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EDGE: I, Hero Quests: City of the Dead

Page 2

by Steve Barlow


  You rush at the creatures, swinging your sword — but you simply pass through their ghostly bodies!

  You step off the bridge and turn to face them, ready for a fight to the end. To your surprise, the warriors do not follow you. They stand with swords pointing at you.

  You take out the Ruby of Seeing. “How do I pass these creatures?” you ask it.

  The answer forms in your mind. You cannot, for no living thing may cross the bridge.

  You will have to head for the waterfall.

  Go to 30.


  You reach into the leather pouch, pull out the Ruby of Magic and point it at your enemies. A bolt of energy erupts from the ruby, engulfing the firebirds.

  You shield your eyes from the blazing inferno. The light dies away and you open your eyes. Nothing remains of the creatures.

  Putting the ruby away, you stare into the distance. You can see swarms of wraiths and other nightmarish creatures flying towards the entrance into the mountain and the Red Queen’s city.

  If you wish to use the Ruby of Seeing, go to 12.

  If you wish to continue flying towards the mountain, go to 49.


  “I have tasted the power of the crown,” you say. “I will keep it for myself. I will become all powerful!”

  You laugh, but as you do so, you feel a great pain in your head. The rubies are burning into your skull. You try to tear the crown off your head, but you can’t.

  Olderon looks on in horror. “Why is this happening?” you cry.

  The Ruby of Seeing reveals the answer — Only a person of true honour can wear the crown.

  It is your last thought as the crown melts and you drop to the floor, dead.

  Your greed has been your undoing. Try to rescue your honour by going back to 1.


  You make your way to the gates. The skeleton guards point their weapons at you.

  “Greetings,” you begin, “I bring a message for your Queen.”

  One of the skeletons nods and points at the gate.

  You smile. That was easy, you think. But as you step past the skeletons, you feel a ripping pain in your back.

  You look down and see the point of a spear sticking out of your belly. You drop to your knees and pass into blackness.

  Go to 42.


  You take out the Ruby of Magic and the Ruby of Power, and speed towards the entrance.

  The four-headed dogs detect you and begin to howl. The trolls spot you and sound the alarm. You notch arrows and let fly, one after the other. The Ruby of Power guides your aim and you hit your target every time.

  But to your horror, you see that the arrows are not killing your enemies.

  The trolls unleash the dogs and they charge at you, their jaws dripping with poison. You suddenly realise why your enemies are not dying — they are already dead! You switch your attack to the Ruby of Magic. You blast the undead creatures into atoms, but this delay has cost you the element of surprise.

  Hundreds of death wraiths, riding skeleton eagles, fly out of the entrance. The air is filled with missiles: spears and arrows, as hell is unleashed on you!

  You try to escape, but Hergal is hit several times. Your faithful companion lets out a death cry and she plummets to the earth.

  You hit the ground and the rubies fall from your grip.

  Go to 40.


  You recall Olderon’s words about letting go of your soul and realise what you have to do. As the soul-eater pulls your soul from your body, you reach for the Ruby of Power.

  The collector pulls a small ball of light from within your chest, opens the jar and places it carefully inside.

  At that moment you snatch the jar from him and strike him. He falls to the ground, looking at you in amazement. “Why are you still standing?”

  “Because of this.” You show him the ruby. “It has given me a power beyond my own.” You point at your soul in the jar. “Thanks to you, I am now the master of my soul. I am not fully alive, nor dead. As long as my soul is safe, outside my body, I cannot be killed. I think that will help me to defeat the Red Queen. Where is her palace?”

  The soul-eater points towards a black marble building. “She is there…”

  If you don’t trust the soul-eater, go to 8.

  If you do, go to 21.


  You make your way to the steps and begin to climb down. The spray from the waterfall soaks you, but gives you cover from any prying eyes.

  You continue downwards, treading carefully on the slippery rock steps.

