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BlueMoonMating Page 9

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  It took everything in her not to jerk her hand away from Roger. She didn’t know how much was lies and how much was truth, but she did know that her mates were good men, patient, sweet, and kind. A thought had her breath catching in her throat. Did they already kill Adam? His body had been so still.

  Then Roger’s other words registered. She could feel her mates through her mate-bond. Taking several deep breaths, she forced a tremulous smile. “Thank you for keeping me safe,” she whispered. Then she frowned. “Why would the pack kill them?”

  “It’s an old law pertaining to human mates, created with the pack’s safety in mind. By not being able to present their mate to the pack, it shows the human hasn’t accepted the shifter’s animal counterpart and can’t be trusted. To ensure pack security, the enforcers of the pack hunt down the offending pair and kill them.”

  Roger shrugged, as if the whole idea of taking life was no big deal, and to him, Sandy assumed, it wasn’t. There was no way this man would make a good alpha. He didn’t care about others, only himself.

  “I guess if my safety as a shifter hinged on keeping my ability a secret, I could understand why that law was created,” she murmured, trying to placate him. Roger nodded, as if pleased by her acceptance. She wanted to run, screaming in fear. Instead, she glanced around the small cabin. From the studio-style floor plan and rustic décor, she realized this was probably a hunting lodge. How deep in the Catskills she was she had no way of knowing. “Can I use the bathroom and then get something to eat, please? I missed breakfast.”

  “Of course! I’m so sorry. Where are my manners?” He gave her what most would consider a charming grin, but after everything he’d told her, Sandy couldn’t wait to get away from the shifter.

  He pointed at a door. “I’m afraid it’s a bit rustic, but it gets the job done.”

  Sandy nodded. “Is there a shower? I’d really like a shower. I’m hoping it will help wake me the rest of the way up.” She forced an uncomfortable chuckle. “I’m not sure what you gave me, but it really knocked me out.”

  The wolf cocked his head as if studying her. She had to grip her hands together to hide their trembling. Finally, he nodded. “Sure. I’ll heat some chili while you’re in there.” He gave her another smile and ordered, “I want you to be comfortable, but don’t be long. We need to stay together so I can protect you.”

  Sandy managed a decent smile of her own. “Of course.” Standing up, she moved close to him and rested a hand lightly on his chest. “I don’t know everything about how the shifter community works yet, so maybe you can answer some questions while we eat?”

  She saw the flash of lust in Roger’s eyes before he could hide it. “Of course, my sweet,” he all but purred. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

  When he lowered his head, she forced herself to remain in place as he brushed his lips over hers and then nuzzled her neck. “Mmm,” he murmured. “I can’t wait to replace their scents with my own.”

  Sandy shuddered in revulsion at his words, but with his lips trailing down her neck, Roger mistook her reaction.

  He lifted his head and grinned. “Soon,” he promised. “And you have nothing to fear, my sweet. It won’t be long before this will all be over.” He gave her one more kiss, before turning her around and smacking her on the butt, as if she were a naughty child that needed prodding.

  Knowing the cougars watched the exchange with interest, she just managed to keep the irritation from showing on her face. But she couldn’t stop the flush of indignation. As she hurried toward the bathroom, she could almost feel Roger’s gaze taking in her backside, and it creeped her the hell out.

  Once inside the bathroom, she leaned against the closed door and took a deep breath. What should I do? What can I do? Opening her eyes, she spotted the small window above the toilet. If she could get outside, could she make a run for it? Then she remembered it was almost November in the Catskill Mountains and she had no coat. She’d freeze before she went a mile. Crossing to the window, she stared out at the snow. Not if I have fur.

  As she used the toilet and washed up, she searched her mind, feeling for anything that would indicate she was different. She felt nothing. Frustration filled her, and tears pricked her eyes. Growling low, she slammed her fists impotently against the porcelain sink. Something uncoiled in the back of her mind, growling back in response. Shock had her freezing in place for several seconds.

