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Page 47

by Rachel Cross

  Anger replaced the blood rushing through her veins. He must be out of his damn mind! This is my shoot! Energy surged and powered her body, unsticking her rooted feet and thrusting her into action. Her heels clacked against the cement floor as she hurried to break up the newly formed boys’ club.

  By the time she reached them, the director had waved his hands in the air for attention on the set. The director adjusted his Coke bottle glasses against his pale face. “Guys, let’s try it again and use Nathan’s recommendations.”

  Tiana took a deep breath, ready to shoot down the new direction of the scene, but Nathaniel grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the side.

  She slapped his hand away. “I can’t believe you—”

  “Just hear me out, Peaches. It sounds corny, but it’ll work.”

  “Quiet on the set!” the production assistant yelled from a few feet away.

  Jake ran through the scene again, looking much more relaxed. The grin and nod were perfect, his natural charisma now present.


  Nathaniel leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Told you, Peaches.”

  “Perfect!” Justin, the director, yelled from his seat. “Let’s get the female model prepped for the red carpet scene.” He stood from the chair and walked to Nathaniel and Tiana. “Nathan, I’d like to run a few ideas by you.”

  Tiana straightened her back and swung her attention to the director. “Justin, I’m happy to review the ideas you have. Nathaniel has a meeting with a client and has to be on his way.”

  “Oh.” Justin adjusted his glasses. “He’s not your boss?”

  My boss! Her temper spiked to a nine-point-five magnitude on the Richter scale. She clasped her hands together and took a deep breath in an effort to remain calm. “No, he’s not my boss. Furthermore—”

  Jake stepped into the fray and shook hands with Nathan. “Great ideas, man. Are you going to be around for a while? I’m a damn good player but not much of an actor.”

  Tiana cleared her throat, but she really wanted to scream. “Nathaniel. I need to speak to you. Now.”

  Nathaniel tossed his hands in the air in surrender. “After you.”

  Once they stepped out the back, Tiana whirled around to face him. “Just where in the hell do you get off coming to my shoot, mouthing off to my director about my concept, huh? What’s up with that?” She jabbed a finger at his chest.

  “Ow.” Nathan rubbed over the spot. “Your fingers are lethal weapons, woman.”

  “Just answer me, Nathaniel. Why are you here? Are you trying to sabotage me?”

  “Tiana, I’m not trying to sabotage you, I swear. I just wanted to see the shoot.”

  “Why? Afraid I’m going to win the promotion?”

  “It’s not like that. I’m here to support you. And I saw the scene wasn’t working for Jake, so I changed it.” He stepped away and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his navy blue slacks. “Let’s be real. If I told you my opinion directly, you would’ve shot me down.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She waved her hands at him. “You shouldn’t be here to have an opinion.”

  “Tiana . . . Peaches, I’m not trying to take over. And look, to be fair you can come to my shoot because I respect your opinion.” Nathaniel stepped into her space. “I should’ve spoken with your first, and if I have any other ideas, I’ll tell you first, cool?”

  Tiana squeezed the bridge of her nose. It’d be good to see his shoot. Assess the competition.

  “I don’t want you here, but you can stay as long as I can see your shoot.”

  “Deal.” He stuck out his hand.

  She looked down at his hand and rolled her eyes. “Just stay out of my way.”

  • • •

  Tiana massaged the soles of her feet and slumped on the green chenille sofa.

  Melanie scuttled into the room and hopped into the seat across from her, folding her legs under each other. “So, how did it go?”

  Tiana swung her legs to lie back on the sofa. “I’m sure you already squeezed every detail of the shoot from Charlotte.”

  “Maaaybe. But I want to hear from you. Besides, the conversation was heavy on how hot Jake is and not so much about the outcome.”

  A throb formed along Tiana’s temples. She lifted fingers to massage her head. “It went well. The videos are gonna rock. However, Nathaniel can quite frankly go to hell in a gasoline-doused hand basket with an overnight delivery option.”

  Mel smothered a chuckle. “Deliveries to hell tend to be expensive. Besides, they have a weight limit of one hundred and fifty pounds.”

  “Then I’ll cut off his legs. The coward doesn’t deserve them anyway. He can just slither around like the snake he is.”

