Book Read Free


Page 14

by Silvina Niccum

  Agatha recognized them all as those who had been chosen as spies or had volunteered as minions. She could tell by their auras—inwardly thanking Milah for teaching her to read auras so proficiently—that some of them still regarded her as the Second One’s mate and their queen. The hooded spirits however didn’t feel that way toward her, but she was prepared for them.

  “Who will vouch for her?” one of the hooded spirits said indignantly.

  Eros stepped forward. “I will vouch for her,” he declared.

  “I don’t think she can be trusted.” A tall female from the hooded group moved forward and began pacing in front of Agatha.

  “She has had a troubling time of it,” said another hooded spirit with a little gurgling voice.

  Agatha could feel her anger welling up inside her. The gall these spirits had in talking to her that way. She had been their Queen. They used to bow to her, they would have done anything to be in close proximity to her—at one point. And now they dared approach her so casually.

  She blamed Tess for this, for all of this. Tess was a meddlesome fool who would pay for her tricks. Tess had played on her insecurities at a very dangerous time, but she would no longer be tricked by her. She knew what she wanted now and would do whatever it took to make amends. A mind reader, Agatha thought with bitterness. Why can’t I be a mind reader too?

  “We’ve all had a hard time of it!” Eros said with irritation, bringing Agatha’s thoughts back to the present situation. “None of us can say that once the Second One was cast out, we didn’t feel a little…confused,” Eros continued. “All those do-gooders, out there, trying to make us train and prepare for mortality.

  “We’ve all been fighting as hard as we can to remain true to our promises. And for some of us…well, we’ve been trying to come to terms with what we really are,” Eros finished and looked pleased at his compelling words.

  “You are right, Eros, it’s been hard. But she has taken particularly long to get here. What makes you think that she has completely relinquished her hopes and ambitions?” the tall female asked.

  Eros started to speak, but Agatha stopped him. “I will speak for myself, Eros.”

  All eyes were on her now.

  “I won’t explain myself to any of you,” Agatha said with rancor and authority. “You will get neither motive nor justification for my actions. All you need to know is that I am here now, and as far as my loyalties and where they lie, you need never worry about that.”

  “On the contrary…my Queen,” the spirit with the gurgling voice said with sarcasm. “We do worry about your loyalties, because you did betray us once already. Or are you suggesting that your decision to become a mortal was planned?” His mouth formed a tight forced grin.

  Agatha wondered if she could get away with lying now. She could claim that it was planned and she had done this out of true devotion, but would they buy it? And how could she explain her indecision? On the other hand, if she told the truth she would never be worshipped as she once was. She would be seen as weak minded and unreliable.

  Agatha had not looked at anyone yet, her gaze had been fixed on some distant spot at the back of the cave, just an inch above everyone’s head, but now—to make a dramatic point—she looked him straight in the eye.

  “You are limited in your understanding of the Second One and his plans. You think that he would have let you go that easily, with no supervision?” she declared with authority.

  Shock registered in his aura, he believed her. Good, Agatha thought. Now they will answer to me, she hoped, but not all auras looked convinced.

  The tall female approached Agatha and peered closely into her eyes. “How do you explain the delay, Queen?” Her voice was trite.

  Agatha avoided her stare and cast her gaze back at the previous spot at the back of the cave.

  “As I said, I will not explain myself. It is sufficient for you to know that I had reasons and now that my mission has been accomplished, I have come back to lead the fold.”

  Eros looked both confused and amused. He knew full well that Agatha’s struggles had been real enough, like his. But now…she was not just trying to get back in, she was trying to get back to where she once was.

  “Eros?” the tall female shouted. Eros looked at her as if he had been pulled out of a trance.

  “Yes, my Sovereign?” he said with amusement in his voice.

  “Is this true? Did you know about this?” she demanded.

  “Uh…no, my Sovereign, but I have been with Agatha—I mean—my Queen, quite a bit since the…council and she did seem like she was trying to endure something…um…unpleasant,” he lied. What had he to lose anyway? If Agatha did manage to pull this off, he might just get to move up a bit in the chain of command.

  Agatha smiled with pride as Eros continued. “It would certainly explain why she was going to all those classes. She was gathering useful information. And she did seek my companionship quite often, which only proves her need for a “trusted” companion, for I never saw her seeking friends among the…”

  “Quiet!” shouted the tall female, as she turned to the other hooded spirits and they huddled in one tight circle, whispering hurriedly amongst themselves.

  Agatha had a wide smile across her face. She was still being watched by other spirits who were quietly floating about the bottomless cave. She didn’t dare look at Eros, for fear of betraying her deceit.

  “Very well, Queen. You have convinced us of your…mission. You may now be part of our clan,” the tall female declared.

  Agatha relinquished her stiff pose, and assumed a more relaxed demeanor. She softened her face and glided to the suspended island.

