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Scarlet Roses

Page 21

by Angel Nyx


  She was dying. Of pleasure. Of need. She was burning up and any moment now she was going to spontaneously combust. Caine was like a man possessed. He teased and tormented her body until she lost count of the number of orgasms he wrung from her. Several times she had to muffle her cries with a pillow out of fear of waking Hailey. She didn’t know what was driving him but she wasn’t about to complain. “Oh Gods...Caine...please...please, please, please...”

  “Please what, Angel?” he growled against her before he flicked her clit with his tongue.

  Her body shuddered with need. “Please, just fuck me. I need to feel you inside me.”

  Caine kissed a path up her body and claimed her lips, letting her taste herself. “Dat’s what I wanted to hear.” He slid into her with a groan. “Always so fuckin’ tight.” They decided to forgo the condom so he got to feel her wrapped around him with nothing between their bodies. With her already pregnant, there was no need to use a condom.

  She gripped his shoulders and arched to take him as deep as possible. “I love the way you feel inside me.”

  “I love da way you feel wrapped around me,” he growled and began to move in slow, deep thrusts.

  Her eyes about rolled into the back of her head when he began to move. Her hips arched to meet each thrust and her nails raked his back. She was already rushing toward the precipice of release again and this time she wanted him to follow her over the edge. With that in mind she dipped her head and bit his shoulder before she growled, “Harder.”

  The bite, combined with her request, seemed to drive him to madness. His thrusts grew erratic as he did what she asked, what she needed. Harder. Faster. Deeper.

  When her orgasm crashed over her, Emelise muffled her screams against his shoulder. Her nails raked his back and her inner walls clenched him so tightly she wondered if it was painful for him.

  She felt the strain in his muscles. She knew he hovered on the edge of release, fighting it with everything he had in him, because he wanted her to fall first. That was how it always was between them. Caine always wanted her to find release before he let himself follow her. She knew her walls spasming so tightly around him was his undoing. With a roar he muffled against the pillow beside her head, he spilled himself deep inside her. He half collapsed atop her before he rolled, taking her with him.

  Emelise lay sprawled over him, one leg entwined with both of his, while her breathing slowly returned to normal. “I don’t know where that came from but damn. You can do that to me anytime, baby.”

  Caine chuckled and nuzzled her. “I plan to, Angel, I plan to.” He caressed her side a moment. “Let me get you a cloth to clean up.”

  Emelise shook her head. “No. I want to fall asleep with your cum inside me.”

  A soft growl rumbled through his chest. “What my woman wants, my woman gets.”

  Eme laughed softly at that. “Mm, careful with that. I just might take you at your word and then you’ll be in all sorts of trouble.”

  “As long as it makes you happy, Angel, I wouldn’t mind. When are you gonna realize you’re happiness is what matters to me?”

  “I think it’s beginning to sink in.”

  “Good.” He kissed her tenderly. “Sleep, Angel. We can discuss weddin’ plans tomorrow.”

  “Mm. Okay,” she replied, already half asleep. The last thing she heard before she drifted off was his soft chuckle.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Lily stared at her best friend. “You and Caine are getting married in two weeks? Wow. What’s the rush? Is it because of the pregnancy?”

  “I’d like to know the answer to that myself.” Malcolm was sitting with his feet stretched out in front of him. They’d gathered at Lily’s apartment because Emelise had a surprise for both of them. Surprise was one word for it.

  “No, it’s not because of the pregnancy. I just don’t want to drag it out. We don’t have to wait for people to be free to fly in for the wedding, since everyone we want to invite already lives here. I already have my dress picked out, I did that the morning after he proposed. I don’t want or need a big, fancy wedding. I thought about doing it at the compound but I’ve decided to do it at the club. I’ll close it for the day, pay everyone extra for working the reception...this is what I want. I thought you, of all people, would be thrilled I’m not putting it off indefinitely,” she said to Lily. Lily knew how hard it was for her to let go of the shield she’d used to protect her heart all these years.

