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My Angel

Page 11

by Alanea Alder

  Adriel winced at her response. "How did you escape? It was months before we got an accurate count of the dead." His face tightened. "My own parents were killed in the crossfire returning to Noctem Falls." He paused. "Gods! You were just a baby, an infant!"

  Vivi pointed to Hal. "My mother's mate chose him for me. He raised me and kept me safe."

  Kendrick chuckled. "I love being right."

  Vivi scowled at him. "You are annoying, has anyone ever told you that?"

  He nodded. "On multiple occasions in different languages."

  Kari leaned over the sofa. "Can you prove you are royal?"

  Gavriel turned to her. "Do you have your family's Book of Life?"

  She nodded. "Both of them."

  Adriel's eyes bugged out. "Both?" he collapsed back in his chair. "You have your mother's book? Magnus and I looked everywhere for it. You have had it all this time?"

  She smiled. "I never leave home without them. Where I go, they go."

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa. For those of us not older than dirt, some inside info please," Meryn complained.

  Vivi turned to Meryn. "My mother was Mercia DuCoeur, and my father was Armand DuSang."

  "The crazy one?" Meryn asked.

  Vivi sighed. "Yes Meryn, the crazy one."

  Meryn winced. "Sorry."

  Gavriel buried his face in his hands. Concerned Beth wrapped an arm around him. "What's wrong my love?"

  When he looked up, his eyes were bright. "I thought they were extinct. For the first time in centuries, we have all four royal bloodlines." He took a shuddering breath.

  "Which means we can confirm you as prince," Kari said pulling out her iPad.

  Gavriel looked around his eyes wild. "I never wanted this," he started.

  "Which is why you are perfect for the job." Kari retorted. "It is only temporary. No offense but I almost have Magnus broken in. I do not want to start over with you."

  "Besides you are coming home with us when this is over. I couldn't do without my second in command," Aiden said gruffly. "Lycaonia is your home."

  Gavriel sat back dazed. "Right. Just temporary."

  "My PA system is looking pretty sweet about now isn't it," Meryn gloated.

  Kari shook her head. "If we made a general announcement like this, we would have mass chaos on our hands." She paused. "No, we need to call a meeting with all of the heads of the Noble and Founding Families first. Apprise them of the situation and prove Gavriel, Adriel and Vivi's bloodlines. Then we can let them make announcements to the citizens on their levels. That way they can field most of the questions and concerns, not us. We are too busy as it is."

  "Too bad we can't just put Kari in charge," Meryn pointed out.

  "Bite your tongue! I could never lead," Kari exclaimed.

  Around the room suppressed laughter tittered through hand-covered mouths to fill the antechamber.

  Kari looked around. "What?"

  Her indignation set off gales of laughter that acted as a release from the mounting stress of Magnus' sudden collapse. Declan stood and wrapped his arms around his mate. "Kari my love, you could run this city with one hand tied behind your back and blindfolded."

  "Pish Posh! I will leave that headache to Magnus and now Gavriel." She brought her cell phone up to her ear. "Avery darling, I need a massive favor. Could you along with your huge mate go to every level and tell all the ranking heads of the Founding and Noble families to meet on Level One in one hour?"

  From where she sat Vivi heard an adorable squeak followed by reassurances that he would have everyone assembled in the meeting room in an hour.

  Kari, however, wasn't done. She dialed again and brought the phone back to her ear. "Rachelle, hi. I need a favor. Can you hit up the vendors for me? I need refreshments put together and brought down to Level One. I need enough for a large meeting with the Founding and Noble families and in less than an hour."

  "Of course Kari, they would walk through fire for you. Is there anything I can help with?" Rachelle asked.

  "Unofficially can you put a few sets of friendly ears on each level? I will need feedback later."

  "Gods above it must be something huge. Not to worry I still have my contacts from living on Level Five with DuBois. Will there be some sort of announcement?"

  "More than likely first thing tomorrow," Kari answered.

