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Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!)

Page 15

by Sable Hunter

  Ryder gave him a tremulous smile. “I appreciate your thoughtfulness. In my heart, I knew that,” she said, pausing, her cheeks blushing pink, “I just needed to hear you say it. I thought maybe that without Gideon, it was so different for you…”

  Samson chuckled. “I think I can figure out how to do it by myself.”

  Ryder ducked her head. “Of course you can, I didn’t mean to imply…”

  As the plane started losing altitude, preparing to land, Samson brought her hand to his lips. “I know what you meant.” What Ryder thought was partially true – not in the technical sense – but emotionally. While he couldn’t fathom his life without Ryder, he was having an equally hard time knowing how to proceed without Gideon. “I’m planning the perfect time and the perfect place. Trust me.”

  Ryder squeezed his hand as the plane’s wheels touched the tarmac. “I do. Completely.”

  * * *

  Gideon sat in a smoky bar, sipping on a glass of world-class vodka. “So tell me, Nikita, how many rockets did you sell Leonid Oleg?”


  The bewhiskered Russian stared at Gideon with bleary eyes. “A man takes care of himself first and foremost, Duke.”

  “True.” He raised his glass in a salute. “What do you know about the threats being made on our lives?”

  “Why would I know anything?” Nikita Brezhnev shrugged his stooped shoulders. “I’m sure there are many who would like to stop you from sending that spaceship off to Mars.”

  Gideon glanced around the room, sensing more than one set of eyes on him. “Samson and I intend to insure mankind is a multi-planet species.”

  Nikita bent his head and whispered to him. “There are those who say your mission has a military motive.”

  “We’re transporting a greenhouse, seeds, and a gel nutrient. What we’re doing is providing insurance for the inhabitants of Earth’s survival, and I don’t mean just Americans. This isn’t a nationalistic effort; this is a humanitarian mission.”

  “Blah. Blah. Blah,” Nikita yammered. “So you say. Words are cheap.”

  “Nothing about this is cheap.”

  “That’s not what I hear.” Nikita pointed his dark bottle of beer toward Gideon. “I hear you’ve perfected a method to reuse your rockets.”

  “Yes. We did. Our aim is to make spaceflight routine and affordable. Not cheap. Affordable, there’s a difference.”

  “True. Did you turn down Oleg’s offer?”

  “His offer to buy our company was an insult, a cover story he’s concocted for when he succeeds in killing us.” Gideon laughed, lowly and wryly. “Only he’s not going to succeed. He’s not smart enough and he’s not wealthy enough. Who does he work for?”

  Brezhnev’s eyes widened. “I have no idea what you mean.”

  “Yes, you do.” Gideon edged forward and put his elbows on the table. “Tell me, and I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Shaking his head, Nikita Brezhnev kept his eyes on Gideon. “By sparing my life? I know you’re not alone.” He let his eyes scan the room. “How many goons do you have with you?”

  Gideon lifted a corner of his mouth. “About half the room.”

  Nikita laughed. “So, about a dozen.”

  “Give or take.” Gideon waited. “So, what’s it going to be? Deal or no deal?”

  Draining his bottle, the Russian set it down hard on the table. “I’ll tell you what I know, which isn’t much. The money isn’t coming from Russia and I don’t know his identity, all I know is what they call him.”

  “Sounds mysterious.” Gideon gave him a half smirk. “All right, I’ll bite. What do they call him?”

  “My price?” Nikita held out his hand. “One million.”

  “That’s quite a price to pay for something I might not even want.”

  “Everything worthwhile comes with a high price.”

  Gideon knew about paying high prices – his brother and Ryder’s happiness for his own. “You’ll get your money when I evaluate the information’s worth.”

  “Are you asking me to trust you, American?”


  Nikita looked all around, then said one word. “Rasputin.”

  “Rasputin.” Gideon let the name roll off his tongue. Rising, he tipped his black Stetson to Nikita Brezhnev. He knew how out of place he looked in this snow-covered country where everyone else wore thick parkas and woolen hats. Gideon Duke didn’t give a damn. “Don’t call me, I’ll call you.” As he walked out of the bar, he considered calling his brother. Anytime he had news, good or bad, Samson was the first person he thought of.

