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Ryder's Surrender (Hell Yeah!)

Page 17

by Sable Hunter

  Ryder trembled, her whole body straining to be nearer to him. She let out a soft sigh and laid her cheek against his. “I do, it’s just so hard for me to think with your hands on me.”

  “Let this be my time. Okay?” Samson kissed her forehead. “I’m so glad you’re here. Your face is so beautiful.” He feathered his lips over her eyelids and nose. “Your eyes, your lips.” Running his fingers through her hair, he locked her gaze with his. “Your hair is like silk and you smell like a dream.”

  Ryder giggled. “What do I smell like?”

  He pretended to think. “Hmmm, chocolate chip cookies.” With a playful growl, he nipped her neck, then settled across her to suckle at her breast.

  Closing her eyes, Ryder luxuriated in his attention, cradling his head as he moved from one nipple to the other. “I fuckin’ love your breasts, I won’t ever tire of licking and sucking them.”

  Ryder felt another blush bloom on her body. She tried to repay him by stroking his back and shoulders, rubbing the sole of her foot up and down his leg. “You make me feel beautiful, Samson.”

  Raising his head, Samson looked at her with his warm amber eyes. “There is no part of you that isn’t exquisite, Princess, but what I adore most about you is your kind heart, your amazing mind, and your sweet sense of humor. I also love that you’re brave and willing to stand up for those you love…”

  “Shhh, we can talk later,” she quieted him, layering her lips over his. He chuckled and she captured his laughter and giggled herself. “Make love to me, Duke.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Taking control, his kisses became aggressive, masterful. Ryder shivered at his dominance. He didn’t stop at her lips but moved down her body, his lips closing over a nipple, which he lavished with licks, nips, and suckles. The other breast wasn’t neglected by any means, he cupped it with his other hand, brushing his thumb over the sensitive nubbin until it was swollen and distended, begging for his mouth. By the time he’d feasted to his heart’s content, she was writhing beneath him.

  “I’m ready for you, Samson. I need you so much,” she begged, lifting her hips and opening her legs, urging him to take her.

  “Soon, don’t rush me, I’m having too much fun.” Leaving her breasts with one kiss on each puckered, pink nipple, he moved lower. Licking a path down her middle and past her navel, he made for a place he’d been dreaming about since the last time he’d tasted it. Spreading her thighs, he buried his face in her pussy, licking and nuzzling, using lips, teeth and tongue to bring her to the very edge of control.

  “Samson!” She gasped his name, raising he head so she could see him worshiping between her legs. “Feels so good!” she keened, her hips bucking, her fingers tangling in his long golden hair.

  With a hard, drawing suckle to her clit, he insured she was wet, wild, and eager to be taken. Rising over her, Samson blanketed her body with his, resting his weight on his forearms. Cupping her face, he gave her long, deep kisses, his tongue sliding over hers – committing the moment to memory.

  “Now?” she asked when he paused for a breath, kissing her neck and nipping at her collarbone.

  “Now, impatient wench.” He was glad they’d had the birth control conversation earlier, he had no desire to dull the heaven of being inside of her with an artificial barrier. Lifting his hips, he spread her thighs with one knee. “Give me your eyes, Ryder. Look into my soul as I make us one.” Seeing her eyes widen and the look on her face become uncertain. “Don’t be afraid, it’s me. I’d never hurt you.”

  His expression became so gentle and tender that all she could do was smile and lift her hips, inviting him to come inside of her. She gasped, biting her lip, when she felt the head of his cock probe at the well of her vagina. “I haven’t even touched you there yet,” she whimpered.

  “There’ll be time, plenty of time,” he whispered, as his cock began to sink into her softness.

  Ryder clutched his shoulders as she felt him inch forward. He didn’t power in, he didn’t just shove in fast, he moved slowly with great patience and care. Her eyes widened. “You’re too big,” she worried softly.

  “It’s your first time, precious. You’re tight. We’re perfect for one another. Never doubt it.”

  She lifted a hand to his face, seeing how tense he was – how hard it was for him to go slow. His unselfish tenderness touched her heart. “Move, Samson. I want to know what it’s like to love you. Don’t hold back.” Wrapping her legs around his hips, she lifted herself, trying to impale herself on his cock.