  Halfway down the cliff something seizes your ankle. You look down and see a tentacle wrapping itself around your leg. Before you can react you are pulled through the waterfall into a cave.

  In the dim light you can just make out the outline of a creature from your worst nightmare. It is a devourer!

  You are being pulled towards its open mouth, with its rows of razor-sharp teeth. Struggling for your life, you manage to pull your sword from its scabbard.

  If you want to slash at the tentacle, go to 48.

  If you want to wait until you get closer to the devourer’s body, go to 2.


  You rip two small pieces of cloth from your jacket and push them into your ears, blocking out the noise of the banshees.

  You pull out the Ruby of Magic and destroy the fearsome creatures with a bolt of energy. In the blink of an eye they are reduced to dust. Your way to the Mountain of the Lost is clear! You remove the cloth from your ears and continue on your way.

  If you used the Ruby of Seeing earlier, go to 22.

  If you didn’t, go to 47.


  Inside the palace there are dozens of armed guards, but to your surprise they stand aside and let you pass.

  Eventually you arrive at two blood-red wooden doors. You fling them open and enter a great hall. The hall is full of undead creatures of all forms, shapes and sizes.

  At the far end of the hall sitting on two great thrones are Mortha and the Red Queen. In front of them is a black marble plinth. On it rests a golden crown with a ruby set into the metal. You realise that this is the Crown of Blood, and the ruby is the Ruby of Death.

  The Queen smiles. “Welcome, adventurer. We have been expecting you!”

  Mortha stands and holds out his hand. “You have brought the missing Blood Crown rubies to our city. So let me make you an offer for them…”

  If you wish to attack Mortha, go to 11.

  If you wish to listen to him, go to 45.


  You know that the Ruby of Power will help you. You take out your sword and rush at the skeletons.

  The guards are taken by surprise as you hack at their bones, instantly reducing three of them to splinters. The remaining guards fight back, stabbing at you with their pikes, but you avoid the blades and chop at their bones.

  Soon all the skeletons lie in a pile.

  You move towards the gate, but as you do so, you hear a scraping noise. You spin around to see the skeletons’ bones moving and reattaching themselves together.

  In seconds, the bones re-form into one giant, six-headed skeleton!

  If you wish to fight the skeleton, go to 6.

  To head through the gates, go to 43.


  What are these beings, you wonder? The Ruby of Seeing gives you the answer. These are draugs — undead creatures that can increase in size at will and possess unnatural strength. They delight in causing pain and suffering.

  The draugs spot you in the light cast by the Ruby of Seeing. They let out a great roar and move towards you. Their bodies fill the width of the passageway.

  You decide to deal quickly with these creatures, and take out the Ruby of Magic. You point it at the draugs, but nothing happens. You wonder why. Again, the Ruby of Seeing gives you the answer. Magic does not work in the land of the dead.

  What a great time to discover that, you think as the foul creatures get closer. You’ll need
to use a different tactic.

  If you wish to attack quickly, go to 3.

  If you want to use the Ruby of Power first, go to 46.


  As you make your way towards the stone bridge, you see a transparent white light shimmering in the darkness. You grip your sword and move carefully forwards. A low murmuring of voices strikes up, but you can’t see anyone or anything ahead of you.

  If you wish to continue towards the bridge, go to 17.

  To head back to the steps next to the waterfall, go to 30.


  You decide that Mortha is right and you will never escape from Necropolis, but at least you and Olderon will live. It is with a heavy heart that you take the rubies from the pouch and hand them to the necromancer.

  Smiling, he takes the rubies and puts them into the settings on the crown. Then he places the crown onto the Red Queen’s head. She stands triumphant.

  “And now you will allow us to leave?” you ask.

  The Red Queen laughs. “Oh yes, but not as you are.” She holds out her hand and from it shoots a stream of light. It hits you, dropping you to your knees.

  “Olderon, do your duty.”

