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Tales From Camelot Series 1: PENDRAGON

Page 25

by Paul Green

  Arthur never learned of most of the details, as to how Bors and Accolon and Sagremor had first found Morgan and the evils they had discovered within the home of Gorlois. Bors had determined it was best for Arthur, that he didn't know of what all they had found; as even Accolon and Sagremor were still haunted by what they had seen. Bors told Arthur it was enough that he knew it was bad, and he left it at that. Arthur didn't push the matter, as he wasn't sure he wanted to hear all the details, either; at least not yet. But he was determined to someday find out; perhaps after Morgan's recovery and rehabilitation was complete. For that was Arthur's primary focus and number one priority.

  They had learned a few interesting things from Luella, though it wasn't much. Luella had known that Igraine had been brought by Gorlois to the castle at Cornwall. And they learned that Luella had been present at Morgan's birth. It was Luella who had been assigned as Morgan's caretaker after the birthing, thus Luella had been taken away and consigned to the catacombs below the duke's castle. But Luella had never known what had happened to Igraine after that; nor had she known that Igraine was the wife of Uther. But she had surmised that Igraine had likely been killed.

  As Luella's story began to unfold, she explained to Arthur and the others how immediately after the birthing, Igraine had tried to protect Morgan from an outraged Gorlois by shielding the infant with her body, even as Gorlois began pummeling Igraine and beating her with his fists; for Gorlois was furious with Igraine for bearing him a daughter instead of a son. As Luella knew nothing of Igraine's background, she believed Gorlois' claims that the infant daughter was his. Gorlois finally gave up trying to take the newborn from Igraine who was curled up in a protective ball.

  That was when he ordered Luella to attempt to taketaking the baby away. Igraine willingly gave the baby up to Luella, whom Igraine trusted, knowing it was Morgan's only chance. Luella looked into Igraine's pleading eyes and whispered her oath: 'By my life.' Taking the child in her hands, Luella rushed out of the birthing before Gorlois could stop her; thereby allowing Gorlois to take out his wrath upon Igraine.

  Luella never saw Igraine after that.

  And once Gorlois' rage had been sated by his dealing with Igraine and he had cooled off somewhat, he ordered Luella and the baby to be banished to the catacombs, while he went to go and speak with his 'Master' and to 'dedicate' his four sons.

  Luella had never known who Gorlois' 'Master' was; except that the Master's name was Fallow and that Gorlois would always be gone at least a day or two while he visited his Master's lair.

  It was while Gorlois and his four sons were gone when Uther showed up in Cornwall. After Uther ransacked the castle searching for Igraine and killing everyone who came across his path, it was three days before Gorlois finally returned. By then Uther was gone, but the armies of House Pendragon had just arrived. While staying of out sight, Gorlois had found himself seized of all of his assets and holdings and revoked of his station and dukedom. Gorlois then became a fugitive and had been on the run ever since.

  Bors expressed surprise to Luella that his armies had never discovered the entrance to the catacombs, for they had searched for Gorlois, covering every inch of Gorlois' estate. Luella explained that the only entrance to the catacombs was via a cave entrance by the sea, nearly a mile away.

  When Gorlois finally returned days later to discover what had happened, with a handful of surviving servants, he took Luella and the infant Morgan from the catacombs, along with his own four sons, and fled.

  The next thing Luella knew, days later she was literally thrown down into a deep hole in the ground, resulting in broken legs and feet. A few hours later, Gorlois brought the infant Morgan down and handed the child to Luella. The only thing Gorlois told her, was that it was her job to keep the baby alive, for he vowed to someday seek his revenge against Uther.

  It was only after Uther descended back up the ladder that Luella discovered that the infant had been cut with a knife. And from that day forward, every time there was a new moon, Gorlois would come down the ladder and 'bleed' Morgan into a bowl, and then take the bowl back up the ladder to use in his nefarious rituals.