  “Easy, baby, easy,” he growled the words, trying desperately to hold on to his last shred of control.

  “But I need something…” She moved her hips again, seeking that perfect angle she’d felt just a moment before.

  “God, I love this.” He bowed his head and kissed her passionately as he pushed forward, burying more of himself. The relief of being inside of her was absolutely breathtaking.

  Ryder raked her fingernails over his back as she accepted more and more of him. Her whole body was on fire, her blood fizzing in her veins. “More, Samson, give me more.”

  Samson groaned, perspiration beading at his hairline. She was moving beneath him, contracting her little pussy muscles around his cock. He didn’t think she had any idea what she was doing, but she was driving him fuckin’ mad. “You’re amazing. I’m never letting you out of this bed again. Did you know that?”

  She gave him a seductive little smile and raised her hips, offering him to sink to the hilt. “It feels so good, baby,” she whimpered.

  Samson groaned, his cock swelling even larger at her declaration. Bracing himself over her, he began to move. She was fully aroused now, he was embedded deep, and there was nothing to hold them back. Over and over he pumped, pulling in and out of her, making her toss her head in ecstasy. As he made love to her, Samson kissed her mouth – hungry, possessive kisses that left her panting each time he gave her enough leeway to breathe.

  “Let’s try this, see if you like it,” he said, moving up so he could ride higher on her body. When he did, the friction on her clit caused Ryder to cry out, her whole body clamping down on him – arms, legs, and pussy walls.

  “Oh, God, yes, please,” she begged, hanging on to him for dear life. She was trembling, heat building in her core, a hunger rising so hard and fast that she knew she was about to explode. “Please, please, please,” she began to chant as he moved harder and faster – plunging into her with such force that her whole body moved with his on the bed. And all the time, he watched her, he kissed her, he made her feel like she was the very center of his world.

  When the wave broke, Ryder shattered, calling out his name in complete abandon. “Samson!”

  Her ecstatic cry caused his orgasm to swell. Sliding his arms beneath her, Samson raised her up, crushing her to him, as he rode a powerful swell that rose and rose until it crashed into a glorious wild surge of pleasure. Bellowing his release, he buried his face in her neck, absorbing the shudders and jerks of her body as she floated, awash in a warm sea of aftershocks and pulses of ecstasy.

  Rolling them to the side, he molded her body to his. She moaned when his manhood slid from her, but sighed when he cuddled her atop his broad chest, rubbing her back. “Thank you,” he murmured, “thank you for trusting me with such a precious gift.”

  Ryder sighed, nuzzling his chest, stroking his hard pec with the pads of her fingers. “You belong to me now, Samson.” She didn’t know what the future held or how she’d mend things with her family – but this, this was right and good. The only thing that could make it better was if…

  Samson kissed her reverently. “Yes, you are mine and I am yours.” As he rubbed his mouth across her, he became aware of a bit of dampness. “Ryder? Are you crying?”

  “I’m happy.” She told him, throwing her arms around his neck.

  He cradled her close, reading between the lines. Yes, she was happy. “I’m happy too.” But they both knew something – or someone – was missing.

* * *

  “You aren’t going over there, Heath. You just can’t do it.” Cato knelt at her husband’s feet. “I know you’re worried about Ryder, but you’ve just got to give her some space.”

  “She’s going to get hurt,” Heath growled, his head bowed, his hand stroking his wife’s hair. “If possible, you know it’s my job to prevent that from happening.”

  She stroked his face, giving him all the comfort she could. “From what I can tell, Samson Duke is a good man. Don’t judge him and his brother based on gossip and innuendo. Your sister is in love with Samson.” She didn’t mention Gideon, there was no use adding fuel to the fire. “My every instinct tells me that he feels exactly like you do. I don’t think he would hurt her for anything.”

  “How can I be sure?”

  Cato worried. She couldn’t hear his voice, so she didn’t know if he sounded tired, but his face showed strain. “You can’t, but I don’t want you to hurt her – and you can, Heath. She dotes on you. Don’t make her choose between her family and her happiness. Please?”

