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HOT Angel

Page 13

by Lynn Raye Harris

  “Stop,” he told her, his voice hoarse as he did so.

  His dick popped out of her mouth, wet and glistening, and he shuddered with the force of the desire swelling and rushing through him.

  “I want you, Brooke. Want to be in you—is that going to work for you?”

  She smiled softly. “I want that too.”

  “Need a condom,” he muttered, planning to get one out of his backpack—and hoping it didn’t kill the mood while he rummaged.

  “I’m on the pill,” she said. “And I’m clean. I haven’t been with a man since before…” She swallowed and his heart throbbed. “Well, since before I was kidnapped.”

  Holy hell.

  “I’m clean too. I never have sex without a condom—and I’ve grown tired of hookups, so I haven’t had any in a while. But you have every right to demand I wear one, Brooke. That way you can be certain.”

  She pushed back on the bed until she was propped on her elbows, legs spread just enough he could see a hint of pink, and smiled.

  “I am certain, Cade. Your teammates call you Saint, for goodness’ sake. I have to believe they have more reasons than just your onetime desire to be a priest.”

  “Maybe they call me that because it’s ironic,” he growled. “You ever think of that?”

  Because he wouldn’t just let her blindly think he was a good guy. That he didn’t have dirty thoughts and ulterior motives of his own. He had a ton of dirty thoughts where she was concerned—and his motives weren’t pure either.

  He wanted her for himself. He wanted to own her body and command her pleasure. He wanted to make her so hot for him that she couldn’t think straight, and he wanted to be the one to give her relief from the pain of her arousal.

  She blinked, and he asked himself what the fuck he was doing. Why put doubts in her mind, asshole?

  But she shook her head, her blond hair flying. “No, I don’t think that at all. You’re a saint because you have patience and understanding, Cade. That’s what I see. That’s what you’ve shown me.”

  She shifted her weight onto one elbow and let the other hand trail down her body, down into her wetness and heat. “Please, Cade. I want you here. Now.”

  Hell, there was no way he could resist that invitation. He dropped to his knees, bent over her and licked her nipples while she gasped. Then he caught her hand and sucked on the fingers she’d used to play with herself.

  “Cade,” she whispered, and he knew then that he would do anything to hear his name on her lips in that sweet tone.

  He kissed her deeply, hotly, sinking down on her body by degrees. And then he stopped and held himself above her, searching her gaze.

  “Do you want to be on top? Is this too much?”

  Her arms wrapped around his neck, her legs around his waist. “No, it’s not too much. It’s you and me and it’s perfect.”

  Damn if she didn’t get him right in the feels. Because he knew she hadn’t trusted anyone with her body in two years, that she’d fought her demons for so long. He knew she wasn’t magically over that incident, but the fact she was here, beneath him, letting the connection between them take her where it wanted to go—well, he was gutted by it. Humbled.

  He didn’t tell her to use the word stop. She already knew. Instead, he wrapped a hand around his dick and glided it through her wetness, up and down, coating himself in her moisture and hitting her clit at the same time.

  He knew she liked it by the way she gasped and wriggled her hips to get closer to him. Finally he positioned himself at her entrance and pushed forward as slowly as he could manage.

  Sweat broke out on his forehead. His balls ached. Brooke’s breath shortened and he stopped, worried. But that wasn’t panic on her face. It was bliss.

  “Cade,” she said again, much like before, her palm sliding along his cheek. “More. I want more.”

  That was the permission he needed to thrust fully inside her. She cried out and he stopped again, goose bumps cascading over his skin. It felt so good, and yet he was worried about hurting her.

  Not just physically but mentally.

  “You okay, angel?”

  Her eyes took a moment to focus. And then she sobbed, and his world cleaved in two.

  “Brooke, baby, I’m sorry,” he said. “It’s okay.”

  Emotion clogged his throat. Anger, fear, sorrow. He didn’t want to hurt her, and yet he clearly had done so. He started to pull out, but her fingers curled into his arms.