  "Pencil me in for a late-afternoon meeting. I will have them report to me first then I will update you with the pertinent information. I have time to wade through those reports, something tells me you do not," Rachelle huffed.

  "You are a miracle," Kari gushed.

  "Just for that I will bring you some of that peanut butter pie you love so much. See you tomorrow," Rachelle said before hanging up.

  Meryn looked around. "Why can't we put her in charge again?"

  Gavriel shook his head ruefully. "That, is a very good question Meryn."


  Vivi felt like she was going to be sick. She sat between Caspian and Adriel on a platform at the front of the room. The heads of the eight Noble Families and four Founding Families were seated in rows before them. As the distinguished vampires entered the meeting room Caspian whispered their names in her ear so that if called upon she could address them correctly. It would go a long way to present the image that she belonged here. At the podium, Kari stood between Beth and Gavriel.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention? We are ready to begin," Kari announced. The low murmur that had been buzzing since people started arriving quieted. "Thank you. Now, I am sure you are all wondering why we have requested that our ranking families assemble here tonight." Kari paused and took a deep breath. "It is with great sadness that I report that our prince has been laid low by the mysterious sickness plaguing our city." Immediately everyone began speaking at once.

  Looking irritated at the lack of self-control of his neighbors Javier BelleRose, the highest ranking Founding Family member stood and raised a hand. Begrudgingly those around him nudged each other until it was quiet again. "Ms. Kari, how is his condition?"

  Kari smiled warmly at Javier. "He is resting easily in his quarters." She smiled. "He is probably getting more sleep now than he has had in the past few weeks," she said jokingly.

  Javier looked relieved. "I take it; we were called here to establish who will lead the city while Prince Magnus... recuperates?"

  Kari nodded. "Yes..." Before she could continue Ivan DeLaFontaine stood. "Guiding our city will take someone with experience in leading a large amount of people. As we are in a time of crisis, I will throw modesty to the winds and volunteer my time to direct the city in her time of need."

  Javier rolled his eyes. "You are the lowest ranked among us. What makes you think you are capable?"

  Ivan looked down his nose at Javier. "Everyone knows my level has the most citizens. Level Five makes up nearly thirty percent of the city's population."

  Simon Géroux stood. "Duly noted. Personally, I feel that either Aiden McKenzie, Rex Lionhart or Gavriel Ambrosios should be called upon to lead." Furious whispers erupted at his declaration.

  DeLaFontaine's cheek flushed. "We are a city of vampires, why would you suggest two shifters?"

  Simon gave Ivan a droll look. "Not only is Rex Lionhart an Elder and already in a position of leadership in the city, but he has more experience in politics in his baby toe than you do in your entire body. He was raised by Jedrek Lionhart, the most brilliant tactician our world has ever known." He pointed to Aiden. "Aiden McKenzie has commanded our unit warriors from the tender age of one hundred and has done so with maturity and honor. He is the future Elder of Lycaonia. As a Founding Family member himself, he was also raised to lead." He eyed Gavriel. "Gavriel Ambrosios bears the name of one of our Royal Families and has been named as co-heir with his mate Elizabeth by Prince Magnus himself." He smiled woodenly at Ivan. "And he is a vampire, since it seems to be so important to you."

  Jervasius Régis stood smiling ingratiatingly to Javier. "I would like to
point out that we, as a people, have never been presented with such a scenario. We have only confirmed a new prince after burying an old one. Might we take this opportunity to create a new chapter in our history?" He exchanged looks with Ivan. "I would rather we have a leader who knows the city than outsiders." Vivi's heart skipped a beat at the number of supporting nods he was getting.

  Kari cleared her throat. "Since I am new to city politics, let me ask for clarification. The preferred method of selecting a new leader, that everyone here would support completely, would be to follow the traditions set forth by our ancestors?"

  Damn she's good.

  Everyone looked around the room nodding. There wasn't a single person who denied that given the choice, they would rather do things the way they always have.

