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My Angel

Page 3

by Alanea Alder

"Fine, just stand behind me when we talk to them," he answered.

  Somehow she didn't think it would work like that, but she wasn't about to argue with him. "Be right back with those suitcases."

  "Don't forget to pack your toothbrush," he yelled from the kitchen.

  "I know!" she shouted back. She stomped down the hall towards the attic hatch. Smiling she pulled the rope and unfolded the stairs. She would always be six years old to her squire, and she wouldn't have it any other way.


  "Hello my name is Sulis Vi'Erlondon. I will be your escort to Noctem Falls." The tall blond warrior gave them a half bow and stepped to one side to clear the way for the portal.

  "My name is Dr. Vivian Mercy, and this is my squire, Halbjorn Bergson," Vivi said introducing them.

  "Ellie is looking forward to your arrival. She and the other doctors have been working around the clock to figure this thing out."

  "Ellie huh? Not Dr. Kimball?" she asked.

  Sulis smiled. "Grant only makes Doc call her Dr. Kimball. The rest of us call her Ellie. She insisted."

  "Who is Doc?" Hal asked.

  "Dr. Nathaniel St.John, our resident physician. Evidently, Grant believed he was flirting when introducing himself, so he isn't allowed to call her Ellie."

  "Ellie is mated?" Vivi asked incredulously. They had spoken to each other that very morning and she hadn't mentioned anything about having a mate.

  Sulis nodded. "They met each other right after she arrived. It seems like the warriors are finding their mates all over the place, don't be surprised if you end up with one of my brothers," he winked at her.

  At her side, Hal growled. "She won't be getting mated to anyone," he admonished.

  Sulis cleared his throat and fought a smile. "Of course."

  Vivi regarded him. "You say your brothers, but don't include yourself."

  "As much as I would love to have a stunning woman like you as my mate, but your aura doesn't shine for me."


  "That's how the fae can sense their mates."

  "Vivian perhaps we should head to the city? The sooner we get there, the sooner we can return," Hal reminded her.

  Sulis shook his head ruefully. "My apologies for the delay, please step through the portal, I will follow and close it behind us."

  Vivi slung her backpack over one shoulder and allowed Hal to walk through first. Seconds later, she stepped through and was immediately overwhelmed by the sun and heat. Hal was at her side in a moment. "Bear with it for a bit longer, the city isn't far."

  "Is she well?" Sulis asked as he closed the portal.

  Hal scowled at the fae. "She is sensitive to the sun, even if it is setting."

  Vivi had always hated all the special provisions she had to make in life due to her body's reaction to the sun. Luckily, she could work whatever hours she wished in her own lab.

  "Then by all means let us not waste a moment more. Follow me." He took them to the edge of the cliff and held out a hand to her. She shook her head and jerked her thumb to her squire. "If you could help him, I can make it down on my own."

  Sulis offered a forearm to Hal, who looked as if he would rather be doing anything other than being escorted by the fae. They floated down to a small ledge. Sulis was about to step forward when the archway began to glow, and the large door swung open by itself.

  Sulis' mouth dropped. "It isn't supposed to do that."

  "Oh well, I'm heading in." Vivi couldn't wait to get out of the heat. Once inside she was able to relax. The cool air of the stone city washed over her. "Much better." She smiled up at her squire. He only grunted as a response.

  "Dr. Mercy, I was told to bring you directly to Level One..." Sulis began.

  Hal stepped between them. "And why is that? She is here to help Dr. Kimball not placate the prince."

  Sulis shook his head. "The prince is in his family's vault at the moment. He let Dr.s Kimball and Albright take over the meeting rooms on Level One for as long as they need."

  Vivi tried to peek around her squire. "He did? Why is he in his vault?"

  Sulis grinned openly. "He promised the Unit Commander's mate a reward for all she did in modernizing the city. They have been down there all afternoon. They should be returning to his quarters soon though. Last I heard she had picked out a few things. She has him completely wrapped around her finger."

  Hal sucked air through his teeth. "Like that is it?"

  Sulis straightened, and his face turned frosty. "I would appreciate it if you kept your disparaging remarks about my Unit Commander's mate to yourself. She would never, ever betray the McKenzie, nor would the prince participate in such a disgraceful act."

