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The Protective Groom: Billionaire Marriage Brokers

Page 8

by Lucy McConnell

  “Is he gone?” she squeaked.


  “Let’s go.” She pushed against his back, distracted by the solid mass of muscle she could feel all the way through his jacket.

  “We need to talk about your dating history.” He turned to face her, that stupid little smirk on his face.

  “It’s none of your business who I dated before you—er, the wedding—er, now. I mean now. You have no right to be jealous.”

  Noah growled, and Harley really liked the gravelly sound—it made her stomach somersault.

  “I’m not jealous. I want to know if he was the one who sent the music box.”

  “Oh.” Harley suddenly felt like she’d goose-stepped into a business meeting in her underwear—stupid and exposed. “I mean, why would you be jealous of a guy I dated for three years?” She shrugged.

  Noah observed her out of the corner of his eye. “I guess I could be jealous, if he was any kind of a man.”

  Harley’s jaw dropped. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means I don’t get jealous of men who wear girl’s jeans.” Noah’s hand went to his ear, and he nodded. “Time to cut the cake.”

  Harley reluctantly took his arm this time. “That was rude. You don’t know him.”

  “I don’t.” Noah offered his arm. “But I will,” he said threateningly.

  Harley bit her lip. Jeremiah and his soft heart were no match for a bulldog like Noah. Part of her wanted to protect him—the loyal part that once believed they would make a good couple, good parents, and … and … well, that was about it. Harley shook herself.

  She and Noah, on the other hand, had nothing in common and would be horrible together—at everything—everything except kissing. She shoved away the feelings that threatened to overtake her when she thought of that kiss. Noah was here because he was hired to be, and for no other reason. The sooner she got that into her head, the better.

  Chapter 13

  As the evening wore on, Noah felt the effects of little sleep pulling on him. He wasn’t as sharp as he had been when they started. Short of earning another slap from Harley, Noah was out of ways to stay awake.

  He put his hand on the small of Harley’s back, enjoying the feel of lace against his fingertips far more than he should. “I think we should head out.”

  Harley considered him a moment before agreeing. She waved her parents over. “We’re ready to go.”

  Dad signaled Stewart, who would call for their car. Mrs. Wilson sent someone to fetch Harley’s bouquet so she could carry it as she ran out the front door. The whole event had been one for photographers. Noah was glad Julia cared how the photographs turned out, because all he could think about was getting out of his tie and away from the crowd.

  “What’s the game plan for getting us out of here?” asked Noah.

  “You guys dive into the limo, drive down to Harley’s while we distract the guests, and then hole up for the night.” John slapped Noah on the back. “Remember what we talked about, son,” John said before he joined a group near the front door.

  “Aw, he called me son.” Noah gave Harley a tired smile, his sarcasm lost amid his exhaustion.

  “Let’s wait in the foyer.” Harley dragged him along by his arm.

  Once there, Noah leaned against the wall. Harley paced back and forth, her dress rustling with each turn. “They’re making us wait so they can sweep my house—it won’t be long.”

  Noah stared across at the mirror that reflected the image of the painting to his right. After a moment, he asked, “Who are they?”

  Harley stopped. “Who?”

  “The man in the picture with you guys, the one holding the kid. And this woman—neither of them were here tonight.”

  An easy smile came to Harley’s face—one Noah had yet to see. It softened her eyes, as if they were warming up from something deep inside her. “That’s my sister, Sydney. She’s a doctor in South America.”

  “She didn’t want to come to your wedding?”

  “I didn’t tell her about it.”

  Noah grunted. “You are the strangest family …”

  Harley leaned closer. “I didn’t see the need, considering she won’t be here for the divorce, either.”

  Noah took her verbal jab and pointed to the man. “A brother?”

  “Half brother.”

  “He’s … tense.” Even though the man smiled, his shoulders were rigid and his eyes steely.

  “He’s always like that. We had this picture done the year he took over for Daddy and his wife left him with their son, Xavier.” She pointed at the kid in the picture.


  The announcement came that it was time to send the bride and groom off, and the foyer was soon flooded with people. Noah tucked Harley into his side as he muscled his way to the door while trying to keep up the newlywed façade.

  Once they reached the exit, a path opened up before them. Noah had a spike of adrenalin as he held Harley’s hand, and they dashed under a barrage of birdseed and shouted congratulations. Once inside the limo, he laid his head back and allowed himself to relax. Stewart’s precautions had given him a sense of safety inside the Wilsons’ gate. He was asleep before the car pulled out of the driveway.

  Later, he would remember being led up the stairs and Harley taking off his jacket. “Some bodyguard you turned out to be,” she teased as she unhooked his holster. Her delicate hands gently pushed him back into the mattress, and Noah briefly considered pulling her down next to him. She’d be so soft and warm to snuggle up with—just what he needed to heal his soul.

  Confused at his funny thoughts, Noah sank into the softest pillow he’d ever known, still wearing his button-up shirt and slacks. “I’m a better kisser than a bodyguard.”

  “That’s debatable,” she whispered as she pulled the blanket up over his shoulders. Her movements were tender, something Noah hadn’t anticipated. And her voice held a teasing note that left him encouraged enough to face another day in this loony bin.