  Kari smiled and gave an exaggerated sigh. "You have no idea how much it relieves me to hear you all say that." She turned to them and nodded. Vivi stood and reached into the large canvas bag that had been hiding her families' Books of Life. She walked to the center of the stage and set her books down on the wooden table. She followed Gavriel, Adriel, and Caspian behind the table to prop up their books.

  "I take it all of you know what these are?" Kari continued as if they hadn't just revealed four of the most precious treasures of their race. "Some of you may have seen the Rioux Book of Life during Prince Magnus' confirmation, thus you know that Caspian is a royal. We are here to validate the other three."

  Javier's hand trembled as he brought it up to his mouth. "Gods!" he whispered.

  "This is impossible!" DeLaFontaine railed. "Do you not find it convenient that as Magnus is laid low these imposters show up to swoop in and steal his title? Why come forward now?" he demanded.

  "Maybe because they didn't want to deal with a dipshit like you on a daily basis. Prince Magnus has more patience," Meryn drawled. It wasn't lost on the room that Meryn had remembered Magnus' proper form of address. Aiden covered her mouth with his hand as he fought a smile.

  Hugo Evreux guffawed loudly not even bothering to hide his amusement. "You really did call René a douchebag!" Around him, people smiled, but their eyes were locked on the four books.

  Simon turned to Kari. "May we authenticate their books?"

  Kari smiled. "Yes, please do."

  Simon and Javier exchanged looks and stepped forward eagerly.

  Ivan pushed his way to the front. "It requires three ranking family members' blood to authenticate. I insist on being the third."

  Javier gave him an impatient look from the stage. "Then get up here."

  Together the three used their own sharp fingernails to draw blood and allowed the drops to fall on the cover of each book. One by one, each book glowed with a brilliant golden light. Around the room, everyone pointed. Vivi could hear their exclamations of wonder.

  Simon and Javier stood on either side of Ivan and practically manhandled him off the stage when he reached for one of the books.

  Kari looked over her shoulder at them. "Go ahead." She turned back to the room. "From my understanding, now that the books have been proven to be authentic, each person who wishes to claim a royal title need only place a single drop of blood on the last page of their book. If their claim is true, it will glow silver. If they are not of that particular bloodline it will glow red."

  Vivi watched as the others opened their books to the last page and pulled out their prepared daggers. She followed suit and cut her palm, letting it drip onto the bespelled page. All four books began to glow with a soft silver light. Gasps were heard throughout the room.

  "Princes Gavriel, Caspian and Adriel. Princess Vivian. Do you have a name you would like to put forward as royals to be confirmed as our interim Prince or Princess while Prince Magnus recovers?" Kari asked in a clear voice.

  Caspian nodded. "We would like to confirm Prince Gavriel to act as our leader and prince, until such a time that Prince Magnus can return to his duties."

  "I demand to see Gavriel's name in the book!" Ivan screeched. "He was a no-name upstart that appeared out of nowhere six hundred years ago. He takes orders from a shifter as second in command. No one who is of royal blood would do such a thing!"

  Vivi watched as an evil grin appeared at Gavriel's lips. He picked up his book and walked in front of the table for the entire room to see. In a dramatic fashion, he started at the back of the book where the younger members of his family were listed. Page by page he continued to flip. One by one, as the pages were turned Ivan grew more and more gray. Gavriel took his time, treating each page gently.

  It took him a full three minutes to reach the very beginning of the book. When page one appeared, his name glowed as if written with a silver ink. Vivi wasn't the only one who felt as if the air in the room was suddenly sucked out the door.

  Javier and Simon fell to their knees, and the entire room followed their example. More than one person was moved to tears. Caspian and Adriel walked around to the front of the table and knelt down on one knee in reverence. Vivi stood frozen, unsure of what to do. Gavriel turned his head so that the room couldn't see his face, and he winked at her.

  His comforting action allowed her to breathe again. She carefully set her books down and walked around the table to kneel beside Adriel and Caspian. The only ones standing were the shifters, fae and witches of the Alpha and Eta units. Every single vampire in the room offered Gavriel their neck with their hands over their hearts.

  "Please stand, this is not needed," Gavriel said in a firm but gentle voice.

