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Page 31

by Gregory Cholmondeley

  The heat from the explosion scorched him as he rose above the flames, but his death wasn’t nearly as painful nor as quick as he had expected. Stavius tensed his body and tried hanging onto his memories of his mortal life as long as he could. A moment later, he was jarred out of his reverie by a soothing voice in his head, advising him to not look down.

  Of course, Stavius immediately opened his eyes and stared into the abyss below.

  He was flying two-hundred-fifty feet in the air over the battlefield south of the river with his head pointed straight toward the ground. Oily smoke and noxious fumes roiled in the air around them, and Stavius immediately puked.

  “That’s going to ruin somebody’s day,” chuckled a familiar voice.

  “I’d say he’s going to ruin a dozen people’s days with the spread on that spray,” chuckled another voice.

  Stavius twisted around to see Elisa riding on the back of Saiph. The massive dragon was gripping him in her mighty talons. They hit a downdraft and fell fifty feet before Saiph’s mighty wings thrust them higher. Stavius’ head was snapped back toward the ground, and he vomited again.

  “That is completely disgusting,” groaned Saiph. “Cut it out, or you’re going to make me hurl too. You two are finished. I’m taking you back to the training cave.”

  The dragon adjusted her grip on the boy, and his ride became smoother as she flew the two heroes south, but Stavius felt as though all the life had drained out of his body. Aubornis castle and his mother were gone, and the entire hillside was ablaze. The battle on the cotton fields appeared to be over, but he did not see any victorious celebration. The place was somber and melancholy, almost as though neither side had won.

  Everything he saw amplified the thoughts that looped through his mind. They had failed at everything. The Lachians had lost the battle. Nariana and Versera were missing and probably dead. His mother had just killed herself in front of his eyes. And the Crown of Helios was gone.

  They could not fulfill The Prophecy now, and Stavius’ failure was the reason they were unable to complete it. There was no longer any hope. What would he tell the other heroes? What would he tell Janus?

  Stavius closed his eyes, let his body go limp, and sobbed.

  Chapter 28


  General Bor spat the dirt out of his mouth as he raised himself off the ground. He smelled blood, sweat, dust, and death as he surveyed his surroundings and sighed. Memories of a lifetime of battles flooded back under the darkening skies, and Bor longed for the sweet smell of the green grass and lilacs around his tournament field. He preferred using combat for competition, challenge, and improvement instead of death. Winners should revel in their accomplishment, and losers should learn from their attempt. Spectators should enjoy the spectacle and honor all who compete.

  Today was nothing like a tournament. Today was about maiming and killing. Both the victors and the vanquished will lose. The only winners will be the spectators watching from a safe distance who will reap the eventual benefits from funding the stronger army. But even those wealthy rulers will suffer. Many of their friends, spouses, and children will die before the battle concludes.

  The two young Prophecy Heroes were fighting to his right. Nariana was wielding a long staff with a dense, metal fist on one end and a razor-sharp blade on the other. Versera was using heavy maces attached to two long chains. They appeared to be dancing as they ducked, weaved, advanced, and withdrew. However, the damage they delivered to anyone daring to get within range left no doubt these were warriors and not dancers. Bor could tell they were tiring, however. He certainly knew his energy was fading.

  General Bor snapped out of his reverie when a powerful Septumcolan soldier charged him with a spear. The general leaped to meet her and swung his fifty-pound battle hammer upwards as he rose. The soldier hadn’t seen Bor’s sledge and was unable to dodge it as Bor drove it into her chest. Bor didn’t even flinch at the horrible sound of his sledgehammer crushing the warrior’s rib cage. The startled woman wasn’t even able to scream as she died, but Bor barely noticed. Two more enemy warriors had broken through the line and were charging him.

  These two carefully remained out of Bor’s striking range and circled him on opposite sides to position for an attack. One was limping from a leg wound delivered by Bor’s sword a few seconds later, and they both took a half-step back. General Bor was a huge man and was able to swing his mighty battle hammer in one hand while wielding a sword in his other.