  Heath smiled sadly, cupping Cato’s face, mirroring her own gesture. “This goes against every instinct I have, sweetheart. I’m a fixer – I want to make everything right, prevent bad things for happening to my family. I feel like I’ve failed.”

  Cato rose and entwined her arms around his neck. “You haven’t failed, my love. Ryder knows you love her.” She kissed him on the cheek and sank back down so she could read his lips. “You have another meeting in the morning with that Russian guy and Scott Eagleton has agreed to meet with you too. Don’t you think we ought to go to bed? It’s getting awfully late.”

  “Yea, it is. I sure would like to reel these big fish in, they could make all the difference in the world to whether we can get backing for this green energy bill I’ve got my heart set on. I also need to get myself settled so I can fulfill the contract I have with the Dukes. Strange, that’s all the Russian wants to talk about - the Dukes. I wish I’d never let it slip I had a contract with them.” He tapped her lower lip with his forefinger. “You know? No matter what - you make everything perfect for me. No matter what storms are blowing around me, I know I can hold onto you and my world will right itself.”

  “Good. I want you to hold me all night long.” She rose to her feet and took him by the hand. “I love you, Heath McCoy. More than the oceans could hold.”

  As she led him to their bedroom, he knew she couldn’t hear him. But that didn’t matter – he’d told her a thousand times before and he’d tell her with the last breath he drew. “I love you too, sweetheart. More than anything, even my old red truck.”

  * * *

  Gideon rubbed his eyes, the flight had been tiring. He carried his duffle over his shoulder as he made his way to the back of the house from the heliport. Maybe he should’ve stayed away longer, but he needed to speak to his brother face to face. They had some decisions to make and some facts to ferret through.

  As he moved across the patio, he glanced at his watch. Five a.m. Samson would be up in about an hour or so, he might as well wait. Trying to be quiet, he let himself into the kitchen, easing the door shut. A cup of coffee sounded good. Flipping on the light, he was met with a very feminine squeal.

  What the hell?

  Whirling around, he was shocked out of his boots to see Ryder – a very sexy, tousled Ryder. She was wearing a well-loved-on look and very little else, just one of Samson’s shirts.


  She gasped, clasping a hand to her breast. “Gideon!” With unrestrained joy, she ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck. “I’m so glad you’re home!”

  Gideon felt like he’d been hit by a sledge hammer rather than a small, delicate woman. He raised his arms to welcome her, then dropped them. What was he supposed to do? His every instinct was to take what she seemed to be offering. Every part of his body responded – his heart and his cock were on the same page – only his mind seemed determined to remember the rules. “What are you doing here, Ryder?”

  Like he didn’t know.

  His question served to wake her up – not from slumber, but from an impossible dream. Immediately, she backed out of his embrace. “I’m staying with Samson.” She pulled on the bottom of the shirt, which only came to mid-thigh. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that – for just a second I forgot you decided you didn’t want…”

  Gideon frowned. He stepped behind the granite island, shielding his errant erection from her view. “Didn’t want what?”

  Ryder ran a nervous hand over her hair, pushing it back over her shoulder. “Nothing, I’m sorry. I should go back upstairs.”

  “No! Wait!” Gideon shouted, loud enough to rouse the dead – if not Thurgood. “What do you mean?”

  Footsteps at the door caused them both to jerk their heads around. Samson stood there in a pair of lounge pants, no shirt. “What’s all the commotion?” He looked from one to the other. “Gideon! You’re home.” He smiled at his brother, then went to Ryder and placed a protective arm around her shoulder, tilted her head up for a kiss, then whispered in her ear. “Last night was the best night of my life.”

  Seeing Samson and Ryder together, seeing their intimacy, knowing he couldn’t be a part of it – hurt like hell. “I am home.” He stared at them, trying to settle his heart rate. “Sorry, it’s obvious I should’ve called.”

  “Nonsense. This is your home; this will always be your home.” He kissed Ryder’s cheek again. “As you can see, because of you, we worked things out. I owe you one.”

  Ryder blushed and Gideon didn’t say anything.

