Texas: The Lost Boys MC #1

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Texas: The Lost Boys MC #1 Page 15

by Rylan, Savannah

  I laughed out loud before I shoved my drink into Stone’s chest.

  “Hold my beer then,” I said, grinning.

  And when I looked over at Ella, she caught my eye. She raised her beer to me, as if to congratulate me on the new place. But that was the last thing on my mind. As I strode away from Stone and made my way to her, the guys around her cleared out. She looked up at me with those gorgeous eyes I’d missed for weeks since leaving her place that night, and I prepared my speech in my head as I stopped in front of her.

  “Hello, Ella,” I said.

  “Hey there, Texas,” she said.

  “Can we talk?” I asked.

  She looked around the backyard before her eyes came back to mine.

  “Sure. What would you like to talk about?” she asked.

  “I’d like to see how you’re doing. I’d like to see how life’s been treating you this past month. And, there are some things I’d like to get off my chest,” I said.

  “Is everything okay, Texas?”

  I rose my hand and cupped her cheek, and my heart slammed against my chest when she nuzzled softly into my palm.

  “Everything’s much better when you’re around,” I said.



  “How have you been since everything happened?”

  “How’s that little girl of yours?”

  “You been able to get back up on your feet okay?”

  “You need anymore furniture around, you let me know, Ella.”

  The second I got to the cookout at Texas’ place, the guys bombarded me. After being given the grand tour of Texas’ new townhouse by my brother, we all walked out back. Bronx was cooking on the grill, and it was nice to see him. I knew he’d taken everything hard with Boulder not being who he was. I went up and gave him a hug, telling him that if he needed to talk, he could always stop by.

  He didn’t even thank me. Simply nodded his head.

  I did anything and everything I could to distract myself from where I was. From what I was doing. Stone had invited me to the cookout to break in Texas’ new place, and I knew I couldn't not go. He’d get suspicious, since I went to every other function him and the crew put on. Which meant I’d have to go to this one. It was hard enough dropping Keva off with Joanne across the street. It was the first time I let Keva go to a place that wasn’t our home. Joanne had been coming across the street to watch my daughter while I went to work, and it was the only peace of mind given to me as we tried to rebuild our lives.

  But seeing Texas so happy at this party made me ache.

  I peeked over at him from where the guys had surrounded me off in a corner. Trying to block my view of him. Well, I didn’t know if they were doing it intentionally, but it felt like they were. I saw Texas smiling at my brother. I saw him shove his beer into my brother’s chest. I turned my back to them, unable to stomach the breaking of my heart at the fact that Texas looked fine with things.

  While I had cried myself to sleep every night since he walked out.

  That was everything that led up to this moment. Up to when Texas strode over to me and parted the guys around me like the Red Sea. And for a moment, I didn’t think I’d heard him right. He wanted to talk? Since when? He’d had a month to contact me. To come by and check on Keva. She’d been asking about him every day since her father’s death, wondering when her “best friend” would come back.

  “What?” I asked breathlessly.

  The feeling of Texas’ palm against my hand filled me with warmth. Comfort. Happiness. Things I hadn’t experienced in damn near four weeks. I looked up into his eyes, watching as his beautiful brown orbs danced between mine.

  “Everything’s better when you’re around, Ella. And I’d really like to talk if you have the time,” Texas said.

  My eyes flickered around his body to my brother. He was watching us, and I had no idea what to do. I didn’t want to ruin Texas’ friendship with my brother. I knew that meant a great deal to both of them. Even if it meant losing the love of my life, I wasn’t willing to tear them apart for my own happy ending.

  But Stone wasn’t charging Texas with a loaded gun for touching me.

  What had Texas been smiling about over there?

  “Um, yeah. Sure. We can talk, I guess,” I said.

  “Follow me,” he said.

