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Driftwood Cove Trilogy: Complete Series

Page 9

by E. C. Towers

  Linda raised her gun slightly. Who was this guy? How the hell had he known about her and Hardie in the car? Was he following her? Watching her?

  “Hardie kept the show going, love. He came right home and fucked his roommate Jessica after he finished fucking you,” Tim answered flatly, with a malevolent grin and a slight hint of disgust in his voice.

  Well, if this guy were following her car, he definitely couldn’t see inside the car; he would know that they didn’t have sex.

  “I don’t know what kind of relationship you two have, but I thought you might want to know your main man has another main chick.”

  “Why the hell would I care who he fucks?” Linda answered, stifling her feelings of hurt and betrayal down. “We’re not an item; we’re not boyfriend and girlfriend. He comes to my parties, and we enjoy the same fetish. We have a professional sexual relationship.”

  “Professional, huh? Are you calling yourself a whore? Because, if you are, you would be wrong. At least, whores get paid,” Tim sneered and walked closer to Linda, who backed up and raised her gun high.

  “If you come any closer, I’ll shoot your thumbtack dick right off.” There was no waver in her voice because she wasn’t bluffing. In fact, she almost wished he would do something so she could take that smug little half-smile off his ugly, horse face.

  Tim smiled defiantly but stopped advancing towards her because he knew Linda would do as she promised and shoot. He grabbed his cock and rubbed it through is pants until he got a chubby.

  “Isn’t this what you like to see?” he whispered. “You can see me anytime Linda; you can see me right now. Just say the word, and I’ll let you see why I deserve an invitation.” Tim stuck his tongue out and provocatively licked his lips, upping his creep level with Linda to the point of nausea. She had to look away.

  “You know what? I’ll think about it,” she lied whimsically, finally regaining her composure to be faced with such pathetic stupidity. “But I pressed a silent alarm right before I opened the door to you and the cops are probably on their way right now. You should probably hurry up and get out of here.”

  “Will you really be calling me back?” Tim's excitement clouded his common sense, not picking up on Linda’s snark. He smiled and thought, finally! He’s going to be in on the parties he’d been watching and jacking off to from his porch.

  “Oh, I definitely will,” Linda seductively looked him up and down as if he was a sirloin steak that she was about to devour.

  Tim smirked at her one last time and took off. Linda followed and kept her eye on him until he climbed down the yacht, lowered himself back into his own little dingy, and rowed back to the dock. She immediately took up the ladder as soon as he left. She still couldn’t quite believe that she had overlooked such a simple and stupid thing. There was no way she was going to be able to sleep soundly tonight with no one aboard but herself. Every little noise was going to have her thinking the creeper was back.

  She returned to her bedroom and lied on top of the bed covers, trying to make sense of all the feelings that were zipping through her. On one hand, she was angry that Hardie went and had sex with Jessica almost immediately after they had been intimate in the car. But on the other hand, she felt stupid for thinking she had any right to be mad at all, considering that he was not her boyfriend. And really, could she really blame him for naturally wanting to have sex after all the foreplay they enjoyed? But could she go on like this? Could she continue inviting him to these parties, knowing full well that he was lying to his girlfriend about where he was? Linda feared that she already knew the answer.


  Following Up On A Huntch

  Tim must have looked creepier than usual walking down the street with such a sly grin on his face, lost in thought as he walked back to his house. He had finally gotten in. He was in! Tim wondered how she was going to call on him? Send that tinted-out Mercedes to his house? At work?

  When he got home and finally fell in bed, he could barely sleep, thinking about Linda unzipping the bulge in his pants. She wanted it. She played modestly, but she wanted it. Otherwise, there would have been no invite. He rubbed himself slowly, thinking about taking Linda from behind, grabbing her ass as he had his way with her as she modestly protested, but with no heart; he knew she was wet with desire for him.

