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Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON

Page 14

by Paul Green

  Thus, as Uther finally reigned in at the steps of Castle Cornwall - his horse lathered and his own eyes wild with fury, it was the unfortunate fate of those few guards and servants to have their first introduction to their new High King. For without a single word from the king, the introduction cost them their heads.

  Uther exploded into anyone and everyone that tried to stop him and became death to anyone who came near. The locked front doors proved to be too strong for him to break down, but it was no problem for Uther to crash in through a nearby window.

  It had all happened so fast, that when Uther burst into the entryway amidst an explosive shower of glass, no one inside had even know he had been there. There were only two people standing inside the entryway; both of them in stunned shock at the intruder. Gytha had been beating a servant cleaning girl for 'missing a spot'.

  "GORLOIS!" Uther raged.

  As the color drained from Gytha's face, she shook her head in terror.

  Uther whipped his bloody sword up to her neck and glared at her with a chilling coldness that nearly rivaled her own. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHERE IS REGAN?"

  Gytha had no idea who the intruder was, nor did she have any idea who 'Regan' was; for she had only known her as Igraine. "Please, sir!" Gytha said, pleading for her life. "I am but Gytha, Companion to Duke Gorlois! I do not know anyone by this name!"


  "Please, sir; the Duke has taken his four sons to a ... 'priest' ... to ... 'dedicate' them."


  "Please, sir, I am sorry! But I do not the location of his priest! He keeps it as a secret from me! Nor do I know..."

  And they were Gytha's last words as Uther took off her head.

  The servant girl screamed at Uther's brutal act and violently began shaking her head at Uther, indicating she knew nothing. Uther was just about to remove her head as well, when he suddenly found himself struck with two crossbow arrows, one in each arm. He had been fired upon by two guards from the upper landing.

  But the arrows only served to fuel Uther's wrath as he ripped them out of his flesh and bounded up the stairs in a flash, quickly dispatching the two guards.

  "REGAN!!!" he screeched at the top of his lungs.

  Hearing no answer, Uther began racing through the castle, searching room by room, killing everyone that was unfortunate enough to come across his path and claimed to know nothing of Regan's whereabouts. He even referred to her as Igraine, but no one seemed to know anything. And it cost all of them their lives.

  One by one, Uther's rampage ended up slaughtering everyone at Castle Cornwall, leaving behind a bloody path of destruction and bodies, men and women alike.

  It didn't take long for Uther to search the small castle, for there were only twenty rooms. But he did manage to find a stairway which led to a locked wooden door upon the third floor. Unlike the larger front door, that smaller door was easily broken down.

  And inside, Uther found a large room of horrors. Ghastly remains of animals were strewn all about, cut up into pieces and sewn back together in some sort of deranged attempt to create new animals. Some had been burned as a form of sacrifice. There were strange symbols painted upon the walls in blood and the floor was blanketed in sticky blood.

  Uther then saw a large broken glass window. It looked like something ... or someone ... had been thrown through it. He rushed over to the window ... almost slipping upon the bloody floor ... and looked out ... and then down at a field.


  *** *** ***

  Racing back out of the castle, Uther reached the field in a matter of moments. Where in the dirt and grass lay the sun-bleached bones of a body, picked clean by scavengers. Even the hair and clothing was gone; whether blown away ... or taken by Gorlois, Uther didn't know.

  But then ... the final moment came.

  Uther saw it. Caught upon a nearby tall weed blowing in the wind, was a white ribbon; the one which Regan wore in her hair.

  And so began the descent into madness, of High King Uther Pendragon.

  Chapter 28

  There were others, however, hidden within the castle at Cornwall; two of whom would have been of special interest to Uther.

  One was a tiny baby girl, hidden away below the castle in a cave whose only entrance was by the sea. The baby was Igraine's recently born fourth child and was named Morgan le Fay. The nursemaiden, whose name was Luella, had been the one assigned to watch over the child and was one of the lucky few who had survived the massacre.

  The other, was a four year old girl, who was sequestered high in a hidden alcove up above the main entryway. The only way into the hidden alcove was through the upper attic.

  Even Gorlois himself hadn't known about that particular hiding place. Only the girl's nursemaiden and Gytha had known of the alcove and of its special inhabitant. For Gytha the Mistress of Cornwall, had kept secrets of her own.

  Through a small crack in the wall of her hidden prison, the young girl had watched everything. She watched as Uther had slaughtered everyone, including her own nursemaiden and 'secret caretaker' Gytha. While Gorlois and Gytha were generally cruel and evil, Gytha had at least shown some degree of caring for the little girl.

  As the eyes of little Morgause looked upon the beheaded body of her caretaker lying in a pool of blood down below, those eyes took in every little detail of the grisly scene.

  Details which would never be forgotten.

  ~ Prince ~

  Chapter 29

  Two years later

  "Your majesty, this really is of utmost importance!"

  "Have you found Gorlois?"

  "Uh ... no, your Majesty! I am merely your Chief Advisor!"

  "If you have no information about Gorlois, then nothing is of any importance to me. Leave me."

