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A Worthy Man

Page 38

by Jaime Reese

  “It’ll be fine. Stop stressing,” Drayton whispered, bumping his shoulder. “Ours are up next.”

  Vann swallowed heavily. Ours. He closed his eyes and counted, hoping to settle the thundering pulse in his head.

  The crowd quieted as the announcer’s voice boomed through the speakers. “Now, the last presentation of the evening comes to you from D&V Infinity, Corporation.”

  Vann’s heart rate quickened as a murmur rippled through the crowd.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the new additions,” the announcer said, stressing the plural, “to the VannGuard line of electric excitement.”

  Vann slapped his hand over his mouth when a nervous chuckle rose in his throat.

  “What?” Drayton asked in a whisper.

  “We sound like a vibrator.”

  Drayton ducked his head and held back a chuckle.

  They both quieted when the deep thump of a drumbeat started and the slow building crash of cymbals echoed in the distance, growing louder as the lights revealed what looked like water on the stage. Vann craned his neck around the curtain, trying to see the crowd, the stage…everything. The huge video wall came to life with images of water splashing in sync with the light show in shades of blue and each crash of the cymbal.

  Vann stared in awe, his gaze ping-ponging back and forth, absorbing every tiny detail of the presentation and the audience’s reaction. “Should we be out there in the crowd seeing this?”

  “Mia’s out there recording everything and so is Connor. We can watch that later if you want.”

  A bright spark flickered on the video wall, igniting a line of blue light that slowly built a wireframe—similar to those Li created within the department. Each new line of light, perfectly paced with the music echoing in the room, revealed a little more of the model.

  His breath hastened in concert with each rising note and the synchronized building outline of the model. The music felt epic, as if a medieval field full of warriors would storm the stage at any moment and wage war on the crowd. The wireframe details continued to fill in the model on the screen as drums thundered and cymbals crashed, pushing the music to reach a crescendo as the wireframe completed. After a few seconds, a loud crash of cymbals sounded and the wireframe video of the model dissolved into the stage of water.

  “We need to give Connor a fucking raise,” Drayton said.

  Vann’s heart raced as the crowd roared then quickly quieted when the sound of flutes faded in, joined by a symphony of clarinets. Abstract lines of white began to appear on the video wall, and Vann could swear he felt a gust of wind blow by as each new line appeared. After a series of more wind instruments joined and more abstract streams of white smoke and lines surrounded the wall, a white hologram appeared, forming the wireframe of the next model to be revealed. Once the model was completed, a wind blew across the crowd and the hologram of the model appeared to blow away as the music faded and the air stilled.

  Drayton grabbed Vann’s hand, threading their fingers together. Vann glanced at Drayton and smiled at the look of wonder on his face. His eyes scanned every flickering light that appeared and his chest rose with each building verse of music.

  Vann tightened the grip on Drayton’s hand when the lights turned to red and flames appeared on the video wall. Dancers with fire torches raced across the stage, twirling a bar lit on both sides, creating patterns of circles and lines. Fire lines began to appear on the video wall, outlining a glowing red wireframe of the next model like a fuse, pulsing on the screen as a crash of thunder sounded in the distance, then another. The fire dancers left the stage and everything darkened, leaving only the flickers of silver lights, pulsing like sparks of electrical charge in concert with the deep bass thump.

  Drayton wrapped his arms around Vann from behind and pulled him against his body. He splayed one hand across his chest and kissed his neck. “Your heart’s racing.”

  “Isn’t yours?”

  “Yes,” Drayton responded with a kiss to Vann’s temple just as a series of LED lights lit the stage and a laser light show raced around the room, synchronized in its motion with a growing pulse line on the video wall. Thunder crashed as white bursts of lights flashed and an orchestra of music began, building and thumping as loud as Vann’s heartbeat.

  A blinding white light filled the room like a camera flash and everything faded into blackness.

  Vann stiffened with the sudden darkness. “Dray?” His breath came at a clipped pace.

