Make-Believe Marriage

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Make-Believe Marriage Page 6

by Ferreira, Dill

  - Amanda? - He called.. – If there is anything you need or simply want to talk to me, call me any time you want.

  – Thanks Antônio! – she was sure that she’d sleep better that night.

  After the goodbyes, Amanda went back to her work in order to keep herself busy all day and not have any bad thoughts that could come in the way of the happiness she’d felt by talking to Antônio. The work had really been a great ally to her, who only looked at the time when her assistant informed they would be closing in a few minutes and needed to organize the last missing pieces.

  At home, Amanda reflected about the conversation she had with Antônio. He seemed anxious to know if she had missed him. Although he had disguised well enough, as well as she, she could not deny she missed him a lot, but also could not explain exactly to what extent, because she did not know herself of her needs with regard to her friend. She was only sure of one thing: when Antônio was around, she always felt protected.

  The fatigue of the day had been so much that Amanda went to bed early and fell asleep right away. On the following days she tried to repeat her heavy day's work. She closed orders with suppliers and called her Premium customers informing them of new releases that had arrived. Her assistant noticed Amanda's restlessness and that she was doing the work of both, but chose not to question, knowing she needed that time. Reorganizing what was already so as not to see time pass.

  On Saturday Amanda was anxious, but she could not see the reason for that excitement. Her friend who was watching decided to relieve her tension with an unconvincing comment.

  - Why so much anxiety, Amanda? Is it because somebody who has been absent for days will be coming back?! - Her question already provided the answer.

  - Stop making inconvenient insinuations girl - scolded Amanda. - Your mind is too dirty to understand my actions.

  - I did not say anything. You are the one who seems to have a dirty mind today. - Amanda heard her and stared at her fuming.

  Me! - The girl laughed loudly with the admiration she saw in her girl friend’s eyes.

  - You are out of this world, Amanda. When will you realize what is going on in your heart? - She spoke as if she knew Amanda better than herself and this irritated her.

  - Take care of your heart that I will take care of mine. - Although Carol did not have the slightest idea of what it was to be in her shoes. Amanda loved having her as a friend and employee, because she knew that in many ways the young girl was smart and wise which made her worried about the comments she made.

  - I try to take care only of mine but you're always worrying me because it seems that you can’t take care of yourself. And I, as a good friend, must help you. - The assistant said irradiating her rich smile.

  - Silly! I can take pretty good care of myself. Do not give me excuses to meddle into my life. - Amanda snapped again.

  - If you in fact did it, you would have realized by now what this need meant when Antônio is not around. - Amanda heard this information looking at her friend startled.

  - Anyone who had a mainstay like Antônio would feel heartbroken when she needed him and could not have him, as is my case these days. - Amanda justified herself.

  - All right. Whatever. If you say so… I didn‘t mean anything by it. - Carol turned with a disguised smile on the corner of her mouth and went about her duties.

  The morning was coming to an end and Amanda had no news from Antônio, getting even more anxious. In order to help, her assistant had said that he’d probably arrive late in the afternoon or would be putting his affairs in order since he had been away for days. To calm her nerves she tried to put this idea in her head and it worked out. But still she felt great need to share the events with her friend and hear his advice.

  After work, Amanda decided to put her body and mind to work, so there would not be time to wonder what had happened to Antônio. So she decided to organize closets, threw away old magazines on health and beauty. Then she went to her son's bedroom and there the organization took the rest of the afternoon making her exhausted. After all was in place, Amanda took a long shower to soothe her body. In her room she hydrated and wore comfortable clothes and decided to watch some TV in the living room. Amanda was looking for something interesting when the doorbell rang. Surprised and hoping it was someone she had yearned for all day, she went to open the door.

  For you! - said Antônio handing her over a small bouquet of flowers when she opened the door.

  Thank you! They’re beautiful - she thanked him taking the present. - I thought you would not come. - Amanda complained no matter what he would think.

  - Does that mean you really missed me!? - he said smiling.