  “Eugenia,” Agatha said casually, making it a point not to call her Sovereign. “It is very kind of you to accept me into your clan. Yet I find it ironic that you call it your clan, when in reality I am your Queen. I realize that you had to create some sort of ruling force in order to establish order but you will no longer need Sovereigns now that your Queen has come back to reclaim her place.” She turned to face the spirits in mid air.

  Anger flashed across Eugenia’s face. “How dare you!” Eugenia exclaimed, livid.

  “How dare you, Eugenia, question your Queen!”

  Seeing that Eugenia was the only one challenging Agatha’s claim, Eros threw himself at Agatha’s feet hoping that others would follow him.

  “I am here to follow, Queen,” Eros said vehemently. Agatha cast her eyes down, and a wide, self-satisfied grin crossed her face.

  Eugenia looked at Eros, wild with rage, and back at Agatha, and then she narrowed her eyes and softened her face. Slowly she backed away toward the former Sovereigns and consulted with them once more.

  “They are deceiving us. They have contrived this in order to…” Eugenia whispered.

  “I don’t think so Eugenia. She has always been our leader, always at the Second One’s side. It’s only natural that she’d want to resume that role,” one of the Sovereigns said.

  “But, but…surely you don’t mean to relinquish all we have achieved here?” Eugenia whined.

  “Let’s see what she can do,” said another male voice.

  “I can’t believe you are falling for this. She had a change of mind and then another and now, you are just going to let her come over here and take over? You were not even sure she was truly changed!”

  “There’s only one way to be sure. We’ll watch her and see what she does.”

  Defeated, Eugenia backed away and turned to face Agatha once more. Her eyes were stern and cast down, unwilling to meet Agatha’s proud and exultant face.

  “The council of Sovereigns has decided to follow the Queen once more. Please accept our humble service,” one of the males solemnly declared. Then they bowed down to Agatha, and the rest of the spirits in the cave followed their lead.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 17

  From above, the Eternals looked down on the secret gathering with pained looks on their countenances. They said not
hing—out loud—but they communicated still.

  “I had hoped that she would continue on the path she was on.”

  “Yes…she was so close.”

  “I see no hope now.”

  “Not in this existence. Her path leads her away.”

  “I agree.”

  “Adjustments must be made.”

  “She will have to go with the only one who will never fall prey to her. She could also rein her in.”

  “She is not ready.”

  “No…but she will be.”

  “We will have to help her be so.”

  “I will contact Dayspring.”

  “Tell her it’s urgent, time is of the essence.”

  “It will be hard.”

  “But necessary.”

  “It is done, she is on her way.”

  “Very well…that is all we can do for now.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 18

  The classroom was set up like a theater. The stage had its curtains closed, and the podium placed in the center of the stage was the only object visible from this side of the curtains.

  Spirits all around us were chatting with excitement about the prospect of becoming Angels. Suddenly, and to everyone’s surprise, a melodious um was heard. One by one all the spirits quieted down to hear the sound—held, as it were, in suspension.

  As the chatting voices died down, the um grew in intensity. The spectators were now in complete silence and eagerly waiting for another variation to that beautiful sound. Then the curtains parted and the Choir of Angels was hovering in space with our rotating planet in the background.

  I was so awestruck by the choir that I didn’t even notice the giant female Cherub taking center stage.

  “Earthlings,” she announced in a sonorous voice, “the purpose of this class is to introduce all the different types of Angelic Missions. If you have met all qualifications, and still wish to sign up, you can do so at the end of this class.” She then proceeded to explain each Angelic Mission in great detail.

  When she was done with her explanations she introduced the Heads of Angelic Missions. They were the Choir conductor, a tiny Cherub even by human standards, two more human spirits from other planets, and an impressive looking Cherub with white hair that hung loose down the middle of his back.

  After all the introductions were made, the Eternals approached us by way of the window. They were rolling forward on what looked like a trailing cloud that seemed to be emitted by the two Cherubs that flew in front of them. They also were accompanied by the same two Seraphs that had been with them before, the male and female that looked alike.

  The Eternals flew over the top of the Choir and landed right in front of them. Now the room was in complete silence. We were all looking expectantly at the Eternals, who looked pleased.

  “Dear spirits, before you volunteer for Angelic Missions, we would like for you to meet Drymus and Kerubiel, and the twins Daystar and Dayspring. They have been assigned as Earth’s Heralds and Sentinels. They have been guarding Earths heavenly treasures since its creation.

  “They have guarded the entrance to the tree of life, they are responsible for keeping hidden the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, ancient Scrolls and several other objects and Temples that we would like protected and preserved. They also aid us in several missions of high importance where their special abilities and powers are needed. And now they would like to make a small display of their abilities, as is customary at this occasion.” The Cherub that was standing with the Heads of Angelic Missions came to the Eternals’ side. Then, together with the other guards, they placed themselves at both ends of the stage.

  With a sudden movement and before any of us were ready, Drymus and Kerubiel, the two Cherubs, took out a pair of swords that they had kept between their wings and threw them up in the air. At that same instant the Choir began to sing.

