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  He released Sandy’s leg and prowled up the bed, shouldering between his betas and sprawling across his mate. “There is a hierarchy in a wolf pack, darling,” he growled, grasping her wrists and pinning them to the bed. “In the privacy of our bedroom, I will listen to your opinions, but among others, you will defer to me.”

  The command in his voice made his mate shiver, which pleased Ben to no end. It seemed she liked giving up control. He wrapped a large hand around her hip and slid her down the bed until her head lay in Adam’s lap. “Do you understand,” he growled softly, staring deep into green eyes darkened by lust.

  Sandy nodded as she gazed up at him, her lips parting as soft pants fell from her mouth. From his beta’s strangled moan, he knew she rested on his erection, and her movement caused pleasurable pain to the man, but he couldn’t spare him a reassuring glance.

  “Good,” Ben replied. The hand on Sandy’s hip slid under her shirt and he rested it on the soft skin of her belly. The tips of his fingers lightly caressed the bottom of one breast. She started to squirm, but Adam’s hands on her shoulders kept Sandy steady. “Now that you understand these things, will you allow us to make love to you? Will you accept us as your mates?”

  He knew he rushed things, but between the pheromones his mate was giving off, and Rance’s edict of three days, their time was quickly running short. His wolf howled to make Sandy his, and he prayed he had enough control to be gentle with his human mate. In the future, after her change, it wouldn’t matter, but their first time together, he needed to rein in his strength.

  The tip of Sandy’s pink tongue swiped across her full lower lip, and Ben had to force back a shudder. He wanted to chase that tongue, taste it, tangle it with his own.

  “I don’t…”

  Her stuttered words had Ben’s heart seizing in his chest. Oh, God. Please don’t let her reject us.

  “Have any condoms,” she finally managed.

  Relief filled Ben, and he grinned. “No need to worry, my mate,” he whispered. “I brought condoms. And once you’re mated, you will only be able to get pregnant during the twice a year you’re in heat.”

  “Oh,” she muttered. “That’s interesting.”

  Ben leaned down and gave her the slow, thorough kiss he’d been craving since he walked in the door. His tongue teased her lips and she immediately opened to him. The sweet taste of his mate flooded his tongue and he groaned into her mouth. He delved deep, mapping her mouth, enjoying her heady response as she stroked her tongue against his. His cock throbbed insistently against his zipper, and he knew he needed to pull back or risk coming in his jeans like an untried cub.

  Breaking the kiss was one of the hardest things Ben ever had to do. Sandy mewled her protest, her head lifting as her lips tried to find his again. “Say you’ll be ours, Sandy. We’ll do everything in our power to please you.” He stared into her eyes for a long, breathless second.

  She whispered, “Okay.”

  “You need to say our names, baby,” Devon said from over his shoulder.

  Sandy’s gaze swept over the faces of the three men peering down at her. Her sensual smile had Ben’s shaft swelling even more, and he worried he’d end up with a permanent zipper mark on his dick. But the pain was worth it when he heard her words.

  “I accept you as my mates, Ben, Devon, and Adam.”

  Ben let out a soft growl, which was echoed by his betas. They could all feel the beginning of the mate-bond forming between them. Once all three of them finished claiming their mate, they’d be able to use that bond to locate any of them at any time within a hundred mile radius. Yes, shifter magic was a beautiful thing.

  Grinning at his betas, he gave them a nod. He returned his attention to Sandy. “I don’t think we’re going to need these,” he told her, lifting her torso and, with Adam’s help, removed the shirt from her body. Devon appeared at her feet, already shirtless, and began sliding her shorts down her legs as Ben returned to devouring her mouth.

  Sandy arched, moaning deep in her throat, and Ben felt more than saw Adam slide Sandy’s head from his lap. He eased down the bed and latched his mouth onto the nipple of one perfect mound. Ben took the opportunity to ease away from her lips, gaining a much needed breath of air as he shed his own clothes.

  A soft groan of delight escaped him as he watched his betas working their mate. Adam suckled one breast, using a hand to pinch and roll the budded nipple of the other. Devon lay between Sandy’s legs, and Ben watched his tongue delve deep into her folds, lapping the cream that glistened on her folds. The flush across Sandy’s body made her the most stunning creature he’d ever laid eyes on.