  Tim slipped his cock out of his boxers and tugged at it, imagining his hand was Linda’s. He quietly pumped and bucked into his hand, imagining that little bitch taking all of him inside of her. Tim let out a small, quiet moan at the thought of burying his face into her ample tits. He was a breast man from way back. He simply loved boobs; how they looked, the way they felt, the way they smelled; it was a breast obsession. Spotting a good, visible outline from a lady's bra at the restaurant was enough for him to have to deal with a chubby in the bathroom during a break. He finished with playful images of kissing and biting at her nipples. His orgasm was much more intense than usual, as he knew that this fantasy would soon become reality.

  * * *

  Hardie lay in his bed with his eyes wide open. He had been that way for hours, watching the sunrise. He heard Jessica in the bathroom, and shortly after, she left. He thought long and hard about what had happened last night and that it wasn’t a dream. He couldn’t just rub the sleep out of his eyes and forget about it. He had to make a decision, or he was bound to lose them both. Hardie already decided to call in sick for work that day so he could visit Linda. He wanted to talk to her about… well, he didn’t know exactly what, but he wanted to see if there was something genuine between them. When he hooked up with her inside of her limousine, he felt a new energy emanating from her. There was a certain passion in her kisses that he had never detected before, and he didn’t react negatively to it. In fact, he reacted quite positively, matching her passion with his own. He had to be clear if that was a fleeting, heat-of-the-moment type thing with both of them, or if it was leading to the possible consummation of their relationship.

  As he got out of the shower, he heard some movement in the kitchen, looking up to see Jessica’s brother fumbling for a bowl.

  “Hey, man.”

  “Oh, what’s up, Hardie?” he sleepily answered, clearly not remembering that he was ready to kill the guy just last night. “I’ve got a hangover like you wouldn’t believe. I don’t even remember going to bed, dude. I’m going to be useless at work today.”

  “Sit down, dude, I’ll get you some coffee,” Hardie offered.

  “No, no… I want water and maybe some cereal... I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep it down,” taking a large swig from his water glass. Hardie poured himself a cup of coffee in a to-go mug and headed out the door.

  “Take care of that hangover, man. I’ll see you later.” He didn’t know where he was going, but he didn’t want to stay around, lest Jessica’s brother recover his memory back about their fight too soon. Hardie could’ve taken him easily, but he lived with him and liked the guy, and he didn’t want to put a fist through his face. Not to mention he didn’t want Jessica to hate him more than she already did.

  Tim was out in his balcony having his morning coffee when he saw Hardie headed down to the dock. He knew it. Linda had called him. Tim gritted his teeth and finally came to his senses. That manipulative bitch probably didn’t plan on inviting him to her parties, and now she was going to tell Hardie what had happened. They’d have a nice laugh over it, and he’d be humiliated. Tim had had more than his fair share of humiliation from types like him, and he wasn’t going take any more of it. He waited until Hardie was out of sight before he got dressed and headed over to Hardie's apartment complex. There was one other person he had to fill in about Hardie's conquests. He was sure Jessica's brother would want to know about this.

  * * *

  Hardie arrived at the dock and fingered the app on his phone. He wondered if it would still work on the automated ramp even though he didn’t get a light. When he got to the dock, not surprisingly, the app didn't do anything. He stood there, awk
wardly, not knowing what to do. He couldn’t yell at her and draw any attention, but he couldn’t call her either because he didn’t have her cell phone number. He thought about throwing a rock but felt sure he would end up breaking something.

  Linda peeked out the window and watched as Hardie stared at her vessel. When she had seen Hardie from afar, she ran inside before he spotted her. She didn’t know why she had hidden, but she did know that she wasn’t quite ready to see him. So much had happened between them, and now and come to find out he had sex with Jessica right afterward, if that Tim guy was telling the truth.

  Hardie stood there and decided to let it go. There was no way he was getting on that boat without the ramp, plus he didn’t want Linda thinking he was some kind of psycho. He took a deep breath and walked back to the house. He was just going to have to wait for the next party.

  Linda watched him walk away and immediately regretted not letting him up to the boat. Instead of the stupid 20-year-old acting like a stupid 20-year-old, the 43-year-old was acting like the stupid 20-year-old. This situation needed to be dealt with, whether she liked the outcome or not.

