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Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON

Page 19

by Paul Green

  Frederick grinned. "In truth, I did not want to go, but Katelyn insisted that I go. She said that is important to maintain my friendships."

  "You could have brought her with you."

  "I suggested that, but she thought it was best for the men to get together. She is planning to visit with Cook this evening."

  "Cook seems to like Katelyn. They seem to get along well with each other."

  "Which I am most grateful for, Arthur. It has only been one week, but I can already tell she misses the Princess. Katelyn was much more than a handmaiden to Guinevere; I think they were very close friends, as well. Did you know Katelyn has been her handmaiden since the Princess was a very small child?"

  "No, I did not know that. So ... what does a handmaiden do, exactly?"

  "Comb hair ... prepare baths ... help dress..."

  "What!? Why does she need help with all of that? Is the Princess ... afflicted in her mind or something?"

  "No, no." Frederick chuckled. "Katelyn says the Princess is quite intelligent. It is just ... that is how it is with royal families and Princesses and all. Apparently."

  "I do not understand. Why do women need help to dress themselves? Why would they need help combing their hair? We do not need help to dress ourselves or comb our hair."

  Just then, Bors came up alongside them and joined with them. "Sorry I am late. I was ... delayed."

  Arthur grinned at Bors. "You have bathed, again. Is Deorwynn going to be at the Marketplace tonight?"

  "She ... mentioned ... something ... about possibly being there, yes. Mind your own business, young pup."

  Arthur laughed. "Frederick was just telling me how girls need help to dress themselves."

  Bors raised an eyebrow at Frederick. "Excuse me?"

  "Actually..." Frederick chuckled, "...we were discussing Katelyn's prior duties as a handmaiden and what her duties had entailed."

  "Ah. Now I understand." Bors replied. "Well, you may be surprised to know, young pup, that this service is not limited to only the women."

  "Really!?" Arthur asked in surprise. "Men help dress the Princess, too!?"

  "NO! I meant ... that in most all other royal houses, and even in most noble houses, the Prince has his own manservant to help him with such things."

  Arthur immediately stopped walking and looked at Bors, incredulously. "Surely you jest."

  "Nay, I do not jest. This is common practice among ... ahem ... most Houses. Yours being the only exception."

  "A royal prince ... a man!? Needs help to dress himself!?"

  "Oh, yes."


  Bors sighed. "My Prince, men of battle do NOT say 'ewww'. Especially a High Prince!"

  "You mean 'Princes', such as the ones who need men to dress them? Is that the kind of Princes you are talking about?"


  "Accolon! Sagremor!" Frederick called out in greeting as they arrived at the Marketplace. "When did you two dogs arrive?"

  "We arrived earlier." Sagremor chuckled. "Do you know there are more women than men who visit the Marketplace?"

  "That is because there are more women than men." Bors replied. "Battles have a tendency to decline the male population."

  "I must I confess I find the abundance of women to be most ... satisfying." Sagremor grinned.

  Accolon smiled and nodded. "'Tis a shame there are so many. It does seem most overwhelming at times."

  "I do not understand." said Arthur. "I mean, I understand about ratio and that many men have died in battle, but ... we have not had a battle in many years. Why have there been no battles?"

  "I has been quiet for years, that is true." Bors replied. "It has been my surmise that since the day we marched all of our armed forces across the land to Cornwall, the great size of our forces had been seen by many and has proven to be a healthy deterrent."

  "Why did you send all those forces, Bors? Just to capture Duke Gorlois? Why would you need so many?"

  "For the very reason I have just given you, young pup. Vortigern had just been overthrown and your father was new to the throne. It is not uncommon during such transitions for other kingdoms to ... 'test' the fortitude and might of the new High King. This show of force was intended to send a warning to others."

  "Really? That is why you did it? To warn the other kings not to mess with my father?"

  "It has brought us many years of peace, has it not?"

  "How long do you think it will last?"

  Bors sighed. "In truth, young pup, it should not have lasted this long. I had expected at least two or three attempts to overtake the throne by now; especially with the known condition of your father. We are on borrowed time, young pup. Be assured, we shall be attacked while you are still young. They dare not wait for you to grow into manhood and take the crown. The time for usurpers to attack, is now."