  “I’m right here,” Drayton said, his voice barely above a whispered breath by his ear.

  He relaxed in the embrace as words appeared on the video screen, scrolling the specs of the new motor.

  The murmur of the crowd rose as each detail appeared, quickly followed by a splash of water transitioning into a ghost of a swirl of smoke drifting in the wind. The wind swirled into a ball of fire, igniting a fuse that traced the outline of the VannGuard logo. The images faded out, leaving only the logo, glowing on the video wall. The video wall slowly faded in, showcasing four different video segments, one from each model’s presentation. As each video faded in, the models appeared—one in a rich metallic cobalt blue, another in an arctic pearl white, another in a deep crimson red, and the last in a pale gray, almost a silver iridescent tone—each as if emerging from the darkness, backlit by the video that captured their spirit.

  Vann’s pulse sped as the crowd roared with applause and the camera flashes almost blinded him. He gripped Drayton’s arms still wrapped around his midsection, smiling as he stared at the photographers rushing the stage for a better angle. He craned his neck to steal a better view, but remained hidden behind the curtain at the side of the stage. He glanced over his shoulder and smiled at Drayton. He was so damn happy he couldn’t even think of the right words to say.

  Drayton pressed a tender kiss to his waiting lips. “I love the colors.”

  “Ty, over at Calloway’s, customized those. He’s worked on a few color combos for each. I only asked for one to match your eyes.”

  “See? You are a romantic.”

  Vann chuckled. “I learned from the best.”

  “I love the panoramic moonroof you added,” Drayton whispered, tugging him closer.

  Vann bit his lip to hide a smile as he scanned the crowd. He couldn’t deny the excitement in the air was intoxicating. He stared at the new cars, admiring how striking they looked in the spotlight. He may have drawn them on a piece of paper, but they each came to life with the help of a huge support team. His smile finally broke free when photographers pushed closer to the stage to snap more pictures.

  “I love you,” Drayton whispered in his ear, pressing a kiss to his temple. He pointed to the photographers shoving each other aside to take another picture. “Look at them. They love what you’ve done.”

  What we’ve done. He closed his eyes, absorbing Drayton’s words. He easily recalled every visual of the presentation, and every smile and gasp from the crowd. He reveled in the spectrum of emotions, engraving each into his mind for later reference…the show, the excitement, and sharing this all with his Dray.

  In that moment, his role in the world became crystal clear. He wasn’t a criminal or a person destined to walk a set path because of his upbringing. He was a man, living his dream, standing alongside his partner—in life and in business—defining their own road and building a legacy, together.

  He mattered…to Dray, their team, and to everyone who would be touched by what their synergistic energy had created.

  He slowly opened his eyes and stared at the logo still glowing on the video wall. His name by birth, but somehow, Drayton had managed to take something that had cursed him his entire life and morph it into something beautiful and amazing that represented a pool of talented people he was damn proud to call “their team.”

  Vann took a deep breath, letting the emotions swell his chest and fill his well of strength. “Our team is awesome.”

  “Damn right. Even if it sounds like we’re making vibrator

  He chuckled and turned in the embrace, thankful for the man he held in his arms who always made him feel as if he was all that mattered in the world.

  ∞ ♥ ∞

  Drayton swiped the card at the door and pushed it open when the green light blinked. He turned, walking backward into the hotel suite, laughing at the huge grin on Vann’s face.

  “You were amazing today. The reporters loved you.”

  Vann shrugged in that self-deprecating way of his. During the press conference, he answered each question without hesitation. He was inclusive of the team in every response, modest yet confident—all while staying true to the real Vann and giving them a peek at the underlying bite of humor that always made Drayton smile.

  “It was easy with you and Connor there. I just worked off your energy and followed your cues.”

  Drayton pulled the tie from his collar and set it on the table. “I can’t believe you thanked the announcer for the idea of offering a special edition vibrator with the initial orders to ensure endless hours of…electric excitement. Did you see Connor’s face? I swear the man was trying to think of some way to incorporate that idea into the product launch.” He ducked his head and chuckled.