  - Do you have any doubts? - She replied with a mocking air.

  - Maybe I need some more convincing, but for now it is ok. - He also led that situation as a distraction so they would not be embarrassed. - I booked a place at that restaurant we went to with Carol and her boyfriend. Want to go? - Antônio asked cheerfully.

  - Give me a minute to get dressed! - She asked pointing at the armchair for him to sit in. Amanda went to her room and got ready quickly. Meanwhile she remembered how her heart beat fast when she saw Antônio at her door. That connection between them was strange. They looked like soul mates, but unfortunately or not they were not about to share a more tender and brotherly love. However, it was extremely good to feel that misgoverned beating such as one feels when there is passion. Yes there was a feeling among them, but it was not of the selfish and worldly kind and feeling and it made a big difference for her.

  Ready to leave Amanda joined him who waited for her in the living room reading one of her fashion magazines.

  - You really like the subject – remarked Antônio sitting up, but not before noticing the beautiful woman in front of him.

  - I believe that you have found it in me more than myself. - She remarked smiling.

  - Sometimes we need people in our lives to show us the way. Glad to have helped. - Amanda heard Antônio’s tender way of speaking. When in your life did you meet a man like that? Never. Maybe she would not even have that chance again. She needed to take good care of that friendship and be happy for as long as it was possible.

  When they reached the restaurant both had a huge surprise when faced with Breno accompanied by a beautiful woman. Amanda tried to disguise her embarrassment not to give the impression that Antônio was jealous. A lot of times people misunderstand such a situation and she did not want to make him feel bad.

  - If you prefer we can go somewhere else. - Antônio offered before choosing a table.

  - No way. We stay here. - Amanda replied putting her arm through his. - Now I could understand why Breno disappeared this week. - The comment left Antonio more at easy. In those days he had been away he was curious to know if Amanda's ex-husband was disturbing her.

  The waiter took them to a table nearby Breno and his companion’s and to Amanda's luck, Antônio arranged so she kept her back to him.

  - Today you choose what we will eat. - Antônio said taking her hands on the table. - Today is one of those days when we have to perform very well; as you told me Breno does not believe in our relationship – he said with a glare in his eyes.

  - Okay, but let’s not overdo it. - She was nervous about what could happen if caresses continued to increase.

  - It will be as you allow it to be. - She did not understand the meaning of those words, but preferred not to get into it. The waiter came and took down their orders.

  After Amanda chose the food they both seemed tense. She knew the cause of their anxiety, soon they would need to exchange caresses and she did not know if she was ready for this; as for Antônio, there was an unknown expression on his face. “He was up to something," Amanda thought, concerned.

  Amanda realized that the waiter had been called to Breno’s table and found that he had just arrived too. She preferred they were already on their way out, but to her chagrin, she confirmed otherwise. A wine was soon served at the table of Amand
a’s former husband and the waiter approached suggesting a bottle for Amanda and Antônio

  - Courtesy from the gentleman on the back - said the young man serving both after pointing to Breno who greeted them with a nod. Amanda saw Antônio do the same in the way of thanks.

  - He has good taste for wine - declared Antônio tasting the drink.

  - It is one of his few qualities - said Amanda.

  - So a toast to the few qualities of the father of your child, because if he had many, you would not be here with me. - The joke made her laugh relieving the tense atmosphere that hovered on the atmosphere. They touched their glasses lightly.

  - How were the days here alone? - he asked curious to know how she’d been.

  - No news! I worked, I spoke a few times with my son, with my parents and worked some more. - Her comment made them smile together. - And Breno did not come by to torment me as usual. See? My lonely days were very peaceful. And you?

  - I worked and worked. I went out a few times to see the movement of the city with the help of my client's assistant. - That last information seemed to call her attention more. Antônio noticed it.

  - Really? Then you got to know a little of the city?– she asked.

  - Yes the girl was very kind to me. She left her job to accompany me to some places. - He was beginning to like that game, but would not go far, she would think that he would seek pleasure away from the house while they were married.