  He would once in awhile drop food down into the hole, though there was no set time or pattern; the few scraps of food only came when Gorlois happened to think about it. Their water was supplied by the small spring that trickled through their underground cavern; though the water was bitter and tasted like sulfur.

  By the time Morgan was one year of age, Gorlois had demanded that Morgan be kept in the lower pit he had dug out and Luella was forbidden to join her. Gorlois never explained why; only that he seemed to have great contempt for the child and an ongoing vengeful spite against Uther.

  And so it was, that from the time Morgan was a baby, the primary human touch Morgan ever knew was Luella reaching down to her from above. And that was how their private 'language' was born.

  Those new moons were the only times Gorlois came down; with the exception of three separate occasions. Those were the times where Morgan had become so extremely sick, that Luella would call up to Gorlois, pleading for the child's life. Gorlois did eventually come down, and he took the child with him to see a local medicine man. Gorlois would bring Morgan back the following day, and within weeks the child would slowly improve. Gorlois even dropped extra food down the hole for the first few days after each trip to the medicine man; probably as according to themedicine man's directions.

  On those three occasions, Morgan had been ages 2, 4 and 7. Morgan couldn't tell Luella much about her experiences out in the world the first two times; as she had been nearly sick to death and unconscious. It was the same as when Morgan was 7; for when Gorlois took her away, Morgan was limp and only barely conscious. But by the time Morgan returned, she was completely recovered! And Morgan had remembered many interesting things from that particular trip.

  As Gorlois waited to travel until just after sundown, the first thing Morgan remembered seeing was the vast early evening blue sky; filled with stars and a brilliant white shiny moon! And color! Morgan had never before seen color! Though it was dusk, she could still make out green grass and trees. It had been an incredibly amazing experience for her. And so after Morgan had returned from her trip to the Physician, Luella began to teach Morgan about colors.

  But Morgan told Luella about other incredibly amazing events that had taken place on that trip.. Gorlois had tied Morgan to a tree while he went inside a local market to purchase supplies, based upon the medicine man's orders. And while he was inside, Morgan described two visitors who approached her. One was a tall man with long white hair, wearing a brown cloak and carrying a staff. The other was a young girl, not much older than Morgan; but the girl who was so beautiful she took Morgan's breath away. And the girl actually smiled at Morgan! In the light of nearby torches, Morgan could see that her hair was a deep shiny black; so black it almost seemed blue!

  The tall man then knelt down beside Morgan, who was too weak to move or crawl away in fright. And the man gently touched her head.

  And suddenly! Morgan felt better! Completely all better!

  Then, the beautiful young girl gave Morgan a small wooden carving of a dove, saying that her 'Grandfather' had made it for her, and that she wished to give it to Morgan as a gift.

  Of course, Morgan never said a word and could only stare in awe and wonder. The tall man and the girl then said 'goodbye' and that they hoped to see her again sometime at the market.

  When Gorlois brought Morgan back from the trip to the physician, she was full of energy and filled with joy and wonder at her special gift and her newfound 'friend' and she excitedly and repeatedly told Luella all about her wondrous and amazing trip, over and over again, daily and nightly, and never leaving out a single detail.

  And though Morgan was again returned to her dark hole in the ground, Morgan now had wondrous experiences she could live over and over again in her mind. And she was very happy for a very long time.

  *** *** ***

  While Alf
red the Master Scribe continued on with his very long eulogy and Arthur was thinking back over the things he had learned about Morgan over the past three weeks, the 'lizard funeral' was rudely interrupted by an unexpected visitor.

  Suddenly from out of nowhere, a hawk swooped down, right in the very midst of the group of 'mourners' and snatched the little lizard from its grave; little lizard coffin and all.

  Morgan gasped in horror and clapped her hand to her mouth, as the mourners watched the hawk fly away with the body of her brother's beloved pet lizard.

  Even Alfred was stunned, as he had instantly ceased his most eloquent speech.

  Arthur frowned as the hawk disappeared over the castle roof. Then he shrugged. "Oh, well. I guess that ends the funeral."

