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Taken by Sadistic (Rage Ryders MC #3)

Page 10

by Liberty Parker

  Ryder: We can’t keep things up in the air. I realize we’re supposed to wait and see where my Pa’s head is when he comes back. I’m tellin’ ya, I know him and he’s not comin’ back to lead us, if he comes back to the club at all. Kid and I aren’t ready, not sure when we will be, but it’s not gonna be soon. I think we need to vote in our new leaders so we don’t crash and burn.

  Tumbler: I second that motion. I would like to place for nomination Wasp for Prez and Tic for VP.

  I’m a little shocked I was nominated. Wasp is a good decision, but me as VP. Never really thought of it. My heart fills with pride that Tumbler has that type of confidence in me and it must show on my face.

  Ryder: I second the motion and I second the nominees for our leaders.

  Wasp: Brothers, I’m honored, and if that’s what you all want, I will do my best to give you and this club every piece of me. I will honor King’s memory, but I feel we need to take the club in a different direction. If you’re willin’ to work with me, you have your man. I accept the nomination for President.

  I, also am very honored and amazed at the confidence you all have in me. I will have my Prez’s back and also believe our club needs a new makeover of sorts. I also accept the nomination.

  Tumbler: I have Kid’s proxy and Ryder has Ghost. I vote aye and I vote aye for Kid.

  Ryder: I also vote aye and vote aye for Ghost.

  Fuck me, this is really happening. If I was a little bitch I’d shed a tear or two.

  Votes go all around and it’s a unanimous aye. Wasp is our new Prez and I hold the honor and title of VP. God save us all.


  Two hours later…

  Walkin’ into the clubhouse, the first time as the VP of our charter fills me with pride. Kori is asleep in the common room on the couch with Lil’ Bit fast asleep in her arms. The guys get their ladies and we agree to meet in the mornin’ and catch up with Kid and Ghost. They were filled in on the news and we were given our congrats.

  A blur runs past me and jumps in Travler’s arms. Seein it’s Kaci lets my nerves settle a little bit. Until I hear what she says to him.

  “I’m pregnant”

  Ryder flips out…huh, guess he didn’t know about those two. He must be blind. We’ve all been waitin’ for this to come to light.

  The End


  Two years later…

  Sittin’ in the back yard of the clubhouse with Kori in my lap is my version of a dream come true. So much has happened since Wasp and I took over the role of leaders for this club. Ryder and Kid have moved away startin’ their own charter of the Rage Ryders. When we all spoke of expandin’ makin’ us stronger with numbers, they were the first ones nominated. When they accepted it didn’t surprise me. But damn, Ashton and Wasp sure have missed their girls. Tumbler, Travler and their Ol’ ladies went with them. For a while our family felt split, but things are good and we make sure once a month we have a club family party and BBQ either here or there.

  Levi and Carson are full patched members. We’ve lost a couple brothers which has been a hurdle in itself to climb and move on from. I wrap my arms around my Angel’s expandin’ stomach. Feelin’ my son movin’ around in there never gets old. Shortly after bringin’ back my Lil’ Bit, who isn’t so little anymore at the age of five, has grown into her own voice, and is always speaking her mind. She thinks she has a leader role within’ the club. The boys and I haven’t had the heart to correct her. We take what she says in stride and help her through the understandin’ that we will always take her under advisement, but she in no way is in control. We’ve had a few meltdowns, but other than that all the brothers fawn over her.

  Our one-and-a-half-year-old Kingston runs up to us from the playground. And my boy looks pissed.

  Angel leans over to him once he makes it to us from the playground where he and Lil’ Bit’ve been playin.

  “What’s wrong with my little King?’ she asks him. ‘One word, it’s all that’s needed for me to understand.”


  I look over and see my daughter stompin’ towards us with her new iPod her Uncle Ghost got her for her birthday last month.

  “Dad! Will you tell your son he can’t play with my iPod? Seriously, all he wants to do is put it in his mouth. That’s gross!”