  - I'm glad you found someone to tour you around. - "Red light," he thought. She was beginning to get bored with the conversation, it was time to stop.

  - Her husband was our driver and was also very kind. A really lovely couple. - Amanda's face changed and from there on she talked and smiled more giving him the certainty that at first she felt jealous, perhaps more as a woman than as a friend.

  I love you! - said Antônio suddenly taking Amanda to almost choke with wine.

  - What? - She asked surprised. Antônio picked up his hand and brought it to his lips leaning her body a little.

  - Her ex-husband is watching me a lot. - Antônio said quietly. - He seems attentive to my lips and probably understands what I am saying - he explained to undo the amazement on her face.

  - I never knew that he had learned to read lips. - She commented still surprised.

  - I swear he's trying to Amanda. - Antônio stood up again getting back on the same position, erect and protective.

  - If you feel we need to fake, all right. She agreed. - Antônio took both her hands on the table.

  - They are cold !? - He said. - They looked eye to eye, and a chill ran through Amanda's spine. She turned her face quickly. It was still too embarrassing for her to pretend to be involved by her close friend.

  - You are getting to be an expert in performing Antônio. Your eyes were deceiving even me and I know all about our arrangement – she confessed looking at the glass before her.

  - A couple needs to look at each other with passion sometimes. Don’t you like it? - He wanted to know.

  - I have nothing against it. But it's too real. I cannot do it so well. - Amanda complained tracing the outline of the glass with her finger.

  - Just follow me. - After hearing Antônio talk Amanda took a deep breath and lifted her face and they looked at each other. Antônio did not see in her the same brightness that was probably in his eyes, but he was much too happy to see her sharing that moment with him. Maybe one day Amanda could have stars on her face just by looking at him, maybe.

  - Is he still watching us? - Amanda wanted to know

  - Yes, and even more than before. - Without previous warning, Antônio pulled Amanda slightly and bending over the table, kissed her. She felt her body freeze with the touch of Antônio's mouth. He gently took hold of hers and she did not resist. Amanda knew she needed to accompany him and everything would be fine. Their tongues played affectionately with each other. A pleasant sensation took hold of Amanda who took some time to convince herself it was just a game. A few seconds later Antônio gently kissed her lips and stood back muttering something unreadable.

  - Wow, what an embarrassing situation, Antônio! - exclaimed Amanda unable to look at him.

  - Do not beat yourself up so Amanda. We need to do better, remember? - He asked.

  Yes! - She accepted forcing herself to pretend as well as Antônio did. Although Amanda knew it was all a game, her unconscious seemed not to see it the same way and caused her body to react positively to Antônio's touches. This was nothing positive in the case of something that was not true. But she would avoid succumbing to the whims of her body and follow only as agreed.

  - He gave a truce now - said Antônio realizing that Amanda was out of place with the situation. He was not pleased to see her that way, but he needed to help her in the best possible way and of course if he could change the way she saw him, it would also be great. If it did not happen, everything would end as planned and they would remain friends.

  -Amen! I confess to you that if I had imagined it would be like this, I would not have accepted this game. Breno does not deserve so much effort on our part - said Amanda.

  - We know he does not, but the big aim is not to reach him, but rather Lucas’s welfare - remembered Antônio. Amanda smiled to hear him talk about her son. Antônio was right, they were not doing that sacrifice for her ex-husband, but to save her family. She and her child.

  - You are right, but since he is the cause of all this I sometimes deviate from our great target that certainly is not Breno. - Friendship took control again and they could take better advantage of the situation without any worries.

  - When I was away, I spoke with a friend who has a great franchise with an international representation of underwear and found interesting to give you the contact if you want to know more. - Antônio pulled from a visiting card his jacket pocket and handed it to her. - Visit the site and see about it, if you are interested, call the number that is below. - Amanda looked at the logo of the pieces.