  “Hold that thought.” Melanie hopped from the sofa and rooted around in the kitchen. She heard drawers open and shut and a clanking of silverware.

  Melanie skipped back into the living room, two yellow bowls in hand. “Ice cream. You’re welcome.” She shoved the cool dish into Tiana’s hand. “Now spill.”

  Tiana twirled her spoon in the bowl and scooped a huge hunk of ice cream, chock full of chocolate, sprinkles, cake, and heaven. She thrust the delicious treat into her mouth and sighed, feeling a smidge better. “All right. Let me tell you what the little charlatan did today.”

  “Word of the day!” Melanie clapped. “Ten points.”

  “Ten points noted,” Tiana responded. “Now, where was I? Nathaniel, who will forthwith be known as Nathaniel the Deceiver, tried to sabotage my shoot.”

  Melanie rolled her eyes. “You really need to diversify your shows. You’re starting to sound like an extra on Game of Thrones.”

  Tiana wielded her spoon like a dagger. “There is no such thing as too much GoT. Now, let me finish. Anyway, he struts on my set, distracting my staff. And then this jerk had the audacity to speak to the director about tweaking a scene that I’d already approved.”

  “No, he didn’t!” Melanie waved her spoon. “Did he make it better or worse?”

  “He had decent ideas, but still . . . it was my set!”

  Melanie nodded, readily agreeing.

  Tiana was certain that Mel knew she would blow up if her friend didn’t co-sign everything Tiana said about Nathaniel the Deceiver. “I asked him to leave and then he claimed he was there to support me. I let him stay and then . . . ” She took a deep breath, the betrayal running deep. “Then the bastard was chatting it up with Jake about his stupid commercials they’re shooting next week.” Tiana narrowed her and picked up her bowl of ice cream. She crammed in another spoonful. The cool, creamy sweetness was like balm to her nerves. “After that, he had to go.”

  Melanie folded her arms across her chest and leaned back. “Uh oh. What did you do?”

  “Well I told you about his nice little Jag Daddy got him for his thirtieth birthday?”

  Melanie shook her head no. “You didn’t tell me, but I saw the shiny black beauty parallel parked across from our apartment when you were sick.” Melanie grabbed her water, and suddenly her eyes popped. “Tell me you didn’t key his car?”

  Tiana scoffed and scowled. Did her friend really think that badly of her? “I would never do such a thing!” She shrugged. “I just had his car towed for illegal parking.”

  Mel threw back her head and clutched her sides, giggling like four-year-old. “Yeah,” she said in between a fit of laughter. “Because having his car towed is so much classier than keying his car!” Mel wiped the tears that formed from laughing so hard.

  Tiana joined her laughter too and patted herself on the back. A year ago, she would have ignored him and borne the brunt of his bullying.

  Still smiling, Mel shook her head. “If he was dumb enough to park illegally then he kind of deserved it.”

  Tiana paused mid scoop. Should she tell Melanie the honest-to-goodness truth? That she’d swiped his keys, parked illegally, and then called it in? She ate the last corner of her ice cream. Nope. Taking that to the grave. A part of her was upset that
she’d restarted their prank wars. Before the shoot, she’d felt like they were on the path to friendship, but she was pissed by what he did. Tiana smothered her rising guilt. She wasn’t nearly finished with Nathaniel. After all, his shoot was next week.

  • • •

  “It’s wonderful to see your smiling face, Tiana,” Nathaniel greeted his surly co-worker. Tiana jerked her head and narrowed her eyes. Damn if he didn’t want to yank her up in that prim and proper cream pantsuit and have her wrap those endless legs around him.

  But she was pissed, and it was his fault. He really hadn’t gone down to the commercial shoot to screw her up. He’d missed seeing her face. Missed hearing her off-tune humming. Missed the reluctant smiles that had been becoming more and more frequent with each day that had passed.

  Tiana was stiff and still at her desk. Tucking a stray hair behind her ear, she nibbled her bottom lip.

  She knew he was staring. He sighed. An apology was long overdue, and he was already over her cold silence. “I’m sorry.”