  A Lachian soldier ran toward them, yelling, “General Bor, there’s a horse here to talk to you about a man.”

  Bor grunted, “I’m kind of busy right now, Wilee Baab. Why don’t you have him come back later?”

  The old, giant, general used Wilee Baab’s distraction to hurl his hammer at one of his combatants and braced himself for the inevitable attack from behind. The Septumcolan soldier leaped to his left and almost managed to avoid the heavy object flying toward him. The hammer missed his abdomen but clipped his left leg, and his agonizing screams and impossible leg angle confirmed that he would never walk again. Bor swung around as quickly as he could with his sword raised in defense, but there was no counterattack. Instead, he saw the other Septumcolan soldier staring at him with a startled expression and the point of a sword protruding from his chest.

  Wilee Baab extracted his sword and said, “General Bor, I think you need to speak with this guy right now.”

  Bor stared at his friend and replied, “Wilee Baab, I really like you, and I certainly thank you for saving my life, but I don’t have time to talk to a man about a horse right now. I’ll tell you what. Have him come back later, and I’ll spend as much time with him as he desires, assuming we’re still alive.”

  Bor turned to pick up his sledgehammer and refocus on the battle. His troops were slaying the Septumcolans two to one, but they were getting tired. They were surrounded, and their defensive circle kept shrinking. Bor knew that they had no hope of winning, but he also knew his troops would never surrender. Stories would be sung for generations about the skill and bravery of the Lachians in battle.

  Wilee Baab shouted, “Your visitor is not a man, it’s a horse. There is a horse here to see you about a man, and he says we will win this battle if you meet with him.”

  Bor froze. Could it be that the unicorns had finally arrived as they had promised? Bor had never understood how they could help, but he was glad to have any assistance at all right now. Perhaps he could quickly form a cavalry. A few dozen of his best fighters mounted on horseback might give them the means to break through this noose of enemies constricting his movement. Opening up the battlefield would allow him to return to a more strategic form of fighting. That would be much better than merely fending off sporadic attacks and watching his numbers dwindle. At the very least, the sight of mounted troops would be inspirational and energize his people.

  Bor raced to the southern side of their defenses with Wilee Baab and gasped at the sight before his eyes. A massive, hairy, black stallion and a beautiful, white unicorn with a long blonde mane and tail stood before them. Dozens more unicorns and horses were lined up behind them. Bor instantly knew that these creatures were not here as mounts. The animals gracefully marched through a broad swath of land devoid of fighting. Septumcolan soldiers were dropping their weapons and surrendering in hopeless defeat.

  The black stallion spoke in Bor’s mind, “Take us to Stavius. Tell him that the unicorns of Equous have arrived as promised. Your battle is over, and it is time to retrieve the talismans.”

  Bor couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but he trusted these creatures. There was no doubt that this horse spoke the truth and that the battle was over. He felt elated, and the sudden cheers rising from his troops indicated that they were feeling the same. The relieved general saw nothing but celebrating Lachians and surrendering Septumcolans as the unicorns fanned out across the battlefield with their brightly-glowing horns.

  The general cleared his throat and said, “I’m afraid
that Stavius is not here. He is in the city trying to capture the talismans.”

  The black stallion stared at him with unblinking eyes and said, “Very well. In that case, lead us to your king.”

  Bor gave a short bow and quickly led the horse and unicorn to the center of their stronghold to meet The King. He began to introduce The King to their saviors but realized he did not know their names.

  The stallion interrupted him to say, “Your majesty, I am Ajdahl, king of the unicorns, and this is Queen Esthara. We are pleased to meet you.”

  The King straightened herself and proclaimed, “I understand that you are the cause of our victory, so the pleasure is mine. I am The King of the Lachians, and I welcome you.”

  Queen Esthara spoke for the first time, and everyone fell silent. All cheering stopped, and even the moaning and crying from the wounded faded to silence.