  Olderon steps forward. You are powerless to move as he takes the jar from your jacket. He opens it, takes out your soul and crushes it.

  Your life has been taken from you! You are now one of the undead, another servant of the Red Queen.

  You have failed at the last hurdle. To begin again, go to 1.


  You pull at Hergal’s reins as the deadly spears hurtle towards you. The gryphon twists and turns, but she cannot avoid all of the missiles. They pierce her side.

  In desperation you reach for the leather pouch containing the Ruby of Magic, but you are too slow. The firebirds catch up with you and a skeleton leaps from the birds and attacks you. It knocks the pouch from your hands and the rubies fall into the valley far below.

  You try to fight off the creature, but it is hopeless. Fire engulfs you as Hergal drops through the air. You let out a last scream that echoes round the Valley of the Demons. It is the last sound you will ever make.

  You have failed in your quest. If you wish to begin again, go to 1.


  You reach for your sword, but the collector takes a dagger from his belt and plunges it into your chest. You drop to the floor. A stream of sparkling light pours from the wound in your chest and shoots into the air.

  The old man grasps at it, but cannot catch it. He curses. “One soul that that got away…”

  He turns away, leaving your lifeless body on the floor.

  You have failed. To begin again, go to 1.


  As you shoot another arrow, the draug transforms into its original size. The arrow flies over its head. Before you can react, it leaps at you, knocking you to the ground.

  The draug clutches at your throat and begins to tighten its grip. You struggle to break free and reach for the Ruby of Power, but the creature is too strong for you.

  You feel the life being squeezed from your body. The draug howls in triumph as it slams your head against the rocky ground, and you pass thankfully into darkness.

  To begin your quest again, go to 1.


  Without the rubies, you are helpless. Your enemies close in on you. You try to fight back, but you are soon overwhelmed.

  Your flesh is pierced time and again, and your lifeblood pours from your body.

  If you wish to begin your quest again, go to 1.


  You touch the crown and think that you could become what the Red Queen wanted to be — ruler of the world!

  Then you shake your head. “The temptation is great,” you say. “But I do not wish for such power. I said I would return the crown, and so I will. In the meantime, you take care of it. I have felt its power and do not wish to be tempted again.”

  You hand the crown to Olderon, who places it in Hergal’s saddlebag.

  Olderon turns to you. “You have chosen wisely,” he says.

  You smile.

  “It is time to return home,” you say.

  Go to 50.


  After some time, you regain consciousness. You are standing in the hall of the Red Queen.

  She and her husband Mortha sit in their thrones. “Bow before me,” demands the Queen.

  You fall to your knees. “Yes, Mistress,” you reply, “I am your servant, now and forever!”

  You have become one of the undead! If you wish to begin your quest again, go to 1.


  You realise that there is no way to destroy this creature, so you sprint for the gate. The skeleton follows, but you are too quick for it. You pass through the gate and slam it shut.

  You begin to make your way through the city, passing beings including zombies, skeletons and wraiths — every one is undead! They stare at you, but allow you to go on your way. You think this is strange, but are glad you don’t have to fight all of them. You know that you have to find the Red Queen’s palace and the Ruby of Death.

  If you wish to use the Ruby of Seeing, go to 14.

  If you wish to try to communicate with one of the undead beings, go to 19.


  You turn Hergal around and try to outfly the firebirds. However, the creatures are too fast. One of them draws level with you. You glance across and see the skeleton rider drawing back his arm and hurling a flaming spear at you. It misses you, but it strikes Hergal’s wing.

  The gryphon gives a shriek of pain as her feathers catch alight. You pull the burning spear from her wing and beat at the flames, putting them out. More firebirds close in and their riders hurl their deadly missiles towards you.

  If you want to use the Ruby of Magic, go to 25.

  If you wish to try to dodge the spears, go to 37.


  “I am listening,” you say.