  As the swords spun in circles they came to life, looking like giant circles of fire. One of the Cherubs looked amused like he was having fun, and the other looked more serious as they caught their swords and started a heated sword fight.

  I could see Alex and Russell sliding forward in their seats. They were so exited they could barely stay down. The Cherubs flipped and flew as they exchanged friendly blows. Then as suddenly as they had started they stopped the fighting and started swinging their swords with one hand and throwing them up into space again. Swiftly they caught the fiery weapons and they engulfed themselves in a white fog, disappearing completely from view. Right then, the Seraphs burst into flames and they too became indistinguishable from the flames that encircled them. All I could see from where I sat were two huge fires that tumbled and rolled. Slowly the flames died down and the two Seraphs looked amused as they faced each other in a crouching position. They were grinning and looked like they were ready to strike—and that’s just what they did. The female leapt into the air and then the male did, too. As their bodies met they rolled on empty space until the female came out on top. The male Seraph smirked and with a new effort tackled her over onto her back. The wrestling continued and when neither one seemed to clearly take the upper hand. They separated and burst into flames again.

  Russell was one of the first ones to stand and clap his hands. Soon the whole group of future Angels were on their feet and clapping.

  The Choir, whose music had given a dramatic background to the whole presentation, had ended just as suddenly as the presentation had, making the whole production even more spectacular.

  “This is so cool!” Russell kept repeating.

  Now that the show was over, they returned to their original places, standing guard like before. Not one of them seemed out of breath or fatigued in any way. They stood perfectly still and calm as ever.

  The female Cherub came forward again, and announced that it was time to volunteer, and the whole room had hands raised in the air.

  “Very well, Angels, you will receive your assignments shortly. Bear in mind that once you volunteer, you may receive any of the Angelic Assignments, whether it’s your preference or not, and you’ll have to perform that duty to the best of your ability. These are important tasks and are most serious. Many will depend on you and your service,” she warned.

  The Eternals then bid us farewell and good luck in our upcoming missions. They also expressed their appreciation for our willingness to serve each other, and then departed.

  Once they were gone, the theater burst almost simultaneously into a loud chatter. Russell was among the first ones to do this and quickly came to Alex’s side and the two began a complete retelling of the two fights.

  Max, Dorian, Dane, and Leo joined in on the conversation as well and were all laughing and wildly flailing their arms around in the air, in a poor attempt at reenacting the sword fight.

  “That will keep them entertained for a long time. In fact, I don’t think they’ll ever get over it,” Nancy said, and the rest of us laughed, knowing all too well that she was right.

  “Well…it was impressive. Did you see that female Seraph? She looked so elegant and dignified, while she wrestled that other Seraph,” Irene interjected.

  “I wonder why the Eternals made them that way? I mean, not human, like us,” Valerie asked.

  “I took a class about them,” Katie answered.

  “Really?” Celeste and I asked together.

  “I didn’t know there was a class about them,” I added.

  “It’s called Heavenly Creatures. It was lumped together with all the other classes about creatures, and of course I took them all.

  “The Eternals created Cherubs and Seraphs at the same time. They were created right after the First One and the Second One, but I don’t know why they were made different. No one does I suppose.” Seeing that she had our interest Katie continued with enthusiasm.

  “They evolved and they all gained their immortality. They were never as numerous as we are, though. The Eternals only made two planets, one for the Cherubs and one for the Seraphs, and that�
�s it. No more planets were needed, because the Eternals never formed any more Cherubs or Seraphs.

  “Since then they have been assisting the Eternals in their creations and acting as the law enforcers of the Universe and their personal guards. They are completely devoted to aiding the Eternals in this Universe. They are so trusted by the Eternals that they hardly ever need instructions from them. They naturally know and do what the Eternals would do or say in every situation.”

  “They also have special powers like what we just saw. Cherubs can create white foggy mists that hide and Seraphs can make fire that doesn’t burn the flesh of the pure in heart.”

  “Really?” Valerie said with interest.

  “They also have incredible individual gifts, like us, but more so because they have had so much time to work their gifts. They have just evolved a lot more than any other human creation.”

  By now the guys had come over, and were listening to Katie as well.

  “They sound like interesting creatures. I hope we get to work with them,” Celeste said, and several others agreed with her.

  “They also help humans in time of war,” Katie added absentmindedly.

  “I’ve seen those wars, in Freedom Fighter’s class. Cherubs do help—and they are awesome!” Russell said, and Alex nodded in agreement.

  As we exited we were each given a long chain with a strange looking pendant at one end and a thin bar at the other end. The bar could be slid through any of the links on the chain, making it easy to wear in several different ways.

  The pendant consisted of a pearly white ball about two inches in diameter. It was suspended in the center of an intricate work of gold metal, each strand no thicker than a human hair. The strands of gold intertwined and came together at each end, forming a tip with a smaller golden ball at each end, the top one being fastened to the chain. The ball inside glowed pearly white, and the words “No current instructions” were inscribed in golden letters right in the center of the ball.


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