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Page 11

by Margaret Pargeter

  She felt his strong thighs against hers, pressing restively, making her instinctively aware, from his gasping groan, that his control was going. His breathing quickened, his mouth crushing hers with renewed urgency as his hand went to his belt, ripping it off.

  She felt weak but vibrantly excited. She couldn't fight him, he was altogether too much for her, nor was she sure now that she wanted to. His weight pinned her down, she was helpless as it forced her surrender. Desperately she clutched at his broad shoulders as he bent over her. She felt as though she was drowning yet was quite willing to sink beneath the waves. They were hitting her now, great waves of mutual desire, dragging her breathlessly under.

  Then suddenly she was free. The blood still roared in her ears, but she could hear the harsh, agonised rasp of his breathing as Chase let her go.

  'Cover yourself up!' He rolled away from her, burying his face against a pillow, his hands clenched above his head, his whole body taut.

  After a few brief moments, while Alex tried numbly to do as she was told, he rose to his feet, refastened his belt and reached for his shirt. 'Be thankful I want to give Coolabra an unsullied bride,' he said coldly.

  'Which I will do, unless you continue to be stubborn.'

  The contempt in his voice, so clearly conveying a belief that he could have had her there and then, had he so desired, turned her shame to rage. 'I won't ever be your bride!' she cried recklessly, clutching the sheet so tightly around her it might have torn. 'For one thug; I could never hope to live up to you. My ignorance could never match such expertise!'

  Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Chase began buttoning his shirt with steady fingers, the derision in his eyes cutting through her. 'We all have to start somewhere,' he mocked. 'and if that's all you're worrying about, I should advise you to forget it. At the rate you were going you'd soon be ahead of me.

  Once I had you, I fancy you'd soon be back for more.'

  'Please get out of my bedroom!' she choked, her cheeks scarlet. When he made no move to do as she asked immediately, she hissed, 'Why are you treating me like a...a slut, and talking to me like this? Your aunt would be horrified. I can hardly believe it myself. You're acting like a…a…'

  'A normal man?' he suggested silkily. 'We're all much the same underneath, you know, Alex Latham.

  We may go around in different guises, but underneath, when it comes down to basics, there's not much difference. But don't forget I do want to marry you,' his mouth twisted sardonically. Remember that when you're getting all uptight and insulted. If I'd wanted an illicit relationship I certainly wouldn't have stopped when I did.'


  Wordlessly, Alex watched Chase leave her. His dark gaze rested on her angry face before he rose to his feet again and walked out of her room. Alex would liked to have thrown something, she felt so infuriated by his hidebound arrogance. He seemed to imagine he had merely to lift a finger to get anything he wanted! He said all men were the same, yet how many would get away with half the things he did? Arrogance and authority sat on his broad shoulders so naturally, people automatically accepted it, but wasn't it time he met with a little opposition? She had refused to marry him and would keep on refusing. It might do him no harm to learn what it felt like to cry for the moon!

  Weakly, when most of her anger spent itself, she lay back on her pillows. How would she feel if Chase walked out of her life eventually defeated? Something clutched at her heart, tearing painfully through it. He was right about one thing. When she was in his arms she forgot about everything else. Everything else faded. There was only the insistent pressure of his arms and lips, the intense, excited reactions of her own body, but while she couldn't deny her own eager response, she would never admit this was love. Yet how could she tell? Wearily she pushed the heavy fair hair from off her hot brow. It wasn't a question she wanted to pursue, for Chase certainly didn't love her. This alone would make marriage impossible, even if she had been tempted which she wasn't! Apart from a natural aversion to being pushed into marriage, it would never work, not for her with Chase Marshall. He was too strong, too ruggedly dominating. At the height of passion to which she bitterly had little doubt he could raise her she might easily moan out her love for him and have her burning ears filled with his mocking derisive laughter. Not that she was ever likely to be in love with him, she hastened to assure herself, as she slipped quickly into an exhausted, restless sleep.