  The scent of arousal filled the room, flooding Ben’s senses, and he had to grip the base of his shaft to keep from coming just from the site, sounds, and smell of their beautiful mate giving herself over to them.

  A hand on Devon’s shoulder had his friend easing away and Ben replaced him between his mate’s thighs. Sandy whimpered at the sudden loss of suction against her clit, before giving a soft sigh and lifting her hips when she felt the head of Ben’s engorged shaft nudge her folds. Ben had every intention of tasting her, but not right now. He needed inside his mate more than he needed his next breath.

  “Sandy.” His low growl had her eyes snapping open. Holding her gaze, he pushed forward. Sandy’s moist, silky folds opened to him, and Ben slid home in one long, smooth glide.

  Adam moved back, giving Ben room to lie over his mate so he could reach her neck. “Do you accept me as your mate?” he asked. Although he’d already asked once, he needed her to say it while he mated with her.

  “Yes,” she murmured, her hips rolling under him in an attempt to get him to move. “Bloody move, Ben, and make me yours,” she commanded, wrapping her legs around his back and digging her heels into his ass. Her hands gripped his forearms in a bruising hold.

  Chuckling, he gave in to his body’s need and pulled out until just the head of his cock remained in her before pushing forward again. He established a swift rhythm. He knew he wouldn’t last long, and wanted her to come first.

  He leaned forward, licking a trail down her neck, scraping his teeth over her collarbone. She shivered underneath him, tilting her head to give him more access. The natural, sweet submission had Ben’s balls drawing tight and a growl rumbled through his chest. He used one hand to pinch and roll a nipple while keeping his weight on the other. When he nipped the skin where her shoulder met her neck, Sandy’s back arched and she screamed. Her pussy clamped down on his cock as she came, and pleasure swamped Ben’s system as he stroked her through her climax.

  As she came down, Ben sank his canines into the flesh where her right shoulder met her neck. Blood flowed over his tongue. The sweet liquid filled his mouth, sensitizing every nerve of his body before centering in his cock. Swallowing it down, he felt the mate-bond between himself and Sandy lock into place. Sandy screamed and her body arched beneath him as she came again. Her body milking him a second time was too much for him to ride out, and Ben came, snarling against the damp skin of her neck. His length exploded, pulsing and jerking in the depths of his mate.

  Their bodies shuddered with the force of their releases. Regaining his senses several moments later, Ben licked the mating mark closed and raised his head to stare into Sandy’s dazed eyes. “Hello, mate,” he whispered, marveling in the contentment swamping him and his wolf.

  Chapter Eight

  Sandy stared up at the sexy man, struggling to find her voice after two mind-numbing orgasms. She couldn’t ever remember coming that hard or that close together in her life. Ben’s self-satisfied grin finally helped her find her tongue. She couldn’t stop an answering smile. “Hello,” she murmured back.

  It was then she became aware of the two other men still in the room. Adam sat at the foot of the bed, watching them with a look so heated it could melt steel. Devon leaned against the headboard, staring at her with a look just as lust-filled.

  Desire for them was so strong that she suddenly a
ched and let out a moan. Sandy’s eyes widened and she wriggled in frustration. How can I be horny again? What the hell? “I need…” she whimpered, not understanding what was happening to her.

  “We know what you need,” Ben assured. Sensitive nerves fired, sending shards of pleasure through her as he pulled his softening dick from her sheath.

  She groaned. “Please,” she whispered, uncertain of what she asked, but knowing she needed something.

  Ben lifted her up, helping her to her knees on the mattress. His arms were instantly replaced by Devon’s and Adam’s as he gave her a quick, passion-filled kiss before pulling away.

  His mouth was instantly replaced by Devon’s, and she sank into the kiss, loving the taste of him. The fingers on her clit made her moan and buck against him.

  “Easy, sweetness,” Adam crooned from behind her.

  His chest pressed against her back, holding her tight between the two men. He used his knees to encourage her to widen her stance, which she did gratefully. She sighed with relief when she felt a thick shaft ease into her clenching womb.