  Tiana clenched her small hands into fists and pushed away from her desk, her chair spinning from the force. “You’re sorry, huh?” She crossed her arms across her white blazer. “So am I. Do you want to know why I’m sorry?” She uncrossed her arms to point at her chest.

  She didn’t wait for an answer. And he was too stunned by her anger to stop her. He didn’t want to stop her. She was stunning. Gorgeous. His angel of retribution.

  “I’m sorry I trusted you to be an adult. I’m sorry I thought you were capable of decency and goodness. I’m sorry I considered you a . . . a friend.” Pain flashed in her eyes. “I was wrong.”

  His heart galloped from his chest. No, this wasn’t anger. Her eyes had shone brightly but then dimmed. Weariness. Sadness. Disappointment.

  Anger, he could take, but not her disappointment. Not her sadness. He’d pushed her too far. He needed to end this farce they were playing and be frank. He liked her. Hell, he more than liked her. “Peaches, I—”

  “As far as I’m concerned our little wager is done. I trust you as far as I can chuck you, which, fortunately for you, is not very far.”

  “Knock, knock!” He heard Isaac’s voice. Dammit, not now, man!

  Nathan cleared his throat and stood to greet his boss. “Hello, Isaac.” Nathan glanced at Tiana, who struggled to relax her body.

  To take attention off his upset co-worker, Nathan stood and waved their boss to his side of the office, pointing Isaac to an empty chair in front of his desk. Nathan turned his head and glanced over his shoulder to check on Tiana. Her eyes blazed.

  At least she isn’t sad. “What brings you to our office?”

  Isaac flipped his navy blue jacket behind him, as if he were about dine at an expensive restaurant instead of sit in the chair in front of Nathan’s desk.

  “Just got the official word from HR. The director’s position will be posted next Monday. I’m stopping by to make sure you both know and apply.”

  “Absolutely.” Tiana’s voice was now full of warmth and eagerness. “Thank you for stopping by to tell us.”

  “Not a problem, Tiana. And I heard wonderful things about the shoot. I can’t wait to see the final product. And kudos to you for being able to get Jakes’ nieces and nephews for the family segment.”

  Nathan hadn’t heard about that. That must’ve happened after my car was mysteriously towed. He knew it was Tiana’s handiwork, but he decided not to call her out on it, since it was his fault.

  Tiana dipped her head down and smiled. “Thank you. You’ll be one of the first people to see it, once everything is perfect.”

  Isaac slapped his knee and stood. “Glad to hear it. Nathan, good luck with your shoot.” He patted Nathan’s back. “I hear you’re going to need it.” He winked at Tiana.

  He’s pitting us against each other, the old shit.

  Nathan couldn’t pretend to smile back at his boss. He knew Isaac was a little rough around the edges, and after ten years as a stockbroker on Wall Street, Nathan shouldn’t be surprised. But this wasn’t The Boiler Room and Tiana wasn’t the enemy.

  She swiveled her chair to face him, and if looks could kill, he’d be a pile of ashes. “Like I said, our bet is off. Do not engage me in conversation unless absolutely necessary. And when one of us becomes the director, let’s pray to God they let us transfer to another team because it will be a cold day in hell before I report to you. Got it?” She sprang from her seat and stormed out of the office.

  Nathan slumped in his chair. “Well, damn.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tiana moved her chair to face the window, staring at the ant-like figures below her thirty-eighth floor office view. A spring of pride welled in her chest. She couldn’t believe eight months had passed since her much-needed move to New York.

  She was in a much better place than when she’d been working with Greg, and lost so much of her fiery spirit during the breakup. She’d avoided confrontations with him and Stephanie, avoided friends, and avoided family. If avoidance were an Olympic sport, Tiana would have been a gold medalist.

  A quick succession of knocks grabbed her attention.

  “Come in.” Her mouth dropped when she saw Denzel Washington’s doppelganger at the door. Gray hair was sprinkled liberally throughout his low-cut hairstyle as well as his goatee. The silver fox even had the sexy, all-white teeth smirk Denzel was known for. She straightened in her seat. “How can I help you, sir?”

  Silver Fox smiled. “May I?” He gestured toward the chair in front of her desk.