  As the wedding day drew nearer, and Alex grew even busier, she thought it would become easier to keep Chase at the back of her mind. This, however, proved far from easy as, at every turn, he appeared to be there. At first she thought it must simply be coincidental until she realised that for him such a word didn't exist. Things happened the way he planned, not because of some untidy act of fate.

  Down at the pool he joined Ruby and her for coffee. He made a point, now, of always appearing for lunch. Here his attention to Alex was limited to keeping her wine glass topped up and passing a frequent but casual remark. His eyes, though, often lingered on her remarkable young beauty and once he had called her darling, in front of the others. Admittedly, it was during an argument, and he had used a lightly mocking tone, but it had been enough to bring an enchanting rose colour to her smooth cheeks.

  She felt Ruby glance at them quickly, and Miss Harriet's surprised stare, but Chase's expression was bland, even slightly amused behind a glitter that was cruel. Alex's pulse began racing as he held her a prisoner with his eyes. For all she tried she had been unable to look away. It wasn't until Miss Harriet hastily asked his opinion about a minor problem in the kitchen that he released her.

  Apart from this, he didn't actually step up the pace noticeably until the wedding day. It was then that he stayed by her side so continually it began to attract attention. Frequently, now, he called her darling, and apparently didn't care who heard. He did it, she suspected deliberately, and she hated it. When, exasperated beyond measure,, she protested fiercely, he merely raised taunting eyebrows.

  'Aren't you pleased to be stealing some of the bride's limelight?'

  'Actually no.' She gripped the edge of the table she was standing beside for support. 'What you're doing could set up a whole chain of unnecessary gossip.'

  'But nothing that mightn't be true?' His eyes glinting, he stared down at the lovely picture she made in her wedding day finery. A new dress which she had been forced to ask her mother to send, and in which, had she but known it, she looked tantalisingly adorable. His glance slid from the high, tilted breasts to the narrow little waist and back again, pausing to examine the accelerating pulse in her throat. In that dress you're enough to make any man lose his sense of discretion.'

  'I hate you!' she raged, unable to think of anything more telling.

  'Then you'd better be prepared to hate me more,' he grinned, grasping her arm, carrying her along with him as, the ceremony over, they followed the bride and groom to the reception.

  Ruby made a beautiful bride; it was generally agreed that her wedding dress must have cost a small fortune. It was heavily embroidered white satin that suited Ruby's sophisticated darkness extremely well.

  Henry looked happy and handsome, a wry smile on his face as he rather clumsily held Ruby's train out of the way so she could sit down.

  Tentatively, Alex glanced from him to Chase, aware that he couldn't compare with Chase for bearing and looks. In his morning coat, Chase was superbly handsome, drawing a great deal of feminine attention from the bride and groom. That he also drew many speculative eyes to Alex, by being constantly at her side, was something she wholly resented. Especially as he was obviously not prepared to remedy the situation by leaving her.

  A famous firm of caterers had been called in, so everything in that direction was well taken care of. The tables were beautifully set, the food and wine of the very finest quality. Everything was exactly as it should be for a Marshall wedding. No one would go away able to find fault with one thing. If there was such a possibility, Alex thought wryly, s
tealing a glance at Chase under her long lashes, she had no doubt someone's head would roll! Chase Marshall would pay the best and expect it, heaven help anyone who let him down! Sighing, she looked away from him, across the wide marquee.

  'Your turn next, my dear.' A middle-aged matron, too obviously searching for something more sensational than a bride and bridegroom, managed to catch Alex's eye gushingly.

  Chase's attentive glance and his firm, 'I don't doubt it,' brought a quite audible gasp from the lady as well as interested glances from those around.

  Alex, incensed, was about to get up and walk out when she felt his fingers fasten on her arm. In a low voice he told her curtly to stay where she was. 'If you run away I'll bring you back,' he threatened, 'if I have to carry you!'