  “I can prove it,” he replied, as his body released three days’ worth of tension.

  “Some other time.”

  Even in his state of exhaustion, he caught something in her words that told him he might have that chance. He’d look forward to it ... right after he slept for a while.

  Chapter 14

  Harley stumbled out of bed the next morning around eight. Sleeping past six was a rare occasion for her. She took full advantage of it, stretching this way and that—before she remembered Noah’s bed was less than fifteen feet away, and he could hear every moan and groan as she worked the kinks out of her back.

  Her hands flew to her hair, where she felt a knotted mass on the left and stringy sections on the right. She should have showered last night, but after tucking in her big, strong, bodyguard—she smirked to herself—she’d fallen into bed as well.

  Being careful not to make too much noise, Harley pushed back the covers and made her way to the bathroom, her eyes on Noah’s bed. If he stirred, she would bolt for it.

  Just as she reached the bathroom door it flew open, and there stood her husband with a big fat grin on his freshly shaved face. “Morning, camper.” He patted her head, no doubt laughing at the mess, and stepped aside.

  Blushing furiously, Harley slammed the door behind her. Why did he have to wake-up so yummy while she came out of bed like a hibernating grizzly?

  She turned on the hot water and noticed the spicy aroma Noah’s aftershave left behind. Picking up the bottle as steam filled the mirror, she checked to make sure the door was shut. Then, she inhaled the scent that had lingered on her skin after their kiss. She must have picked it up as she slid her hands around his neck. Just thinking about their lips moving in perfect synchronization had her sagging against the marble counter like a limp rag.

  Living in close quarters with Noah was not going to be easy, though her dad insisted that it was necessary. She had a staff of ten who were in and out of her home throughout the day.
The only area they were not allowed to enter, save Mrs. Hill, the head housekeeper, was her bedroom. By converting the office space off her bedroom into living quarters for Noah, the family was able to keep up the impression that they had indeed been married. Mrs. Hill never asked questions, and if the new bed in the office caused her to raise an eyebrow, Harley never saw it.

  Harley trusted her staff. Each maid, butler, assistant, and gardener had passed an extensive background check and interview process. Still, according to Stewart and Agent Gonzales, the stalker had someone on the inside—or was someone on the inside. The thought made Harley shudder and released her from the daydreaming state she’d fallen into.

  Harley capped Noah’s bottle and made sure she placed it exactly as she’d found it with the brand name facing out, before getting into the shower. The only way she knew to level the playing field with Noah—and his masculine charms that surprised her at every turn—was to crank up her femininity. If she looked her best, she’d feel powerful. She might even be able to turn the tables on him.

  She grinned like a hound in the moonshine. Wouldn’t that be fun.

  Chapter 15

  Noah opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. “I’ll make sure I meet up with them once we arrive.” Stewart had sent him a list of security personnel he needed to become familiar with at Harley’s downtown office. The email was followed by a call.

  “Sounds good,” replied Stewart.

  Noah set the milk on the counter. “Won’t it seem weird that we aren’t on a honeymoon?”

  Harley breezed into the kitchen, smelling like vanilla and lavender. He missed the first half of Stewart’s answer and caught, “…nesting.”

  “Got it. Thanks.” They hung up without saying goodbye. It wasn’t rude, just quick and to the point. They’d probably be on the phone several more times that day.

  Noah had a hard time keeping his eyes off Harley as she opened the plate warmer below the stove and lifted out a covered plate.

  “There’s one for you too.” Harley removed the cover to reveal an omelet and two slices of bacon.

  “Thanks.” Noah smiled. He did like the perks of being married to a billionaire. A fresh, hot breakfast every morning would go a long way to making his day.

  As he ate, Noah’s eyes followed Harley. She hardly seemed to stand still long enough to take a bite, yet she never seemed rushed. Her flowing floor-length skirt, form-fitting top, bohemian scarf, and fitted jacket were romantic and yet professional at the same time, and did wonderful things with her figure. He caught the slight bulge that indicated she was packing. Tough woman.

  She’d tamed the main, as Paige would say, by bringing it all to one side in some kind of loose twisty braid, the long ends curling over her left shoulder. Once again, her makeup was done lightly—she really didn’t need any—with a hint of rose pink at her lips and some mascara.

  He told himself he could handle all that beauty, truly; she’d been stunning yesterday and he had gotten through just fine. Well, not really. He remembered the kiss and the subsequent slap that had him questioning his choices in life. And then there were his jealous accusations over the ex-boyfriend. Okay, so maybe yesterday hadn’t gone as well as he thought.

  Today was a new day. They were headed into the office so Harley could catch up on some things before the busy week began and so that he could orient himself to the building. Today, he was going to remain detached and aloof. He’d be the perfect bodyguard: observant and—most of all—silent.

  Pleased with himself for making the monumental effort, Noah stretched his tired muscles. He could have used a few more hours of sleep, but he hadn’t wanted to trip over Harley in the bathroom. The first twelve hours of living with her had gone rather smoothly, if he did say so himself. They were comfortable around each other—like roommates. Although no roommate Noah had ever had stirred a longing inside him like Harley did.

