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Smoke and Mirrors

Page 7

by Taylor Anne

  “Yeah, that’s the impression I get.” The door opened. Abby jumped, cringing the second she realized Brooke noticed her reaction.

  “And there is something else bothering you. You’ve been skittish and jumping at the slightest noises. Spit it out, cuz.” The comforting touch of Brooke’s hand on her arm broke her.

  “Yeah, there’s something else I should tell you.”

  “What’s wrong? You act like you’re afraid the next person you see is going to attack you.”

  “You cannot tell anyone about this. No one.”

  For the next thirty minutes Abby related the real reason she was in Orange Beach for the summer. In the middle of her story, she noticed Graeme heading their way.

  “Here ladies. I thought you might like another drink to get you through this intense conversation you are having.”

  “That obvious?” Brooke laughed and sighed at the same time.

  “Yeah. If Abby’s face scrunches up any more it will take a crowbar to straighten it out.”

  She started to protest, but before she could say anything, he leaned down and kissed her lips. Hard. The kiss was quick, but it sent pleasure shooting through Abby’s body.

  “Relax, baby,” Graeme whispered in her ear, then walked away from the table.

  “Wow.” Brooke sighed and watched Graeme walk back behind the bar

  “What the hell just happened?” Abby didn’t expect an answer. Her head was spinning and she knew she would get an answer anyway.

  “You were just kissed by the hot owner of this bar. And if I weren’t married to his best friend I would drool all over him.”

  Abby lifted the cold bottle and didn’t put it down until she had drank almost half of the beer. Smiling at Brooke, she laughed. “My friend, you are drooling.”

  “Oh, yeah, sorry. Back to this chaos you are in. So, what happened after you found the tire slashed?”

  Her nerves were jumbled for another reason now, but she managed to finish recounting the incidents from yesterday.

  “Damn Colby Fox. He could’ve waited to stop by.” Brooke peeled the label from her bottle.

  “I’m sure he wishes he would’ve came back later. Graeme really let him have it. You should have seen the expression on his face. Anyway, now you know everything.”

  “Well, whatever Graeme tells you, all I can say is he hasn’t taken his eyes off you tonight.” Brooke raised her bottle and tipped it toward Graeme who was making his rounds on the floor, keeping his customers happy.

  “If it’s meant to be it will. Right now I need to stay focused on this mess I’ve gotten myself into. Laci says that if they don’t get another lead soon on who these guys are working for, they are going to go ahead with the trial.”

  “Well, you make sure you stay safe. Even though you are here, you need to keep an eye open. Maybe you should come stay with me and Kyle.”

  “No. I am not going to let this take all of my freedom from me. I will be fine. Besides, Chief Colby is watching out for me. And so is Graeme.” Abby twirled a section of her hair around her fingers. “I hope.”


  Nervous, Abby sat in the cold metal chair across from Chief Colby’s desk. They were on a conference call with Laci and her partner, Evan.

  “Laci, I know we have some rowdy kids here during the summer, but I’m not so sure the tire incident was random. The air wasn’t just let out of the tire, there was a slice that appeared to be deliberate.” Colby punched a few keys on his computer and a picture of the sliced tire popped up on the screen so Laci and Evan could see it on their computer in New Orleans. He pointed out the two inch cut. “There have been no other reports of this sort of thing happening. Usually if it’s kids clowning around, they hit several people within days of each other.”

  Abby leaned toward the speaker phone. “Laci, how would they have figured out where I’m staying?”

  “We’re not sure. Evan has started a list of people who know where you are. We need to work from that list and see if anyone has done anything suspicious. We have your parents and your daughter, your uncle Mark, Brooke and Kyle, and your boss from New Orleans.”

  “Really, my family?”

  “No, we’ve ruled them out, of course. We are just trying to make connections. Is there anyone else that knows about this and knows where you are?”

  Abby had to think for a few seconds before shaking her head. She realized they could not see her. “No, not that I can think of.” She twisted the cap on and off the pen she was holding. “Except for Graeme. He knows everything.”

  “Graeme. And now Brooke.” Evan’s voice sounded strained coming through the speaker phone.