  "Am I ready, Bors?"

  "Ready for ... what, exactly?"

  "To fight in battle?"

  Bors sighed. "You are skilled, young pup, that is certain; few can match your sword. But you are still young and lack strength."

  "What I might lack in strength I make up with quickness. I think I am ready."

  "Of course you do."

  "I am no longer a child, Bors."

  "You are but eleven years of age, young pup. Perhaps in another years or two ..."

  "I am ready now, Bors. Please let me fight. This is our kingdom. I have proven myself with the sword. I deserve to defend our kingdom as much as the next man."

  "We shall discuss this at a later time, young pup. This is week's end. We are here to put our minds at rest from concerns. Let us enjoy this evening without..."

  "Your mind never rests from these concerns, Bors. I know you; it is about all you think about, most of the time. You just wish to put me aside so as not to see harm come to me. But I have love for this kingdom, just as anyone else; and I have the right to defend the kingdom, just as anyone else."

  Bors stopped walking and turned to face Arthur, while crossing his arms.

  "I am serious, Bors. I am ready. Allow me to fight if we were to be attacked."

  Suddenly! In the blink of an eye, Bors whipped out his sword and lunged towards Arthur's chest.

  Just as suddenly, Arthur whipped out his sword and blocked Bors' attack with a parry, followed by a riposte ending with Arthur's sword stopped at Bors' neck.

  Bors looked at Arthur in surprise.

  "I am ready, Bors. Let me fight."

  Bors shook his head. "You are not ready, young pup. Look down."

  Arthur looked down and saw Bors' long knife at his stomach. Then he looked back up at Bors. "I would have had your head before you cut me."

  "I still would have cut you even while you took my head. You may have taken my life, but I have also taken yours. You are not ready."

  Arthur sighed as he withdrew and sheathed his sword. "That is not fair, Bors. You are a Battlemaster. Any other man, I would have taken."

  "Perhaps you would have, perhaps you would not. You are not ready."

  "Okay, Bors; honest answer and do not think to lie to me, I can see it." Arthur turned his head and looked at Accolon and Sagremor and Frederick. "These three are ready to fight. Even Frederick shall be a Knight, given two or three more years. Yet, would they have fared better than me, just now?"

  Bors looked at Arthur for a long time, with a hint of anger and frustration in his eyes. Finally he growled at Arthur. "Curse this gift of yours, young pup."

  "Thank you." Arthur smiled. "I shall take that as a 'yes'; I may fight in the next battle."

  Bors glared at Arthur and held a giant finger, right up to Arthur's face. "If anything happens to you ... so help me, I swear...". But Bors never finished his words. He continued holding his finger in Arthur's face for a long time. Finally, in a huff, he turned and walked away.

  Arthur turned and looked at the others. "Well, that went better than I had expected."

  Sagremor shook his head at Arthur. "This is no light matter, Arthur. I
agree with Bors. If something were to ever happen to you?"

  Accolon nodded in agreement. "Arthur, you do not understand how much you are needed. We cannot afford anything to happen to you."

  "I intend to fight alongside all of you. It is only right. And ... it is my right."

  "I disagree." said Frederick. "Your greatest desire is to help the hurting and benefit the people of this nation and see this nation come together as one. You forfeit that right. The people need you, more than you need to fight. You are the one man..."

  "No." Arthur objected. "I am not the 'one man'. I am part of a whole. And I intend to function as part of the whole. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go catch up with Bors and see if I can ... somehow ... get him 'un-angry' with me."

  Sagremor snorted. "Good luck."

  After Arthur ran off after Bors, Sagremor turned around towards Frederick and pointed his own finger at him.

  "What!? What did I do!?"

  "You..." Sagremor scowled, "...did you put these thoughts into his head?"

  "NO! OF COURSE, NOT! I think he should stay out of the fighting as much as you! I would NEVER suggest he do such a foolish thing!"

  "Frederick, you are barely ready yourself to fight in battle. Accolon and I shall be on the front lines with the lead troops. The rest of the Knights-in-Training shall remain towards the rear."

  "Where Arthur should also remain; I understand, Sagremor. And I agree."