  But Samson wasn’t alone – and he was happy.

  Gideon knew this because he could feel it. He could feel his brother’s happiness. The abyss he’d created between them prevented Gideon from seeing or knowing details, but he could sense Samson and his joy. Stepping out into the icy weather, he pulled the collar of his coat up around his face. No one who saw the big cowboy would think he was anything other than what he appeared – tough, in-charge, self-sufficient, and confident. In a few days, he would be going home. And when he did, neither his brother or Ryder must know how empty Gideon felt inside.

  * * *

  “Hey, jet-setter, what’s up with you?” Pepper tapped on Ryder’s door, but entered before Ryder could invite her inside. “We’ve been passing one another like two ships in the night ever since Ella and Ava were born.”

  “I’m good.” Ryder smiled, packing yet another suitcase. “Actually, I’m better than good. I’m wonderful. Samson is amazing.”

  “Really?” Pepper came to sit on the edge of the bed. “Just Samson? I didn’t see Gideon at the hospital. What’s going on?”

  Ryder’s hand stilled in her packing, dropping a top to the bed unfolded. “Gideon is out of the picture.”

  “What do you mean?” Pepper inquired, searching Ryder’s face, seeing the disquiet on her sister’s features.

  “Samson came to the hospital to tell me he couldn’t live without me.”

  “So…what about Gideon?”

  “Samson said that when I left that day, after telling him I couldn’t risk my father’s health or defy my family’s wishes, Gideon came to tell him he couldn’t do it either.” Ryder’s voice dropped. “He said he didn’t think he could commit to being part of a threesome…permanently.”

  Pepper jumped up and placed her hands on her hips, her long blonde hair swaying behind her. “Just like that? Out of the blue? I thought you said this was part of their heritage and they always share, that this was their plan for the future.”

  “Yes, what he did as a shock.” Ryder turned around and sat on the bed, Pepper standing over her. “Samson came to tell me the news.” She buried her face in her hands. “On one hand, it freed him and me to be together without upsetting anyone’s applecart of propriety. But…”

  “On the other hand, this changes everything for all of you.” Pepper stroked Ryder’s hair. “Is this what you want?”

  Tears began to well up in Ryder’s eyes. “I want a life with Samson. God, yes.” She shuddered at the thought of giving him up.


  Pepper’s prompting didn’t get very far. Ryder refused to go there. What was the use? “But nothing. I’ve always wanted to have my cake and eat it too, but this is the way it is. Gideon is happy. Samson and I can be together.” She stopped, wiped her eyes and rose. “I need to count my blessings and be happy.”

  “Oh, I want you to be happy.” Pepper wrapped her arms around Ryder’s waist and squeezed. “Whatever it takes, that’s what I want for you.”

  Ryder held her sister for a few seconds, before disengaging to complete her task. Brightening her voice, she told Pepper her plans. “We’re flying to Florida. Samson has business down there.” She smiled, her eyes twinkling. “I think he has another surprise for me. Although, I have no idea what it could be.”

  “You are so lucky, girl. Samson Duke is a prize.” Pepper didn’t add what she was thinking.
Gideon’s timely retreat seemed a bit too convenient. Something seemed amiss.

  “Oh!” Ryder exclaimed as she zipped the top of her case. “How did your date with Oliver go?”

  Pepper groaned. “Don’t ask. The whole thing was a total disaster.” She laughed, covering her mouth. “You wouldn’t believe how awkward it was. The man doesn’t seem to be part of this century. Do you know what he asked me?”

  “What?” Ryder couldn’t imagine what Pepper was about to say.

  “He wanted to know how much acreage would come with my hand.”


  “He also informed me that he wanted four children and we needed to begin right away.”

  “Oh, my goodness.” Ryder couldn’t help but laugh. “What did you say?”

  “I told him he was crazy and I called a cab.” Pepper’s expression was one of amused disgust. “Can you imagine? And all of this was before the second course! I didn’t even get dessert out of the man before he started planning the family and counting my dowry.”

  Ryder shook her head. “I’m glad you escaped before he started divvying up the cattle and horses.”