  I look over at Angel and she has a smirk on her face.

  “Welcome to fatherhood.”

  To my Readers

  I hope you enjoyed Tic and Kori’s story and it meant as much to you as it did me. Their love story is close to my heart. Kid and Riley’s love story was my first, but Tic and Kori are epic. I tried to give you a sneak peek into their future. Yes, I left some unanswered questions, ones that will eventually be answered in different stories from our Rage Ryders and their lives. I wanted to say a note to you as followers of the Rage Ryders. There are many books in mind and the Rage Ryders will split charters and add more characters. Therefore, the Rage Ryders are up in the air as to how many books will come in their series. This wouldn’t be possible without you, all of you.

  Thank you,

  ~Liberty Parker


  There are so many important people in my life, I hope I give everyone the praise they are deserving of. First off, I have to give credit to my family. Without your support and love this would only be a pipe dream of mine. Greg, Colton, John, and Thomas. Thank you for standing beside me through this battle of reaching my dreams.

  Johnna Siebert: Best PA a girl could ask for. You’re like a Genie, ask and you shall receive. I love you and thank you so much for taking me on. Your braver than I am.

  Cree Nations: you have become not only one of the best friends I’ve ever had, but you are my confidant, my role model of what a strong, loving woman should be. Your support never waivers and holds strong through all of our hard times and fun times. You have become the light in my life and the joy in my heart.

  Vera Quinn: You inspire me on a daily basis. True friends and supporters are laid with the foundation you have shown me. Thank you for being my rock when I feel like I’m falling. Keeping me grounded and keep me motivated when I’m ready to call quits.

  Angela Campbell: To come in and offer your services of editing my book when I’m at the end and on a time crunch. You didn’t complain once, you offered your time and friendship I’m looking forward to see grow. Your hand reached out to me, and your willingness to work with me means the world to me.

  My Lady Outlaws. I could sit here and name every single one of you. Maybe one day I will, but you all encourage me and hold strong against my hardest and meanest critics. The love you show me, Cree and Vera daily are what a true support team is for us. I am happy to report some of you are venturing into my world and I personally look forward to supporting you and helping you climb the mountain of your artistic ambitions.

  My beta family, Erin Osborn, you not only inspire me with your beautiful soul but your hard work. You have also become one of my dearest friends and your writing in itself is inspiring for me. Cathy Kay Sailor and Crissy Sutcliff…you ladies drop everything when I need you. You two joining my team has pushed me to be the best I can be. Thank you

  My new family—Cree, Bo, Ethan, Alonna and Raquell. You have breathed life back into my body and soul. I love you all so very much. Sorry Bo, I’ve become the bratty annoying sister, but you’ll get used to me. Yes, Phillip Marler this means you, also. Here’s to dreams coming true.

  Jennifer Michelle all I can say is Thank you, love you and you rock!

  Tracie Douglas-Rabas the last minute cover changes you did for me from your heart will never be forgotten.

  Kori Toth-Gray, Danena Freeman, Monica Langley Holloway, Nicole Lloyd and Jessica Corbin. Your light always shines brightly in my heart and mind when I get the chance to catch up with you.

  Last but not least—Kayce Kyle, my sissy and new upcoming Author. This is for you and me, dreams do come true. It’s your turn to fly.

  To everyone else I don’
t have space to thank personally. Thank you for your continued support.

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  Lady Outlaws

  My books are sold at Amazon and are currently on Kindle Unlimited

  Sneak Peak from Cree Nations

  Tucker A Stone Brothers Story

  available on Amazon and KU


  “If I can be the damn District Attorney in this county then dammit, you can be the fucking Sheriff.”

  “Well, I sure as fuck didn’t ask you to be the District Attorney – now did I? And I know damn good and well, I sure as hell never said I wanted to be Sheriff.” Tucker roared back at his brother Zachariah. “And who the fuck put you in charge, anyway?”