  He dipped his eyes to the floor to keep from staring and almost tripped over his own two feet on his way to the sink. All his plans to remain impersonal flew out the window when he caught sight of Harley’s choice of footwear.

  Faded leather with intense stitching and accents of teal, the boots were amazing on their own, but paired with this woman before him, they whispered of possibilities beyond the work he was here to do. He could love a woman who wore boots like that.

  Noah wiped his forehead and swore he felt his heart slip a little.

  “We need to be on the road.” Harley stashed her cell in her purse.

  Noah pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Hold on a minute.” He squatted down and snapped a picture of her feet.

  “What are you doing?” Harley colored fiercely, scandalized.

  “I’m sending a picture of your boots to Paige.” He hit send before standing up.


  “My sister.”


  Because I want to remember this moment. His phone beeped, and he laughed at Paige’s reply.

  “What did she say?” Harley leaned closer, and Noah recognized the scent of vanilla and lavender on her skin. He took a deep breath, enjoying her closeness. This was the kind of woman dreams were made of. Mentally shaking himself, he showed her his phone.

  Find out where she got them…PLEASE!

  There was another beep, and they read it together.

  You should totally marry her. LOL

  Harley bit her lip. “Does she know why we got married?”

  Noah slipped his phone into the breast pocket of his jacket and opened the front door, where a car waited to take them to Harley’s office. Since it was Sunday, there would be fewer people in the building, which would make it easier for Noah to learn his way around without drawing attention to himself. Agent Gonzales also hoped that since it was the day after the wedding, the stalker wouldn’t expect Harley to show up for work. “Paige was the one who introduced me to BMB. She and Cody have been married for almost a year now.”

  “So her contract is almost up.” Harley slid into the back seat of the limo with a thank-you to Robert, the driver, for holding the door.

  Noah tried to settle in next to her, but couldn’t get comfortable. He doubted it was the leather seats that were giving him trouble. Unbuttoning his jacket, he stared at the back of the driver’s head. “Paige extended her contract—indefinitely.”

  “What?” Harley turned on him with wide eyes. “Why would she do that?”

  Noah really didn’t want to explain how Paige and Cody fell in love and how they were raising Addison and how their lives were like a fairy tale and how they were so in love it was almost painful to be around them. “There were extenuating circumstances.” He trailed off and hoped Harley would leave it alone.

  Instead of accepting his answer, she swiveled like a cat ready to pounce. Noah sucked in a breath, amazed at the way her focused attention had the same effect as focusing a camera lens—it sharpened her beauty.

  Thankfully, her phone rang. Harley lifted it out, checked the caller ID, and said, “Thus it begins.” She tapped the screen and said, “Morning, Jay. What’s on the schedule for today?”

  Noah, feeling dismissed, pulled his phone out to check his other texts. There was one from Trish telling him that she was on a plane home and that she’d check in on him periodically. There was another from Harrison wishing him luck. Stewart sent a reminder about the meeting. He was just about to answer that when Harley’s hand landed on his forearm. Even though his shirt and jacket, Harley’s touch lit his skin on fire.

  Lifting his eyes, he found her close enough to kiss. His eyes dropped to her lips—just barley, but he heard her breath hitch in response.

  She had her finger over the receiver, and Jay’s voice—whoever Jay was, and you’d better believe Noah was going to find out ASAP—rambled on.

  “Send me Paige’s number and I’ll get her the info on the boots.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” He suddenly felt foolish for making a big deal about the boots. They were just
shoes, and judging by Harley’s conversation on the Dow and NASDAQ, she had a lot more important things on her mind than where she’d gotten a pair of boots.

  “I want to.”

  Noah stared at Harley as she leaned away and dropped right back into her heavy conversation involving digits he hoped were identification numbers and not dollar amounts. The idea that she was tossing around millions while they were sitting in the back of a car texting about boots with his kid sister was insane. Once again, he wondered who these people were and what he’d gotten himself into.

  * * *

  They pulled to a stop in front of a glass building in downtown Houston. The moment Harley stepped out of the vehicle, she was surrounded by no less than seven people, all speaking at once. If this was a slow day, I’d hate to see a Monday morning. Noah took her elbow and stayed close. The group ballooned to include him with a few questioning looks but no outright objection. Sensing no apprehension in Harley, he loosened his grip, though he didn’t allow anyone closer to her than he was.

  An older woman took Harley’s briefcase and purse and scurried ahead. Two men held spreadsheets at Harley’s eye level. She judged them quickly and selected the one on the left, and the guys disappeared.

  Noah gave the gray steel-and-glass lobby a once over. No one loitered near the few large palms, nor did they hover near the security guard’s desk. The guard himself noticed Noah noticing everything, and he gave him the once over. Noah jerked his chin in greeting but continued to stick close to Harley. He’d have to introduce himself around.

  A younger woman with thick glasses and wearing an atrocious dark red business suit held up a pad where three logos for the same company were displayed. Harley chose the one with bright colors and a block font. The woman disappeared, and they were down to Harley, Noah, two men, and a woman as they boarded the elevator.


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