  “No, no. It’s okay,” she said through her tears, laughing now. “God, I’m sorry, I’m such a mess—but it’s okay, Cade. I love—” She stopped, swallowed. “I love being with you. I’m fine. More than fine.” Her eyes dropped closed for a moment. “Oh wow, so much more than fine. I thought… I thought I was dead inside, at least when it came to sex—but I’m not. I want this so much!”

  He didn’t know what to say. So he kissed her. She clung to him, and he began to move, thrusting into her, letting the pleasure lead them where it wanted. She was so wet, so tight, and his balls ached with the effort to hold on for just a little while longer.

  He wanted to spend. Wanted to drive into her faster and deeper and harder until the top of his head blew off and he came powerfully within her.

  But he didn’t do that. He took his time, planning his thrusts, drawing out the pleasure for them both.

  Brooke clung to him, her arms and legs wrapped around him, her breasts jiggling with every pump of his body into hers. Her lips were against his shoulder, her soft moans in his ear, and he felt like a king in control of the world.

  He gripped her arms gently and raised them above her head. She didn’t resist. Then he wrapped his fingers into hers and held her hands.

  “Kiss me, angel,” he said, his mouth a whisper away from hers.

  Her lips met his, her tongue seeking, and Cade lost the last shreds of his control, riding her hard. Brooke thrust her hips against his, meeting him again and again.

  When she cried out and stiffened beneath him, he shifted the angle of his thrusts, making sure he hit her clit with the root of his cock. She went nuclear, crying out in his ear, shaking beneath him, her pussy tightening around him as her interior muscles rippled with her orgasm.

  “Cade! Oh God—Cade!”

  It was all he needed to dive over the edge. His release ripped through his balls, up his shaft, exploding into a hot current inside her. Cade rode the wave until he was spent, and then he sank, panting and sweating, beside her.

  He was stunned by the sheer power of what had just happened between them. It was sex—great sex—but it was more than that too.

  Before he could figure out what it meant, Brooke reached for his hand. Their fingers tangled. She squeezed. He squeezed back.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “There’s nothing to thank me for.”

  She propped herself on an elbow and gazed down at him. Her skin was shiny with perspiration and glowing with sex.

  “I think there is. You gave me back something I thought I’d lost. I’ll always be grateful.”

  He put an arm around her and dragged her down to his chest, kissing the top of her head while she spread her fingers over his pecs and sighed.

  “That sounded like goodbye, angel.”

  And if it was goodbye, he was going to be wrecked for a while.

  “No,” she whispered against his skin. “Once was not enough.”

  He laughed with relief as he hugged her to him. “No, it definitely wasn’t.”

  * * *

  Brooke was dazed, but in a good way. Her emotions were high, but she worked not to cry again. She’d sobbed when he’d first entered her because she’d been overcome. Sometimes she’d thought she was irreparably damaged. That she would never have sex again.

  But Cade had forced her to confront that notion. Because she’d been sexually attracted to him from the first, and when they’d begun texting each other naughty words and images, she’d always dreamed it was him taking her to climax
when she’d gotten herself off.

  She was sore but in a good way. Cade was a big man. Even if they didn’t do it again, she would know she’d been intimate with him for days. She liked the feeling, that full, slightly sore sensation that told her she’d had great sex with a partner who knew how to use what he had.

  She wanted to cling to him all night long, and then she wanted to do everything again. And again.

  “You want me to let Max out?” His voice was a delicious rumble in her ear.

  “Yes, please.”

  Cade extracted himself and went to open the bathroom door. Max trotted out and came over to where Brooke lay with her hand stretched out for him. His ears perked up and he whined a little as she scratched him.

  “It’s okay, Max,” Cade said, climbing back into bed with her. “I won’t hurt her.”

  He put his arm over her and scratched Max’s head too. The dog snorted at them both and then went to the small couch and jumped on it. After a couple of spins, he lay down and put his head on his paws.