  His hand fell away from my cheek and slipped down my neck. Around my shoulder. Down my arm. He clasped my hand as all the men in his backyard watched, then he pulled me to the edge of his property. It wasn’t large. Just a disconnected townhouse that quickly backed up to some woods. He took me over to the wooded edge line with our hands laced together, and it felt like I had stepped into a dream.

  Why was Stone not ready to kill Texas?

  “How have you been holding up?” he asked.

  I looked back at all the guys and watched them quickly get back to it. Even Bronx had stopped to witness what was going on. They all turned their backs, but I knew they had their ears on us. Stone was the only one still paying attention, double-fisting his beer while his eyes held mine.

  And when he nodded softly to me, my heart blossomed back to life.

  “I uh, I’m okay. Yeah,” I said.

  “Are you sure? Because you don’t sound to sure about that,” Texas said.

  I slowly looked back at him and wanted to fling myself into his arms. I longed to feel him wrapped around me, like things used to be. But I still held myself back. I was unwilling to admit to myself that Stone had just given me his approval. That he was really going to let Texas and myself give this a shot.

  “Why is Stone not—”

  “He’s okay. Everything’s okay, Ella,” Texas said.

  Hearing my name in his voice again made my eyes flutter closed.

  “I haven’t slept a full night through since I moved away,” he said.

  My eyes opened and tears rushed to the forefront.

  “I haven’t either, to be honest,” I said.

  “I heard some of the guys helped you switch Keva’s room around,” he said.

  “Yeah. I moved her bedroom into what was the guest room. You know, like I mentioned—”

  That night. The night he left.

  Texas cleared his throat. “I never should have left that night. I never should have abandoned you the way I did.”

  “You didn’t abandon us,” I said.

  “In my mind, I did. And not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about you and Keva. How you guys are doing. What you’re up to. What kind of burnt pizza you’re eating.”

  I snickered as a smile crossed my face.

  “Texas, what are we doing over here?” I asked.

  His eyes fell stern and his hand fell away from mine.

  “I miss you, Ella,” he said.

  “What?” I whispered.

  “I miss you. More than I can put into words. I have no idea what happened, or when exactly it happened, but one day I woke up and realized I couldn't live without you. I didn’t want to be without you. And every day since I left your house, I’ve regretted the steps I took away from you and Keva. Every single one of them. I hope you can forgive me, Ella. Forgive me for walking away like that.”

  It felt like I couldn’t breathe.

  “But… but Stone? Y-y-your… your friendship? Isn’t that, like, the most important thing to you?” I asked softly.

  I watched him turn his head and look at my brother. I followed his gaze and watched Stone hold up two beer bottles to cheer us. Then, he tossed them into the trash can and turned his back. He went to go help Bronx with the burgers.

  He didn’t come to rip us apart.

  “Stone knows, and I have his blessing to be here with you,” Texas said.

  A smile crossed my face as I gazed back up into the face of the man I loved.

  Still loved.

  Would never stop loving.

  “But I honestly don’t care about how anyone feels. The only person I care about in this scenario is you. How you
feel. What you want. And if you’ll have me back, I’d like to—”

  I didn’t let him finish his sentence. I flung myself into his arms and wrapped myself around his body. I laughed with joy as his arms cloaked my back and tears of happiness soared down my cheeks. I clung to him. I giggled into his neck. I peppered his cheek with wet kisses as my tears stained my lips. He spun me around as chuckles fell from his own mouth. He held me close, and for the first time in four solid weeks I felt safe again.

  Wanted again.

  Loved again.

  “I love you too, Texas,” I whispered.

  His hand made its way into my hair as he placed me down onto my feet. And when he gripped my locks, he commanded my motions. He tilted my head back and gazed into my eyes. A wolfish smile crossed that beautiful mouth of his. The hairpin curl of his lips burned my gut, and I knew there was no other man on the planet for me. He crashed our lips together, growling against me as our bodies connected once again.

  And when I pulled back for the air my body screamed out for, I felt everyone watching us.