  Through all her years of knowing Laci, she had only met her partner a few times. One being the night after the murder she witnessed, when she identified the men involved in the attack. Evan and Laci worked pretty close together in the beginning of the case. His presence, as well as Laci’s, had been requested every time Abby was questioned. He and Laci seemed to complement each other in their investigation of her case. Where Laci left off, he picked up. And vice-versa. Laci had told Abby that’s how they handled all of their cases. They made a good team.

  Although he was of average height and weight, his voice was commanding and abrupt when he spoke. The words rushing out of his mouth gave Abby the impression of someone taking control of a situation. Knowing he was there assisting Laci helped ease her mind a little.

  “Anyone else at Graeme’s bar?” Evan continued.

  Colby shifted in his seat. “It’s only Graeme and the bartender, and a couple of part time girls he has working for him. They don’t know what’s going on.”

  Evan’s sharp voice cut in. “What about the bartender? Cooper, right?”

  Abby sighed. She was getting tired of this phone call. They were not getting anywhere. Family and a few close friends were the only people that knew where she was staying. She couldn’t keep the aggravation out of her voice. “Cooper is a bartender and a volunteer fire fighter. And a good friend of Graeme’s. He doesn’t know anything about this.”

  “Don’t rule him out yet.”

  “Evan, I think Colby has already checked into Cooper,” Laci interrupted. “Am I right, Colby?”

  “Yeah, I did. He grew up close to Orange Beach. Doesn’t have any record. Never has been a trouble maker. He works for the fire department and for Graeme. Don’t know much about him other than that. I’ll check him out again.”

  “I think you’re wrong. None of these people we’ve mentioned would have anything to do with this,” Abby interjected.

  Colby muted the phone so no one could hear what he said. “Relax, Abby. I don’t believe for a second that any of these people are involved. Laci and Evan are trying to cover all bases. So let’s help ease their minds also. Remember, they are miles away and are only going on what we are able to give them. They don’t have hands-on information.” He pointed to the phone as the conversation continued.

  “Abby,” Laci’s voice was warm and soothing. This was her best friend talking, not the detective. “We have to check out everyone. It’s standard protocol, and it’s for your own protection. We’re not pointing fingers at anyone, but we do need to keep our eyes open. It’s especially difficult since you are there and we are here.”

  “I know. I just wish this was over already.” Abby studied her hands, twisted in her lap. She really did need to relax. “Thanks everyone for all you are doing. Especially you, Colby. If you wouldn’t have agreed to this, there’s no telling where the police would have shipped me off to.” Her smile at the chief was forced. His slight nod said he understood. That small gesture soothed Abby’s nerves.

  Laci spoke up. “Yes, Colby, thank you. You’re doing us a huge favor by keeping an eye on Abby and working with us on this case.”

  “My pleasure. Let’s get this figured out and catch these guys so Abby can get back to her life.”

  Chapter Eight

  The sun, breeze, and open water calmed her. Abby love
d it out there. Brooke’s idea of all of them going out on the pontoon for a day couldn’t have come at a better time. Abby didn’t know about the three of them, but she definitely needed the downtime. The guys lit the BBQ pit and grilled some pork chops. She had brought a bowl full of potato salad and Brooke made a chocolate dirt pudding for dessert. They stopped the boat and floated in place while they ate. Abby and Brooke cleaned up after the late evening supper.

  “Come on,” Brooke said. “Grab us all a drink while I put this food back in the ice chest.”

  “Sure. This has been so much fun. So relaxing.” They worked together to put the extra food away.

  “It has. I’m glad you came. And with Graeme, of course.”

  “Don’t start. We are just friends.” Abby ignored the smirk on Brooke’s face as she grabbed three beers and a water out of the ice chest. The men were sitting up front, planning a fishing trip. Their conversation dwindled to nothing when the women walked over. Abby handed the water to Kyle. He insisted on not drinking alcohol since he was driving the boat.

  He took the cold bottle from her. “Thanks. Next time Brooke can be the designated driver.”

  After already downing several drinks, Abby and Brooke giggled. Brooke shook her head. “Not happening. I volunteer Graeme for that job.”