  “I’m the oldest? I always get stuck being in charge.”

  “Fuck you. You’re barely eleven months older than me. Shit-damn-fuck Zach, I do not want to be Sheriff. We aren’t kids anymore, but if you remember, I was always the bad guy and you were the good guy. What makes you think I’ve changed now?”

  “Damn it, Tucker we have grown up and this is our town, these people have the right to expect the law enforcement in their town to be on the right side of the law. The right to know that their sheriff will serve and protect them.”

  “Oh this is fucking great – now you’ve gone fucking righteous. Does this mean you’re gonna be politically correct, too?”

  “You know better than that, or at least you should. The people of this town need honest men to pull them out of the crap they were put in by Kincaid, Morgan, and our own damn grandfather. Yes, I know about him and what he did. I’ve known for years.”

  Nothing could have surprised Tucker more, well yeah some things could, but this was way up there on the list. “You never said anything.”

  “Neither did you. We owe these people, Tucker. The Stone name used to mean respect and honesty. We need to restore it. None of these folks asked to have this happen to them.”

  “Oh fuck, now you’re telling me I should serve and protect these very same people that turned their backs on our baby brother and the same people that ran and hid when the bullets started flying. Because I’m here to fucking tell you I don’t give a flying rat’s ass about serving and protecting them.” He way lying and they both knew it, none of them could stand for anyone to be mistreated.

  “You are one stubborn shithead.”

  “Yeah, well, it runs in the family. Damn it Zach – give me one good reason I should give a fuck about being sheriff of this county.”

  “Mom.” Zach watched his brothers’ entire demeanor change at the mention of their mother. Molly Stone on her deathbed had made each of them promise her they would do the honorable thing with their lives.

  “Shut the fuck up, Zach. Just shut the fuck up.” Tucker said twisting his hair up into a bun, only to have it fall because he couldn’t find his band to hold it with.

  “I will just as soon as you pin this badge on and raise your right hand.”

  Tucker grabbed the badge and held up his right hand and was sworn in as the new Sheriff of Montana County. Then, actually managed to pose with his brother and the Judge for pictures for the local damn newspaper. “If you’ll just stand right there and hold that handshake with the Judge. Yes, that’s perfect.” Tucker was moody, he didn’t want the damn badge that was now pinned on his jacket - but things were looking up. A tall, lanky blonde with shoulder length wavy blonde hair in a come-hither-and-fuck-me red dress smiled at him and said, “Sheriff Stone would you mind letting me get a couple of photos of just you.”

  “Naw Sugar I don’t mind ‘t-all.” Thirty minutes later he walked out of the janitor’s closet grinning and dropping a pair of ripped red lace panties in the trash. Sure ‘nuff, she had a fine ass and he’d just proved it twice. Well, who knew? Maybe the perks of being Sheriff might make it almost okay. But hell, he didn’t want to be Sheriff – he didn’t want to be forced to enforce the very laws he’d broken over and over – and would in all likelihood be tempted to break again. His Mama had always said if trouble was within a thousand miles near him, it would be Tucker. Damn good thing I’ve got friends in low places, he muttered to himself as he went outside and got in his truck.

  Chapter One

  He felt the rumble before he heard the roar of the Harleys as they drove up his driveway. Motherfuckers knew he couldn’t ride with them. He was pissed and he already missed the freedom of climbing on the back of his Beauty and flying down the open road. Walking outside, he saw four of the best friends a man could have sitting on their bikes smiling their shit-eatin’ grins at him. “So, you just thought you’d come on by and jerk my chain since you know I can’t go with you. Ever’ last one of you are cold-hearted fuckers.”

  “Oh, but you know you love us, Stoneman.” He said doing the duck lips thing and Tucker had to laugh as he said, “Kiss my ass, Reaper.”