  * * *

  As he walked back into the house, he thought he saw Tim ahead of him. By the time Hardie realized he was correct, it was too late to try and hide.

  Tim sauntered over to him with a smile that was meant to be nice but had a sinister look to it, regardless of his effort to seem agreeable.

  “Well, I guess you’re not so sick after all, eh bro?” He laughed and playfully punched Hardie’s arm. Hardie coyly smiled and didn’t say anything.

  “Don’t worry man; I got ya. We all need to play hooky once in a while. It’s all good. I won’t tell.”

  “What are you doing by here, anyway,” Hardie asked. Tim lived on the other side of town, so there was no way he was just taking a walk around the neighborhood… again. It was out of his way, and Tim didn’t have a car.

  Tim was caught off guard by the question, as he didn’t expect the dim muscle-bound bulb to suspect anything.

  “Uh, I…am looking after my friend’s mom. He’s away in college, and his mom has been really sick.” He pulled a cigarette out from the pack in his back pocket and lit it, buying time to get his story right. “Well. No, I mean… Not his mom, his dog has been really sick, and his mom is going away for a couple of days, so I have to watch it,” Tim chuckled. “Man, I need to ease up off the pot, bro. I mix up shit all the time.”

  Hardie nodded and smiled, pretending that his insane lie sounded truthful. “Oh, okay, well, yeah...if you could not mention to work that you saw me today, that would be cool.”

  “Yeah, no worries, man. My lips are sealed,” Tim smiled even wider and walked away. He almost laughed at the thought that he would keep that douchebag’s secret. As soon as he got to work, he was walking straight to manager's office and let them know that Hardie wasn’t sick.


  The Distraction Of Disappointments

  Jessica closed her eyes. They had been burning since this morning when the sun shone through her window. She had been sitting wide-awake, confused about what had just happened. And now she was here in her office even though she didn’t need to be at work, going on zero sleep; eyes puffy from crying. Jessica just needed to get out of that house and away from Hardie. How had she let this happen? How could she fall so quickly into what she thought was love? She was embarrassed that during the few weeks she had romantically seen Hardie, she had acted like a complete teenager. Her mind wandered to thoughts of him constantly, and she counted the seconds until they could be together again. She had never felt that way, so intoxicated by another person. She finally understood what Beyoncé was talking about when she sang about being “drunk in love.” That’s exactly how she felt whenever she thought of Hardie; happy, dizzy, carefree and slightly nauseous. Jessica had uncharacteristically pushed her logic and reason aside to let him in willingly, and now here she was, heartbroken. She had no one but herself to blame.

  Jessica grabbed her coffee mug from one of her drawers and got up to go to the break room to pour herself more coffee. Unexpectedly, she heard a familiar sound in the showroom downstairs from her office, looking out to find Linda St. Thomas herself, browsing the aisle with an air of elegance. It didn’t look like Linda was searching for anything particular, as she wandered to different sections, feigning interest in certain clothes that weren’t even in the right size. Linda looked a lot like she was waiting for someone instead of shopping.

  Jessica eased back into her office and closed the door slowly. She had hoped that Linda hadn’t noticed the door closing. She wasn’t prepared to talk to the woman about anything right now, especially Hardie. If that Linda had come here to tell her to back off, she didn’t know what she would do. Surprisingly, her first instinct would be to get into a physical altercation, but deep down, Jessica knew that Linda was as entangled with Hardie as she was, and it wasn’t her fault. This was Hardie’s fault for trying to juggle both of them. Why couldn’t Jessica muster up any anger when she thought about him? She decided to hide out until Linda left.

  * * *

  Hardie hung up his coat as he got into the house. He was exhausted beyond words. He was going to make a quick snack and go to bed, deciding that today was a complete wash. Sleep today away and deal with real life tomorrow.

  As he walked into the kitchen, Jessica’s brother was standing by the dining room table staring at him.