  The rest of the mourners hid grateful smiles as they all turned to head back into the warm castle and out of the driving rain.

  Leaving poor Alfred all alone and slightly discouraged; for he was just about to get to the best part of his speech!

  Finally, Alfred sighed and rolled up his scroll. But as he began walking back to the Office of the Scribe, his eyes brightened; for he had just thought of a whole new section of material he could add to his eulogy; something he was most certain was be even more inspiring that this last one. And Alfred merrily walked away, excitedly looking forward to polish up his speech for the next opportunity.

  Chapter 45

  Two days later, Arthur finally received his reply from the message he had sent off to King Eldon of Caldwell. Bors happened to present when the messenger arrived. After Arthur read the message, he sighed and handed it to Bors:

  Arthur Pendragon, you are hereby charged with crimes against my kingdom. You have raided the house of my subjects and have unlawfully stolen the beloved daughter of 'former' Duke Gorlois of Cornwell. Consider yourself fortunate it was only a daughter. Had it been a son, you would know our wrath. Know this, Arthur Pendragon, Gorlois opposes you as heir. We believe his claims to be true, that you are the illegitimate bastard of a harlot and the product of rape. We do not recognize you as the rightful heir to the throne. Your mad and unbalanced father may have revoked Gorlois' title and station, but Gorlois is now under my sovereign protection. You are not the High King, Arthur Pendragon. Stay out of my kingdom. Cross my borders again without my permission and there shall be war between us.

  -King Eldon of House Cadwell

  Chapter 46

  Over the next several weeks, Morgan's health steadily improved. Though she still ate very little, at least she was eating; and the Master Physician's special diet that he had prescribed for both Morgan and Luella, seemed to be doing wonders. Morgan was still very small for her age, and still very thin; but she no longer looked emaciated and malnourished. Even her skin was beginning to look healthy.

  The Master Physician had completed his initial treatments upon the two of them; including resetting several of Luella's bones and treating Morgan's infected cuts and stitching up the more serious ones. Luella was now getting around with the help of crutches until the healing had finished, after which the Master Physician was confident Luella would fully recover with full mobility and no more pain. Even Morgan's cuts were healing well, and in time, the Physician believed most of the scars would be hardly noticeable.

  Morgan still hadn't spoken to anyone; other than her frequent 'conversations' with Luella. But her fearfulness and apprehension had all but abated, as Morgan slowly grew more comfortable with her new surroundings. Arthur was very careful about allowing others into the castle however, for new people and strangers always seemed to cause her to regress. Other than occasionally going into the central castle atrium or the back grassy area just outside the kitchen, Morgan always remained inside her room in the castle where she seemed to feel safest and the most secure. Only Bors and Accolon and Sagremor were allowed to visit, which they did daily. Morgan never spoke to them, either; though Arthur did notice a very slight sparkle in Morgan's eye each time Accolon stopped by.

  Luella was adapting much more quickly; for she had actually known a life prior to Gorlois. Arthur had learned that Luella had been born deaf, and that initially, the idea of serving at the duke's castle as a nursemaiden seemed like a boon to an unwanted deaf woman. Unfortunately for Luella, that had quickly turned into a nightmare.

  As for Morgan, about the only people Morgan felt comfortable being alone with, was Luella of course, and Arthur. And sometimes, Cook. Though Morgan never spoke or demonstrated affection, she seemed to be slowly growing attached to her brother; something which greatly pleased Luella.

  One morning after First Meal, Luella asked Arthur if she could speak to him in private. After they entered the Royal Receiving Room and closed the door, Luella turned to Arthur and humbly bowed.

  Arthur groaned. "Luella, how many times have I told you to stop doing that?"

  Luella smiled at him. "May I begin by saying 'Thank you', for the wonderful thing you have done for us."

  Arthur shook his head. "You tell me this each and every day, Luella. And as I tell you each and every day, you are welcome and it is my pleasure and honor to have you with us. You are angel sent from above, and I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you were there for my sister. You shall always hold a special and high honor among those in this house. Whatever you desire, it is yours."