  Usually, she would’ve given someone she didn’t know the third degree, but there was something about this man that was familiar, safe, and comforting. She nodded.

  “Much obliged.” His baritone southern voice warmed her chest. He folded his long lean frame onto the chair. A plain brown bag with a delightful aroma wafting out of it rested against his leg. “You must be Tiana.”

  Moving her chair against the window, she nodded. “And you are?”

  “Garrett Lawson.” He stood and offered his hand. “Nate’s father.”

  Tiana smiled and shook his hand. “It’s an honor to meet one of the best men Nathaniel knows.”

  Garrett’s cheerful laughter was Christmas and Thanksgiving rolled into one. “I’ll take the compliment.”

  Tiana leaned forward on her desk. “And I can only imagine what Nathaniel says about me. If you’re the best, then I’m probably his worst nightmare.”

  “Oh, no, not at all. He sings your praises. Tells me that one day you’ll be running your own marketing agency. Nate says you’re tough, but at the core you’re sweet, loyal, and a wonderful sister.”

  Tiana snapped her head back as if she’d been shot. “He really said that?” She could hear the disbelief in her voice.

  “Yes, he really said that. Every time he comes home, it’s always Tiana this, Tiana that.” Garrett tilted his head toward the ceiling. “Now that I recall, I’ve never heard my son speak of a woman so often. I’d bet my left leg he’s smitten with you.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “Smitten? Oh, no. Noooo.” She shook her head like a dog attempting to dry off. “Your son does not like me like that.”

  And I sure as hell don’t like him like that. Not at all.

  Those sharp chocolate eyes focused on her. “Sure he does.”

  “Pops! What are you doing here?” Nathaniel leaned against the doorframe.

  Garrett stood and gave his son a hug. “Hey, I was just speaking to your Tiana.”

  Nathaniel glanced in her direction. She could have sworn a flash of panic marred his too-handsome face.

  “Don’t believe a word this man says.” Nathaniel gave his father a side pat on the shoulders.

  Tiana smiled. Although she didn’t care for Nathaniel, his father was certainly charming.

  “So what brings you here, Pops?”

  Garrett lifted the brown bag. “You forgot the ribs yesterday.”

  “Yes! I was kicking myself on the way b
ack home.” Nathaniel grabbed and opened the bag. The delicious aroma of sweet-and-spicy barbecue teased her nose.

  “Thanks, Pops. That’s enough for two lunches and dinner.” He grinned and breathed deep into the bag.

  Garrett slapped him on the back of his head. “Get your head out the bag.”

  Nathaniel rubbed his head and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”

  Tiana laughed at the display. She’d never seen Nathaniel so humble.

  “I brought you enough to share with Tiana.” Lifting his eyebrows, he jerked his head toward her. “Maybe you two can have lunch and talk about some things?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  She couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled over. Obviously, his father was trying to use ribs as an olive branch. They would have to be the best ribs on Earth to get her to trust Nathaniel again. But she liked his dad and would play along for his sake. And from the way Nathaniel clutched the bag to his chest, he did not want to share.

  “Mr. Lawson, what a wonderful idea! I would love to try some of your ribs.”

  “You’re quite welcome, young lady. And there’s also mac and cheese, baked beans, and biscuits made from scratch by my wife Martha.”

  Tiana’s stomach grumbled in approval. “That sounds amazing.”

  “Alrighty, enjoy the food, kids. Son, walk me downstairs. Tiana, it was a pleasure meeting you.”

  Standing, she offered her hand, but Garrett pulled her into a hug. He whispered softly enough that only she could hear. “You keep Nate on his toes, you hear?”

  She smiled and nodded, unsure of how to respond, and then stepped back.

  Nathaniel’s father gave her a sly smile. “I’m sure I’ll see you soon. All right, son, let’s roll.”

  Nathaniel turned around, winked at Tiana, and followed his father outside.

  • • •

  “Real slick, Pops.”

  His dad shrugged. “I got tired of you mooning around my house all lovesick. You haven’t been that way since Connie Brigham.”

  Nathan rolled his eyes. One time. One time in his entire life he was into a girl enough to be sad when they broke up. Pops and Martha never let him live it down. “I was fifteen, for goodness’ sake. Let it go. I have.”


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