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Dating A Hitman (The Dating Series Book 4)

Page 10

by Love, B. T.

  I took it from him and brought it to my lips, taking a drink of the cold liquid. Drinking after that man was one of the sexiest things I had ever done. There was just something about putting my lips where his had just been that turned me on. It was as if we had shared a kiss.

  “Yeah, I’ve thought a lot about it since we talked about it before.”

  “You should do it; you’re a smart woman.”

  “You think so?”

  He took another beer from behind him and twisted off the cap. “I know so.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled. “You’re good at persuading me to do things.”

  He watched me over the bottle as he took a drink. When he brought the bottle back down his lip twitched with a smile. “Yeah I’m pretty good at persuading women to do things.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I’d say you’re better at teasing than persuading.”

  “Teasing?” he asked happily. “I do no such thing.”

  “Yeah right.”

  “I don’t tease you in the least . . .”

  “Oh that is bull,” I said, shaking my head with a smile. “All you’ve told me since I showed up here is to stay away from you, yet you always end up coming around me. It’s like you want me around but you don’t want me around. And you’re the one who called me out to the hot tub, so, yes . . . You’re a tease.”

  He laughed and nodded, agreeing without voicing it. “Well, anyway, the warning still stands; you should stay away from me.”

  “And yet I find that hard to do.”

  He sat his beer on the concrete behind him and looked at me, his face weighted with a heavy emotion. “I told you before, I’m no good for you.”

  My face mimicked his. “Yeah, you keep telling me that. But do you want to tell me why?”

  He pulled his head back like he didn’t understand why I would ask such a question. “Are you serious right now?”

  “Of course I’m serious.”

  “Scarlett,” he said in a hushed tone as he leaned closer, “I kill people for a living.”

  The words floated between us like the steam from the hot tub. “I know,” I said quietly. “But, are you going to kill me?”

  “What?” he asked, baffled by my question. “I spent a lot of time searching for a man to destroy so I would be sure that he would never hurt another hair on your head again. Why on earth do you think I would do the same to you?”

  “I don’t. Which is why I’m still sitting here across from you, and why I’m not in fear for my life as I go to sleep each night. I trust you.”

  His face was uncertain as he relaxed back against the wall of the hot tub. “I’m not a good man for you. I do things most people aren’t capable of doing. When those things happen, sometimes I just need my space. And on a side note, I can’t talk about what I do anyway. I close up; I’m non-emotional. I have to be to do what I do. Women don’t like that. That’s why I’m better at having fun relationships with women, not serious relationships. So you need to just drop the subject, okay?”

  I felt defeated, but I made sure my posture stayed confident. “Well you’re definitely not lying about being non-emotional . . .”

  “No, I’m not.”

  I scoffed and looked over at the bushes beside us, setting my bottle of beer down on the concrete. “It’s just unbelievable.”

  “What’s unbelievable?”

  “You. You and your occupation.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I looked back over at him with a ready-to-argue stare. “My dad was right; I should stay away from you.”

  “And you want to listen now all of a sudden?”

  “Yeah, because I realize that I shouldn’t have anything to do with you. You’re a murderer. I mean, what’s wrong with me, associating with someone like you. People pay you to take innocent people’s lives; it’s morbid.”

  “Hey, I don’t kill innocent people,” he said with anger in his shushed voice.

  “And how do you know that, huh? You just see the dollar signs that they offer you.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Oh yeah? I’m sure it’s not just some one-hundred-dollar bill they’re giving you. You probably make thousands. That’s incentive enough to take out anyone they ask.”

  He leaned forward again and pointed an angry finger at me. “Enough of this bullshit; I know what you’re doing.”

  “What?” I asked, faking an innocent air about me. “I’m just calling it like I see it.”

  “Well for your information I only do hits on people who are known for doing horrible things.”

  “We all do horrible things, Troy; we’re human.”

  “Most people don’t do things like the people I take out do.”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  His eyes were livid as he stared at me. He took a deep breath and grabbed his beer from behind him and tilted his head back, letting the liquid flow down his throat. When he was done he threw it as hard as he could away from the hot tub; I jumped at the sound of the glass breaking on the concrete. “The night you got here.”

  I looked away from the area he had thrown the bottle to and settled back on his frustrated pair of eyes. “What?”

  “You asked me earlier when I did my last hit. It was the night you got here.”

  My shoulders slumped down until they were almost completely under the water. “Is that why you were out here drinking in the dark?”


  “Oh.” I didn’t really know how to feel about that. I remembered that day he came down the stairs with his aviator sunglasses on and told us he had to go to work. Where did he go? What did he do and who did he do it to?

  “You wanna know they type of person I killed?” he asked.

  “You, you would actually tell me that?”

  “Without detail, yeah, I will. He was a sex trafficker; he specialized in young girls.”

  “Oh,” I said quietly. “Well that’s good; you did the world a service then.”