  Shock gave way to excitement. Quickly she stripped her clothes, turned on the shower, and knelt on the wooden floor. After a second, she stood back up and opened the window before resuming her position near the toilet. Sandy took a deep breath and felt for that internal part again. As she searched, time ticked by, making her heart race, fearing that she’d be discovered.

  Suddenly, white-hot pain racked her body, and her muscles spasmed. Her bones seemed to snap and pop in her mind. She managed to shove a fist into her mouth to muffle her screams. Her body convulsed on the floor, and she nearly blacked out. A moment later, the waves of pain receded, leaving her panting on the floor. Okay, so trying to shift for the first time by myself probably isn’t the smartest thing to do. Time for a new plan.

  She opened her eyes, searching her brain for some other idea. She frowned, or tried to. A black and white world dominated by shades of gray greeted her. Lifting her head, she looked around the suddenly larger bathroom, finally resting her gaze on her heavily furred back. Oh my God! I did it!

  Scrambling to her feet, it took her a couple seconds to find her coordination. Jumping up on the toilet, she put her front paws on the sill and leaped. She found herself tumbling face first into the snow. Picking herself up, she shook off the snow and took a deep breath, scenting wet pine trees and a plethora of other scents she couldn’t hope to identify. She desperately wanted to ask her mates. Her heart was heavy with thoughts of them.

  She remembered the mate-bond Roger spoke of and suddenly felt a strange pull, almost like a desire to head in a particular direction. It took her a second, but she realized she felt three distinct tugs, one fainter than the other two. Relief hit her when she realized that the weaker pull must be Adam. Was it weaker because he’d been injured? At least she could feel it. That means he is alive, right?

  You didn’t really think it would be that easy, did you, my sweet? A mocking voice sounded inside Sandy’s head.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she heard the crunch of snow under paws as her captors jogged around the cabin toward her. Without hesitation, Sandy sprinted into the woods.

  Chapter Eleven

  They were drawing close to their mate when Ben heard it—a yip of pain and an aggressive snarl. Not pausing, he glanced to his left at Devon.

  It’s in the direction we need to go, his beta commented, using the mental link between an alpha and beta.

  Ben nodded. Let’s check it out.

  Seconds later, they heard growling and snapping echo through the darkening trees. The setting sun’s rays no longer reached the forest floor, and through the shadows Ben spotted a large brown wolf attacking a small white wolf. He recognized the brown wolf as Roger, but didn’t know the white one. She wasn’t pack, but it was easy to see she wanted nothing to do with Roger, and was fighting for all she was worth to avoid being mated to him.

  Those are the cougars from Sandy’s.

  Devon’s comment had Ben’s gaze snapping to the left, where two cougars watched the wolves in silence. They looked agitated, but didn’t interfere. Ben returned his focus to the wolves and realization hit like a ton of bricks. That’s Sandy! She’s shifted!

  Without waiting for a response from Devon, Ben launched into the fray. He grabbed Roger’s ruff and yanked the smaller wolf off his mate. From the corner of his eye, he saw Devon place himself between them and the cougars, growling in warning.

  Sandy, baby? You okay? Devon asked through their mind link.

  Devon? Sandy asked tentatively.

  Yeah, baby. It’s me and Ben.

  A harsh laugh so
unded through Ben’s head, surprising him. I was planning to be satisfied knowing the pack killed you, Ben, but this is so much better. Now I get to kill you myself!

  Ben growled, watching Roger circle him. How had he missed it? The wolf had hidden his ability to speak telepathically as a wolf, an ability only alphas and betas exhibited.

  You should have told me, Roger. I could have helped you find a place in another pack. It’s not too late to do that, you know. Although he’d love to sink his teeth into the other wolf, Ben would settle this peacefully if he could. Sandy’s safety was paramount.

  Roger’s harsh laughter and lunge forward told him better than words. Ben dodged left, keeping himself between the attacking wolf and Sandy. Swiping a paw, he caught Roger’s side as the other shifter’s momentum carried him past him. Before Roger could turn, he jumped forward and sank his teeth into Roger’s haunch. The wolf howled, twisting around to try to reach him. Ben released his hold and stepped back.

