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Smoke and Mirrors

Page 18

by Taylor Anne

  “Graeme?” Her voice was rough with sleep.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m right here.” The bed dipped when he sat next to her. He pulled the covers back and slid under the sheet. Lying beside her, he cradled her in his arms, pulled her against his bare chest.

  She was fully awake now and realized where she was. Yesterday—damn, had it been a full day already—he said he was taking her home. This felt like home to her. His bedroom. His bed.

  But why was she there? Why didn’t he bring her to her apartment in New Orleans? What about the woman he was involved with? Serena—the crazy woman who died at Abby’s feet. Her head shook. She needed answers. She had to know the whole story. She turned on her side so they were face to face.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  Graeme sighed. “It’s a long story. I don’t even know where to begin.”

  Abby put her hand on his chest. “Start from the beginning.”

  “I’ve told you about the case in Arizona where I almost lost my leg, and my life.” He paused.

  She nodded. “Yeah, you said that was the case that actually started in New Orleans. And you said they never caught the drug dealer.”

  “Right. You see, this man and his son were getting out of hand. They went from drug dealing in New Orleans to cross country running. The son did most of the runs while the father handled the business details. My team was assigned to follow the trail and bring these guys down. My boss, Marcus, went ahead to catch the son while I stayed back to keep an eye on the father. Things got out of hand pretty fast.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, at the time, I had been involved with a woman for several months. Our paths just so happened to cross while I was on that case. I never thought it odd that she suddenly showed up in my life one day.” He shifted on the bed. “I mean, hell, we met by practically running into each other at a café. Anyway, she insisted on coming to Arizona with me when it was time for me to meet Marcus. I refused because I was working. Never mixed business with pleasure. Well, you can imagine my surprise when I went into this factory and found the woman I was involved with there.” His voice faded away. “I thought someone had kidnapped her and brought her there. She even led me to believe that at first. She played the innocent victim that needed saving.”

  “Serena.” It was a statement, not a question. Abby already knew the answer.

  “Serena. You see, it was a family affair. Her brother was the man Marcus was tracking. The ringleader was her father. She played me the entire time we were together. I knew she had a rough life and was trying to get her act together. But I never knew the extent of her situation. At the standoff I tried convincing her to leave that life and stay with me. I thought she made up her mind to do that. Until I woke in the hospital. Marcus informed me that during the fight, the son, Serena’s brother, was shot and killed. The father escaped. Serena went with him.”

  “I’m sorry, Graeme. That had to be hard for you. Not just the physical pain, but the pain of losing the woman you were in love with.”

  He shook his head. “No, you don’t understand. I was in love but it wasn’t with Serena.”

  That confused her. “Who then? I thought you were with Serena at the time.”

  “I was involved with Serena. But it was four years before I knew her that I met the woman I loved. This other woman walked away from me too, but I don’t blame her. We only spent one night together so she never knew my feelings for her. Hell, I didn’t even recognize it was love until I couldn’t get her out of my head.”

  Abby’s heart jumped in her chest. “If you felt that way why didn’t you ever contact this other woman?” She really wanted to hear his answer.

  Graeme turned on his side. “At first I just let it go. She was coming out of a bad divorce and so I assumed I was only a distraction from that. Then I got so busy traveling with work. My life at the time wouldn’t have been fair to her. I didn’t have time to devote to a relationship, especially with a woman who had a child. I figured she was better off without me. Things had to be left as a one-night stand.”

  Abby wanted to tell him that she had loved him since that night also. But she was still confused. “What was the connection between Serena and this whole mess that I was involved in?”

  “While you were out of it yesterday evening I contacted Laci and Marcus. Turns out that LJ and Alonzo were running drugs for Serena and her father. When you came to Orange Beach, naturally they tracked you. As soon as she found out I was helping you and we were involved, she decided to stir things up a bit. Nothing like revenge by a woman scorned. She never forgave me for her brother’s death, even though I wasn’t the one who shot him. She started the fire at my bar and left the locket so I would get the message to back off.”