  Vivi stepped past Hal. "He meant no disrespect, but that's usually how it's meant in the human world, unless you are talking about a child."

  Sulis inclined his head. "Meryn isn't a child, but, well you have to meet her to understand. There isn't much any warrior wouldn't do to keep her safe."

  "I look forward to meeting her. Please show us the way," she smiled at him apologizing again with her eyes.

  His icy demeanor thawed a bit. "Of course. If you would follow me." He walked them over to a large hole in the floor.

  She blinked. "The transport tunnel."

  Sulis nodded. "Heard of it have you? It's very handy if you can fly, very inconvenient if you can't." He extended his forearm again for Hal.

  When they arrived one the lower level, she instinctively turned right.

  "Dr. Mercy, this way," Sulis called out pointing to the left.

  She shook her head. "Sorry." She followed him to a door and waited while he knocked. Moments later, a polished, handsome man opened the door and smiled at them. "Just in time for dinner."

  "I'll take my leave here. Good luck," Sulis said, then waved goodbye.

  "Please come in, everyone has been expecting you. My name is Sebastian Hearthstone. I am the squire for House Rioux." He opened the door wide for them to enter.

  "Come in said the spider to the fly," Hal whispered.

  She elbowed him in the stomach and was satisfied at his surprised grunt. She winked at Sebastian, who winked back.

  "Don't mind him, his blood sugar is low. My name is Dr. Vivian Mercy, and this is my squire Halbjorn Bergson."

  "It is a pleasure to meet you both. Both Ellie and our Broderick have had nothing but wonderful things to say about you. I will show you to the dining room. Prince Magnus and Meryn returned only minutes before you arrived. If you hand me your bags, I will take them to our guest quarters," Sebastian held out his arms.

  "We're staying here? On Level One?" Hal asked incredulously.

  Sebastian looked at them confusion on his face. "Of course. The lab is on this level, it will make it that much easier for updates, meetings, and meals."

  "I'll take our bags if you show the way," Hal offered.

  Sebastian inclined his head. "As you wish."

  Sebastian walked them down a long hallway off from the main room. "These quarters have recently been expanded thanks to two of our local witches. I think the two-bedroom suite will be perfect for you. They included a kitchenette and a small family room. It is quite cozy." He stopped and opened the door. "Here we are."

  Hal stepped in first and looked around. "Nice." Without saying anything else he took her backpack along with the suitcases and went in to put them away in their rooms.

  "A man a few words?" Sebastian asked.

  "Not when you get to know him," she answered.

  When Hal returned Sebastian escorted them back toward the main room. When he opened a large set of doors, Vivi fought the urge to turn around and run. Over twenty people sat at a huge banquet style table. Everyone stopped their conversations and turned to them.

  "Vivi!" a voice called out before she was nearly plowed over by her friend.

  "Hey EllieBean, I heard you got mated. Forget to go over that little detail?" She crossed her arms and gave her friend the stink eye.

  Ellie blushed. "I wante
d to wait until you were here." She turned and rushed back to the table to scoop up a small toddler out of a dark-haired man's arms. "This is Benji, my son."

  Vivi felt her mouth drop. "Son!"

  Ellie thrust the child in her arms. "Grant and I were able to adopt him. Isn't he perfect!" she gushed.

  Vivi stared down into two unblinking brown eyes. She felt a piece of her heart melt away. "Well aren't you the cutest little spawn."

  Ellie smacked her arm. "Don't call him spawn."

  "She's right Vivi. This little guy is too cute to be called spawn," her squire chastised her.

  "Hal!" Ellie hugged the large squire who in turn leaned down and kissed her forehead. A low ominous growl echoed throughout the room. Hal's head came up, and he scanned the table. "Your mate I take it?"

  Ellie beamed up at him. "Isn't he wonderful?"

  "If he's that protective of you, then absolutely." Hal stared at the man who was glaring at him. "Well pup, stand up and let me see you."

  The man stood and stalked over to them. He pushed Ellie behind him and snarled up at Hal. "I am not a pup."

  Hal guffawed. "You are, but that's okay. A few more centuries and you'll be able to pull off that little growl."

