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BlueMoonMating Page 10

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  Adam looked at Devon’s hard blue-eyed gaze and knew his friend didn’t blame him. He’d have to figure out a way to release his own guilt, too. After a small smile, he gave a nod and started slowly up the rest of the stairs.

  When they walked into Ben’s suite of rooms and heard the shower running, both men grinned. Yeah, the idea of their wet, naked mate had Adam’s prick perking right up. Opening the bathroom door, the smell of arousal hit him, making all his aches and pains disappear. That is, until he stripped his clothes and stepped under the hot stream of water.

  Stings of heat traveled along his spine when the hot liquid hit the claw marks on his back, and he let out a hiss. Sandy was instantly there, her hands running down his arms, her touch soothing his nerves. “Easy, Adam,” she murmured. “Turn around and let me wash your back.”

  Ben grinned. “Excellent idea. And while you do that, Devon and I will wash you,” he said, picking up a washcloth.

  Adam nodded and turned, resting a forearm on the wall and his head on his arm. One of Sandy’s hands stroked his side and chest while she carefully washed his back. From the soft sighs he heard over his own grunts, he knew he wasn’t the only one turned on by the wash. By the time Ben slipped out of the shower and handed Devon a towel, the smell of arousal was so thick and Adam’s shaft so hard it tapped against his stomach, smearing strings of pre-cum on his abs.

  Chuckling, Devon set two towels on the counter near the shower door. “Don’t be long,” he quipped.

  Before Adam could ask what he talked about, Sandy urged him to turn around. Standing on her tiptoes, she threaded her fingers in his wet hair and pulled him down for a kiss. She thrust her tongue aggressively into his mouth. He wrapped his arms around his mate and pulled her close, loving her taste as his tongue swept the inside of her mouth.

  Turning her, he lifted her in his arms and pressed her back against the shower wall. “Ah, baby. I’m so sorry I let you down,” he murmured into her mouth.

  “Not your fault,” she panted between kisses. “You warned me about how you needed me with the pack to keep me safe. I should have listened.”

  He shook his head, before burying his face in her wet neck. Adam drank in her scent, allowing the sweet smell of his mate to soothe his ragged nerves.

  “Shhh,” she murmured, stroking his head. “You didn’t fail me. We’re both fine. Everything will be fine.” He lifted his head, seeing the love and forgiveness in her eyes as she stared down at him. Before he could respond, she smiled. “Take me, my mate. Fill me.”

  A growl tore from his throat as he lifted her against the wall. Positioning his straining erection against her wet folds, it occurred to him why the others left. They knew he blamed himself for Sandy’s kidnapping and needed to reconnect with his mate. As he slid Sandy’s body down, easing his shaft inside her tight, hot sheath, all his doubt and guilt slid away. She was here now, safe and sound, in his arms.

  “My mate,” he whispered.

  Sandy smiled against his lips. “Yours.”

  Adam slid his cock out several inches before sliding back, deep inside. A moan ripped from his throat before he slid his tongue into Sandy’s mouth and plundered her mouth in time with his thrusts to her body. With the emotions from the night swirling around them, it took only a moment for both of them to be panting and writhing, searching for that sweet release.

  Reaching a hand down, he slid his thumb between her folds and pressed it against her clit just as he dipped his head and nipped one erect nipple. Sandy tossed her head back and keened her release. Her sheath tightened and rippled around him, her body massaging his cock and setting off his own orgasm. He buried his nose in the crook of her shoulder and let the feelings roll through him, his body shuddering and twitching as he held her, pressed tight to the shower wall.

  He rubbed his cheek against Sandy’s neck and cheek and let out a soft sigh. Contentment swept through him, bringing almost as much relief as the orgasm he’d experienced a moment ago. His mate was safe. She didn’t blame him for her kidnapping. The rest of his guilt eased away from his heart. Everything would be fine.

  A soft chuckle and a quiet moan sounding behind Adam brought him back to his senses. He glanced over his shoulder and spotted Ben leaning against the counter, slowly stroking his hard shaft. Devon stood naked in the doorway, his arms braced against the sides, and his cock twitching intermittently.

  Adam eased out of Sandy and put his mate back on her feet. She blushed prettily and Adam tipped up her chin with a finger. “None of that with us,” he whispered, giving her a soft kiss before moving her back under the water to rinse again.

  “Damn, that’s a fine sight,” Ben growled.

  “Oh, yeah,” Devon replied, his heated gaze roving over their naked bodies. “There’s nothing like watching our sexy mate being taken by one of us.”

  “Hell, yeah.” Ben stalked forward, a feral grin on his face. “Let’s get you two dried off. It’s been a long day, and now that we’re clean, we should go lie down.”

  * * * *

  Ben led his mate and betas to his massive California king bed. He couldn’t wait to get everyone settled. His need to take his mate and reaffirm their connection, the need to allow his wolf to claim her again rode him hard. He settled on the bed, pulling Sandy down next to him.

  Adam rounded the bed and sat down, his back to the headboard. With one strong arm he pulled Sandy up to the middle of the bed. She settled her head on his thigh and smiled up at him. Devon stretched out below Adam, leaning on his elbow as he trailed his fingers over Sandy’s ribs.

  Lying by her side, Ben grinned down at her. “So, from the sounds of it, you’re willing to move in with us?” He couldn’t keep the hopefulness out of his voice.

  Sandy smiled, a pale blush darkening her cheeks. “Yeah. That’d be great. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of adjustments, but I’d really like to be here…with my mates.”

  “Excellent,” Ben crooned, before capturing her lips. He slid his tongue deep, tasting her flavor. A growl vibrated through his chest as he deepened the kiss. He slid a hand down her side, caressing the soft skin of her breasts. Feeling a hand already cupping the soft mound, he moved down to her thigh and slipped his hand around to massage one firm ass cheek.