  “Hey, man...” Hardie was immediately uneasy. The energy in the room was so tense it gave him goose bumps immediately. Whatever energy was floating around, it wasn’t good, and it was coming straight from Jessica’s brother.

  “Have you been fucking my sister, man?” Trent asked in a low, intimate voice. His face was calm, his voice was calm, but there was a bubbling of anger inside that could be seen through his eyes.

  “What?” Hardie didn’t know how to respond to him. If he said “yes,” then the man would come after him, and Hardie would either have to let himself get beat up or beat up Jessica’s brother. He was fucked, either way, so he stalled the moment by playing dumb, shuffling his thoughts for a believable lie.

  But before he could even utter another word, Trent bolted from the table and rushed toward him.

  * * *

  Tim was furious. There was still a little part of him that thought Linda would call, but she didn’t, and he hadn’t seen her on the boat all day. He got up and stretched, taking in a deep breath and smelling the neighbor’s barbecue waft up into his nostrils. Tim had been sitting there for more than an hour, and there had been no activity by the boat. Before that, he had spent his time walking around town looking to bump into her. He wanted his invite, even if he had to force it from her. After all the years of jerking himself off from the outside, he was ready to be more than just a spectator. He deserved to participate in the debauchery, and he was done with Linda taunting him with the telling shadows on the windows of her boat. He would take Linda right there with everyone watching, and she would love it.

  He imagined her naked body arching and undulating underneath him as he thrust himself into her over and over again. As usual, his sexual fantasies of Linda were met with a familiar tightening in his pants. If myths about jacking off were right, Tim would have bear paws for hands. But this time, he didn’t unzip his pants to ease his urges. This time, he left it, nurtured it, and encouraged it before he’d consider letting it burst. He grabbed his jacket and left the house in search of Linda, with his cock still semi-hard at the thought of having her in a couple of hours. But before he could get to dock, Tim saw her walk out of a local boutique in his direction.

  Tim could’ve sworn he saw a moment of annoyance in her face when she saw him walking toward her, but by the time they met each other, she met him with a wide smile.

  “Well, hello, Tim. So very nice to see you.”

  Wow, very polite and cordial, he thought. Tim was even surprised that she acknowledged him out there in public. He was a nobody, compared
to her. She could have easily walked right past him, and no one would bat an eyelash that he’d gone unnoticed by Linda. But here she was, ready to engage in conversation, no matter who saw, and Tim liked her even more for it.

  “Hi there. I’ve been wondering where you were.”

  “Oh, I went in there to get my mom a present,” she answered, stopping short when she realized that she hadn’t purchased anything.

  “Well, except there was nothing in there so...”

  “Okay, well, can we go for a walk? Can we talk for a minute?” He tried to hide his anxiety with a casual smile.

  Shit, Linda thought. There was no getting out of this one. Her stupid ‘buying her mother a present’ line was useless; it wasn’t an urgent enough excuse to get out of having to walk with him. Linda knew he would press her again for an invite to her boat, and she didn't know how she could turn him down. He was clearly unstable and looked like the type of guy who would make a scene, or worse.

  Thankfully, right as she was about to give in and go for a walk with him, she saw Jessica leaving the store in a hurry.

  “Oh…um, you know what? I forgot, I have a meeting with Jessica. JESSICA!!!” she yelled out and ran towards the girl’s direction, waving a hasty good-bye at Tim who stood there not knowing what just happened.

  Jessica turned and couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Linda St. John running in her direction. She thought she had waited long enough to exit after the woman had left the shop. She stopped and felt an unexpected rage ignite in her gut as Linda got closer. Linda with her standard cream suit that fit her to a T, accentuating her long legs, cut just right to show her ample bottom without it being obscene. She looked professionally sexy. Like sex, allure and class were her very job. How could she possibly compete with this gorgeous woman? She worked as an accountant and manager in a boutique. She only knew two ways to style her hair, and she had short, unmanicured nails because she couldn’t work on the computer with long ones. It’s no wonder Hardie chose to Linda over her, she thought.


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