  Laughter filled the air as they took their seats. Graeme wrapped one arm around Abby and pulled her close. “Having a good time, baby?”

  She smiled at him then focused on the calm seas. The sun was setting on the horizon, turning the sky deep orange and purple. “I am. Look at that sunset. How can anyone not enjoy a moment like this?”

  He kissed the top of her head. They sat snuggled next to each other at the front of the boat. Brooke and Kyle were in the seat opposite them doing the same thing. The tranquility of the sunset had all of them mesmerized. No one spoke for several minutes. Nature at its best.

  Now that the sun had gone down and the wind had picked up, Abby shivered at a chill in the air. Graeme whispered in her ear, “Sit tight. I’ll be right back.” He disappeared to the back of the boat. She could hear him fumbling in the bags they brought onboard. It didn’t take but a few minutes for him to return with another round of drinks and two blankets. He handed Brooke her drink and one of the blankets. Then he sat behind Abby, pulling her close against him. He wrapped the blanket over her then slipped one hand beneath it to pull her even closer between his legs. She snuggled her backside warmly against him. The soft hairs on his legs tickled her skin. Absently, she stroked his injured leg, rubbing her fingers along the roughened skin of his scar. At first he tensed, but soon his body relaxed against her.

  An old familiar tune belted out of the radio. Graeme gingerly tightened his hold on her. His soft yet sandpapery voice whispered for her ears only, “Do I look okay? And I say, yes, you are wonderful tonight.” Abby didn’t know what to think about this man and their situation. She figured there really wasn’t a situation between them at the moment. They both remembered and acknowledged what they shared in the past. But for the present, Abby believed they were both a little unsure of where things might go. It would probably help if she had come back to the beach for reasons other than needing his help. Or if they could have somehow stayed in contact with each other over the years. But for now, here they were, both guarded and both obviously fighting their feelings. Until the trial was over, Abby vowed to simply enjoy the time she spent with him.

  Whatever happened, happened.

  Well after dark they docked the boat and stopped at the bar so Graeme could check in with Cooper. Abby liked Cooper. He exuded a first impression of being nothing more than a total beach bum. Down to earth, fun, not a care in the world. Yet, after getting to know him, Abby found he was some of the above, but he was a whole lot more. He was also a very responsible and a very caring person. He looked her way and she tipped her beer to him. He laughed.

  “All is well here, boss. Have fun and enjoy the rest of your night. I’ve got this place covered.” He winked at Abby.

  Graeme appeared uncertain. Abby nudged him in the side. “You’ve had too much to drink to play boss man tonight. Relax. Cooper’s got this.”

  Graeme regarded her with those dark eyes. Smoldering and sexy right now. His lip twitched upward. She could stand on her toes and kiss that smirk right off his face. That’s exactly what she intended to do. She leaned forward only to have her crazy thoughts interrupted by someone tugging on her arm. She turned from Graeme’s intense gaze to Brooke’s animated one nodding toward the people dancing. Now she had pulled Abby away from her man—did she really just think that? Must be the alcohol talking. Anyway, Brooke had a hold on her arm and she was pulled toward the dance floor. Guess they were dancing this one without the guys. Ignoring the stares from Graeme and Kyle, the women let loose and danced to the hip-hop beat of Kelly Clarkson’s Dark Side. Several other females joined in before the song ended. Laughing and dancing together like only women can do, they rolled right into the next song.

  And that was how the rest of the night went. Dancing, music, talking, friends, laughing, drinking. Too much drinking.


  Abby sat up in bed and tried to focus. Something woke her from a sound sleep. Did she hear something, or was it just the after effects of alcohol still making her woozy? Bang. The wall behind her headboard vibrated. Something slammed against the outside of the house next to the window by her bed. No, that was not alcohol talking. That was something hitting the house.

  She jumped and fought back the urge to scream. She got out of bed and grabbed her cell phone. It was quiet now, so she tiptoed to the window. Heart beating inside her chest, she slowly pulled the curtains aside so she could peek through the window. Darkness filled the night. She could see nothing. No movement. No animals. No people. It was too dark to see what had hit the house.

