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Take Me Forever

Page 8

by Sellers, Julie

  After a while she asked, “Cain, would you have really sent me back home if you had gotten the reward money? I need to know the truth.”

  “No. I was going to pretend to. I was going to take your father’s money and fake your death and keep you all to myself. It was sheer luck when you got amnesia and then I was hoping you would never remember who you really were. Can you ever forgive me for that?”

  “Depends. Am I just an obsession to you or do you really love me?”

  “You belong to me. I treasure my possessions and you are not just an obsession. I fell so deeply in love with you that I cannot think when I am around you.”

  “In that case, let me go on the treasure hunt with you. I do not want to be alone. Not now, not after everything we’ve been through,” Mercy pleaded.

  “I’m sorry. It is out of the question. Pirating is a dangerous business and even if it sounds like fun to you, it could be very treacherous. I don’t want to risk anything happening to you,” Cain explained.

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?” Cain asked.

  “Don’t you think I will be worried about something happening to you?”

  “I know you will, but you will be safe here. This is something you will have to get used to.”

  “Fine,” Mercy answered in defeat.

  As they retired to bed, Cain and Mercy made love. He was leaving in the morning and he wasn’t sure when he would return. He wanted to treasure every second with her. He finally drifted off to sleep with her in his arms. Mercy cried silently. She was afraid of being alone. If something happened to him she didn’t know what she would do. He meant everything to her.

  Chapter 12

  Early the next morning, Mercy awoke before Cain. She stared at her sleeping lover. There had to be a way that she could convince him to take her along. Slowly, Mercy eased underneath the covers. She woke Cain by licking his belly button.

  “What are you doing?” Cain sleepily asked.

  She continued her descent down his body with her tongue without answering him.

  “Are you trying to show me what I will be missing while I am gone?” Cain asked as he crossed his arms behind his head and enjoyed what she was doing to him.

  “Is it working?” Mercy asked after a couple of minutes.

  “You know it is, but you still can’t go,” he answered and pulled her up beside him and made love to her.

  Afterward, Mercy watched as Cain dressed. He kissed her and told her to stay in bed. He was leaving soon. Once he left the bedroom, Mercy quickly dressed in a pair of Cain’s trousers and one of his shirts. She found a belt to secure the pants before slipping into a pair of his boots. She was determined to be on the Devil’s Dilemma when it departed.

  Once Cain left the house, Mercy followed. Dawn was just approaching so she could follow without being seen. He went into the village to make sure all supplies were at the dock being loaded on the ship. Once they reached the dock, Cain began helping the crew. Mercy knew this was her chance to get onboard. Looking over her shoulder she grabbed a bag of potatoes and threw over her shoulder so she could hide her face when she walked up the gangplank.

  Once aboard she searched for a place to hide. She knew that she couldn’t hide in his cabin without being discovered before they set sail. She searched the galley, the cargo hold, the crew quarters, and even the brig. With no luck finding a secret spot that satisfied her, Mercy went back on deck. She heard voices and knew she had to hide somewhere now.

  Just as Cain boarded the ship, Mercy darted under a row boat. She hoped that she could remain there until the ship was far enough away from the island she would sneak into Cain’s cabin. If they were far enough away from the island he wouldn’t turn back just to send home.

  Patiently, Mercy waited while the crew began preparations to set sail. She held her breath as Luke approached the row boat. He secured the lines around her before turning to other tasks. Sighing with relief, Mercy held her position until time for her to make her next move.

  Hours later, Mercy peaked out from under her hiding place. She saw Cain at the wheel and darkness was her cover. She decided to make her move to his cabin. Quietly, Mercy tiptoed into Cain’s cabin. After he was relieved at the wheel, Cain retired for the night. It was dark inside his cabin when he entered but he could feel the presence of someone in there with him. He drew his sword silently and prepared for a dual.

  Sensing his apprehension, Mercy lit the lantern and revealed herself.