  "If we are plunged into battle, Frederick, you keep watch over him. That shall be your primary responsibility in battle, do you understand me?"

  "I understand, Sagremor, and I could not agree with you, more. You do not have to tell me twice; it shall be done. He shall be protected. A sword shall have to pass through me before it reaches Arthur."

  Sagremor gave Frederick a smirk. Then he tweaked Frederick on the nose. "And don't you be stupid, either, Frederick. You now have a pretty wife to come home to."

  "Me? Be stupid? Perish the thought."

  Accolon shook his head as he looked at Sagremor. "We should probably go now and tell Katelyn to start digging her husband's grave."

  "Ha, ha; very funny."

  Accolon and Sagremor both chuckled and put their arms around Frederick, their brother in arms. "Come on; let us catch up with Bors before he eats everything."

  *** *** ***

  After dinner and a couple of tankards of ale, tensions lowered as talk turned once more to women and more 'pleasanter' subjects.

  Such as Deorwynn, who came into Bors' eatery looking for Bors. Deorwynn had long blonde hair and was a little taller than most women; which was just fine with Bors, who stood head and shoulders above even the tallest man. Of course, Deorwynn looked very pretty in her long hunter green dress, complimented with a low bust line which did little to hide her rather notable 'buxom' features. The moment Deorwynn entered, it brought a huge smile to Bors' face. He practically leaped out of his seat to rush over to her, and he greeted her with a kiss.

  The other men always marveled when they saw Bors in her presence; for she magically seemed to hold him in the palm of her hand. Bors and Deorwynn whispered to each other of some secret rendezvous point later that night, and then kissed each other again as Deorwynn turned to leave. However, not before turning to bow towards Arthur out of respect and waving at the others.

  After she had left, Bors returned to the table and stood by them, with an ever wider grin on his face.

  "Okay." Sagremor grinned. "Wagers on Bors taking a wife before the Fall rains are now being accepted."

  "Nay." Accolon chuckled. "The Fall rains are much too far away. It is the end of summer. I say, before Fall arrives."

  Frederick looked up at Bors as he remained standing beside them. "Which is it, Battlemaster? The beginning of Fall or the Fall rains?"

  Bors shook his head and merely grinned at all of them.

  "Uh oh." Sagremor laughed. "I think we may all be in error. Something you wish to say to us, Battlemaster?"

  Bors shrugged and pulled out a small pouch from behind his belt. He then tossed the pouch into the air few times to let the others hear the jingling of gold coins.

  "BORS!!!" Arthur exclaimed with delight.

  "Indeed." Bors smiled. "Deorwynn has just informed me her father has accepted my bid. It has taken some haggling for the past several days, but the Brideprice has finally been agreed upon. This very night I shall be meeting with her father to complete her purchase."

  The others instantly jumped to their feet to begin congratulating Bors upon his new acquisition.

  "She seemed really happy." Arthur smiled.

  "Indeed." Bors grinned. "We have arranged to ... celebrate, this evening, after the purchase is compete."

  "OOOH!!!" exclaimed the three older men.

  "Really!?" Arthur exclaimed, eagerly. "How are you going to celebrate!? Perhaps we may invite Deorwynn to the castle for a celebration party!"

  Bors coughed. "Actually, young pup, we were considering something more ... private in mind."

  "Oh, do not worry; it will be just us!"

  "Uh ... a little more private, than that."

  "Oh." Arthur thought to himself for a moment. "OH!"

  Bors grinned sheepishly with a slight blush.

  "Bors! Your heart is all warm and glowy! I know what your intents are."

  The others burst out laughing.

  "Arthur..." Bors growled. "What did I say about..."

  "But they are YOUR intents, not mine!"


  "Sorry. I shall strive to keep what I see ... to myself."

  "So, Bors?" chuckled Accolon. "Do you get to bring her home, tonight?"

  Bors nodded with a smile. "After her sale is completed, Deorwynn belongs to me. Alfred has already drawn up the papers. Yes, I shall be bringing her home with me this very night."

  "Really?" Arthur asked. "That soon? I have not even purchased a house for you, yet!"