  “How did you know where to find me?” That question played in her head over and over.

  “I knew Serena would take you to the warehouse. It was the same one used by her father. She wanted me to find you there. When I went in alone I hoped she would assume I was by myself. But Laci was there with me. After we took out LJ and Alonzo, she waited and monitored the situation until the right time.” He kissed her. “You will need to call her today. She shot Evan and when I talked to her she sounded like she was having a hard time dealing with it.”

  “I can imagine. All these years as a detective and she’s never actually killed anyone. Injured, yes, but it’s never been fatal. And now to kill her own partner, even though he was corrupt. I’ll call her. And what’s the deal with Evan being involved in all of this?”

  Graeme shook his head. “That’s under a full investigation. We’re not sure when or how he got messed up with this gang, but someone will get to the bottom of it.”

  That’s all she wanted to hear for the time being. There would be plenty of time to discuss the details further. Right then, there were more important things to talk about. She put her hands on Graeme’s face and pulled him close for a deeper kiss. “And Graeme…”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  She pushed him back. She threw one leg over him, straddling him. “Just so you know. The woman you had a one-night stand with…”

  He smiled at her and gently kissed her forehead. “Yes…”

  Abby settled against him. “That woman loves you more than you’ll ever know. And she will never walk away from you again.”


  Three months later

  “Oh my gosh. I can’t believe this day is finally here.” Abby squealed as Brooke put the finishing touches on her makeup. Laci, her Maid of Honor, secured the veil of flowers on her head. They turned her around so she faced the full length mirror set up behind the desk. It took a little work to make Graeme’s office into a bridal suite for the day, but they did it.

  The champagne colored, one shoulder dress had a handkerchief hemline and flowed exactly how Abby wanted it to. The soft chiffon and satin felt luxurious clinging to her skin. She spun around just like a young, blushing bride. Hell, the day was hers. She would act young and crazy if she wanted to.

  “You are a beautiful bride,” Brooke said.

  “Agreed,” Laci chimed in.

  Those two women were the best friends a person could ask for. A group hug, careful not to smudge her make up or mess up her hair, then Brooke left the room to go in search of her husband.

  It still amazed Abby that it was the end of September. She had only been on the beach since April. That seemed like such a short time to go from witnessing a murder, to having a trial, to being kidnapped, rescued by the love of her life, and finally only minutes away from becoming that rescuer’s wife. After the ordeal, they decided there was no reason to put off the wedding. They were in love with each other and ready to spend the rest of their lives together. And since Abby wanted a beach wedding, it was either do it then, or wait until the following summer. They decided not to wait.

  Graeme had his share of input, but he said that ultimately the wedding should be whatever Abby wanted. At first he was determined they re
nt a formal reception hall, get married at their church, and hire a wedding coordinator to handle all the details. Abby convinced him that she didn’t want that much extravagance or expense. That day was to be all about their life together, which was centered around the beach and the bar. She insisted they get married at the bar. Although Graeme didn’t voice it, Abby knew he was excited with her decision. He loved that bar.

  The one thing he really wanted was to pick out the wedding song that would play as Abby walked down the aisle. And he also insisted that it be kept a secret from her. Of course, she agreed. Begrudgingly. But now, with her nerves already in a jumble, she couldn’t help but feel a little anxiety wondering what song he selected.

  Abby, her mom, Lauren, Brooke, and Laci, transformed the bar into a quaint and romantic wedding and reception hall using black, white, and teal decorations. The wedding ceremony would be outside in the afternoon sun with the ocean in the background. Then the reception would be both inside and outside. The day before the wedding Abby was worried because a storm popped up out of nowhere. But it passed and actually helped to lower the temperature a little. And it brought the refreshing aroma of fresh rainwater mixed with salty air.

  “Mom, you’re beautiful. I am so happy for you. And Graeme.” Lauren gave her a hug.

