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Page 49

by Rachel Cross

  “Why not, Peaches?”

  “One of Katherine’s . . . men. He used to enjoy . . . ” She took a deep breath. “He competed in some amateur boxing league, and he was violent and took out his fighting skills and . . . and aggression on my mother.”

  His nostrils flared, and he gripped his fist. “Did he ever touch you and the twins?”

  She shook her head. “No. I made sure we were out of his way. I made Courtney and Casey go to bed early when he slept over.”

  He nodded and took a seat in the chair in front of her desk. “I can understand why this would be terrorizing. The tickets are non refundable because the proceeds are going to the winner’s charity of choice but I’ll—”

  “It’s for charity?”

  “Yeah. I fight for a foundation that helps kids with cancer.”

  She groaned and leaned back in her chair. Could this man get any nicer?

  “Don’t worry about it, Peaches. I can see why attending a boxing match would be a trigger for you, and I can’t imagine what you and your family must’ve gone through.”

  Massaging her temples, she thought through her options. She wanted to face her fear and be brave. She also wanted to support Nathan. “Is it violent? A lot of blood and gore?”

  Nathan chuckled. “It’s not so violent where I can’t come into work. I can’t have an ugly mug for the clients.” He gave her a crooked smile, and her silly little heart fluttered.

  “And besides, I’m the undefeated champion. No way is that kid taking my title.”

  “You’re fighting a kid?”

  “No, the guy is twenty-one.”

  Huffing, Tiana jerked out of her seat and paced the floor. “That doesn’t make me feel better. He’s a decade younger and probably in better shape.”

  Nathan narrowed those chocolate eyes. “Now you’re just being rude. I’ll be fine. Like I said, I’m the defending champ and want you to be there.”

  “Why?” She stopped pacing and crossed her arms. “Why do you want me to be there?”

  “Because I want you to try new things and I . . . I want you in my corner.”

  Her heart trilled at his confession. Nathan wants me to be in his corner? Maybe the attraction she felt wasn’t totally one-sided. Actually, she knew he was attracted to her, but he was attracted to lots of women. Surely the horndog wouldn’t care who cheered him on.

  “I’m still not sure that I want to see sweaty men beating each other uncontrollably. I don’t get why people want to see that type of violence.” Not to mention she’d seen violence every day in her old neighborhood. She didn’t need a reminder, even in a ring, that people were basically animals.

  “You’re wrong, Tiana. Boxing takes discipline and control. There are rules and order. It’s an art and a dance. I think if you come to the match, you’ll see that. Look, I’m not going to force you to go, but the match is tomorrow night at seven o’clock. I hope to see you there.”

  • • •

  Tapping her fingers to her lips, Tiana sighed at the image in the body-length mirror. She stared at her outfit, an all-black jumpsuit that tied at the waist. She twirled, rethinking the spiky black shoes and gold head chain with a sparkly jewel resting on the top of her forehead. A little over the top, given the venue, but what the hell? Maybe she would embarrass Nathan enough that he’d never ask her to go to another barbaric match again.

  “You ready yet?” Mel yelled from the living room.

  “Just about.” Well, physically she was ready but nowhere near mentally.

  Dabbing some perfume behind her ears, she studied her image again. All right. Here goes.

  • • •

  A line wrapped around the brick entertainment center in the heart of Brooklyn. Tiana opened her small clutch and took out the two tickets Nathan had given her.

  “Deep breaths, T,” Mel whispered in her ear. Her best friend knew her feelings about going to the match and had been more than happy to accompany her.

  Mel pointed to another line that was much smaller. “That must be the VIP line, and VIP is written on our tickets. Let’s get you out of this cold weather. You’re shivering.”

  Tiana didn’t realize she was shaking and tried to rub away the goose bumps that had formed along her forearm. The chilly forty-degree temperature didn’t have her shaking. No, she was out of her comfort zone. What if something happened to Nathan? She’d seen Million Dollar Baby. Some boxers were brutal and had no honor.

  They moved through the VIP line quickly. Mel elbowed Tiana and gave her big eyes.

  Oh, the tickets. Tiana tore at the perforated line, thrust the stubs to the doorman, and reluctantly stepped through the doorway.