  Lily scooted closer to her on the sofa and hugged her. “Oh, sweetie, I am happy for you. I just wanted to be sure you weren’t rushing it out of some silly idea that you had to be married before your baby gets here.”

  Eme realized that, in all the excitement, she hadn’t shared her other news with them. “Babies, actually.”

  Malcolm got it before Lily did. “Did you say ‘babies’? As in, more than one?”

  Eme nodded. “We’re having twins.”

  “Holy shit! That’s fantastic! I get to be ‘Uncle Mal’ to two babies at once.”

  Emelise laughed. “Yes, you do. So you’ll have three to spoil instead of two.”

  “How is that sweet little angel adjusting?”

  Before she could answer Lily cut in. “Oh my Gods, Eme, this I can’t believe you’re having twins. I can’t believe you’re having a baby before me. I always figured I’d end up the one popping out a baby first, and here you are with two.”

  Emelise blushed even as she laughed. “Yeah, well, get in line, girl, because I can’t believe it either. I kept saying we were so careful, we never had a condom break, and then last night, while Caine and I were talking, it hit me. The first time we had sex we didn't use a condom. You know the saying all it takes is one time? Yeah, it's fucking true.” She bit her lip. “If I’m completely honest, I’m a little scared. It’s not like I’m exactly big in the hips area, what if I can’t carry them?”

  “Oh, Eme, you’ll be fine, even if you end up like, on bed rest or something.” Lily hugged her again. “Don’t borrow trouble.”

  “What are your plans for the club, Eme? You’re going to need to hire a manager, especially once the babies are here. They’re going to take up a lot of your time.” Malcolm watched her closely.

  “I know. I’ve been thinking about that. I guess I need to put some feelers out. want to do it? The two of you, I mean. Lil, I know you like working at Gathering Grounds, but you’ve also complained about how, so often, you have to manage things but you’re not getting paid for it. You aren’t getting credit for it either.”

  “You mean Lily and I split running it? That could work. I’d still be able to be Venus from time to time.”

  Lily bit her lip. “You’re right, I do love my job, but I hate that I don’t get the recognition. Emile is a good boss, for the most part, but if I put in a notice and train someone to take over for me, I don’t see a problem with it.”

  “So you’ll do it?” Eme gave her a hopeful look.

  Lily laughed. “How can I say no to that look? Yeah, I’ll do it.”

  Emelise grinned. “I knew you couldn’t pass up the sad little kitty look.”

  “Sad little kitty? I thought it was the puppy dog look?”

  Eme rolled her eyes at Lily. “Hello, leopard here. I don’t do puppy dog looks,” she said and faked an indignant tone.

  Malcolm snickered. “I love seeing this playful side of you. You’ve been so serious lately.”

  Eme sighed. “I know. Life’s been a little crazy. So, back to the topic at hand. My wedding. I want you both to be in it. Please? Lil, you’re my best friend and I want you to be my maid of honor. Mal, will you be a bridesmaid. No, you don’t have to dress as Venus for it. And...maybe sing something at the reception?”

  Malcolm gave her a look. “As if I’d say no to either of those things, darling? I’d be honored to be part of your wedding.”

  “Eme, do you really have to ask? Of course I’ll be you
r maid of honor!”

  “Thanks, you two. I want the people who mean the most to me to be part of my special day. I just wish my Mama could be here for it, too.”

  “She will be, in spirit, Eme. As long as she’s in your heart, she’ll be there.”

  Emelise thought about what Lily said. “I suppose you’re right. I won’t be wearing the traditional white wedding dress. My dress is red and black because the color scheme for the wedding is red, black, and silver. I know, it’s not the traditional colors and its a bit goth those are my favorite colors. You two will be in silver. Or gray, in Mal’s case since men’s suits don’t come in silver.”

  “Oh, I like that color scheme. Gray suit with black shirt and red tie, I think, since I’m sure your man will be wearing a red shirt with silver tie.”