  “Thanks, baby girl. It means a lot to me that you approve.” Two days after the kidnapping, Abby told Lauren and her parents what she had been going through. She left out the part about them being watched over for their safety, and the failed kidnapping attempt of Lauren. Details they didn’t need to know.

  Since then, Lauren had not wanted to leave her mother’s side. She insisted on going to Orange Beach until her college classes resumed. Abby and Lauren spent some quality time together. It was wonderful having her daughter with her. During that time, Lauren and Graeme became very close. Abby was elated at the bond and trust formed between the two of them. Graeme confided in Abby that Lauren filled the void in his own life since he’d never had children.

  “Love you, Mom. I’m going out to check the bar and find Cooper.”

  Abby shook her head. The makeup brush Laci had in her hand fell to the floor. She turned and gasped. “Abby, I don’t know if I like her spending so much time with Cooper.”

  Abby laughed. “Please, Laci. Cooper is harmless. He has taken Lauren under his wings and shown her all the tricks of bartending and has shown her everything there is to see in Orange Beach.”

  “But he’s too old for her.” Laci’s voice was distant. Almost brooding.

  “It’s not like that. They get along like brother and sister. She’s enjoying her time on the beach and both Graeme and I are comfortable with Cooper showing her the ropes. She’ll be leaving in a few days to get back to Baton Rouge for the fall semester of college. Let her have a little fun. Besides, Brandon has been here most of the time with her.”

  “I guess. I just don’t know about Cooper.”

  “Did I hear my name?” The office door opened and Cooper walked in. Laci gasped. Her mouth dropped open. As Graeme’s best man, Cooper was dressed in a black tux. Quite a change from his usual attire of shorts or blue jeans.

  “Damn Cooper. You clean up well.” Abby giggled as he walked to her. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. He held her an arm’s length away. His eyes scanned her from head to toe.

  “You are beautiful and make an awesome bride. You’re already one sexy woman, but in that dress you are hot as hell. Damn Graeme. If he wouldn’t have been here the first night you stopped by, it would be me getting ready to be your husband. We might have to do something about this, sweetie.”

  “Sweetheart, we’ll have to see what we can do about that.” Abby hugged him tight. His friendship, not only to Graeme, but to her as well, over those last months was irreplaceable.

  Laci pushed her way between the two of them. “Get out. You should not see the bride before the ceremony.” She tugged on his shirt sleeve, pulling him toward the door.

  Cooper smirked at Laci. “Isn’t it the groom that’s not supposed to see the bride? See, it should be me.”

  “You are incorrigible. You’re nothing but a womanizing bartender. You could never settle down with one woman.”

  “Why don’t you pretend to be my bride and we will see about that?” Cooper bent down and kissed her on the mouth.

  Laci’s eyes widened. “Get out!” She opened the door and pointed for him to leave.

  Tears were running down Abby’s face. Happy, laughing tears. As soon as Cooper walked out, Laci slammed the door. A helpless, exasperated expression lined her face. Abby had gotten to know Cooper, and it was funny to watch him interact with Laci, who believed he was nothing but a playboy. And no wonder, he’d built that reputation at the bar. But not many people knew the real Cooper. Laci certainly didn’t. The only person Abby saw him act this way with was Laci. He knew how to push her to her breaking point. There was no denying it, his eyes lit up every time she was around.

  “Honestly, Abby, the man has serious issues. You know the only time I will ever walk down the aisle with him is for your wedding. Only because you are my best friend.”


  Lauren burst through the door before Abby could say anything more to Laci about Cooper.

  “It’s time. Let’s go.” Abby smiled at the excitement Lauren demonstrated.

  Abby smiled at Laci. “Let’s do this.” She was calm as they walked out of the office.

  At the door to the outside, she paused. Laci gave her a hug. Cooper kissed her on the cheek. Then he turned to Laci, grabbed her hand, and winked at her. “Come on, my bride, our turn.”