  Breaking the kiss, she dropped her head onto Adam’s shoulder, somehow knowing it was him the filled her. “Oh, yes. God yes, Adam.”

  “Do you accept me as your mate, Sandy?”

  “Oh, yes, Adam. I’m yours.”

  The low rumble in the chest behind her had her turning her head toward Adam. She met the lust-filled brown eyes for several seconds, before he took her mouth in a scorching kiss.

  Sandy’s body was on fire. Devon’s hard shaft rocked against her clit while one hand gripped her hips and the other played with one breast. The sexy blond nibbled the left side of her neck, opposite where Ben had marked.

  Adam’s hand mirrored Devon’s, playing with her other breast. Both men controlled her hips, rocking her between the shaft in front of her and Adam’s cock which speared her and stroked her g-spot with every thrust. Adam broke the kiss, rubbing his cheek over her neck and encouraging her to drop her forehead onto Devon’s shoulder.

  She felt boneless, mindless, her body so on edge, any extra stimulation would set her off. Adam thrust a little harder, rubbing her inner walls just a little bit faster, and she tipped over that precipice. Her body shuddered, pleasure swamping her system and making spots dance before her eyes. A prick of pain stabbed into the back of her neck, sending her spiraling even higher as another climax rode the heels of her first.

  Dimly, she realized Adam had marked her. She felt his cock pulse in her, his warm seed splashing her insides, momentarily soothing her ache. He pulled out all too soon, causing a groan to spill from her lips. The nudge of Devon’s cock at her opening had her canting her hips forward, silently begging the man to take her. She wondered when she’d become such a slut, willingly having sex with three men in a row, but the thrust and retreat of Devon’s shaft sent tingles along the sensitive nerve-endings lining her sheath throughout the rest of her body, and her brain shut back down. Her only ability was to feel the amazing sensations coursing through her body.

  A hand reached down, spreading her folds wider, allowing Devon’s cock to go a little bit deeper. Rough fingertips found her clit and rubbed. Her body spasmed and her eyes flew open. It was too much, and not enough.

  Devon’s blue eyes bore into her own, holding her gaze as he slowly thrust into her again and again. “Do you accept me as your mate, Sandy?”

  It took two tries, but finally Sandy managed to speak. “Yes, Devon. I am yours.”

  She could see the joy light up his eyes at her words, right before he leaned forward and sank his teeth into her left shoulder. Another orgasm ripped through her system, sending her hurtling into space once again. Moments later, the gentle licks of Devon’s tongue on his mating mark brought her slowly back to earth.


  Ben’s soft rumble was the last thing she remembered before darkness claimed her.

  The scent of tea made Sandy’s nose twitch. She smiled and stretched, pausing when her hand came in contact with warm, lightly haired flesh. Realizing she wasn’t alone in bed, she snapped her eyes open. Sandy spotted Adam lounging on the bed next to her. He smiled down at her, warmth filling his dark chocolate-colored eyes.

  “Good morning, sexy,” he murmured. “Did you sleep well?”

  Sandy rolled onto her back, letting out a moan as her body protested in all the right places. “Hey,” she whispered. “I’m good. Is it really morning already?”

  She shouldn’t have even needed to ask. The sunlight streaming through her east facing windows attested to how long she’d slept.

  Adam answered anyway. “Yes. You slept through the night. If we didn’t already know how hard mating could be on a human body, we would have been worried.” He took a sip from a mug he held, grimacing lightly. “Did you know you’re out of coffee? And where do you keep your coffee machine? I couldn’t find it anywhere.”

  Chuckling, Sandy eased up against the headboard, carefully pulling the sheet around her. Modesty may seem odd after letting three men screw her, but she couldn’t seem to help herself. “That’s because I don’t drink coffee.”

  The man’s brows shot up. “Don’t drink coffee? Why ever not?”

  Laughing at his shocked look, she said, “Because it’s a rather vile beverage! I much prefer tea.”

  Adam barked out a laugh of his own. “Fair enough. Not a coffee drinker. I’ll make sure the others know to always serve you tea instead of coffee.” He lifted a second mug from the nightstand beside him and handed it to her. “I’m not much of a tea drinker, but when I couldn’t find coffee, I made some. I didn’t know what you’d prefer, so that’s English Breakfast. It’s one of the few flavors I can tolerate,” he admitted before taking another sip, this one not accompanied by a grimace of distaste.

