of the pillows, Gideon laid her down and the brothers began to unwrap the gift that was Ryder McCoy.


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