  Vann smiled. “You can’t just put something out there like that and expect me to walk away from it.”

  Drayton shrugged out of his suit jacket and draped it on the back of the chair. He undid the buttons of his cuffs then pulled out his shirttails from his slacks. He glanced over at Vann, standing there doing nothing but watching him undress with an odd expression on his face he couldn’t decipher. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  A smile played on Vann’s lips as he ducked his head. “You refuse to disregard anything I’ve ever said.”

  Drayton cocked his head. “Why would I?”

  Vann walked over to him and took a deep breath. “In your eyes, I’m not the bad guy, the street rat, or that poor kid. I’m just…me.”

  “’Cause you’re my Vann.” Drayton reached out and hooked his finger in Vann’s belt, tugging him closer.

  Vann rested his hands on Drayton’s hips. He was pensive, as if fighting through a blizzard of chaos in his mind. “I never thought I deserved that.” He glanced up, a wealth of emotion screaming from his expression. “I never thought I deserved you.” He looked away and exhaled heavily. His eyebrows twitched as he chewed his bottom lip before speaking again. “I figured I wasn’t good enough to earn the right to be by your side.”


  His focus snapped back to Drayton. “Please, Dray.” He took another deep breath. “I know what you’re going to say. But I need to say this.”

  Drayton nodded as his heartbeat quickened. He slid his hands to Vann’s hips, not really sure if it was to hold Vann close or ground himself for the words that would follow. Whatever Vann felt he needed to say obviously weighed on him.

  “I know what it’s like to be without you by my side. I lived that way for ten years and…I died a little every day.” Vann’s eyebrows drew together and his Adam’s apple repeatedly bobbed. The silence was heavy between them, almost as thick as the tension in the air.

  Drayton reached up and ran his fingers through Vann’s short hair, knowing the simple gesture often settled him.

  Vann sighed and leaned into the touch. He reached up and clasped Drayton’s hand, stilling the caress, then placed a kiss at Drayton’s wrist before returning his hand back to his hip.

  Drayton’s pulse raced as Vann chewed his bottom lip again and his frown deepened. He tried to contain the concern that surfaced when Vann retreated so much into his thoughts.

  “I hated the way people looked at us whenever they saw us together, just hanging out. I know what ran through their minds…because I thought the same thing.” He looked into Drayton’s eyes and held his gaze. “I never truly felt I deserved to be with you, sharing your space. And I sure as hell never thought I deserved your love. I was always afraid you’d walk away. That one day the rose-colored veil over your eyes would vanish and you would see me the same way everyone else did. And you’d find someone smarter, someone…who would make things easier.”

  Pain coiled in Drayton’s chest. Vann was the most confident between them, the one who strutted around when they were together and gave everyone the fuck-off face when onlookers stared too long. He knew there had been doubt in Vann’s mind, but he assumed that doubt had only surfaced after his sentencing and their time apart.

  “I’m not your equal—”


  “No, Dray. I’m not your equal,” he said firmly. “But that’s okay.” A tiny hint of mischief sparked in those amber eyes. “Like you said, I can’t do what you do and you can’t do what I do. On our own, we’re not the same. But together, we’re stronger…better.”

  Drayton sighed, tightening his grip on Vann’s waist.

  Vann jabbed his finger in the air toward the hotel room door. “Outside that door, there are people who’ve hated me my entire life. They’ve questioned me, looked away from me, and they think I’m that remnant shit that sticks to the grooves in their boot. And you know what? In the end, they don’t matter. Not unless I let them matter.” Vann reached up and ran his fingertips through the hair at Drayton’s temple in a soft caress. “Now I know what it’s like to be at your side without every asshole judging or questioning me and wondering if I’m good enough for you. And that’s a good thing. Because I’ll be damned if I’m anywhere but by your side. Always.”

  “Forever,” Drayton whispered as his heart thundered in his chest.