  He made her sit by him throughout the reception, which was long and split by numerous speeches and toasts. Alex had never felt so disturbed in her life, especially as it was easy to see both Ruby and Miss Harriet were clearly curious as to why she was seated where she was. Chase must be the only one enjoying this, she decided mutinously. Even when he was on his feet, making what turned out to be the best speech of the day, she was conscious of him looking down on her too frequently.

  'You're doing it deliberately!' she accused, shaking with nerves as he acknowledged the loud applause and sat down. I don't know what you intend…'

  'To marry you,' he cut in coldly, his hard mouth set, as he stared into her vivid blue eyes. One way or another, as I've already told you. And if you don't marry me after this week I think you'll soon be feeling very sorry for yourself. Everyone loves a budding romance, my dear, but they appreciate a girl who's been rejected more.'

  'In this case, I'm rejecting you.'

  'Ah, but who would believe it?' His smile was harsh, suddenly far from lover-like. 'If some of the ladies here ever get their claws into you, my darling, your reputation will be in shreds. Then what will Mummy say?'

  'You're a fiend!'

  'Then I shouldn't make a dull husband.'

  I don't want one of any kind.'

  'I think you do.' His hand on her arm gentled, his fingers moving sensuously over the soft skin. 'You'd better wake up to yourself, Alex Latham, before it's too late. Quite seriously I'm telling you, you're highly inflammable material. One of these days you could go up in a blue light, with a man who isn't your husband.' His grip slid to her wrist, again unobtrusively measuring the pulse rate, as colour came wildly to her face. I've had you in my arms, remember? I should know.'

  He was outrageous, a swine! For once she didn't care if her thoughts weren't particularly ladylike. Sometimes she got tired to death of being a lady. Chase Marshall was forever provoking her. He enjoyed having her either deathly pale or blushing like a rose. Shivering, she tore her tortured eyes away from his. Now he was trying to shock her. Didn't he realise she would have to love a man before she gave herself completely?

  Shortly after the reception was over, Ruby and Henry left on a European honeymoon. A lot of guests went to the airstrip to see them off and afterwards there was dancing and other entertainment, which went on all night. Chase, as host, was duty bound to dance with the other women guests, but he danced with Alex most. She was still on her feet at two in the morning, surprised at her own vitality and looking as pretty and delicate as a flower in her lovely chiffon dress floating around her, her soft fair hair falling in a silky cloud about her shoulders.

  She had spent a lot of time with a young man of about twenty-five, who owned a cattle station near Darwin. Rex Clyde was nice, a perfect gentleman, she thought, and good fun. He pursued Alex quite blatantly, but she found she enjoyed his company and had no compunction about dancing with him frequently. On one occasion she and Rex had the floor to themselves, as he guided her into a kind of complicated Spanish tango. Alex, though no expert, was supple and light on her feet and managed to give quite a good account of herself. It certainly earned a goodnatured round of applause when she laughingly gave up a few minutes later.

  Rex was complimenting her on her performance when Chase broke in. 'You don't mind, Rex, if I have my partner back?' He sounded as if it was costing him an effort to be polite. Without waiting for a reply he swept her away. It was a dreamy waltz, but she felt anything but dreamy.

  'There was no need to say that, Chase. You have no special claim on me.'

  His grip tightened as she tried to draw away from him. 'You know all about the claim I have on you.'

  His voice was like steel. 'You're going to marry me, your acceptance just being a matter of time, and I won't have my future wife making an exhibition of herself on a dance floor. Clyde should know better.

  I'll certainly have a word with him about it.'

  'You're welcome to try, but I'm sure he won't listen,' she retorted, wondering, as her voice rose, why being in Chase Marshall's arms could stir her so deeply, when in Rex's arms she hadn't felt a thing.

  'Keep your voice down!' Chase said curtly, 'unless you want everyone staring at you again.' His face darkened as he gazed down on her. Remember where you are.'

  'I'm not likely to be given a chance to forget, am I?' she replied furiously. 'I expect I should feel honoured just to be here, not to mention being chosen for your special attention.'