  Sandy took the cup gratefully. “Thank you. I prefer Earl Grey, but I keep English Breakfast in the house because Lonnie likes it.” As she took a large swallow of the bitter beverage, she saw Adam’s jaw tighten and his eyes narrow.

  “Hey,” she soothed, squeezing his thigh. “He’s just a friend, remember?”

  “He wanted to be more,” Adam snarled softly, but she felt some of the tension leave Adam’s body when he covered her hand with his own. “But you’re our mate, now. Nothing will change that.” He set his mug down before cupping her jaw and giving her a slow, thorough kiss.

  By the time he pulled away, Sandy’s lungs burned with the need for air. A wash of warmth flooded her system, and she grinned. “Yeah,” she got out between pants. “I’m yours.”

  Adam returned her grin, the move lighting his brown eyes with relief, and something else. Something Sandy didn’t want to think about yet, because it was too soon to admit to anything other than infatuation and lust. “It’s Halloween and the full moon tonight. We’ll introduce you to the pack as our mate, move you into our home, and our inner circle will be complete,” Adam said with a smile.

  “What?” She jerked back. “Move? What are you talking about?”

  Adam cocked his head, his confusion evident. “But you are our mate. We need you with us, on pack land, so we can protect you.”

  Panic began to fill Sandy, and she jerked away as if burned. She leaped off the bed, taking the sheet with her and wrapping it around herself. “No. No, no, no, no,” she murmured, waving her hand in front of her as if to ward off his claims. “I’ve only known you for a few days. I can’t just…move in with you.” Sandy shook her head hard, tucking her arms around herself. Everything was happening too damn fast.

  Adam eased off the bed and moved toward her slowly. His hands were lifted, trying to placate her as he would a skittish animal. “Easy, sweetness,” he crooned. “We’ll give you the time you need. Anything for you.”

  She let him wrap his arms around her, and she leaned into his comforting embrace. “Thank you,” she whispered, burying her face in his chest. She inhaled his scent as he rubbed his cheek over the top of her head and stroked her back with his fingers. Her heart r
ate slowed and her body relaxed, melting into him.

  “It’s not ideal,” Adam murmured, “but we’ll make it work. Anything you need.” He repeated the words several times. Finally he leaned away from her and lifted her chin to meet his gaze. “Either way, we still need to present you as our mate to the pack tonight. After that, we’ll make plans to get to know each other. How’s that sound?”

  Sandy smiled, knowing the predicament she was putting her mates in wasn’t what they wanted, but she just needed a little more time. It eased so many fears that they were willing to do that for her. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, love,” Adam replied, smiling gently. “Now go shower and get cleaned up. I know you must want to. I’ll go down and make us a late breakfast.”

  “Thank you, again,” Sandy said. Heading toward the bathroom, she looked around the room. It suddenly hit her that they were alone. “Where are Ben and Devon?”

  Adam paused at the top of the stairs and turned back to her. “Devon is checking with the rangers and his work to find out where humans are camping, that way we know where to run tonight. Ben is contacting Rance about the two cougars that attacked you.”

  She frowned, and he recognized it for the confusion it was and smiled. “Rance Diallo is the alpha of the nearby cougar pack,” he explained with a smile. “He was at the Copper Kettle and gave us three days to claim you before pursuing you himself.” Adam grimaced. “Your pheromones were affecting everyone. Even the human males were flirting with you.”

  “They were?” How had she missed that? Oh, well. She’d never been very observant. Lonnie had told her once that a guy would have to flash a neon sign at her to get her attention.

  Adam nodded. “Yeah, but now that you’re mated, they’ve mostly settled down. You’ll be out of heat by this afternoon,” he told her with a smile.

  That was a relief. Sandy couldn’t begin to tell him how sexually frustrated she’d been. “Good.” She gave the man a grin before slipping into the bathroom for her shower. Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she’d missed dinner last night when she’d passed out. Smirking, she couldn’t find it in her to be too upset. Especially considering why it’d been missed.


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