  He pulled her close to his groin, rubbing his cock against her hip. Tingles raced up his spine and his wolf howled in his mind. Ben knew he didn’t have much time. Lifting his head, he stared at her kiss-swollen lips and flushed body. He dragged his gaze away from his mate, glancing quickly at his betas. He saw the same need and desire reflected in their eyes when they met his gaze.

  Returning his stare to Sandy, he smiled down at her. “It’s time for us all to connect now, love,” he whispered.

  Her eyes widened for a second before she nodded. “Yes.”

  Moving to lie on his back, Ben pulled Sandy over his body to straddle him. He felt his cock nudge her silky folds and had to force back his initial reaction to shove up and bury his shaft deep inside her immediately. Instead, he fixed his gaze on Sandy, keeping his look reassuring. “Adam’s going to prepare you to take him, while I take you. Are you ready?”

  Sandy nodded, but he could see the worry in her eyes. “Go slow,” he ordered his beta.

  He heard the slick of a tube, and knew Adam readied his cock and fingers. “I’d never hurt you, mate,” Adam whispered.

  Staring up at Sandy, he watched her mouth open in surprise, but no pain reflected in her eyes. A hand slipped between them, and he knew Devon massaged her clit, so he shifted slightly, offering the beta more room to work their mate, while still able to rub his shaft slowly against her hip.

  Ben claimed her mouth, teasing and nibbling Sandy’s lips. Sliding his tongue against hers, he tangled them together, distracting her further, bringing her passion higher. She began rocking, telling him without words the pleasure she felt as Sandy lost control of her body, mindlessly seeking the pleasure he and his betas offered her.

  Long moments later, and afte
r a number of gasps and whimpers from Sandy that Ben eagerly swallowed, he received a nod from Adam. Devon’s hand helped steady Sandy as he slowly impaled their sexy mate. Warm, tight heat massaged him, and Ben let out a long, low groan once he was fully seated.

  The sound was Adam’s cue to begin easing in Sandy’s back door. He knew the shifter went slow to keep from hurting their mate, but by the time Adam’s panting face appeared over Sandy’s shoulder Ben wanted to growl in frustration. His dick pulsed and twitched inside her, and he had to fight every instinct he had not to move.

  Devon appeared over his head, positing himself over Ben’s shoulders. Ben watched impatiently as his second beta fed his dick to Sandy’s waiting mouth. Ben sighed and slowly pulled out, loving the ripple of his mate’s walls around him and the pressure applied by Adam’s dick through the thin line separating Sandy’s channels. Seconds later, he and Adam had established a swift advance and retreat rhythm. The movements made Sandy writhe and hum above him, in turn vibrating Devon’s dick.

  Ben felt his canines lengthen and knew he didn’t have long. “Soon,” he snarled.

  He heard two affirmative groans from his betas and increased the pace. With her back arched and head up as Sandy hungrily sucked Devon’s cock, the position thrust Sandy’s breasts down toward him and he couldn’t resist. Cocking his head slightly, he latched onto one perfect breast, sucking and tugging the nipple with his lips and teeth. He felt Sandy shudder above him as she came hard. The move sent rhythmic shock waves through Ben’s dick and he sank his teeth into the breast held.

  Warm, tangy blood filled his mouth as his cock exploded, bathing his mate with his seed. From the grunts and shudders around him, he knew Devon and Adam had found their own completion. Regaining his senses a moment later, Ben eased his teeth from Sandy’s flesh and licked the wound closed, pleased to see that the bite hadn’t marred the perfect mound.

  Seconds later, he slid from her channel with a grunt, and Sandy collapsed next to him. While Devon rose to get clothes to clean with, Adam landed on the other side of Sandy.

  Her sleepy gaze slid over her breast and shoulders, probably looking for marks. Ben smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. “Only the claiming bite leaves a mark, love. The rest are strictly for pleasure,” he assured.

  “Oh, good,” Sandy whispered, smiling. “I love how the bites feel, but I’d hate to end up with marks all over that were hard to explain to my gynecologist.”

  Devon chuckled, handing a cloth to each of the men before gently cleaning their mate. “I can just imagine that conversation,” he teased. “Yes, doctor, my wolf mates are very oral and like to leave marks to ward off other men!”

  Ben and Adam chuckled. Sandy huffed and threw a pillow at him before joining them in laughter. Devon climbed into bed on the other side of Adam and pulled the blankets over them all.

  After several seconds of silence, Sandy whispered, “I love all of you. Thank you for sharing your world with me.”

  Ben’s sharp night vision caught the smiles on his betas’ faces. “We love you, too, Sandy,” he said.

  Adam and Devon made similar sounds of confirmation.

  “And we plan to use the next several hundred years to prove it to you,” he vowed.

  “Did you say several hundred years?” Sandy’s sleepy voice asked.

  “Hmmm,” Ben replied with a grin. “It sounds like we still have a few things to discuss in the morning, huh?”

  He had just enough time to duck so the pillow flew over his head instead of striking him in the face.

  About the Author

  Charlie lives on a mini-ranchette in Utah with her handsome, supportive husband. She started writing fantasy when she was eight, and after stumbling onto her first erotic romance at nineteen, she realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing erotic romance, often of the paranormal variety, with heroes and heroines of all kinds. You can often find her curled up with her laptop and a cup of tea or glass of wine, creating her next story, which could pair a sexy hero with an adventurous heroine… or maybe with another handsome hero. Charlie enjoys horseback riding, jump lessons with Apache, watching movies with her husband, and listening to her muse tell her about her next project.

  She can be reached at [email protected]

  Or visit her at




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