  Mortha steps forward. “We have been following your adventures. You have impressed us with your skill and bravery, but now you are here you have no chance of escape.”

  “So you say,” you reply.

  Mortha shakes his head. “You are brave, but foolish if you think you can defeat us here in our city.”

  “I will die trying,” you say.

  Mortha laughs. “But we do not wish to kill you! We wish to make you an offer.” He clicks his fingers and from out of the shadows steps a familiar figure.

  “Olderon!” you cry.

  A death wraith stands at his side, gloating. You realise that Olderon is now one of the Red Queen’s undead followers!

  Mortha smiles. “This is what we propose. Give us the rubies and we will give life back to your companion, and you can leave. If not, we will take them anyway. What do you say?”

  Olderon stares at you as you decide what you should do.

  If you wish to attack Mortha, go to 11.

  If you wish to give up the rubies, go to 36.

  If you want to try to take the Blood Crown, go to 16.


  You reach into your pouch and grasp the Ruby of Power. You feel the warmth of its strength surge through your body.

  One of the draugs sniffs and grunts at the air as it closes in on you. “I smell live flesh!” it roars.

  Before the draugs get too close, you quickly draw your bow and notch an arrow.

  Go to 20.


  As you get nearer to the mountain, you see that the entrance leading into the City of the Dead is guarded by dozens of armed zombie trolls. Their rotting flesh hangs off their bodies. Giant dogs with four heads stalk around, sniffing at the air and letting out howls that echo through the valley.

  Smoke and fire pour from the entrance and the stench of death is all around. This is a truly terrifying place.

  If you wish to try to fight your way into the mountain, go to 28.

  If you wish to look for another way into the mountain, go to 15.


  In desperation, you slash at th
e tentacle with your sword as the creature pulls you towards its mouth, and certain death.

  Time and time again you hack at the devourer’s flesh. Finally, the blade slices through and the tentacle drops twitching to the floor. A stream of green blood oozes out from the wound. The devourer lets out a demonic scream.

  You scramble at the slippery rock, trying to escape, but before you can get away another tentacle flicks out, catching your hand. Your sword is sent spinning from your grip. It clatters to the ground out of reach. More tentacles grab hold of your arms and legs, and wrap you up. You cannot move!

  You try to break free from the creature’s grip as it pulls you towards its open mouth. But your struggles are in vain. It gives a roar of triumph. You scream as its teeth crunch down on you.

  The devourer lived up to its name! To begin again, go to 1.


  You steer Hergal towards the Mountain of the Lost.

  As you get nearer, the valley suddenly fills with the sound of demonic screeching. You try to block out the noise, but it is impossible.

  The air is filled with flying ghost-like shapes — they are flesh-eating screaming banshees! You have heard of these creatures. Their deadly screeching sends their victims into unconsciousness before the banshees rip them apart.

  The creatures fly around you. Hergal seems not to be affected by them, but your head feels as though it is splitting apart. Your eardrums throb to bursting point.

  To fight the creatures, go to 5.

  To use the Ruby of Magic, go to 18.

  If you wish to block up your ears, go to 31.


  Hergal flies you and Olderon back to Alba where you receive a hero’s welcome.

  In the great hall, you tell the Queen of Alba and her councillors of your many adventures since you left the court.

  When you have finished your story, you hand over the Blood Crown. The queen takes it and thanks you.

  “We will keep this and it will once again be a force for good,” she says. “You will be its guardian, for you have proved yourself brave, strong and worthy.”

  You are a true hero!

  You are a member of a Special Forces military unit. You have flown many secret military planes, and even tested prototype space vehicles and advanced weapons. You are the top-ranking test pilot in the force.

  After your latest Special Forces mission, you are taking some well-earned rest. You are relaxing at home, watching a news bulletin. There are reports of strange weather patterns across the world. Typhoons, hurricanes, thunderstorms and sandstorms are battering cities, causing death and destruction across the planet.


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