  Glass shattered from somewhere in the house. She screamed. That was the same sound that woke her. Her hands shook so badly she could hardly feel her cell phone as she slipped it into her pocket. Then she opened the nightstand and pulled out her pistol. She had never had to use it. Hell, she had never even had to take it out of the nightstand or her purse. But she felt better knowing it was there, just in case. She crept toward the kitchen, the direction the sound came from. Abby hesitated in the hallway, pausing to peek into the kitchen before entering. When she realized there was no one inside, she walked quietly toward the counter. Glass shards filled the sink. There was now only a hollow opening where the window once was. Damp night air poured in.

  Abby took in the broken glass and the brick sitting on the floor. Her stomach dropped to her knees. Who would have done this? Why? She needed to call Colby Fox but instead she found herself dialing Graeme’s cell phone. He picked up after two rings.

  He cleared his throat before his sleepy voice came through the line. “Hello.”

  “Graeme, it’s Abby. I…someone…”

  “Abby? Are you okay?” His tone rose and she could hear him shuffling around.

  Abby took a deep breath before she was able to continue. “Someone threw a brick through my kitchen window. Glass is everywhere. It’s a mess.”

  “Calm down. Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. Just a little shook up.”

  “Don’t touch anything. I’m calling Colby and we will be there in a few minutes.”

  She ended the call and slipped the phone back in the pocket of her pajamas. In her other hand she gripped tightly to the gun while she paced the floor. While waiting, her mind raced with thoughts of who had made this mess. And why. Was it just a random act or had the criminals from New Orleans found her? She wished she would’ve never left her apartment that night. She could’ve waited until morning to go pick up coffee. As it turned out, she never made it to the store anyway. So the coffee trip was a total waste, especially considering the mess it put her in. Damn coffee. See what the addiction did to people.

  A car door slammed shut, bringing her back to the present situation. Fina
lly, help had arrived. The ten minutes it took them to get there seemed more like two hours. Abby walked to the front door, then hesitated. What if it wasn’t Graeme?

  “Abby.” His voice reverberated over the loud knocking. Abby stood there with one hand on the doorknob.

  “Abby, it’s me and Colby. Open the door.”

  Relief washed over her. She leaned her head against the door. She didn’t have the energy to step back and open the door.

  “Open the door before I kick it in.” Graeme sounded worried now. “Baby, it’s me.”

  Hearing him call her baby sent a flood of overwhelming emotions through her. She pushed herself away from the door so she could open it. The instant Graeme stepped inside, he spotted the gun. Abby had it pointing down, away from everyone. Graeme tentatively reached for it, taking it out of her hands and handing it to Colby. Then Graeme pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly against him. “What the hell happened?”

  Abby’s head rested against his chest. His pounding heart beat as fast and hard as hers. He sucked in a deep breath then released it. He was coiled up like a rattlesnake about to strike. The tension in his body was fierce.

  She pulled out of his embrace and led the way into the kitchen. “Something woke me up. It sounded like something hitting the side of the house by my bedroom window. Just as I got out of bed, I heard another crash in here.” She pointed to the empty hole in the wall where the kitchen window used to be.

  Graeme walked over and peered through the shattered opening. He ran his fingers along the jagged edges of glass. His brow knotted in concentration as he stared out of the window.

  Colby bent down, picked up the brick, and cradled it in his hands. He turned it over and held up the note attached. In bold red lettering, “Watch your back” was written on an index card.

  Abby’s stomach clenched in knots. She ran a hand through her hair and turned away from the scene. Walking out of the kitchen into the living room, she left the men alone to finish examining the mess. The damage was a blatant threat on her life. She didn’t know how to deal with it. Why was this happening? She hadn’t done anything wrong. Did nothing to hurt anyone. The only thing she was guilty of was witnessing a drug deal and a murder. She only wanted to right the wrong that others created. She shouldn’t have to pay the consequences for their actions. Tears filled her eyes. She glanced at the clock on the wall. Laci would be sleeping, but she would want to know what happened. If Abby waited until morning to call, Laci was sure to chew her out for not letting her know about the events sooner.


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