  “I am Queen Esthara, ruler of Equous. You are correct that our arrival brought you to victory. But, please, have no doubt that your people’s courage, heroism, preparation, and skill were the primary reasons for your success.”

  General Bor immediately adored this queen. She was a true leader who was powerful, majestic, and wise. Despite her kind words, though, the unicorns had saved his army from inevitable slaughter. Every Lachian owed his or her life to this mare who fulfilled a promise made to a boy several months ago and far away. There was no way they could ever repay their debt to her. The King had come to the same conclusion as Bor and began to speak, but Queen Esthara silenced her with a gentle nod.

  “I wish to thank you for the sacrifice you have all made to defeat the tyranny of Septumcolis and to welcome you into the Equous Empire. We shall bring peace, honor, and tranquility back to this region, and I pronounce Lachia to be the first kingdom under my rule. Your people will no longer be starved for magical power nor live in fear of enslavement or persecution.”

  The King had never heard of this Equous Empire and wasn’t entirely sure what had just happened. However, Esthara’s promises aligned with her own goals. Her people had lived like captives in their fortified towns for too long. All they wanted was the freedom to live their lives without fear of Septumcolan raiders.

  The King replied, “We thank y’all for your generosity, Queen Esthara, but we have little need for magical power. All y’all do not know my people, but we strive to live a pure life involving as little magic as possible.”

  Queen Esthara smiled and said, “Then you are indeed honorable people. You shall be free to follow your beliefs and will transform your soldiers into farmers. I proclaim that the Lachian kingdom is to be the primary supplier of food for the entire Equous Empire.”

  She turned to Bor and added, “There will be no more wars, nor needs for armies or generals now that the empire exists. I am sorry, but your chosen profession no longer exists in this new era. Your service has been appreciated, but you and your troops will need to learn new skills.”

  Bor smiled as he said, “I denounced killing long ago and returned only at Stavius’ behest to help the Prophecy Heroes defeat the Septumcolans and fulfill The Prophecy. I prefer to only fight for the pleasure of the challenge and for the opportunity to grow. I would much rather smell the sweet aroma of a grassy tournament field over the acrid stench of a burning battlefield.”

  King Ajdahl stepped forward and said, “Then you and those who share your belief shall live with us unicorn stallions as we pursue similar ideals.”

  Queen Esthara did not look entirely pleased with her husband’s statement, but she did not disagree. She merely said, “It is time to fulfill our second promise to Stavius. Let us now enter Septumcolis and retrieve the remaining talismans.”

  Versera stepped forward and stated, “Stavius is in Septumcolis seeking the Crown of Helios, but the Jewels of Luna and the Ring of the Air are not in the city. They are powering the Septumcolan army shield from the southern river bank.”

  Queen Esthara smiled at the girls and said, “How fitting that two of the Prophecy Heroes are here to fulfill The Prophecy. Please lead us to the ring and jewels. We will join Stavius later.”

  Nariana couldn’t believe that the battle was over. The Septumcolan soldiers cast down their weapons and fell prostrate in surrender as Queen Esthara, King Ajdahl, Nariana, and Versera led the procession to the riverbank. Even The King, General Bor, and General Jairmee followed behind the four leaders without complaint.

  The talismans were ensconced behind small but strong fortifications, and neither girl could imagine how they would reach them. However, King Ajdahl spoke to the Septumcolans in a rich, resonant voice, instructing them to deliver the two talismans. Then the guards stepped aside, the heavy, bronze doors swung open, and the heads of the Clivana and Faerinod families stepped out, carrying their precious talismans. Seconds later, the shield over Septumcolis became opaque and vanished. The battle was finally over. The Lachians had won!

  “Congratulations on your victory. Now, go and fulfill your parts of The Prophecy, young heroes by bringing those relics to me,” Queen Esthara softly coaxed Nariana and Versera.