  “I’ve thought about you every day this past month. Not an hour has gone by where something hasn’t sparked some memory of you, Ella. Not a night has gone by where I haven’t wanted you at my side. You are, without a shadow of a doubt, the person I have loved most in my life. And I don’t want to go another minute without having you in it,” Texas said.

  “Whatever it is, yes. Yes, Texas. Yes to it all,” I breathed.

  He chuckled, and I wondered what was so funny.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Then I suppose it’ll make this a little easier,” he said.

  He took a step back from me and shoved his hand into the pocket of his jeans. He moved his hand around, trying to grasp something. Then, I watched him sink to one knee. Some of the guys started clapping and I heard Stone laughing out loud. My eyes bulged as he pulled his hand from the pocket of his jeans, revealing the daintiest diamond ring I’d ever seen. A small, white gold band with three sparkling diamonds inlaid. They glistened in the sun as my hand cupped over my mouth, with Texas smiling up at me.

  “I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life, Ella. There’s nothing in this world I’ve ever banked on the way I bank on you. I trust the crew. I trust your brother. And I trust you. I love you, Ella Watts. And I want to be the husband you deserve. I want to be the father Keva deserves. I want to create a family with you. More than ever. I want you and Keva to be my first ever family. So just to be sure, I’ll ask,” he said.

  I giggled as my hand fell from my mouth.

  “Will you marry me, Ella?” Texas asked.

  “Yes!” I exclaimed.

  It was the easiest question in the world for me to answer. There was no hesitation. No worries. No questions about it. Texas took my left hand and worked the ring onto my finger, and it fit me like a glove. I didn’t know when he purchased it, or how he knew my ring size, or any of that shit.

  I didn’t care, either.

  Texas shot up from the ground as the guys whooped and hollered. He took me into his arms as I threaded my hands into his hair. I pulled him down to me. I pulled his lips to mine. I kissed him with a force that clattered our teeth and left my lungs crying out for air. I pressed myself deeply into him. My back arched as Texas’ arms wrapped solidly around me. Reminding me of his strength and how he would always use it to defend and protect myself and my daughter.

  Because I trusted him, too.

  “You had a ring?” Stone asked.

  Our kiss broke off and our foreheads fell together. I felt Texas nod against me, not bothering to look over at my brother. I didn’t feel fear, though. I didn’t feel as if I was destroying something precious within their lives.

  “I was going to do it with or without your permission. But I’m glad we talked about things first,” Texas said.

  “You’re just asking to be hurt right now,” I said, giggling.

  “Congrats, you two,” my brother said.

  “I’m really glad this isn’t going to affect your friendship with Texas,” I said.

  I turned my head to look at my brother as Texas kissed my temple.

  “Friends? He’s going to be my brother-in-law now. I mean we were family before. But now, it’s official. Which means I get to plan the bachelor party,” Stone said, grinning.

  “No,” I said flatly.

  “You don’t get a say in it,” my brother said, chuckling.

  “I do, and you won’t be planning anything. I know you. I know the trouble you guys are going to get into,” I said.

  “You sure you’re ready for how demanding she can get?” my brother asked jokingly.

  Texas held me in his arms, his eyes locking with mine. I melted into his embrace as the rest of the crew came over to congratulate us. Bronx, included. I leaned my cheek against his chest as Stone waited for an answer to his question.

  An answer that ached my cheeks with the biggest smile I’d ever had.

  “I’m ready for anything, so long as I’ve got her,” he said.

  And I knew exactly how he felt.


  Thank you so much for taking the time to read Texas! Turn the page for a sneak peak at the next book Stone!

  Sneak Peak at Stone

  “How the fuck did this happen in the first place!?” Bronx roared.

  He slammed the lodge door behind him and I turned around. I mean, I knew the guys wouldn't be happy with an early morning fucking church meeting. But, damn. Did the man have to be so fucking loud after being silent for over a damn month?