  Vivi wanted to sink through the floor when her squire reached out and patted the agitated wolf shifter on the head.

  The growling immediately stopped. "Did you just pet me?" The man asked in a low voice.

  Ellie jumped between them. "Vivi, Hal, this is my mate Grant Douglas. Darling, this is my other best friend Vivian Mercy and her squire Halbjorn Bergson." Ellie gently took her son and passed him to his father. Grant visibly relaxed and stepped back cuddling the boy. Hal beamed at him. "You have the makings of a great father. Good for you."

  Grant still glared at them but there seemed to be less venom in his eyes. "Thank you," he mumbled.

  Ellie pulled her forward. "Let me introduce you."

  They sat down and by the time introductions were done Vivi's head was swimming. "Is that everyone?" she asked sarcastically as they took their seats.

  Ellie shook her head. "Actually no. Adriel and Micah are wrapping up check-ins with the warriors who had patrols today. They should be here any moment."

  "Etain may be late too. He had to swing by the hospital to grab some bandages," Meryn volunteered.

  Ellie swung around to face the small human. "Why on earth did he need bandages?"

  Meryn spun the butter knife on her plate. "He may or may not have been the victim of my horrible throwing skills."

  Ellie's eyes widened. "Good gods, what did you hit him with?"

  Meryn's face lit up. "A shit pot! I actually found one. I'm glad I talked Magnus into going with me. I meant to toss it to Magnus, but it kinda drilled Etain in the head. On a positive note, I did find some cool stuff for my rewards."

  Declan lost his composure. "Our golden boy was brained by our wacky human with a chamber pot," he held his sides as he laughed.

  "It was a sight to see," Prince Magnus added chuckling.

  Vivi studied the man she had heard so much about. He was nothing like she expected. Hal raised her on stories about the foreboding prince and how he killed to take over the city. The man before her exuded warmth and kindness. She looked over at Hal to find that her squire seemed just as confused as she felt.

  "Sorry we are late everyone, but the meetings with the patrol leaders took longer than anticipated."

  Vivi turned to see an elegant warrior walk in who looked a lot like Gavriel. Behind him a shorter but no less handsome man walked in grinning. "Evidently, today's visit by the warriors constituted the only company some of the citizens had received in months." He laughed. "They were hard-pressed to get away."

  "At least they didn't nearly get brained to death by a poorly aimed chamber pot," the golden giant teased as he closed the door behind them.

  "Vivi, this is Adriel Aristaios, Noctem Falls' Unit Leader, Micah Sageson, the Eta Unit's witch and Etain Vi'Aerlin, Eta's fae warrior," Ellie said introducing the trio.

  "I said I was sorry, like at least twice," Meryn protested.

  Etain smiled at her. "I know. I am only joking."

  As they walked by Vivi was overwhelmed by the most amazing smell. Honey. No. Honeysuckle and cinnamon. Vanilla and musk. Gods what was that amazing aroma? She stood.

  "Vivi?" She heard Hal ask. She ignored him and followed the smell until she was standing next to where the ethereal looking golden warrior sat.

  He frowned up at her. "Yes?" His eyes widened as he stared at her chest.

  Using her vampiric strength, she used one hand to push him away from the table before straddling his legs.

  "Vivi!" Hal called. "What have you done to her?" he roared.

  Behind her, she heard chairs falling as men scrambled past her to restrain her squire. She ignored them and concentrated on the man in front of her. "Gods you smell delicious."

  "I can see your light," Etain said choking on the words.

  She leaned forward and sniffed the bandage on his head. "Honeysuckle," she whispered.


  She shook her head to clear it of the pleasures promised by the blood pumping through her mate's veins and turned. "Hal!" The woolen bubble that the scent of his blood created popped, and reality came crashing in on her. She hopped off the blond warrior and raced over to where Adriel and Aiden had her squire pinned to the table.

  "Let him up, I'm here now," she ordered.

  Aiden looked at her dubiously. "Are you sure? He's a strong sonofabitch."

  "Yes, I'm sure. Let him go please."

  The men let her squire up, and he immediately swept her behind him and backed them against a wall growling the entire time. "He bewitched her. What did you do to her?" he demanded of Etain.