  No one moved, like Vivi they were overwhelmed by his very presence. Gavriel Ambrosios, the one from history and legend. The Dark Prince himself come to life from their childhood stories and dreams. Every vampire in the world knew his name and owed them their very lives. Vivi had assumed that the gentle vampire she was introduced to had been named for his illustrious ancestor, not that he was the Dark Prince himself.

  From the floor Javier looked up, tears streaming down his face. "Why did you leave us?" he asked brokenly. His eyes held a vulnerability that one didn't see often in older vampires. For once Javier and the other ranking family members weren't the oldest ones in the room. Javier was looking to Gavriel the way a child looked to a parent.

  Gavriel gracefully jumped from the stage and knelt down between Javier and Simon and placed a comforting hand on their backs. "Because you no longer needed me. You all learned how to stand on your own. You came together and built this city and established the laws that allowed our people to thrive." He pulled the two men to their feet, and they unabashedly leaned into his strength. "I am the past, but you all are the future. When this crisis is over Prince Magnus will resume his position with my full support. I will return to Lycaonia and continue down the path Fate has set before me."

  "But you are our prince," Simon said choking on the emotion in his words.

  Gavriel smiled. "I will always be watching over you, never doubt that. But you already have a prince, and right now he needs our support."

  Simon stood a little straighter. "What can we do?"

  "Tomorrow I will need for you all to make a general announcement on your levels that Prince Magnus is feeling a bit under the weather and that in the meantime I have been confirmed to help him while he recovers. The last thing we need is chaos and panic," Gavriel said.

  "Yes, sire," the room spoke as one.

  Gavriel blinked. "That will take some getting used to."

  Javier turned to him. "Do you really have to return to Lycaonia? As the highest ranking member of our race, there is nothing that would be denied you." He looked over to Aiden. "I mean no offense," he turned back to Gavriel. "Why would you take orders from anyone."

  Gavriel met Aiden's eyes and smiled. "Because he protects everyone." He looked around the room. "And I protect him."


  "He is over ten thousand years old! Can you even imagine?" Vivi exclaimed flinging herself on Etain's high four-poster bed.

  Etain nodded. "Our queen is just as old. It isn't unheard of
for the fae to live thousands of years."

  She had already undressed and was freezing. She hurriedly pulled back the covers and dove in. "Well, not all of us are fae," she said scrunching her nose at him.

  "No, you in particular, are a sexy vampire that tempts this poor fae warrior to distraction," Etain admitted removing his boxers and climbing in beside her.

  She immediately snuggled in close to him. His skin was so warm. Being in her mate's arms reminded her of how it felt when she would toss her favorite blanket in the dryer. "So warm."

  Etain began to kiss the back of her neck before moving to the side. Groaning she wiggled her bottom against his hardness. "And what am I tempting you to do now?" she asked breathlessly.

  "I need to make love to my mate," he replied in a low voice sending shivers down her spine.

  She rolled onto her back. "And I need to feel you. Surround me and hold me. After revealing who I am, I feel exposed, and I don't like it."

  Etain moved until he was between her legs nearly covering her from head to toe. "I will always be your shield."

  Vivi giggled and shifted her hips. "Right now, you're feeling more like a sword."

  Etain grinned. "I love that we can smile and joke as we make love. You make my heart soar."

  Vivi reached up and traced his cheekbones, then his lips. "I couldn't have done tonight without you. I wouldn't have had the courage."

  Etain lowered himself until his cock was teasing her entrance. He latched onto her neck and slowly bit down.

  "Gods!" she cried out as her body lit on fire. Never before had any man learned her body so quickly. He was playing her like an instrument. She bucked her hips so that the length of him slid along her folds causing them both to moan.

  His lips moved, and he kissed her temple. "You sell yourself short. You would have stepped forward had I not been there because you would have never put the city in danger."

  Unable to take their mutual torture a second longer he reached down and eased into her. Both of them sighed in relief. Hooking her legs on his forearms, he opened her wide to him.


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