  “Nice of you to finally use your voice,” I said.

  “Stone, don’t,” Texas murmured.

  “What? He hasn’t talked in a fuckin’ month and he busts up in here yellin’ at us?” I asked.

  “He’s got a right to,” Notch said.

  “Nice to have you back, by the way. How was the trip?” Texas asked.

  “You know New Mexico’s always a nice time. Hate that I missed the party, though,” Notch said.

  “There’ll be other cookouts,” Stone said.

  “Not the party I was talking about,” Notch said, grinning.

  Texas slapped him on the back as Bronx stormed into the living room. I had officially called a meeting to try and clean up some of this shit. We were all cleared of Jett’s death, but now we were staring down the barrel of another issue.

  A fucking pig had penetrated our ranks and knew way too much about us.

  “I want to know how the hell none of us caught this. Stone, where did you say you came across this asshole?” Bronx asked.

  “A diner. Got into a tiff with the manager and I bailed him out of it. He looked like he had stumbled on hard times. I got him to a safe place and ran into him again in the grocery store. He seemed like a nice enough guy,” I said.

  “A nice enough guy? That’s all it takes to get into our crew now?” Bronx asked.

  “Look, I’m not happy about this, either. I personally vet everyone we offer as fucking prospects. This guy slipped through my hands as well. I mean, backgrounds checks are my fuckin’ job! They laid a hell of a backstory out for this asshat. What I want to know is what you two guys talked about while being best buds so I can figure out how much we’re compromised,” I said.

  “Back off, Stone. Come on,” Texas said.

  “Doesn’t matter what they talked about. Boulder had intimate knowledge of our crew. I mean, hell, I almost took the man on a damn gun run. He knows just about everything,” Notch said.

  “I remember that. Back three months ago, right?” Texas asked.

  “Fucking hell,” Bronx growled.

  “Look, when I got to talking with him over beers, he told me he was a nomad searching for a club in the area to join. That’s why I did an intense background search on him. I mean, I ran all the shit. Aliases he had worked under. The man had been set up with two fucking social security numbers. And nothing in his backstory triggered cop. None of it,” I sa

  “The man talked intelligently about crews, too. Knew how they operated. Shit like that,” Texas said.

  “Is it possible he’s really a crew member somewhere working for the police under blackmail circumstances? That shit happens sometimes,” Notch said.

  “Or, he’s a cop that has intimate knowledge of crews because of a bad experience. Which means he’s holdin’ a grudge,” Stone said.

  “Which means he’d be out to get us because of some petty bullshit,” Bronx snarled.

  None of it sounded good. None of it sat right with me. I was pissed off enough that I had been blindsided. And when I went to run the social security numbers and aliases I’d logged on Boulder, none of it existed. Just as quickly as I’d found all that shit, it had been ripped from my sources. It was like the fucking man didn’t even exist.

  It made my blood boil just thinking about it.

  Then, a thought occurred to me.

  “Bronx, why were you late?” I asked.

  I turned and looked at the man as the room fell silent.

  “You were the first I messaged and you live the closest. Why were you late?” I asked.

  “What? You suspecting me of something?” he asked.

  “Just answer the damn question,” I said.

  “Stone, what’s going on?” Texas asked.

  “You don’t really think Bronx helped him with anything, do you?” Notch asked.

  “Answer. The question. Bronx,” I commanded.

  He sighed. “Boulder was following me yesterday.”

  “What?” Texas asked.

  “I came out of my fucking apartment and got onto my bike, and he followed me out of my damn apartment complex. I drove around for almost an hour before I headed to the bar to start working things out with how we funnel our money in from the shit we sell off that we don’t need. An hour, Stone. That fucker stayed behind me for an hour, thinking I couldn't see him. I took a lot of back roads getting here in case he was on my fucking tail again,” Bronx said.

  “He’s following us now?” Notch asked.

  “Holy fuck, I hadn’t even considered that,” Texas said.


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