  “Yes he will. He just doesn’t know it yet.” Eme grinned. “I hadn’t gotten to that with him. We’re getting everything in order but I’ll be talking to him about that tonight. I should get out of here. I have a few things to do before the club opens tonight. I’m so glad you two will be in the wedding. Let me know when you can start as manager, Lil, and we’ll go through everything you’ll need to know.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll let Emile know today that in the next few months I'll be quitting to take over management of the club for you That will give him plenty of time to find someone to replace me.”

  “Thanks, girl.” Emelise felt relieved.

  “You're welcome,” Lily replied and walked Emelise to the door.

  “I’m going to get out of here too. I do have a show to get ready for.” Mal kissed both their cheeks before he and Emelise left, heading their separate ways.

  The next two weeks was a flurry of activity. There was a lot to get done in a short time, but Emelise wasn’t deterred in the least. The day of the wedding, half the Pard went into the city to Scarlet Flux to get it ready for the wedding. Long stem, dark red roses were placed in vases with baby’s breath and set on every table. More roses adorned the edge of the bar and were entwined in the satin streamers that ran up the length of the stairs. Candlelight cast a soft glow throughout the building and soft music seeped through the speakers.

  After spending hours getting pampered, Emelise was now in the VIP section of the club putting the finishing touches on her wedding attire. She hadn’t seen Caine since the night before, she kept to that tradition even if she didn’t wear the traditional wedding dress. Her dress hugged her frame until just below her butt and then it flared out in tiered layers of red lace in a floral pattern and black tulle. The bodice was backless from the middle of her back. The inner layer was black satin and felt delicious against her skin. The outer layer was the same red floral lace as the skirt and the thin straps that graced her shoulders were made from black floral lace with red and silver embellishments. The black lace also wrapped around the bodice, just below her butt, tying the ensemble together. In her ears were red and black earrings.

  “God, Eme, that dress is absolutely gorgeous.” There was admiration in Lily’s voice as she took in her best friend’s gown.

  “Thank you. I knew it was prefect the moment I saw it.”

  “We don’t have a lot of time before da ceremony starts so let’s get dis done.” Mia stepped forward. “In true weddin’ tradition, you need someting old, someting new, someting borrowed, and someting blue.” She held up a garter that was made of dark blue and black satin. “I got da someting blue.”

  Eme laughed, took it from her, and managed to get it up her leg with all the layers of skirt in her way. “Thanks, Mia.”

  “Emelise, if your Mama was here, she’d be so proud of you right now. Dis was supposed to be hers, on her weddin’ day, but now it’s yours.” Eulalie held out a silver locket for her. “Dis was my Mama’s and her Mama’s before her,” she added and helped Emelise to put it on.

  “It’s beautiful, Mamere,” Eme murmured. She had to wipe a stray tear from her eye.

  Malcolm stepped forward and kissed Emelise’s cheek. “For something borrowed, what better thing for a queen to wear than a tiara?” He winked at her and carefully placed one of the tiaras he wore when in drag on Emelise’s hair. The way the light caught on the gems suggested they were real.

  Emelise laughed. “You always have such pretty things.”

  “You know it, honey,” he said with aanother wink.

  Finally, Lily stepped forward. “Eme, we’ve been friends for years and I have never seen you happier than you are right now. This last item is a gift Caine asked me to give you, so you could have it when you go speak your vows.” She opened a small box to reveal a ‘Mother’s ring’. It had Hailey’s name and birth stone in it and the other spots had diamonds until the twins were born.

  Emelise felt herself tear up. “That man, he always knows just how to get to me,” she said softly. She put the ring on and again had to wipe away some tears.

  “No crying, it’ll mess up your makeup,” Lily teased just as music filled the air. “Looks like it’s time. You ready?”

  “I’ve been ready since the night he proposed.”