  "It is about Prince Arthur, your Majesty."

  "What about my son?"

  "Next month is to be his third birth celebration!"

  "What about it?"

  "Should we not be ... celebrating!!? Your Majesty!?"

  "Fine. Have a ... celebration. Now leave me."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty! I shall take care of all the arrangements!"

  "You do that."

  "Thank you, Your Majesty! Uh ... Do I have your permission to leave?"

  "I never asked you to be here in the first place."

  Gulp. "Of course, your Majesty. I shall ... leave ... now."

  "Oh. And if you happen to see Bors, I need to see him."

  "Yes, your Majesty. Of course, your Majesty."

  Uther looked impatiently at his Chief Advisor.

  His Chief Advisor remained standing there.

  Uther began tapping his fingers irritably upon the arm of his throne chair.

  His Chief Advisor remained standing there.

  Finally, Uther sighed. "What is it, Alfred? Why are you still here?"

  "Because, your majesty, you gave me a command."

  "What command?"

  "You said if I were to see Sir Bors, that you need to see him."

  "Alfred, whatever are you prattling about?"

  "Forgive me for saying so, your Majesty, but Sir Bors is standing beside you."

  Uther looked over at Bors who was standing right next to him. "When did you get here?"

  "I arrived when you first began your Audience Session, just as you commanded. We spoke before your audience began. I have been here, since."


  "Uh ... Your Majesty?" Alfred asked. "Now that you have ... ahem ... 'seen' Sir Bors? I have fulfilled your command. Do I have your permission to leave?"

  "Get out of here, Alfred."

  "Of course, your Majesty! I shall leave at once! The Birth Celebration of the High Prince shall be a day to remember!"

  "Uh huh."

  After Alfred merrily went his way, Uther scowled at Bors. "I despise that man."

  Bors shrugged. "It is of no surprise. You despise anyone who is happy."

  "What do you w
ant, Bors?"

  "Me? I am only here because you had asked me to be here."

  "Why did I ask you to be here?"

  "You were holding audience."

  "Why do I need to hold these ridiculous audiences? Can you not handle such simple matters?"

  "Sire, you have been away for four months. I have dealt with all matters, just as you had asked me to. Save for such matters as these. The Birth Celebration of your son should be your decision, not mine."

  "I am leaving again tomorrow, Bors."

  "What!? You have only just returned!"

  "I learned of a rumor of some hermit living in the north. It might be Gorlois."

  "Sire, you have been searching for Gorlois for two years. Perhaps it is time to hand this task over to another. You have a kingdom to rule."

  "To hell with the kingdom, Bors. I shall not rest until I find Gorlois."

  "The people need you, Sire."

  "And to hell with the people. Have you already forgotten the words of my brother Ambrosius? People are inconsequential. They do not matter. They have never mattered."

  "Those ... were his words. But I do not think..."

  "I do not care what you think, Bors. Why does everyone think they are my advisor? Why is everyone telling me what to do? I need no advisors. In fact, tell Alfred, he is no longer an Advisor."

  "Alfred has been most loyal to you, Sire. He works very diligently to serve you."

  "I know he does. Very well. Find him another job description. Make him a Scribe or something, I do not care. Just ... no more Advisors. I am sick and tired of people telling me how to run my own kingdom."

  "You are never around to 'run' your kingdom, Sire."

  "No, I have you for that."

  "I am a military man, Sire; not a king. I have chosen to delegate most of my ... 'royal' responsibilities to those better suited."

  "Whatever. I do not care. All I care about..."

  " finding Gorlois. Yes, I know. We all know."

  "I leave tomorrow."

  "How long will you be gone, this time?"

  "Three months. Perhaps four; depending on the weather."

  "Your son's Birth Celebration is next month."

  "Alfred is already taking care of that. Make sure it is a nice celebration, Bors."

  "You should be here for your son, Sire."

  "Bors, you know why I can never be around him."

  "Because he reminds you of your wife."

  Suddenly Uther's eyes filled with tears. Which happened very frequently these days ... and ... in Bors' opinion ... much too frequently and much too easily. Uther's mind was slowly slipping. His memory ... his judgment ... even his health. Just the mere mention of his wife would instantly bring him to tears.

  Uther shook his head as he began to weep. "It is not that I do not love my son. I just cannot be around him. Every time I look upon his face ... all I see is Regan. It hurts too much, Bors. It hurts too much to be around him. Please make sure he has a nice Birth Celebration. I want him to have a nice time."

  "Of course, Sire. It shall be a day to remember."

  "Thank you, Bors. You are a good friend."

  Bors began patting Uther on the back, helping him to calm down. He was slowly growing more accustomed to Uther's tearful and emotional outbursts, and found that patting Uther on the back always seemed to help.

  Chapter 30

  Three year Birth Celebration

  "Where is my father?"

  The small three year old Prince walked into the main front entryway of the castle fortress, just as he and Bors were preparing to go to the Birth Celebration party.

  "Your father could not be here today, young pup. He was called away upon an important mission of royal importance and urgency."