  A heavy body slammed into him, and he turned to face one of the cougars. As an alpha wolf shifter, Ben weighed in at two-hundred-forty pounds, quite a bit larger than a normal wolf. If he had to guess, the cougar weighed twenty to thirty pounds less than him. You’re helping a rogue wolf kidnap an alpha-mate, he warned. Rance will punish you for this.

  He didn’t know if the cougar could hear him, but if he could warn the cat away, this would go down so much easier.

  I don’t know who this Rance is, the cat replied with a snarl. But we will not allow you to steal Roger’s mate as your family has stolen his pack.

  Ben couldn’t have been more surprised at the cat’s response, and almost didn’t move quick enough to evade the cougar’s attack. He had no idea what lies the other wolf had filled the cougar’s minds with, but he now understood why Rance hadn’t been able to figure out who the cougars were. This was a pair of strays.

  Jumping sideways, he swiped his claws along the cougar’s side before pivoting and facing Roger’s launching form. Dropping to his belly, he allowed the wolf to land on him, but before he could dig in his claws and latch his jaws around him, Ben used his heavily muscled hind legs to rear up and slam Roger into a nearby tree. He heard a resounding crack, and the weight slid away.

  But the relief was short lived as the cougar pounced. Ben felt powerful jaws wrap around his neck. Before he could react, the weight was gone. He looked around in concern and spotted Adam being tossed aside by the other shifter.

  A massive roar echoed through the trees along with Rance’s shouted order. “Cougars, stop!”

  Recognizing an alpha, the cougars dropped and rolled, exposing their bellies to the stronger cougar.

  Ben spotted Sandy standing behind Devon, who was slowly backing away from a cowering cougar. He watched Adam roll to his belly and shake his head. He knew his beta must still be dizzy, and although he was grateful for his help, Ben still planned to discipline the disobedient wolf.

  Glancing over his shoulder, he saw a groggy Roger rising from the ground. He crossed to the wolf and wrapped his jaws around the shifter’s neck. Shift or die, Roger. Seconds later, a naked man lay in the snow.

  Ben released him and shifted as well. He lifted a brow at Devon, who quickly trotted over to watch the rogue. Sandy crossed to Adam, nuzzling him.

  You okay? she asked.

  Adam nuzzled her back. I am now.

  Ben turned to Rance and smirked. “Nice timing, my friend, but what are you doing here?”

  His gaze still fixed on the two stray cougars, Rance said, “I heard from another pack member that my hunting cabin was being used by your rogue wolf. I wanted to make certain it was true before letting you know. When I arrived, I could smell all of you.”

  His gaze finally lifted to Ben’s. “You’re only half a mile from there. If you want to come with me, I’ll drive you back to your place.” His gaze swept over the wolves. “I have a funny feeling you should be getting back there.”

  Letting out a relieved sigh, Ben nodded. “I would be in your debt.”

  “Don’t press charges against these two strays and we’ll call it even,” he replied.

  Ben didn’t think anything else would surprise him that night, but that request did. Why the man would stick his neck out for a pair of strangers was beyond him, but he shrugged. “As long as they agree to stay away from my mate, I’d be happy to.”

  Both men turned to look at the two cougars, who were now sitting side-by-side a few feet in front of Rance. A look passed between them, and then the voice Ben had heard once before, although he didn’t know which one it was, said, My mate and I agree.

  Letting out a relieved sigh, Ben nodded. “Good enough.” Motioning for Rance to lead the way, he gave him a tired smile. “Lead the way.”

  “Are you really going to make me walk naked in the snow?” Roger whined.

  Ben growled. “Yes. Move your ass, and it’ll only take a couple minutes.”

  Just to be fair, he remained in human form, too, and everyone started jogging through the snow toward the cabin. On hindsight, it probably wasn’t his smartest decision, but Ben refused to put someone else, even a rogue wolf, through something that he wouldn’t do himself. By the time he stumbled into the cabin, his feet were nearly numb and shivers racked his body.

  Roger quickly pulled on a pile of clothes that had been tossed on the only bed in the room. The cougars shifted and pulled on clothes from the table. Rance appeared a moment later and handed Ben several pairs of sweats and shirts. After pulling on clothes, he crossed to Sandy, who waited by a door that he assumed led to a bathroom.