  'Alex, will you be quiet! I don't want to make you, but I won't be provoked.' When she would have stopped dancing, his thigh pressed hard against hers, forcing her to continue, his hand tightening on her waist, causing her stomach to turn over.

  On a little gasp she protested, 'Chase, I wish you wouldn't! You're hurting me!'

  His lips clamped, a look of taut anger hardening his face. 'How did you guess?' he asked suavely. Then, 'Aren't you tired yet?'

  Thinking he was going to suggest she went to bed, she smiled contrarily. 'No, not a bit.'

  'Good,' he rejoined mockingly. 'If you're not tired then a walk in the garden won't be too much for you.

  We can continue this argument outside.'

  They had left the crowded marquee and were out among the trees, almost before Alex knew what was happening. Chase's hold on her arm didn't relax until they had gone some distance, distance she scarcely recalled covering.

  The garden was dark and this particular corner of it secluded. The night air was still warm and heavily scented. To gain a little courage, Alex breathed deeply, only to find the sweet, sensuous scents swaying her senses.

  'Let me go!' she cried, suddenly wary as he turned her to him. 'If I shout for help someone will hear me!'

  'Rex, perhaps?' As if what she said infuriated him, he added curtly, 'We must make sure he doesn't.'

  'Chase!' she protested, as he lowered his head, silencing her voice beneath the force of his mouth.

  There was no point in her struggling, she thought wildly, as his arms went round her like bands of steel.

  He was strong enough to crush any resistance. As always, when he kissed her, she could only think of one kind of defence that if she didn't struggle he might lose interest. Why couldn't she learn it was always otherwise? The flame that immediately joined them together was growing too powerful to be so easily disposed of.

  Not wishing to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much his kisses affected her, she twisted frantically against him, unwittingly arousing him more than she might otherwise have done. He threaded harsh fingers through her hair, shaping the back of her head, holding her remorselessly until she quietened and lay fully acquiescent, trembling from the sensuous exploration of his mouth.

  Her heart racing, she sensed his satisfaction at her helpless response to his lovemaking. From the beginning he had dominated, invading first her mind and then her senses. She might have forgiven him if he hadn't fought such a deliberate campaign, if he had once kissed her because he couldn't help himself. She might have forgiven herself for responding so feverishly in his arms if her passion had concealed even one feasible plan of escape.

  As he felt her struggles weaken, his inexorable grip slackened to allow her arms to creep blindly
around his neck. His mouth wandered as he muttered words thickly, releasing a stream of feeling from every nerve centre he touched. Now she didn't even bother trying to soothe her muddled conscience she felt separated from it, lost in his strength. Urgently her fingers tightened on his dark head, bringing his hungry mouth back to hers. and he claimed her mouth with such deep intensity she could only quiver.

  For the moment he wasn't attempting to check himself. His strong, well shaped hands held her to him, lingering on each warm curve of her body caressing until she was wholly yielding, her skin overheated, her slim arms as urgent as his. She didn't know what he was trying to prove, but he was stirring her to the point of exhausted tears. The other night he had succeeded in arousing her dormant sensuality, but she thought she had it under control. Now he had her trembling, stirred to the point where she only longed for release or oblivion, uncaring about anything else any more.

  Chase put her from him abruptly, able to withdraw with an ease she bitterly envied. He had recovered his usual authoritative hardness, but there was a slight, triumphant smile on his lips. 'Alex, much as I'd like to carry you to my bed, I'll have to restrain myself.' As she swayed, he asked sharply, 'Are you all right?' Then, as she nodded dumbly, he added, 'I don't mind giving our guests something to talk about, providing it's the right kind of thing. Might I announce our engagement tomorrow?'

  'No!' Alex had conditioned herself so thoroughly to this answer, she had no hesitation. 'You have no right…'

  'One day soon, you have to give in to me.' Anger smouldered in his eyes at her continual resistance.

  Pride demanded she gave in to him. She could see it in his face and it repelled her, even as her excited heart whispered that it might be the most wonderful thing she could do.


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