  “Yeah, I did. And you wanna know who I took care of before that? A rapist. And before that was a man who killed his wife from beating her head into the ground. And then there’s jolly ol’ Jimmy Rolofo who shot a little girl three times and strung a puppy up by its neck to die in his bathroom. That’s who I agree to take care of, none of that I got beef with this guy so please get rid of him bullshit.”

  I didn’t know what to say. “So, you’re a hitman with a heart?”

  He shook his head with annoyance. “You really piss me off, you know that?”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because I’m not my normal guarded self when I’m around you. You make me act different, and . . .”

  “And what?”

  “And it pisses me off.”

  “Well, you piss me off too, you know.”

  “Yeah, I’ve figured that out.”

  God that man was infuriating, and I was done playing games with him. I wanted him, and he wanted me. We just needed to get the sexual tension out of the way. I stood up from the water and crossed over to the other side where he was sitting. His eyes widened as I moved on top of him and placed my hands on his shoulders while I straddled him with my legs.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. Even though he sounded irritated his body language relayed the opposite emotion as he smoothed his hands along the outside of my thighs.

  “I’m taking the initiative since you won’t,” I said as I leaned down to kiss him.

  “No,” he said, stopping me with a light shake of his head. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you initiate what were about to do in this hot tub.” His hands smoothed from my thighs to my hips and he pulled me down harder against him, the intense action making me suck in a pleasant breath. Our lips were an inch away from each other’s as he looked up at me, his eyes alive with what was about to happen. “If you start this with me there’s no going back.”

  My face was serious as I nodded down at him. “I don’t want to go back; this is what I want.�

  “You want to sleep with a killer?” he asked, bringing his hand up out of the water and tucking my hair behind my ear.

  I couldn’t speak, I was silenced by the level of intensity that was rising between us. Instead I gave him my answer by carefully nodding my head yes.

  His fingers spread through the side of my hair and gravitated to the back of my head. “Do you want me to touch you?” he asked, his voice nearing a whisper.

  I nodded again.


  “Everywhere,” I begged, breaking my silence.

  His eyes dropped to my lips. “Everywhere?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  He carefully pulled my head down and brought my lips to his. My body became alive as his tongue parted my lips and stroked against mine with a delicate motion. Against my will my mouth quivered, my body reacting to the intense feelings he was stirring up inside of me.

  He ended our kiss and looked up at me. “This is your last chance to tell me to stop. Because once you get me started, I won’t want to.”

  “You’re the one that’s the tease, remember?” I said with a smile. “If anyone’s going to pull out on this it will be you, not me.”

  His lips pulled back with a seductive smile. “I don’t pull out.”

  He brought my mouth back down to his again, the kiss more intense than the one before. I became more relaxed by each passing second, resting the weight of my body on his as we explored each other beneath the bubbling water.

  I broke away from his lips and looked up at the house. “When will they be back?”

  “Not for a while.”

  I pushed myself up and leaned over him, pressing the button on the panel behind him, turning the light off to the tub. His hands ran up my waist and he pulled me closer as his tongue trailed along my stomach. I shivered when his mouth stopped on my belly button ring and he took it into his mouth, gently pulling on it as his tongue swirled around it.

  “You’re good with your tongue,” I complimented him in the dark

  “You have no idea.” He pulled me back down on his lap and untied the strings to my bikini top, taking it away from my body and tossing it onto the concrete. “Perfection,” he said as he ran his hands up and smoothed over my breasts that were softly visible beneath the moon’s light.

  His touch felt so powerful. I placed my hands on top of his as he caressed me, the thrill I was feeling reaching new heights just from his focus on my breasts alone. I couldn’t wait to feel what the results would be after he was completely finished with me in that hot tub.

  He moved his hands down to my thighs and held me tightly as he stood up in the water and turned me around, sitting me down on the edge of the concrete. His fingers traced up the outside of my thighs and found the sides of my suit. I leaned back on my hands and he pulled it off of me, throwing it off to the side somewhere in the dark.

  He moved between my legs, his eyes spirited and confident with the reality of what was getting ready to commence between us. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”

  “Tell me,” I begged. “How long have you wanted this?”

  The corner of his mouth pulled back with a smile. “Ever since your finger first touched that doorbell.”

  * * *

  There was something completely exhilarating about sex with a killer. His hands were strong; I could feel his power as his fingers explored my body. As much as I hated to admit it, the fact that he was capable of ending my life so easily turned me on, more so because I knew that he never would. I quivered as he stroked my body in all the right places; I sighed as he made all the right moves. When his hand smoothed along my breast and traveled up to the side of my neck my breath caught with the image of him using the same hand to cut off someone’s air; when his finger slid to a sensitive spot I shivered with the image of him using the same finger to pull the trigger of a gun. And yet, I was completely at ease with him, because he was so protective of me. I felt safe with him. Being naked with him in the most intimate way didn’t leave me feeling exposed; in fact, I felt the opposite, because I knew he was always guarding me. The only time I felt exposed and afraid was when he wasn’t by my side. How a man could be both like an angel and a devil was beyond me, but that’s what Troy was. He was the perfect mix of heaven and hell.