  “Yea, me too.” She pointed at Ryder’s case. “So, is Gideon going to Florida with you two?”

  “No.” Ryder sighed. “He’s in Europe, working on something to do with one of their launches. I’m not sure when he’ll be back.” Or how it would work when he did return.

  “Have you had any confrontations with big brother or any of the others since the hospital?” Pepper asked, fingering a silky blue dress Pepper had laid out on the bed to change into.

  “No, Heath seems to be preoccupied with some type of business deal. I’m not sure what,” she said, then grinned. “Did you hear what Cato told him about being pregnant?”

  “Yes!” Pepper clapped her hands. “I did hear her. They’ve made no further announcement, but I have my fingers crossed. I’ve been helping Molly with the girls. Soon, this is house is going to be a full-fledged nursery!”

  A tinge of guilt pricked Ryder’s conscience. “I’m sorry, maybe I shouldn’t go. I should stay here and help.”

  “No!” Pepper almost shouted. “Absolutely not! You go on and have a good time with Samson, you deserve it. There are enough of us here to keep everything going as it should be. Molly and Ten are so taken with those girls, the rest of us have to make an appointment to see them. Plus, they are interviewing nannies.”

  Ryder didn’t look quite convinced. “After this, I’ll slow down a bit. We’ve been gallivanting all over. You called me a jet-setter and I think I do have a bit of jet lag.”

  The grandfather clock striking the hour downstairs caused them both to jump. “How silly.” Pepper giggled. “How many times do you think we’ve heard that noise in our lifetime?”

  “Thousands,” Ryder said, nodding. “Hearing the hour tells me I’d better hurry. Samson will be by to pick me up before you know it.”

  “I’d tell you to go ahead and make yourself pretty, but you’re already gorgeous.” Pepper gave her one last hug. “Be careful on your trip and I hope you two have a grand time.”

  “Thanks.” What the future held, she wasn’t certain. The only thing Ryder knew was that she didn’t want to miss a minute of it.

  * * *

  “What kind of a business trip is this?” Ryder held onto Samson’s hand as they ran down the beach, laughing as they splashed through the surf.

  “A very important one. Look.” He pulled her in front of him, wrapping his arms across her, pressing Ryder back against his hard chest. She lifted her eyes and followed his pointing finger. In the distance, to her amazement, she saw a rocket begin to lift off. “Oh, my gosh!” she squealed in amazement. “Is that yours?”

  He kissed her on the cheek. “It’s ours. The Ryder-I, carrying a payload to the International Space Station.”

  “She’s magnificent!” Ryder gasped in sheer amazement as the rocket soared up into the sky, leaving a trail of smoke behind her.

  “Yes, she is,” Samson agreed, but he wasn’t watching the rocket, he was gazing at her.

  “I can’t believe this! You named it after me!”

  “They’ll all be named after you. Each and every one of them.”

  The pride in Samson’s voice touched a chord within Ryder. He really cared for her. Ryder had no doubt of this. “You are so wonderful! Thank you.” She turned in his arms to kiss him passionately.

  When they were joined on the beach by several others, Samson broke the kiss but kept her close. “This isn’t all. Later this evening, we’ll watch our girl return. I plan on setting her down on a drone ship in the middle of the ocean. The first vertical landing of a reusable rocket. Ryder-I will go down in history.”

  “Mr. Duke! Mr. Duke!”

  The eager voice caused them both to jerk around. A reporter began taking photographs. “Will you answer a few questions?” Two of Samson’s men moved forward to stop the eager journalist, but Samson held out his hand to imply that the interruption would be allowed.

  He didn’t usually do impromptu interviews, but today Samson was in a good mood. Holding onto Ryder’s hand, he gave the reporter some inside info on their plans. When asked why Gideon wasn’t with him, he was evasive.

  Ryder was relieved when they were finally alone. “Does this happen often, the media attention?” She knew it must, the brothers were famous, super rich, and ultra-good looking. If she were going to be with Samson, Ryder knew she’d have to get used to it.