  "I understand. He is very important."

  "Yes he is, young pup. He is the most important man in all the kingdom and he has many, many duties. Just as you shall, someday. Are you washed and dressed, my Prince?"

  "Yes, Bors."

  "Did you wash behind your ears?"

  "Yes, Bors."

  "May I say, my Prince, the colors of House Pendragon look most excellent upon you. You appear regal and look every bit a High Prince of the Realm."

  "Thank you, Bors. I really wish my father could be here."

  "I know, young pup. But he said to tell you that he loves you, and that he hopes you have a nice time."

  Arthur smiled up at Bors. "He said that?"

  Bors found his heart melting every time the young child would smile at him in that way. "Yes, he did. He loves you very much. Is my Prince ready to leave?" Bors said while offering him his hand.

  Arthur smiled at Bors once more, as he placed his tiny hand into the giant man's hand. "I miss my father. But I am glad you are coming, Bors."

  "I would not miss it for anything, my Prince."

  "Can I ask you something, Bors?"

  "Yes, my Prince?"

  "Can you call me Arthur, instead of 'my Prince'?"

  Bors chuckled as they exited out of the castle's front door to attend the Great and Royal Birth Celebration.

  Chapter 31

  Five year Birth Celebration

  "Where is my father?"

  The small five year old Prince walked into the main front entryway of the castle fortress, just as he and Bors were preparing to leave.

  "Your father could not be here today, young pup. He was called away upon an important mission of royal importance and urgency."

  "I understand. He is very important."

  "Yes he is, young pup. He is the most important man in all the kingdom and he has many, many duties. Just as you shall, someday. Are you washed and dressed, my Prince?"

  "Yes, Bors."

  "Did you wash behind your ears?"

  "Must we go to the Birth Celebration, Bors?"

  "What!? Why would not wish to attend your own Birth Celebration!?"

  "Because people shall be there."


  "I do not like being around some of the people."

  "Oh? Of which people would you be referring to?"

  Arthur shrugged. "Just ... different people."

  "Young pup, you love being around people!"

  "Not all of them."

  "Which ones?"

  "Most of them."


  Bors was surprised to see Arthur looking up at Bors with a tear in his eye. "Some of those people ... are bad."


  "I do not like being around the bad people."


  "Most of them."


  "Must we go to the Birth Celebration, Bors?"

  Bors knelt down beside Arthur and wiped away his tear. "Tell me, young pup. Do you have the gift of seeing hearts?"

  "I do not know what that means."

  "When you meet someone ... can you see if they are ... good or bad? Can you see their intents and their motives?"

  Arthur nodded.

  "Oh." Bors sighed. "Oh dear. I ... I did not know this."

  "I do not like being around the bad people. Must we go to the Birth Celebration?"

  "Would you prefer ... a more private Birth Celebration? With only those you feel comfortable with?"

  "Oh, yes!"

  "Very well. I shall alert Alfred, the Master Scribe. He has made all of the arrangements. He shall be most disappointed, however. Who all should we invite?"

  "You can come, Bors."

  Gulp. "Uh ... thank you, young pup." Bors was a little surprised and somewhat relieved to learn he was not on the 'naughty list'.

  "And Alfred. He can come, too."

  "Very well. Good choice. I know that he likes you, as well."

  "And Frederick. I like Frederick."

  "What of Frederick's sister? She used to take care of you, you know."

  "I ... I ... I am sorry, Bors."

  "Oh, dear."

  "She was nice to me. But she ... sometimes..."

  "Never m
ind, young pup. I do not care to know the details."

  "Okay. I do not like thinking abut the details, either."

  "Well now, so far that makes four who shall be coming to your Birth Celebration. Who else should we invite?"

  "That is all I can think of."


  "Have I done wrongly, Bors?"

  "WHAT!? NO!! I mean ... are you serious!? Only four people!? Of all the people you have met ... nobles and royals and servants and soldiers and .... young pup, you have met thousands! Surely you can think of more!! Who are ... good! Please tell me there are more. What about here in the castle!? We have over two hundred servants!"

  "I am sorry, Bors. That is all I can think of."

  Bors groaned.

  "Oh! I have thought of two more!"

  "Really? Who?"

  "King Leodegrance and Queen Anice. I had met them when they came to visit father. I really liked them."

  Bors sighed. "Cameliard is a long way away, young pup. And I believe Leodegrance travels a lot."

  "Queen Anice was really pretty. Did you think she was pretty, Bors?"

  "As a matter of fact, I did."

  "I do not think the King and Queen liked Father, though."

  "No, your father was a bit out of sorts that day. He was ... not himself."

  "I do not think anyone liked him that day. I wish people could see him like we see him. Then I think they would like him."

  "I ... am sure that they would."

  "What are 'taxes'? People did not seem to be happy with Father when he mentioned 'taxes'?"

  "It ... is a little complicated. Perhaps in another year or two we can discuss this."

  "Queen Anice was really pretty. Did you think she was pretty, Bors?"

  Bors chuckled. "I believe the young pup has became enamored with the Queen of Cameliard."


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