  Vivi pushed against her squire's back. "I have met my mate Hal."

  He froze, and the growling stopped. He half turned to stare down at her. "What? Are you sure?"

  "Yes Hal, she has met her mate, so would you kindly move out of the way?" a polite but dangerous voice asked.

  When Hal turned and straightened he was looking eye to eye with the blond warrior. Vivi took a moment to admire her mate's tall, strong body.

  "We'll see about this supposed mating," Hal said moving slightly to one side.

  "This is like a made for TV movie," Meryn said watching everything with wide eyes.

  Etain gently pulled Vivi forward and into his arms. All at once, she was surrounded by his scent again, and she almost moaned out loud. She rested her head against his chest. "It's true Hal. He's mine."

  "May I be the first to congratulate you on your mating?" The prince said standing. "Though this may not be the best of times, finding your mate is always a cause for celebration." He turned to Sebastian. "Mayhap some wine will help to relax everyone?"

  Sebastian nodded. "Just the thing. Ryuu?" The other squire nodded and followed Sebastian out of the room.

  "Halbjorn, will you not sit down with us and get to know your charge's mate better?" the prince asked.

  Hal gave a sharp nod. Etain turned with her and led her back to the table. He pulled out a chair for her. When she sat down, he gently pushed her chair in before sitting down himself. Hal took the seat on her other side.

  A long silence filled the room.

  "Well this is awkward." Meryn announced. Beth just shook her head at the blunt announcement. "What?" Meryn demanded.

  "Doesn't announcing something is awkward just make it more awkward?" Ellie asked.

  Meryn shrugged. "Probably." She turned to Vivi. "So why is your squire so 'grrr' about you finding a mate?"

  Vivi smiled. Meryn couldn't have phrased the question better. "Because he is my only family. He raised from the time I was a baby, so the responsibility he feels as my squire is compounded by the fatherly affection he has for me as my parent."

  Meryn nodded. "I bet Marius is like that."

  Vivi looked at the human. "Not Ryuu?"

  Meryn grinned wicked
ly. "There would be no 'grrr' he'd just kill peeps."

  "That is a frighteningly accurate assessment denka." Ryuu said, stepping through the doorway from the kitchen. He balanced a full tray of wine glasses effortlessly.

  Sebastian followed behind them. Where Ryuu offered white, Sebastian offered red. Once everyone who chose to indulge sipped on their wine the tension in the room did noticeably dissipate.

  Vivi frowned when Sebastian handed a small bottle to Hal. "What's that?"

  Sebastian grinned. "A gift from Prince Magnus and his brother Caspian. Our Bethy has recently mated, and we understand the turbulent feelings it brings. What you are holding is a sample of aged vampire whiskey, Forbidden Fruit. That bottle, in particular was made from apples harvested right here on Level One, in the Royal Gardens."

  Hal regarded the bottle with interest. "Well now." He uncorked it and drank straight from the bottle. His face brightened. "Well now, indeed." He nodded at the prince at the end of the table. "You have my thanks."

  While Vivi was relieved that her squire was no longer in any danger of being executed in the prince's dining room, the overwhelming urge to roll around on top of her mate, preferably naked was threatening her sanity.

  She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt a warm hand settle on the back of her neck. She turned to find her mate smiling down at her. His arm rested on the back of her chair, and his long fingers massaged her neck gently.

  "Better?" he asked softly.

  She nodded. "Thank you."

  "Your comfort and well-being will always be my utmost concern. I will spend the rest of our days tending to your every need," he promised.

  "Oh my," she whispered.

  "I love the way the fae talk," Meryn said eyeing Aiden's wine glass.

  "Though our words may seem grandiose, that does not make them any less sincere," Etain explained.

  "I just like it." Meryn stared up at her mate. He sighed and pushed his glass over to her. "Not too much." She picked up the glass and took a sip. "I think I like the white better, the one from the other night that Ellie had."

  "That was an import from a vampire clan in Germany," Sebastian explained. "I will write down the vineyard for you."

  Meryn handed Aiden back his glass. "As much as I love my little parasite, I wish I could try all the wine Magnus has to offer. I mean, how many people get to experience the depth of the prince's wine cellar?"


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