  Her roomie looked around and smiled. “This is gonna be awesome!”

  Rolling her eyes, Tiana gulped a deep breath and took in the crowd. More diverse than she would have guessed. Young and old dressed from casual to corporate milled about the lobby. She was still a bit overdressed but not so much that people would stare.

  Mel grabbed her arm and redirected them to a beverage kiosk. “Let’s get you a drink.”

  Tiana nodded, knowing she wouldn’t get through this event without liquid courage. Leaning in, she waved to catch the attention of the bartender. “I’ll have a Cosmo and, oh, do you have freshly squeezed lime juice?”

  The short, stocky bartender cocked his bald head. “Lady, this is a boxing match. We don’t have Cosmos.”

  “Of course you don’t,” she mumbled under her breath. Mel laughed behind her.

  “What do you have that’s close?”

  “Vodka and cranberry juice.”

  “Fine.” Tiana sighed as she grabbed her wallet. “Make it a double.” She stepped to the side as Mel placed an order. A group of teens with matching white shirts that read *TeamBeast Help Us Knock Out Cancer! caught her attention. She smiled, remembering the match was for charity. But who in the hell would call himself a beast?

  Mel tapped Tiana’s shoulder. “Your drink, m’lady! I got us some Fireball shots, too.”

  Tossing one back, Tiana shivered at the warmth that spread from her chest to her stomach.

  “Let’s find our seats.” Mel scooped Tiana’s drink from the stand and handed it to her as they entered the arena.

  “Good idea. Hopefully our seats are far away from the action.”

  Mel sipped her drink and winced. “You do realize we have ringside seats?” She pointed to chairs taped with a sign that read “Peaches plus 1.” “Looks like we’re front and center. Sorry, T.” Her voice sounded sad, but her eyes danced with excitement. The sports junkie was in her element. But Tiana was out of hers, and her nerves were stretched tighter than a rubber band.

  “This is going to be so much fun, you’ll see!” Mel shouted into Tiana’s ear and patted her leg after they were seated.

  Tiana rolled her eyes. “Says the sports journalist.”

  The announcer’s booming voice cut through her thoughts and amped the crowd. “Ladies and gents. The first fight for tonight. Mitch ‘Iron Jaw’ Jones versus Samuel ‘The Boss’ Drummond.” The bell rang, and the opponents proceeded to beat the crap out of each other. At least two hundred bloodthirsty spectators clapped, yelled, and screamed for their fighter.

  Have we not evolved since the days of gladiators?

  Melanie proved they had not when she jumped out of her seat as the boxer in the royal blue shorts was punched to the ground. “I knew he was going down!” She bumped Tiana’s shoulder and laughed. “Iron Jaw, my ass!”

  Tiana downed the rest of her cranberry and vodka. Should’ve asked for a triple.

  Two fights later, the crowd was even more electric. The spectators were restless and energized as they began the chants for the Beast. Mel chimed in and nudged her elbow into Tiana’s side to join the cult.

  Tiana shook her head. “I’m not yelling for some guy named the Beast. I don’t even know him and when in the hell is Nathan going to—”

  The lights dimmed, cutting off the rant.

bsp; “Ladies and gentlemen. The moment you’ve been waiting for. Our headliner. Five knock-outs, twenty-two wins, and the undefeated champ, Nathan ‘The Beaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssst’ Lawson!”

  Tiana spat out the ice cube she’d been sucking on. Turning to Mel, she saw her bestie’s mouth moving but couldn’t hear over the pandemonium. Then she frowned. More signs and cheers were from women than men.

  Nathan plus groupies equals danger.

  The goose bumps from earlier made another appearance, this time all over her body. She held her breath, waiting for Nathan to arrive.

  Her eyes were drawn to a hooded figure punching the air with jabs, hooks, and uppercuts. Then someone lowered the rope around the ring, and the hero stepped onto the sea of blue mats as if he owned the place. The announcer introduced the Hawk, Nathan’s opponent, but she didn’t spare the other man a glance.

  She had the sudden urge to throw back his hood and stare at his face. “Take it off. Take it off.” Tiana swung her head, making sure no one—mainly Mel—heard her. But it was impossible to hear over the yelling. Nathan lifted his hand, a signal for the crowd to calm, and then ripped off his black robe.