  “He’s used to sleeping in bed with me,” Brooke said, feeling bad about her dog having to sleep on the couch.

  “Bed’s too small,” Cade said, his voice sounding sleepy. “Next time we’ll find a king and let him join us—after the sex, I mean.”

  Brooke snorted. “Uh, yeah. Without a doubt.”

  “You say that, but I had a teammate once who dated a girl with a Pomeranian. Damn thing lay on her pillow while they fucked. Got judgy about it too.”

  Brooke laughed as she snuggled into his body. “How so?”

  “Growled with every thrust, or so Jonah said.”

  “That’s ridiculous.”

  “That’s what I said. Told him he needed to stop having sex with her until she agreed to move the dog.”

  “And did it work?”

  “Nope. He married her. For all I know, the dog is still on the pillow, judging the hell out of him. Too much pressure for me, I gotta say.”

  Brooke couldn’t help but snort a laugh. “You’re making that up.”

  “I’m not, angel. Swear it.”

  She laid an arm across him and sighed. He was warm to the touch. She liked touching him now that she’d crossed that barrier.

  “I don’t want Max judging you. Or me, I should add. He can go in another room when we get sexy together.”

  “He can stay so long as he minds his own business,” Cade said with a laugh. He trailed his fingers up and down her arm. “You sure you’re okay after that?”

  She pushed up on an elbow to gaze down at him. “The truth?”


  “I’m a bit sore. You aren’t a little guy, Cade Rodgers with a D. But it was amazing, and I want to do it again. Soon.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “How soon?”

  She glanced down the luscious expanse of his flat abdomen. His dick was half hard already and her belly knotted in anticipation. “Five minutes?”

  “How about now, angel? You climb up here and put that lovely pussy in my face. Guarantee I’ll be ready once I make you come with my tongue again.”

  Brooke shivered at the thought. And then she got an idea. “Okay. But only if I get to do you at the same time.”

  He closed his eyes. “Fuck, I died and went to heaven. Get up here, angel. I want to make you scream.”

  “Just so long as you know I intend to make you scream too.”


  Chapter 17

  He didn’t scream, but he damn sure groaned. And though he didn’t want to, he ended up coming in her throat. Not that she made any moves to let him go when it happened. Brooke fastened her mouth around him and drank him in while he tried to remember how to breathe.

  When it was over, when he was spent and limp, he still managed to flip her over and devour her with his lips and teeth and tongue until she clutched his head and moaned. “Oh Cade. Cade… Yes, yes, yes…”

  They fell asleep in each other’s arms, exhausted but happy. Max slept too. Cade woke up a couple of times, but everything was quiet and still. Brooke slept wedged against him. Some women moved as soon as they wanted to sleep, but not Brooke. She curled into his body and stayed there.

  Each time he woke, she was still there. Maybe flipped, but still pressed to him. He didn’t mind. In fact, he took the opportunity to touch her. He toyed with her nipples, skimmed his fingers down her belly and over her mound. She made noises, but she didn’t try to move away. No, she tried to move toward him.

  He thought about dropping between her legs and licking her into another orgasm, but she needed the sleep, so he didn’t actually disturb her. There would, hopefully, be plenty of time for more hot sex together now that they’d smashed that barrier.

  He woke for the last time around six thirty. Later than he usually did, but considering last night’s departure from her place and then the totally unexpected sexual encounters, he’d had a long day yesterday.

  Brooke still slept. Max was asleep as well, though he’d wake in a heartbeat if Cade moved. The dog had been really good throughout the night, but the motel was fairly quiet and nothing had disturbed him enough to bark.

  Cade reached for his phone and checked his texts. There were messages from Hacker telling him to call when he could. If it had been urgent, Hacker would have said, so Cade didn’t worry about waiting. When Brooke woke or Max wanted out, Cade would call back.