  “Keep an eye on him,” he ordered Devon, before heading into the bathroom with Sandy.

  He knelt on the floor and examined the small white wolf in front of him. “You’re spectacular, darling,” he told her, kissing her furred head. “How did you manage this alone? You’re so brave to take on your first shift by yourself.” He couldn’t express the amazement and wonder he felt at the inner strength his mate had displayed.

  The wolf in front of him shivered, and a moment later, a human Sandy threw herself into Ben’s arms. “Oh, Sandy,” he moaned, latching onto her lips. “My brave, brave, Sandy. I’m so sorry this happened to you,” he murmured against her skin.

  “It’s my fault,” she whispered.

  Ben’s brows lifted. “What are you talking about?”

  “I should have listened to you that first day. If I had, I would have been with you in the pack house instead of my own cottage. I put you all at risk.” Her green eyes swam with unshed tears. “Please forgive me?”

  “Ah, my mate,” Ben whispered. He leaned his forehead against hers and smiled. “I think we need to forgive ourselves, not each other. We’re all safe. Adam will be fine, too,” he assured, seeing her glance worriedly at the door. “The only one at fault was Roger, and pack law will take care of him.”

  Sandy nodded. “Will he be killed?” she asked softly.

  Unwilling to lie to his mate, Ben nodded. “Most likely. If not, he’ll be branded a traitor and exiled.”

  She let out a sigh and smiled. “This isn’t something we can help with, huh? He chose his fate by kidnapping me.”

  Ben kissed her gently. “You have such a big heart, my love.”

  Sandy blushed. “You love me?”

  Grinning, Ben nodded. “Yes. I love you so much. We all do.” Cupping her face, Ben kissed her deeply, letting her feel all the worry and love in him. He smelled her arousal, and gently broke the kiss. “We gotta go, babe. Hold that thought and we’ll pick up after the pack meeting tonight.”

  Sandy jumped up, grabbed her clothes, and yanked them on. “The pack meeting! Quick, we need to hurry! We can’t let the enforcers come after you!”

  Ben chuckled, leading the way out of the bathroom. “Kiall and Peter are my pack’s enforcers, love, and they’re looking forward to meeting you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Adam stood next to Devon, leaning on him just a smidge as he watched the pack greet Sa
ndy. “She’s a bit overwhelmed,” he whispered to the other beta.

  Devon nodded. “Yeah, but she’s handling it well. She’s a natural alpha-mate.”

  He heard the pride in Devon’s voice and smiled, nodding slightly. He continued to watch Sandy graciously shake hands and make small talk with any who approached. Finally, Ben ordered the group to run under the supervision of the enforcers. After everyone had shifted, he led Sandy to Devon and Adam. “We’ll run with them next month,” he told her. “It’s been a long night for us, and there’s one more thing we need to do before going to bed.”

  “What’s that?” Sandy asked.

  Ben chuckled, exchanging a quick look with his betas. “We have a couple mates to take care of,” he said with a wink.

  Devon wrapped an arm around Adam’s waist and offered support as they followed the other pair into the house and up the stairs. He had to stop on the stairs a couple times when a wave of dizziness passed over him. Now that the adrenaline from rescuing his mate had worn off, the pain from his head and back had returned, but it was the dizziness from the hit on his head that caused the most trouble.

  Adam let out a groan, his head dropping against the wall as he paused on the stairs. “This is my fault, ya know.”

  “Hey, relax. You were jumped by a pair of cougars and a wolf through a glass door,” Devon said, running his hands up and down his back, trying to soothe him.

  “The window in the kitchen was open,” he admitted. “I should have smelled them.”

  Devon shook his head, his grip tightening on his arm to get his attention. “I don’t know who those cougars are, but I didn’t smell them yesterday until they’d already reached Sandy’s clearing.” He frowned. “They’re strays that are great at hiding their scent. I don’t know how they hooked up with Roger, and it doesn’t matter. It’s over now. Focus on healing and caring for our mate.”


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