  “Mercy! I almost ran you in with my sword. How did you get here? Are those my clothes you have on?” Cain demanded as he put away his sword and waited for an answer.

  “I followed you this morning. I sneaked aboard and hid under the row boat until dark. I thought once you found me in here…,” Mercy explained before Cain interrupted.

  “You thought what? I wouldn’t turn this ship around and take you back home. I have a good mind to spank you for defying me,” Cain said harshly.

  “Cain, please don’t be mad. I just wanted to be with you and go on an adventure,” Mercy said as she looked at him with a face that made his heart melt.

  “I should be furious with you, but I’m not. Haven’t you had enough of adventures since we’ve met?”

  “Very funny. Seems that danger excites me,” Mercy said as she brushed her body against his.

  “Hmm. If danger excites you, then you will love this.”

  He began unbuttoning his shirt she was wearing. One hand caressed her breast while the other undone the belt and trousers and let them slide to the floor. He lifted her out of the boots and placed her on the bed. Next, he took the shirt and used it as a tie and bound her arms over her head on the headboard. Then, he spread her legs and tied each foot to the corner posts of the bed using some old cloths we found on the table.

  “What are you going to do now?” Mercy asked with anticipation.

  Without saying a word, Cain removed his boots and sword. He stood beside the bed in the lantern light and slowly unbuttoned his white shirt revealing his muscular chest and ripped abdomen. He tossed his shirt aside then undone his trousers. He let them slide to the floor and stepped out of them. Standing completely naked before her, he ran his hands through his shoulder length black hair. He was a very sexy man and she was eager for him to come closer. His five o’clock shadow was driving her crazy the way the lantern was lighting his face.

  “Cain, take me now,” Mercy whispered with desire.

  “Patience, My Love,” Cain teased as he retrieved a black piece of cloth from a chest and used it to blindfold Mercy.

  “Why?” Mercy asked.

  “If you cannot see what I am going to do, it will be that much more pleasurable for you,” Cain whispered as he gave her a demanding kiss.

  She could feel his breath near her skin as he started at her ear and slowly worked all over her body giving fine kisses here and there. Every time his lips touched her skin she jerked with excitement. She was going to explode if he didn’t take her soon. She lay silently in anticipation as he rose from the bed. He towered over the bed gazing at his captive as he too was burning with desire. He reached into the ice chest and got a small piece of ice. He rejoined her on the bed and kissed her.

  “What are you doing?” She asked.

  “Shh… Just enjoy,” he whispered.

  Cain took the piece of ice and placed it in his mouth. Holding the ice between his teeth, he pushed her hair away from her neck and began a slow descent from her neck down to her cleavage line leaving a watery trail. She shivered at the cold sensations from the ice and the hot sensations again from his breath.

  Her nipples budded quickly as the cold touched them. Cain continued a trail down her taut stomach. He paused at her belly button as his hands stroked her lower region. Slowly, Cain descended his ice trail until it ended at her hidden entrance. The erotic taboo excited her. Her body was almost in an orgasmic state. Cain teased her body with his cold tongue sending chills throughout her body.

  Mercy moaned as Cain plunged his tongue deeply inside of her. He ejected the piece of ice inside her as she screamed out her release. The ice quickly melted as her warm juices collided with the cold.

  “Where did you learn that?” Mercy asked as she came down from her orgasm.

  “I told you. I know how to please a woman.”

  “Please me again,” Mercy begged.

  “With pleasure,” Cain complied as he climbed on top of her and removed her blindfold. He wanted to stare into her eyes as he buried himself inside her. Her hips arched matching his rhythm and she screamed out his name again as she found her release. Pleased with himself, Cain moaned as he found his own cosmic relief. He untied her hands and feet and then rolled to her side.

  “Was that enough of an adventure for you?” Cain teased.

  “Wow!,” she said as that was the only words she could find.