  For the rest of the day, he took her on a tour of the OuterLimits facilities, introducing her to his people – the techs, the engineers, and all the other specialized employees. And as promised, after they watched the rocket’s progress via satellite as it disconnected from the cargo capsule, they monitored its progress. Just before Ryder-I’s return to earth, Samson flew Ryder in his helicopter so they could watch it reenter the atmosphere and land like a dream on the barge-like surface of the ship. Ryder was stunned at the beauty and the power of what she was seeing. “Thank you,” she told him. “I’ll never forget that sight for as long as I live.”

  “You won’t get a chance to, you’ll be seeing them often,” Samson told her, clasping Ryder’s hand as they strolled to his car. “Now, how about dinner and dancing?”

  “Sounds wonderful. You’re so good to me.”

  “Nothing is too good for my girl.”

  True to his word, they spent the evening in Cocoa Beach, feasting on fresh crabs and dancing in the moonlight at a seaside café.

  “What’s next?” she asked, her head lying on his chest, happier than she could ever remember being. It was so strange, the way her emotions danced around. Ryder couldn’t deny the complete contentment she experienced with Samson, while at the same time part of her soul yearned for Gideon.

  “I have a house near here,” he began, but stopped when his phone buzzed. Holding up one finger, he indicated that he needed to take the call. “Gideon?”

  At the mention of the other brother’s name, Ryder felt her heart begin to pound in her chest. She froze, waiting to see what Samson had to say.

  “It’s good to hear from you, man.” He laughed. “Yea, we nailed the landing.”

  She watched Samson’s face, trying to read his emotions. A shadow passed over his handsome features and Ryder dug her own fingernails into her palms.

  Silence on his end.

  “I see.” Concern clouded his eyes. “That doesn’t sound good.” A pregnant pause. “What time?” He glanced at his watch. “I’ll meet him there. No, it’s fine. I’ll fly back tonight.”

  Ryder waited, tense, until he ended the call. “What’s wrong? How is Gideon?”

  “He’s fine.” Samson kissed her cheek. “Something’s going down with our Mars mission, we seem to still be having a problem with someone who’d rather it didn’t get off the ground. He’s sending someone to talk to me with information that has to be delivered in person.”

  “Oh, okay. I’m so sorry. Please, be carefu

  “I will and I’m the one who’s sorry. Would you mind if we flew home tonight?”

  “No, of course not. Whatever you need to do is fine with me.” The only question she really wanted to ask Samson was why he hadn’t told Gideon she was in Florida with him.

  * * *

  “So, tell me about Anatoly. What do you know about him?” Jimmy Dushku asked Heath as they rode down the rough dirt road in Heath’s old red pickup. Occasionally, they both had to hold on to the door or the window frame. The road was bumpy and the shocks in the truck were shot to hell.

  “Not much. He’s interested in introducing some environmental concerns in his homeland, as well as supporting some of our work here in the states. That’s all I know.” Heath put on his blinker and they turned onto the main road. “Roll up your window, I’m getting hot. I need to turn on the A/C.”

  “Well, if you didn’t insist on wearing that blue jean jacket everywhere, you wouldn’t get so bloomin’ hot, cowboy,” Jimmy, who was cold-natured, grumbled.

  Heath grinned. “Cato likes me in this jacket, she thinks I’m sexy.”

  Jimmy groaned. “You’d better hang onto Cato. She’s one of a kind.”

  “I plan on it. Why do you ask about Anatoly?”

  “No reason.”

  “Shoot, with you, there’s always a reason.”

  “I don’t know, something just seems to be off with him.” Jimmy watched as a road runner scooted across the highway ahead of them. “Well, I thought I’d use my massive resources and my vast technical ability to do some digging on him. You know who else I don’t trust?”

  Heath barked out a laugh. “You’re such a conspiracy theorist. Who?”

  “Scott Eagleton. Something’s fishy about him.”

  “What do you mean? The man has a sterling reputation. His great-grandfather was a steel magnate, his mother’s wealth came from South African diamond mines, and he’s a former Ambassador to Russia. He also walks a fine line between supporting energy and wanting it to be green. The man is loaded and I want some of that money to help back my conservation efforts.”

  “I think you wanted him for a brother-in-law. Am I right?”


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