  "Thank you again, Arthur."

  Arthur grinned. "At least I finally managed to get you to start calling my Arthur."

  Luella smiled. "There is one thing I would ask of you, Arthur."

  "Of course, Luella! If it within my power to grant it to you, it shall be done. What is it that you would ask of me?"

  "It concerns your sister, Morgan. It is my conviction that Morgan needs a closer bond with you."

  "Oh? What sort of bond?"

  "You know that Morgan sleeps with me at night. As much as I enjoy having Morgan close to me, I think it would be better for her to develop stronger ties to you, being that you are her brother. I believe it would help with her maturing. Though she appears much younger, Morgan is, after all, around ten years of age. She is not so far away from you in her age."

  "I know, Luella; she is only one year younger than I. What do you suggest?"

  "I have spoken with the Master Physician and he agrees with me. We think ... Morgan should begin sleeping with you. On the floor, of course; for she does not yet feel secure in a bed."

  "Which ... is why ... both of you still sleep upon the floor."

  "It is all I have known for more than ten years. It is all Morgan has ever known."

  "You are suggesting placing Morgan's bedding beside my bed upon the floor?"

  "I think it would be good for Morgan. To begin weaning her away from me and to begin building trust with another."

  Arthur thought to himself for a moment. "I would certainly never be opposed to this. But do you think Morgan could even do such a thing?"

  "I shall be difficult for her, at first, that is true. But she is strong. I think she shall endure, and she shall adapt. The Master Physician said this should be a good next step in her rehabilitation."

  Arthur smiled. "That sounds like our Physician's words, alright."

  "I should warn you, however; Morgan still often has nightmares. You may sometimes not know much sleep."

  "You had told me her nightmares were lessening."

  "They are; but she still has them on occasion."

  "How do you calm her?"

  Luella smiled at Arthur and raised her hand. "May I show you?"

  "Of course, Luella." Arthur said, lowering his head for her.

  And then Luella began patting out a sequence of pats and taps and moving her hand in circles atop Arthur's head.

  "Can you remember that?" Luella asked.

  Arthur raised his head and smiled back, raising his hand. "May I try?"

  "Of course!"

  And Arthur proceeded to pat out the same exact response on Luella's head. "Did I get it right?"

  "Arthur! That is very good! You have
done it perfectly right, the first time!"

  "I confess, I have been watching you two communicate, trying to learn the patterns. In truth, I was planning to ask you to teach me some of your language. Alfred had taught me several languages and he says I learn quickly. Uh ... when I pay attention, that is."

  "You do learn quickly! I am very pleased!"

  "So you will teach me?"

  "Of course, Arthur! I would be most happy to teach you."

  "Luella? I know Morgan has the capacity to speak. Does she ... ever?"

  "Yes. Morgan can speak. She speaks to me when we are alone; but those are the only times."

  "Did she ever ... speak much ... when she was..."

  "We were kept in the dark, so I could not see her lips as she spoke. And as I am deaf, I could not hear her words. But I have tried to teach Morgan to speak since she was very young; at least, as best as I knew how."

  Arthur shook his head in amazement. "How can a deaf person, teach someone to speak? I find that ... astounding. You are an amazing woman, Luella; truly you are an angel."

  Luella looked down in embarrassment. "I am sure I did a poor job. Morgan's speech is not advanced as it should be. But I did the best that I could."

  "I understand you made Morgan exercise each day; to help maintain her strength."

  "Yes. We had a daily routine of things we would do each and every day." Then Luella laughed. "Her favorite was playing games."

  "WHAT!? How could you play games down there!?"

  Luella smiled and patted her own head.

  "Really?" Arthur asked, as his eyes began to grow misty. Arthur paused to wipe his eyes. "Sorry, the more I grow to love Morgan, the harder it is for me to hear some of these things. But truly!? You taught her to play games ... through your language!?"


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