  A whoosh of breath rushed from Tiana’s lungs. The black Adonis held her captive. The chestnut face she knew so well wore his signature gleaming goatee. The hair on his head sported so many waves she could get seasick.

  He wore a cocky grin when the ring girl walked over and planted a kiss on his lips.

  Tiana squeezed the empty plastic cup in her hand until it cracked.

  “We love you, Beast!” Mel yelled from beside her, breaking Tiana’s anger.

  His attention snapped to Tiana. His eyes—goodness gracious, his chocolate eyes—focused on her. She drank him in like the cool and crisp Cosmos she so loved. The warm feeling that had settled in her stomach from the Fireball she’d slung back re-emerged and traveled straight to her core. Then the referee yelled for a clean fight and made the opponents slap gloves. With a swagger of a gazillionaire, Nathan backed into his corner.

  The bell rang.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The ringing bell snatched the opponents’ attention and rendered Tiana frozen in her seat. Nathan bounced on his feet and raised his fists, protecting his chin and cheek. The Hawk attacked. His arm sliced the air, but his punch didn’t land. Ducking, Nathan then countered with a right hook to the stomach and a swift uppercut. The punch to the chin jarred his opponent, and the spiky-haired fighter jerked his body and grunted.

  “Kick his ass, Beast!” Mel yelled and pumped her fist in the air.

  “Shushhh!” Tiana grabbed her friend’s arm and squeezed. Mel was going to get them kicked out.

  “Girl, this isn’t the opera. You can clap, jump, and scream if you want.”

  Shaking her head, Tiana focused on the match then wished she hadn’t. The Hawk landed a blow to Nathan’s side, causing him to stumble.

  Tiana jumped from her seat. “C’mon. Don’t let him hurt you!” Warmth flooded her cheeks at her involuntary outburst.

  “There you go, T. Cheer for your man!”

  Nathan’s eyes briefly left his opponent and zeroed in on Tiana. Time slowed, and the heavy ba-dump of her heart replaced the roar from the crowd. His chocolate eyes caressed her skin, and his razor-sharp smile boasted his imminent victory. It was oddly comforting and she couldn’t block the smile that grew from her heart.

  He refocused barely in time to avoid the Hawk’s fist. Nathan sidestepped and slammed a fist into his rival’s face. He hit him again, driving the man into the corner. From her seat, she could only see Nathan’s back muscles contract and flex as he pummeled the Hawk against the ropes.

  Tiana gripped her chair, nails embedded in the hard plastic as her hips squirmed in the seat. She couldn’t believe it. She, Tiana Renee Holliday, hater of all things bloody, sweaty, and violent, was turned on by her coworker/nemesis.

  The fight continued for a few more rounds, but Nathan was the far superior fighter. Melanie cupped her mouth and yelled, “Finish him!” Mortal Kombat style. The bell rang again, signaling the end of the fourth and final round.

  The announcer, who Tiana found to be overly fond of his own voice, marched to the middle of the ring. “Laaaadies and gentlemen. Did you enjoy the fight?”

  The crowd screamed and clapped. A few rows behind Tiana, someone started a chant for the Beast. Clapping, she chanted with the crowd.

  The announcer waved a hand in the air and gripped the mic with his other one. “Unanimously voted to win all four rounds and still undefeated, I give you,” he walked to the corner and raised Nathan’s arm in the air, “the Beaaaaaassst!”

  Tiana jumped and clapped as he stepped away and waved his arms in victory to the crowd.

  This isn’t so bad.

  “Tiana wants to have a dozen babies with you, Beast!” Mel screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Before Tiana could renounce her Martin Luther King philosophy of nonviolence and sock her former friend in her arm, Nathan turned to face them.

  A flicker of heat, and a big dose of danger burned in his gaze.

  A jolt of energy zapped and electrified her. Every particle and cell in her body awakened, liquefied, and then sizzled.

  His lips tipped at the corners into a lazy smile.

  “I’ll have your babies, too!” someone yelled from the crowd.

  His gaze stayed fixed on her face. His dark eyes broadcasted, “I’ve seen you naked and I like it,” to anyone who cared to see.

  Clenching her legs together, she quivered.