  He had no doubt his teammate was on top of things. Hacker was an interesting dude. He didn’t talk about himself much, but it was clear he came from a moneyed background. The dude had monogrammed cuffs, which Cade had discovered at one of the weddings they’d been at. Cade had never seen monogrammed cuffs before. Hacker also wore cuff links, and his blazer had gold buttons on the sleeves. He drank red wine, and once when Cade had called him at home, he’d heard opera in the background.

  Hacker had gone to college, but he’d dropped out before completing a degree or he’d likely be an officer. What made a guy like that decide to be a grunt—and not just any grunt, but a Special Operator, which meant there’d been a lot of hard training and deprivation along the way—was beyond Cade.

  For him, the choice had been an easy one. Growing up in the Mississippi Delta with a mother who worked two jobs just to get by and knowing he’d never be able to go to college or likely do anything beyond getting a job at the local garage, the military had been a no-brainer. Three squares a day, a roof over your head, medical care, and a paycheck along with the promise of college?

  Yep, he’d signed up and hadn’t looked back. That he’d ended up in HOT was a bonus he hadn’t planned on. Turned out he was good at fighting battles, and he was relentlessly cool in the face of danger. He’d wanted Delta Force, but when he’d learned of the existence of HOT, he’d wanted that even more. It had taken a lot of hard work, but he’d gotten command of his own squad eventually. Echo was all his, and he took pride in leading his guys through thick and thin.

  Brooke turned in her sleep, presenting her back to him. The covers inched down until her spine was exposed. He pushed them down even more, until he could see her naked ass.

  Such a pretty ass. He wanted to gather it in both hands and hold it while he thrust inside her and made them both come.

  He put an arm around her and pulled her close, her back to his front, content to just hold her until she woke. She made a soft sound in her throat, and then she wiggled her shapely rear against him.

  He reached up to cup a breast, and she made that sound again.

  “You’re awake, aren’t you?” he murmured as he pinched her nipple.

  “Getting there. Mmm, somebody’s hard.”

  “Somebody definitely is.” He kissed her shoulder. “You up for a little fun?”

  “So long as that fun involves you inside me, yes, I am.”

  He skimmed his fingers down her side, around to the back of her thigh. “You want to turn over or see where we get this way?”

  He had to ask her these things because he didn’t want
to scare her. If she were anyone else, he’d take the lead and do what he wanted, knowing that her pleasure was foremost in his mind and that the end result would be good for her.

  “Do what you want, Cade. I trust you.”

  His heart squeezed hard at those words. She trusted him, and he didn’t take that lightly. He was honored, of course. But he also wanted to growl and claim her as his to anyone who dared to think differently.

  His woman. His lover. His to protect and cherish and give multiple orgasms to.

  He urged her thighs up and out of the way so that she was practically clasping her knees, and then he skated his fingers through her wetness. She was hot and silky, and he nearly groaned at the feel of her.

  Cade grasped his cock and pushed it into all that heat and liquid heaven. “God, you feel good,” he told her. “So perfect.”

  “So do you.”

  He wanted to thrust quickly until he came, but he was mindful of what she’d said about being sore last night. So he moved slowly, deliberately, pulling all the way out before gliding in again.

  He hooked an arm around one of her thighs, spreading her wide. Then he found her clit and strummed it like a fine instrument while he continued to slide into her. She gasped and shook—and then she cried out, her body trembling as a climax ripped through her.

  He let her leg go, kissed her shoulder while she dragged in first one breath and then another.

  “Oh, wow, I missed that,” she finally said when she’d come back down to earth, his tongue still on her shoulder and his cock still deep inside her.

  He didn’t like to think about her doing this with anyone else. About another man giving her pleasure.

  “Then you need more,” he told her. He pushed her onto her stomach, prepared to stop if she protested or showed any fear at the movement, but she didn’t.

  He withdrew from her body, lifted her hips, tucked a pillow beneath them, and grasped her waist as he knelt behind her. “You okay?”


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