  Cain held her in his arms and kissed her forehead and whispered, “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Mercy replied as they drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 13

  Cain woke Mercy early the next morning and told her to get dressed and meet him on deck.

  “Why?” Mercy asked.

  “If you are going to be on my ship, you will have to earn your keep just like everyone else,” Cain said with a smirk.

  After dressing, Mercy met Cain on deck as he had ordered.

  “What’s this for?” Mercy asked as Cain handed her a brush and a pail.

  “Scrub the deck,” Cain ordered.

  “You’re kidding right?”

  “Nope. Everyone aboard has a job and this is yours,” Cain said as he flashed her wide smile.

  “Yes sir, Captain,” Mercy answered as she saluted her captain.

  Mercy filled the pail and began scrubbing the deck on her hands and knees. She worked all morning scouring and rinsing until the deck was spotless. Her back ached, and her hands were raw when she finished. Cain inspected her work before releasing her from that duty.

  “After you eat, remain in the galley for your next set of orders,” Cain instructed.

  “What are you trying to do?”

  “I’m trying to teach you a lesson. Next time I tell you to do something you had better listen. You will be treated like the rest of the crew.”

  “Give me all you got, I can take it,” Mercy stated with confidence.

  Chuckling, Cain went about his business. When Mercy went to eat, she was told by the cook to peel potatoes when she was done. An hour later, Mercy completed her task and went to join Cain in his cabin.

  “Finished so soon,” he smirked.

  “Yes,” she answered in an exhausted tone.

  “Come here,” he said as he motioned her to come sit on his lap.

  She plopped down on his lap and laid her head of his shoulder. He stroked her hair while she rested. In moments, she was sound asleep. Cain held her until he was certain she was in a deep slumber before carrying her to the bed. She did not stir when he covered her up. Cain watched her sleeping and decided that one day’s worth of hard labor was enough for her. He decided that tomorrow he would teach her how to control the wheel of the ship.

  After breakfast the following morning, Cain ordered Mercy to the wheel. She was relieved that she didn’t have to scrub the deck again. He stood behind her as he showed her how to grasp the wheel and feel the power it held. He nuzzled her neck as she controlled the ship. His crew continued with their chores and paid no attention to the frolicking lovers.

  All day Cain and Mercy stayed on deck enjoying the beautiful day. The ocean breeze felt good in the hot sun as the ship continued on its destination. According to Cain’s interpretation of the map, they were headed to Kimanga. It should take about a week to reach the island chain.

  On the sixth day of the journey, a large chain of islands came into view. Cain surveyed the map once more and decided on the island in the middle of the chain. Cain ordered his crew to begin making preparations. His crew anchored the ship a few hundred yards from the shore because they water became extremely shallow. The row boats were readied and the search party loaded. Mercy was excited as she held Cain’s hand while they were rowed ashore. Once they reached the white sandy beach, Cain ordered a team of men to secure the area.

  Finding no signs of life, the team reported back to Cain.

  “According to the map, we should start walking this way,” Cain pointed as he began walking away from the beach.

  They walked for a couple of hours and came to a clearing that looked like a good place to camp for the night since it was fast approaching. Some of the crew gathered wood for a fire while the rest set up camp. Cain and Mercy set out the provisions while the fire was being started. Mercy cooked some beans and potatoes over the open fire.

  After they ate, Cain decided it would be best to post perimeter guards and keep the fire going all night just in case there were wild animals that lived in this jungle. Cain watched the flames from the fire dance across his lover’s eyes as his desire began to surface. He decided to explore the stream where they were camped.

  “Come on,” said Cain as he grabbed Mercy’s hand.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Let’s take a stroll. The moon is full so we will have enough light.”

  As they walked, Cain whistled lightly. The light from the moon played across Mercy’s face giving her skin a light glow. Cain was lost in her beauty. A slight breeze whisked her hair as Cain brushed it away from her face. She laughed as he suddenly left her side and jumped into stream. He began splashing her by slapping his hands across the water.