  Both Versera and Nariana were amazed at how easy this was. They had anticipated stealing the talismans or forcibly taking them in battle, but this was more like a peaceful transfer of power. The two smiling family leaders were bowing and presenting their power sources in a grand ceremony. Both girls wished they had engaged Queen Esthara and her unicorns sooner. They could have avoided all of today’s death and destruction by employing the unicorns’ grace and respect from the beginning.

  Nariana muttered to her friend, “We would’ve wrapped up this mission much quicker if we had made it to the unicorns first.”

  Versera agreed, “Boys can sure mess things up. All they see is conquest and fighting when peaceful negotiation with the right partner is all that is needed.”

  Something didn’t feel right as she said this, though. She almost had the sensation of a voice in her mind warning her that something was wrong. Nariana appeared to feel the same way, but both girls shook off their premonition and accepted the talismans. They felt relief wash over them as they lifted the jeweled objects from the smiling kings.

  Queen Esthara could barely contain her eagerness as she cooed, “Now, bring them to me and complete your part of The Prophecy.”

  The voices in the girls’ heads were so loud that Nariana could barely force her self-doubts out of her mind as she walked toward the unicorns. She nervously laughed and replied, “Oh, I think we have a bit more to do before The Prophecy is complete. The Prophecy is somewhat vague, but we know we need to use the talismans to construct a motor and bring magic back to our Earth.”

  Esthara scoffed, “The Prophecy is clear. There is no motor, and the magic is right where it belongs. Everyone knows the Equous Oracle:

  When the hunter has fallen to ground,

  descended from bright stars all around,

  the heroes of man shall shortly arrive

  and mothers of ours will again be alive.

  Their strength will set all of the unicorns free.

  Man’s heroes shall willingly give us the key.

  Magical charms will sever our rein

  and grace us the power to rule once again.

  “The oracle has unfolded as foretold. The four of you arrived, and Stavius reenergized my foremothers. Then, their power freed us from the centaurs’ prison. Now the talismans will provide us everything we need to rule this world. Bring me those relics and tell me where to find the others!”

  The two girls froze. The voices in their heads were screaming for them to run away, but their feet remained frozen on the ground. They knew they were being manipulated, but they still felt an insatiable desire to satisfy the queen. Nothing could ever give them greater pleasure than fulfilling her needs, but the conflict in their minds wouldn’t permit them to move.

  Queen Esthara finally relented and nodded to her mate to join her in retrieving the talismans from the girls. She envisioned having her loyal servants deliver t
hem to her but was unwilling to delay her triumph any longer. However, giant claws swooped from above to carry the girls away as soon as King Ajdahl and Queen Esthara took their first step.

  The girls immediately felt a searing pain in their minds and bodies, accompanied by an intense desire to drop the talismans. Still, their arms remained frozen and tightly locked around their prizes. Their mental discomfort and need to please Esthara faded as their distance from the unicorns increased. Finally, their minds were entirely free of the unicorns’ influence, and the only remaining pain was from the massive talons encircling their waists.

  “Who are you?” Nariana asked in a panic, as she glanced to her left and realized she did not know the dragon carrying her friend.

  “I’m Reggie, and this is Bea. Now sit still and, whatever you do, don’t look down,” answered the giant, brown dragon flying above her.

  Nariana immediately looked straight down and saw her legs dangling above the ground two-hundred feet below. The girl promptly retched, and so did Versera.

  “Why do they always look down when told not to do so? Oh my, I think I have some splattered on my tail feathers,” sighed Bea as Versera heaved every bit of food in her stomach.

  Nari flew alongside and said, “Don’t worry, guys. Aunt Bea and Uncle Reggie are just bringing you to Dad’s cave. They’ll set you down, and you can ride us back to the training cave. That was close back there with those unicorns! We could barely get through to your minds.”

  The girls were flooded with relief when they saw Nari and Sera join their formation. The six of them were on the ground in front of Juice’s cave with Versera and Nariana hugging their soul mates a minute later.


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