  “Now you know I can’t do that. You might like it too much, then where would all those bunny-girls be?” Reaper said smiling, as he threw the vest at him. “You left this at the club last night. ‘Course, if you don’t want it now you’re the Sheriff an all you can throw it back to me. Oh, and by the way Mo-Fo, what the hell are we supposed to do with that blonde you left cuffed to your bunk?”

  “Damn, I forgot about her. Get one of the prospects to unlock her and give her a ride back to her car, I think she left it parked at my office.” The woman in red had shown up at his office late yesterday after he was sworn in asking for a tour of the Sheriff’s Office and he’d given her a tour alright. A close up look of the cells – cuffs an all. “Oh, and she might wanna get the rest of her clothes from the jail – the cells are unlocked.” He smiled remembering how she was bent over the bunk, bare ass in the air when Jake walked in. Tucker smiled remembering her surprise when a hand came down on her sweet butt cheek and saw him standing there watching. She’d twisted around and saw Jake smiling down on her, “Well, hello Bonnie.” Then, he’d given her seven more strikes leaving her ass almost the same shade of red as her dress laying on the floor. Jake had rubbed his hand over her ass and said, “Guess you forgot our date tonight. Oh, don’t try to get up, I’m not near done with your ass yet.” A bottle of Jack Black and a few shots of Patron later, the three of them ended up at the NM Clubhouse and he and Jake fucked her until they both got called out for a drunk and disorderly fight at Bruisers Bar. It’d been years since they’d done something like that, and fuck, it felt good. Twisting his hair up in a bun and snapping a band around it. He asked, “So, ya’ll headed to meet up with the Rage boys to help Tic out with his problem?” Tucker said as he held up his vest and slipped it on. Fuck ‘em if the townsfolk didn’t like it. He pulled his badge out of his jean pocket and pinned it on, smiling thinking how ironic it looked there beside the No Mercy MC logo.

  “Yep, I heard from Wasp. He says they’re just calling in some markers to make sure we’re all apprised of what Kori’s father has planned. Rumor is he has plans to take out the entire club and everyone else even remotely involved. I just wanted to stop by and tell you I’m leaving Rye and Gin-boy here just in case you need something. You know – you being all legit now and shit, you might not want to get those purty hands of yours dirty.”

  “You just don’t know when to quit, do you? But thanks for the heads up.”

  “So, you find enough fools to sign on as your deputies?”

  “You keep your shit up and I’ll pin a fucking badge on you. And yeah I go
t an interview set up for today – I hope like hell this Cahill is as good as his references say he is. If everything checks out, he’ll be my new Chief Deputy.”

  “Fuck Stone – I just can’t believe you crossed that line, hell you’ve managed to straddle it all your life, but I never thought I’d see the day you’d give up your colors for a badge. We were prospects together when we were just snot-nosed kids, we patched in together before we went in to the Marines. Fuck man, you were the Enforcer until now. Those hands of yours’ll have to stay clean now.”

  Reaper was right, his brothers had no idea what his position in the No Mercy MC had been. Was still, once in, always in. He’d known that then and it was heavy on his mind now. If it weren’t for his close ties to Jubal, Breed, and Reaper, he wouldn’t have this badge on his chest no matter what his brother said. Jubal had granted him permission to go Nomad, as long as he swore to return if the call ever came. “And you ain’t seen that day yet either, my colors are part of me and it’ll take more than a silver star on my chest to give me cause to drop ‘um. You, of all people, should know that. If the call comes, you know I’ll be there.”

  “Wearing a fucking badge? Damn, I’m sorry. I know why you’re doing this, but it’s still hard for me to believe you’re the fucking Sheriff.” Reaper started his bike and rode off giving the traditional one finger wave. Tucker looked down at his hands as they drove off, these fuckers’ll never be clean, no soap can wash away the blood, fuck, just fuck. Okay Mom – for you, I’ll try.


  Tucker grabbed his cell when it vibrated, “Hey Jake, how’d those interviews work out for you?” Jake Blackhawk had hired on as the new chief of police a week before Tucker took the position of Sheriff.


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