  "Thank you, young pup, but the Barracks shall be fine. Now, if you would excuse me, I wish to go and ... clean my apartment. Perhaps I shall see you at First Meal. Or ..." Bors grinned, "...perhaps not."

  Everyone chuckled as Bors turned and quickly left the eatery.

  After Bors had gone, Frederick noticed Arthur seemed to be frowning while deep in thought. "Something troubling you, Arthur?"

  Arthur shrugged. "I am not sure. Do you not this think this is ... uneventful?"

  "What? What is uneventful?"

  "You know ... Bors purchasing a wife and all; and then to just ... bring Deorwynn home like that? Does that seem right to you?"

  "I do not understand. What are you talking about?"

  "I am unsure, but ... does it not seems as if ... purchasing a wife ... is little more than purchasing ... a horse?"

  Sagremor grinned. "If Deorwynn is a horse, then she is a very well-endowed horse."

  Sagremor!" Arthur exclaimed, aghast. "That is no way to speak of Deorwynn!"

  "What? She is a woman. Bors has purchased a fine looking woman. He is a very lucky man, if you ask me."

  Accolon clapped Arthur on the back. "And may I just say, Arthur, you outdid yourself in choosing a magnificent filly for Bors."

  "She certainly has ample qualifications, that is for certain." Sagremor chuckled. "Perhaps I shall hire you, Arthur, to find me such a woman with such ... bounteous attributes."

  "THAT IS NOT WHY I CHOSE HER!" Arthur exclaimed in horror. "I chose Deorwynn because she has a good and kind and generous heart!"

  "Oh, her attributes are certainly generous, my Prince." Accolon laughed. "More than generous."

  Arthur groaned. "Come on, you guys! That is most certainly NOT what I was looking for in a woman!"

  "Oh, you have a most excellent eye, your Majesty." Sagremor teased, raising his tankard in a toast. "To the High Prince! And his obvious appreciation for abounding..."


  "What?" he grinned. "Bors has purchased himself a woman. Let us rejoice for him. I do not see wha
t the problem is."

  "It is just ... it is all so ... I do not know. It just does not seem right, to me. Let me think on it a little more."

  "Uh, oh." Frederick grinned. "I believe our illustrious Prince is coming up with yet another one of his ideas."

  "It just seems it needs to be more ... special."

  Sagremor looked at Arthur, shaking his head. "He purchased a woman. What is so 'special' about that? Granted it is a major expense, but so is a horse. Why would a woman be any more special? They each serve their own purpose, do they not?"

  Arthur sighed. "I ... am thinking on it. I just need to work out the kinks."

  Sagremor smirked at Arthur. "You ... are a strange, strange man."

  *** *** ***

  After they finished their meal and had their fill of ale, the foursome stepped outside of the eatery and began looking around at the bustling Marketplace.

  "I have to hand it to Bors." Frederick said. "He has the best eatery in the Marketplace."

  "Bors pays the bills..." said Arthur, "...but his older brother Brock does the cooking and runs the eatery. Bors is more of a silent partner."

  "They seem to be doing well, judging by the looks of things." noted Accolon. "There is always a line waiting to get in."

  Sagremor nodded. "It is very generous of the Battlemaster to give us our own reserved area in the back."

  "Brock even gives us our own private table servants." Accolon agreed. "He is loyal to the Knighthood, even to this day."

  "Brock was a Knight!?" exclaimed Frederick. "I never knew that!"

  Sagremor nodded. "He was grievously injured in the battle which regained the throne from Vortigern. That is why he limps. Many men owe Brock their lives."

  "I suppose that would explain why Brock has such a large clientele of soldiers." Frederick replied.

  "Indeed." Sagremor nodded. "The men are loyal to Brock, as well. A large portion of his clientele shall always be assured."

  "Well I am certainly loyal to Brock's cooking." Frederick grinned. "I think he is nearly as good as Cook!"

  The four looked at each other for a moment.

  "Nah." They all said in unison with a grin.

  They started walking around the brightly torchlit nighttime Marketplace, observing the hundreds of merchant tents and tables. Arthur stopped when he observed a noble man directing his 'manservant' to help him try on a new black satin coat he was considering purchasing.


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