  Samson could feel the tension in the room, you could cut it with a knife. He knew how Ryder felt, she still longed for Gideon, the fact that she was trembling in his arms attested to her feelings. Her loyalty to her family and the fear of their finding out had created this impossible situation…but all of that changed when the McCoy’s confronted her. She’d told her family and she’d told Samson – that if she could, she’d be with them both.

  But what about Gideon?

  “Come on, let’s sit down and have coffee. I’m sure you’re tired after your long journey, brother.” Feeling like he was walking on eggshells, he pressed his palm to the small of Ryder’s back.

  “Maybe, I should change,” she whispered, anxious to get some distance from the tense situation. Ryder couldn’t believe she’d launched herself at Gideon like some lovesick school girl.

  “Okay.” Samson gave her a kiss. “We’ll be here. Hurry back.”

  Ryder made her escape, hurrying away, her bare feet padding on the travertine tile.

  “Sirs, you should’ve woke me!” Thurgood came bustling into the kitchen, still wearing his nightshirt and nightcap.

  His old-fashioned visage caused both men to smile. “We’re fine, Thurgood, go back to bed,” Samson told him and Gideon nodded. The old man rubbed his eyes and retraced his path, grumbling something about night owls under his breath.

  As soon as they were alone again, Samson went to the cabinet and took down two mugs, selected some K-cups and began to brew them each some coffee. While the last cup filled, he set the cream and sugar in front of Gideon who was sitting at the bar. Without letting on, Samson probed Gideon’s mind. Their lives had been in such turmoil; he hadn’t really noticed until recently that he wasn’t picking up on his brother’s thoughts and feelings the way he had in the past. But now – at this moment, Gideon was in turmoil and he could feel it – he could sense it – Samson could read his twin’s thoughts as clear as a bell. As soon as the mug was full, he picked them both up and faced his brother. “Did you think I wouldn’t figure it out?” Gideon’s face looked like it was made of stone and as he met Samson’s eyes, Samson could feel his brother’s attempt to rebuild the wall between them.

  “Figure what out? Something about the Russians?”

  Samson turned a chair around and straddled it, studying his brother’s face. “You look like shit, man. I think there’s more bothering you than w
hat’s going down with our space mission. Want to tell me about it?”

  Taking a sip of coffee, Gideon evaded the question, then asked one of his own. “How long was I gone before you and Ryder got together?”

  Samson answered in his mind. Hours. I couldn’t stay away. She still wants you, you know.

  Whereas Gideon had been looking down, his eyes lifted and he locked his gaze with Samson’s.

  “Let me repeat my previous question. Did you really think I wouldn’t figure it out?”

  Gideon rose. “I’m not playing this game with you, brother.”

  “This isn’t a game, Gideon. This is our lives, our happiness. This is Ryder – our destiny.”

  “Your destiny. Not mine!” Gideon shouted. “She can’t accept us both, I heard what she said that day. It’s you, she wants, not me!”

  Samson stood up and shouted right back. “Apparently, you didn’t hear the whole conversation. You sacrificed yourself, Gideon! A sacrifice that is no longer necessary!”

  “What’s going on?”

  Ryder’s small voice caused them both to freeze.

  When neither answered, she came up to them, looking from Samson to Gideon and back. “Are you talking about me?”

  “Yes, baby,” Samson grasped her hand. “We all need to talk. We need to clear the air. I think you and Gideon are operating under some mistaken assumptions.”

  “I don’t think…” Gideon began.

  “No, you’re not thinking.” Samson fired back.

  “Please, don’t fight over me,” Ryder pleaded. “I’m just not worth it.”

  Her statement drew their simultaneous attention and an audible growl from them both.

  “Not worth it?” Samson exclaimed.

  And Gideon agreed, “Making the two of you happy is what this was all about!”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t understand any of this.” Ryder spread her hands. “Should I go home?” She didn’t want to, but she couldn’t stand to be the cause of problems at Falconhead.

  “No, I can leave.” Gideon grabbed his duffle. “I shouldn’t have just shown up unannounced, not after I told you I’d make myself scarce.”


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