  Laci rolled her eyes at him. She turned to Abby, “Help me, please.” She begged, but she was smiling. In that moment, Laci was the happiest she’d been since the ordeal in New Orleans. She was still fighting the fact that she killed her partner, even though he had his gun drawn on her. It was a matter of who pulled the trigger first. With more therapy and laughter in her life, she would be okay. From the look of the two of them walking down the aisle, maybe Cooper would be the source of that laughter and happiness. If Laci allowed him. Heaven knew he questioned Abby every day as to how Laci was doing.

  Once they were down the aisle, Abby stopped behind the doorway. She was hidden in the shadows, so no one could see her yet. Lauren was by her side. What a privilege it was to have her daughter step into her dad’s shoes and walk her down the aisle. Dad felt horrible that he could not do it himself. But he took a fall a couple days ago, broke his leg, and was on crutches. Abby told him that did not matter, he could still walk her, but he said his leg was bothering him too much. She hated seeing him hurting so badly. But everyone’s joy when Abby asked her daughter to walk her helped ease some of the pain. She was ecstatic.

  Standing there with her, Abby couldn’t help but wonder when it would be her daughter’s moment in that spotlight. Things seemed to be pretty serious with Brandon, her boyfriend of two years. They would make a beautiful marriage one day. Abby pulled the curtain back from the window and saw Brandon sitting in the second row. He was turned, facing toward them. He could not see Abby or Lauren, but his eyes were glowing, waiting for Lauren to step into view. If Abby was right, that was pure love.

  The wedding party was lined up by the archway. Brooke and Laci on one side. Kyle and Cooper on the other. Abby couldn’t ask for more than that. Having all of her favorite people in one place at the same time for a celebration of love. She was so thankful to have those people in her life.

  A flutter ran through Abby. Graeme was there with the others. Handsome and confident, standing next to the Justice of the Peace. His dark hair and eyes. The two-day shadow that Abby loved to feel against her face when he kissed her. The black tux with white shirt was such a change from his faded blue jeans. Either way, he took her breath away. Damn, she was a lucky woman.

  Graeme gave a thumbs up to someone and silence fell over the small crowd of people. Lauren squeezed Abby’s hand and opened the doors. Everyone turn
ed to stare. Abby heard several gasps and saw the smiles on their faces. She held her breath as the music started. The first chords of the song began and tears instantly filled her eyes. Through the blur, Abby saw Graeme watching her. Pure love and joy radiated from his smile and his eyes.

  Abby had been instructed to take her queue from her daughter, who would let her know when to start walking down the aisle. Abby and Lauren squeezed their hands together. They remained standing in the doorway while the first verse of “Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman” played. Abby sucked in a deep breath. Tears sprang to her eyes. Graeme played that song over and over again the night they first met, seven years earlier. His whispered declaration, even back then, that she was the only woman for him filled her with joy. She was overcome with love for this man and all of the people there to witness their wedding.

  They slowly moved down the aisle, toward Graeme. He concentrated on Abby as she walked toward him. Halfway there, Lauren stopped. Abby stopped also. The photographer took a few shots, then stepped back. Graeme moved to the end of the aisle, waiting for Abby. He mouthed the words along with Bryan Adams.

  A few more steps and they were at the front of the aisle. Abby stood there facing the wonderful man that had been brought back into her life. A second chance. His eyes glimmered and his smile lit up his face. He continued to sing to her. His sandpaper voice was music to her ears.

  Graeme’s arms wrapped around Abby. His strength kept her standing because her legs were nothing but jelly. They would not support her if she tried to force them to. He held her tight, possessively, and whispered the last lyrics of the song into her ear before stating his vows.

  “Abby, I put all of my faith in you. I will always hold you tight and treat you right. I promise to always take good care of you. You are the one, my woman. I love you.” He whispered that for her ears only. “Time for you to become my wife.”

  “Yes, baby.” Abby gave him a quick kiss on his lips. “I will always treat you with tenderness and compassion. I promise to always be there for you. You are the only one for me. I love you too.” They turned to the Justice of the Peace to complete the ceremony.


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