  Hailey, Sophie, and Ava went down the steps first, a basket of flower petals draped over one arm, and every step they took, they picked out a handful of petals and let them fall to the ground. They were followed by Lily, Malcolm, and Mia, who took their places once they reached the stage where the officiator waited.

  “You look beautiful, sweetheart.” Derrick offered his arm to his daughter. When she’d asked him to give her away he’d been beyond touched. They’d only known each other a short while but already they were close.

  “Thank you. Dad.” It was the first time she’d called him that.

  Derrick blinked. “When I’m old and gray, and look back on my life at some of my happiest moments, this, right here, will be one of them.” He kissed her cheek and guided her down the stairs and then toward the stage where Caine waited for her. Her gaze locked with his and her heart swelled with love for him.


  Caine Bordeaux was many things. Stupid wasn’t one of them. When his mate decided she wanted to get married quickly instead of having a drawn out engagement, he’d readily agreed. When she told him she wanted a red, black, and silver color scheme for their wedding, again he’d agreed. When she’d said she wanted to hold the ceremony and reception at Scarlet Flux. He’d agreed. Seeing her come down those stairs in that dress, he was glad he’d agreed to everything she’d wanted. She took his breath away.

  When she reached his side he held out his hand and waited for her father to place her hand in his. He nodded at Derrick before he turned his attention to his mate. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Friends, family, we gather today to watch as two lives become one. Marriage is a sacred pact between two hearts. If there is any here who feels these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  Neither of them was worried. They knew all of their friends and family supported them. After a moment, the officiator spoke again. “Caine and Emelise have chosen to recite their own vows. Emelise will go first.”

  “I grew up believing that you couldn’t depend on a man to be there when things got tough. You couldn’t depend on them to always have your back. When we first met, I fought what was between us because of the fear that, if I gave you my heart, one day I would wake up to find myself alone. As much as I held onto my walls, you chipped away at them a little at a time. You made me realize that what I’d always believed was wrong. Your love, your steadfast nature, your determination to show me that if I just let you in I would never be alone again, brought down my walls and brought me more happiness than I have ever felt in my life. You opened my eyes to a new world; one filled with love, passion, and family. I know that when I need a shoulder to cry on, or a hand to hold, you’ll be right there at my side. I love you, with all that I am, Caine, and I will spend the rest of our lives together showing you that every day.”

  Caine’s heart swelled at her words of love. When a tear slipped fr
om the corner of one eye he lifted his thumb and wiped it away. “Angel, I always thought I knew what I wanted in life. I became Alpha of da Pard to make dere lives happier and healthier. I took care of da needs of everyone else while ignoring my own. I told myself I didn’t need anyting else to be happy. My people were being taken care of, dat was enough. Den you came into my life and you turned my world upside down. I love ever’ting about you, Angel,. I love dat you’re strong, independent, and determined to make your own way in da world. I also love dat you don’t let me get away wit’ anyting. I love dat you’re soft when you need to be, you have so much compassion in your heart dat you have to reach out to others when you see dem hurtin’ You’re an amazin’ woman, Angel, and I am da luckiest man in da world because I get to hold you in my arms every night for da rest of my life. I love you wit’ all dat I am today, tomorrow, and always.”

  “Do you have the rings?”

  Dempsey approached with them on a red satin pillow. Emelise had wanted to include members of her family in this special occasion and Dempsey had practically begged to be the ring bearer.

  “Caine, place the ring on Emelise’s left hand and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Caine slid the wedding band on his mate’s hand before he growled the words just loudly enough for everyone to hear them. His voice was gruff with emotion.

  “Emelise, place the ring on Caine’s hand and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Emelise lifted her gaze to Caine and gave him a beautiful smile. “With pleasure,” she whispered before she slid his wedding band on and recited the words.

  “Not everyone is as blessed in this life to find the other half of their souls. Caine and Emelise have found that in one another. Let their love be a testament to the rest of us and let no man put asunder what love has brought together. By the power vested in me by the state of Louisiana, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”


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