  Nathan gave her a cocky-ass smile as if he knew he was the cause of the mini-explosions firing within her.

  A ring girl stepped into the octagon, sashayed up to Nathan, and leaned in for a kiss.

  Tiana jerked away from their intimate moment and held her breath for a second before looking back. Much like his fight, he ducked the woman’s advances, hopped on the stool in his boxing corner, and jumped over the ropes surrounding the ring. Landing with the ease of a panther, he stalked toward Tiana.

  Mel nudged her and whispered, “Brace yourself.”

  Taking her friend’s wise advice, she breathed deep.

  Her eyes filled with him. A tall, dark, sexy, and sweaty vision. This man—this sexy beast—wanted her. Only her.

  “Peaches,” he growled as he snatched off his gloves and tossed them carelessly on the floor. Closing the distance between them, he wrapped one hand around her waist and cupped her face with the other.

  His hard, unrelenting eyes continued to broadcast a message. No going back. His tongue swiped her mouth, as if testing the waters, followed by firm, warm lips. He commanded surrender, obedience, and absolutely no negotiations. She clung to him knowing his kiss had changed everything.

  Her heart slammed and knocked against her chest, and her knees buckled. She was . . . Damn it, am I swooning?

  Like a well-practiced, swashbuckling pirate, his arms snaked around her waist as he drew her body into his. Wetness pooled and flooded her lacy Vicky Secrets.

  Nathan had just KO’ed her va-jay-jay.

  • • •

  Tiana shushed Mel for the umpteenth time. The friends camped out on the floor of their apartment.

  “You know I hate being shushed. Shushing is for librarians and very boring or very old people.” Mel wagged her finger in Tiana’s face. “You are not boring, and you are not old. You are a wanton, nearly thirty-year-old woman about town. Hmmm. Think I’ll make wanton the word for the day. Catch up, wanton woman.”

  Crossing her legs, Tiana groaned. “I am not, and I refuse to have wanton be the word of the day. What happened was completely out of character and so not me.”

  She glanced down to her phone. Nathan’s infamous kiss heard ’round the world—actually not the world, just Brooklyn—happened two hours ago and the slimy snake hadn’t called her. He’d slinked away to his locker room, swarmed by his fans and his charity. Overwhelmed by the looks the attendees had given her, and impatient with how long i
t took Nathan to return, Tiana grabbed Mel’s hand and rushed them out of the venue.

  Mel bit her bottom lip and propped her head on her fist. “Okay, what is the word of the day?”

  Tiana shrugged. “Bamboozled?”

  Mel shook her head. “Nope. Nah uh. You were in no way tricked.” Her fingers drummed her lips. “What about copulation or coitus?”

  Tiana narrowed her eyes and folded her arms above her chest. “Nathan and I haven’t had sex.”

  Mel snorted and then grinned. “Really? ’Cause seems to me Nathan made love to your mouth.”

  “W-we, d-didn’t . . . ” She scanned the room for something to toss. The magazine on their small coffee table would do. She reached for the glossy pages, but Mel snatched it away.

  Sighing in defeat, Tiana reclined against the green chenille couch. “Okay, so maybe we had an intense kiss.”

  “Intense?” Mel raised her brows. “You guys were more potent than a summer outdoor concert with Maxwell, Tyrese, and Usher. Babies will be made tonight.” She reached for her phone on the couch. “As a matter of fact, I am sexting my fiancé to cool me down. Between the fight and the kiss . . . woo!” Mel fanned herself. “You are my hero.”

  Tiana’s finger traced her lips. She jerked her hand away when she realized the unconscious move. “I’m glad I inspire you, but do it at his condo, all right? Nathan’s kiss is the only action I’m gonna get for a while.”

  Tiana went to the kitchen. She needed something sweet or salty to munch on.

  “T, if you think that man wasn’t as turned on as you were, you’re delusional.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Tiana yelled over her shoulder as she scanned the snacks in their pantry. “Then why hasn’t he called?”

  “Is that why you’re all Moody Martha?” Mel’s voice boomed from behind Tiana, and she jumped.

  “Geez, woman. How did you get near me so quickly?”

  “I’m a ninja. But seriously,” Mel leaned her hip against the off-white Formica counter. “is that why you’re so morose?”


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