  I sat on his lap in the bubbling water, my head resting back against his shoulder. His arms were comfortably around me, holding me close against his naked body. “Aren’t you glad I was persistent?” I asked.

  He chuckled next to my ear. “Very.” His hands found mine below the water and he laced our fingers together. “You’ve officially worn me down.”

  “Good,” I smiled. I turned my head so my nose was nuzzled into the side of his neck. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “No,” he replied, although there was a touch of a smile in his voice.

  “Oh, come on,” I quietly begged.

  “It depends on what it’s about.”


  “Then definitely no.” My shoulders slumped against him. He turned his head and placed a kiss against the side of my hair. “You get one question; that’s it.”

  I squeezed his hands below the water. “What’s your story?”

  His chest lifted as he pulled in a heavy breath of air. “My story?”

  “Yeah. You know so much about me, about what happened to me when I was a little girl and what my family went through. I know nothing about you.”

  “Well, it might be better that way.” I took my hands away from his and scooted off of him. “What?” he asked as he sat up straighter than he was when we were relaxed together.

  I went to the opposite side and sat down. “Nothing,” I lied.

  “Don’t give me that bullshit.”

  “There’s nothing wrong,” I said defensively.

  “Jesus, woman,” he said as he came forward and reached beneath the water, grabbing onto my calves.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Trying to make you happy.” I grabbed onto his arms to steady myself as he pulled me against him and wrapped my legs around his body. I smiled as he stepped back and sat down once again with me on his lap. “You’re too much sometimes, you know that?”

  My lips pulled back with a satisfied smile. “It’s only fair that I know something about you. I mean, my brother knows about your story, right?”


  “So why is it a big deal that I know about it?”

  “Because I don’t like talking about it.”

  “Well, I understand that. But I’m a safe person to tell it to.”

  He lifted his hand to my chin and ran his thumb along my bottom lip. “Yeah, I know you are.” His eyes focused on mine and he smiled, his face warm and reminiscent. “You know, I’ve been protective of you since I was seventeen years old.”

  “I know,” I smiled.

  He dropped his hand and put it back on my thigh below the water. “I had a little sister that wasn’t too much older than you were.”

  My head cocked as I listened. “You did? What happened to her?”

  “She was murdered.”

  “Oh my gosh, Troy. I’m so sorry.”

  He nodded, acknowledging my regret. “So am I.”

  “You don’t have to talk about it if it bothers you. I understand why you wouldn’t want to.”

  “I want to. It will help explain to you why I am the man that I am.” I stayed quiet, giving him my full attention. “I was fifteen at the time,” he continued. “My friend Josh had invited me over to stay the night at his house, so I went and was having a blast, playing video games and shit like we always did. Well, we beat the game that he had at his house so I told him I would run back home and get one that I had. He lived just a few blocks away so it didn’t take too long to get there. When I climbed the steps I noticed right away that the door was ajar, which was never something that happened at our house, because we lived in a bad neighborhood and always had the doors locked.”

  “Did someone break in?”

  “Yeah. A man named Mike Latrell. My dad had done some bad business with him; apparently my dad screwed him over or something like that. Anyway, Mike came through the house in a rampage and killed everyone inside.”

  My eyebrows furrowed. “You mean your parents were killed, too?”

  “Yeah,” he nodded. “They were killed instantly. I found them both in the kitchen slumped over the kitchen table with a bullet in each of their heads.”

  “Troy, that’s so horrible. And for you to have seen it . . .”

  “It was. But that wasn’t the worst part about that night. My parents didn’t suffer, but my sister did. I heard her crying in her bedroom in the back. When I opened her door she was laying on her bed with a gunshot wound in her chest, and her blood was just, it was just spilling out of the hole in her nightgown.” His eyes were focused on my shoulder and were glazed over as he recalled the traumatic event. “I ran over to her and picked her up. The neighbors had heard the gunshots and called the police, so I could hear their sirens coming as I carried her outside.” He shook his head and scoffed lightly. “You know, they actually thought I was the one who did it. I got arrested and everything.”

  “They did? Why?”

  “Because I was the only one who wasn’t hurt. My friend’s mom had to go down to the police station and give a statement saying I was at their house when it all happened.” His eyes cut back up at me and he gave me a downturned smile, trying to keep up his tough persona. “Anyway, I carried her out of the house, and I just kept telling her she was going to be okay. She was talking a little bit, and she looked up at me and told me it was Mike who did it. And then she got quiet and she went a little limp in my arms. I panicked and tried getting her to talk some more. Her eyes were still open though, so I knew she was still alive. I told her to stay awake, that she was gonna be okay. Her eyes . . . They just watched me the entire time.”

  “What was her name?” I asked quietly.

  “Amy. Her name was Amy. And do you know what her last words were that she told me?”


  “She said, ‘Troy, he made me watch.’”


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