  - It is probably not easy to represent a company like this, but I'll try. - She put the card away in the bag and turned her attention to him.

  - They have support and improving services. It can be very good for you. Who knows, maybe they open a branch and work only with the pieces. I’ll give you the support you need. - Once again Antônio gave her the support that it was her husband’s role to have given and never did because Breno believed to be better to have the wife taking care of the home and the child. That was also a way to keep her under his rule. Amanda realized this some time later. Looking at the dear friend she preferred to remove such thoughts from her head. Alienation time was up and it was not good to remember bad things because nothing would help and she had no time to waste on nonsense.

  - I will visit the site and then we’ll talk about it. Thanks again. - She thanked touching his hand. That touch felt like fondness to Antônio

  - You know I'm cheering for your wellbeing and will help you whenever you need. Regardless what happens from now on. Did you understand? - Both stroke hands and Amanda felt some regret in that contact. Her life would be much happier if she had known Antônio in other circumstances.

  After dinner Antônio invited her to dance together with the couples who were taking the center of the dance floor. Amanda readily accepted. Dancing was also one of the few things that she had kept in her life for a long time. When they walked toward the dance floor, they decided to thank Breno’s courtesy personally, since his table was in the way.

  - Thanks for the wine - thanked Amanda with a friendly smile to Breno and his date. He made a brief movement with his head and the two went on.

  As they approached the dance floor Antônio snuggled her by the waist and they started to dance. Amanda let herself be led by the melody and snuggled close to him.

  - They often plan a very good samba here, but today they are even better – said Antônio pleased by the slower rhythm. The proximity of the bodies was such that Amanda was startled when she realized the perfect fit between them.
- Surreptitiously she pulled away a bit. Her body had not been near a man for some time now. Even when dealing with a friend, it was better not to abuse.

  - If we continue to dance with all the distance between us, the most they will think is that we are friends or cousins – said Antônio a while later. Amanda let herself lean on him and tried to ignore the signals her body was sending.

  - Excuse me, but I can’t act very well. - She said trying not to exhale his male scent. Antônio wore such good colony that Amanda's senses began to send her signals of pleasure that she had long forgotten. “The needs of a woman could easily take her off reason," she concluded to herself.

  - Next time do not wear something as nice smelling as that! - Amanda clung to this excuse to disguise the tense atmosphere that hung in the air.

  - Didn’t you like it? - Antônio asked worried. He had chosen the best of his perfumes for the occasion.

  - On the contrary, I love the scent. - She said touching her nose on his neck making his flesh tingle.

  - So do not complain, enjoy and smell. - That way of acting facilitated a little the good performance of their roles.

  - All right, but then do not complain if I jump on your neck and bite you. - She spoke disguising her uneasiness.

  - Imagine you doing it. I think I would starve if I needed to do this to feed. - Antônio took advantage of the mild climate between them and put his face close to Amanda's neck ruffling her from head to toe and returning to her the same feelings he had. When his lips lightly touched her neck the contact was as soft as a feather and warm. Sweet and urgent as it should be between a man and a woman who fervently desired each other. For so long she had not allowed herself that aphrodisiac sensation in her sleeping body. Amanda could feel each cell of her body trying to shape to that of Antonio’s with such an urgency that she had not know her womanhood until then. Offhandly she touched her face on his strong and warm chest that had been so helpful in moments of pain and distress and that now was causing strange sensations which she couldn't decipher. Amanda felt a sudden urge to laugh and cry at the same time. “How fragile she was from affection and close contact”, she thought. How could she feel such things exactly with her best and only friend? “It was so ridiculous and sad to think that one let herself die as a woman because of a man who had never given her love.” That contact was waking her up to the needs of her body and was immensely enjoyable, but unknown and dangerous by the fact they're just putting on an act. Yet she would surrender to that brief feeling because she knew that it would be short, enough not to leave major scars. Against him, Amanda remained for a long time feeling the accelerated beats of Antônio’s heart who probably was as embarrassed as she was.


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