  “What matters to me is who makes me want to get up each morning and rock this fucking world. And who makes me want to fight and push myself to be the best man I can be. That’s you, Dray. It’s always been you.” Vann straightened, tall and proud in front of him. “And after everything we’ve pushed through these last few months, all the hard work, and endless nights working together, I know exactly how good we are together. I saw that tonight. I heard it in their applause and praise. So now I know, I’ve fucking earned that right to stand proud at your side. Like you always said I should.” His lips curled into a lopsided grin. “I’m a little slow sometimes, but I eventually get there.”

  Drayton swallowed heavily. His chest swelled with gratitude and love that Vann finally saw himself as the man Drayton always saw him to be. “You did always prefer the scenic route.”

  “Only because I was with you. The scenic route takes longer but is a much more interesting ride, with tons of amazing things you don’t get to see or experience otherwise.” He reached up and grabbed the back of Drayton’s neck, tugging him close and pressing their foreheads together. He brought Drayton’s hand to his chest, resting it on the soft fabric over his inked pec. “Regardless of how long it takes me to realize what you’ve told me for years, I need you to know, you are the one constant in my life and all roads always lead back to you,” he whispered harshly.

  Drayton stared into those amber eyes, holding a wealth of hidden promises he couldn’t wait to uncover. “That was accidentally romantic.”

  “I was going for intentionally romantic.” Vann held Drayton’s face in his hands and smiled. “I love you.”

  Drayton’s lips parted. Everything around him froze and the air seemed to thicken.

  “I’ve loved you for so long…I don’t know what it’s like to not love you.” Vann stared at him, brushing his thumb along Drayton’s jawline.

  The sounds entered his ears, but he couldn’t believe those same sounds had translated into the words he had heard. He was focused on the man standing before him, but everything else seemed to fade into a blur around them. An odd sense of peace began to soothe him, bathing every limb and muscle with a peacefulness he hadn’t felt before while his heart seemed to pound twice as hard. He took a deep breath to calm his body’s battle, but the invisible vise tightening his throat stole his breath. He closed his eyes, focusing on the thumb brushing against his skin, strumming a slow song to
his soul as his heart slammed against his chest.

  “You’re too quiet. You’re freaking me out.”

  Drayton pulled him into a desperate embrace and held him tightly, not saying a word. His body shook and his soul screamed with joy. He screwed his eyes shut, trying to lock in the surge of emotions battling to break the surface.

  Vann inched back from the embrace and searched Drayton’s features. He reached out and swiped Drayton’s cheek.

  Drayton sniffled, not realizing a tear had escaped.

  “I think an angel’s pissing in your eye.”

  A chuckle rose through his tight throat and broke free. “Little fucker.”

  Vann continued to stare at him, as if trying to read his mind. He ran his fingertips through the hair at Drayton’s temple, then down his face to trace his jaw. He quieted and the teasing faded as his lips thinned to a straight line. His jaw muscles twitched then stilled before he finally spoke. “You’ve always known how I feel about you.”

  Drayton nodded, ducking his head.

  “You’re too quiet. Forget what I said. We’ll just rewind a few minutes and start over again.”

  “I don’t want to,” he whispered.

  “Dray…you’re scaring me.”

  Drayton cupped Vann’s face and placed a kiss on Vann’s lips, hoping to send him a clear signal filled with the overwhelming emotions suffocating him.

  Vann slowly opened his eyes, staring at Drayton with a lingering hint of concern.

  “No one’s ever said that to me before,” he whispered.

  Vann’s eyebrows drew together. “No one?”

  Drayton shook his head. His mother’s words returned to the forefront of his mind. How do you expect anyone to ever love you? Looking back, every interaction between his parents had been a transaction of some kind, whether in business or social climbing. Love was something they never dispensed. It was a miracle he was anywhere near a decent human being…but that was easily attributed to Vann, their relationship, and his unwavering commitment to push Drayton to reach into himself and discover the person he could be. He knew his mother’s words had left their mark, but he never would have imagined the hole they had left in his heart until that very moment when those few words had been said to him.


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