  “I’m all wet,” Mercy complained.

  “I hope so,” Cain teased.

  Cain climbed out of the stream and began removing his clothes.

  “What are you doing?” Mercy gasped as she looked back toward the light of the campfire.

  “Getting ready to make love to you if you remove your clothes too,” Cain remarked.

  “Won’t the crew see?” she asked concerned.

  “So,” Cain answered as he began helping her remove her clothes.

  They both removed their clothing as the night erupted into an explosion of heat. She hungrily opened her mouth to his. Cain’s tongue swept inside her mouth claiming hers. He passionately lowered her to the jungle floor. With his knees, he parted her legs as she clung to him. Mercy kissed him harder as she ran her hands down his back. She could feel his muscular thighs pushing against her.

  She heard him moan as she pressed her hips to his. She could feel his arousal as she rubbed her body against his. Cain’s hands swept and explored the smooth bareness of her skin, finding the softness of her breasts. His mouth left a fiery trail of kisses down her neck to the soft base of her throat. She tilted her head back welcoming him and wanting more.

  “I want you,” Cain growled.

  Mercy arched her hips to his, aching for all of him. They began to move together. He kissed her savagely. Quickly, he brought her to a pleasurable climax. She heard him gasp as he exploded inside her. Cain collapsed against her. She could feel his heart beating heavily as he gave her a kiss then shifted his weight off of her and propped on his elbow.

  “I love you,” she whispered as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “I love you too,” Cain answered.

  As they lay enjoying the company of one another, they listened to the stillness of the night, the laughter of the crew from camp, the crashing of waves in the distance, and the sounds of their two hearts beating as one. An hour later, they dressed and rejoined the camp before bedding down for the night.

  After breakfast the next morning, Cain unrolled the treasure map and spread it out on the ground. They studied it closely and then surveyed the area. The island was laid out exactly as the map.

  “Looks like ye picked the right island, Captain,” Luke said as he patted Cain on the back.

  According to the map, they should see two unusually large shaped boulders to the North. They walk
ed North on the island until they came across a section of rocks. Two boulders shaped like camels kissing caught their attention.

  “That must be the place,” Cain remarked as he read a clue from the map.

  Behind one of the boulders an arrow points your way, but you can only see it at a certain time of day. Follow the arrow until water crosses your path, then perhaps you will need a bath.

  The crew began searching the boulders for an arrow. They found nothing as Luke yelled, “It’s not here.”

  “Perhaps we should keep watch on them until the sun lights up the clue and hope we did not miss it for today,” Cain said as he sat down on one side of a boulder and instructed the rest of the crew to do the same until they had formed a solid perimeter around both boulders.

  Mercy rested her head on Cain’s shoulder while he peeled an apple with his dagger. As the boulders began to become shaded by the sun, Cain jumped up when he saw an arrow form on the boulder.

  “There it is. This way,” Cain said as he led the way.

  For hours they trekked uphill. The sun was starting to set and they came across a clearing where they could see mountains in the distance. They decided to stop here and camp for the night. Every bone in Mercy’s body hurt but she did not care. She knew they were getting closer to the treasure with each mile they hiked. She was so exhausted that she was asleep almost as soon as she finished eating supper.

  The next morning they set off toward the mountain. It was not long before they could hear rushing water. They came around a bend and down below they saw rapids flowing. They kept walking until they came across an old rickety swinging bridge. It was the only way to cross the rapids. It was about a fifty foot drop to the bottom and the only rocks they could see were directly below the bridge and in the center of the rapids.

  “Look around for another clue,” Cain said as he reread the clue about water crossing their path.

  The crew along with Cain and Mercy searched all around the bridge but could find nothing related to their search. Cain sent one crewman across the bridge to test the strength of the bridge and to see if there was anything on the other side. The man returned finding nothing and confirmed the strength of the bridge.


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