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Act of Blood (An FBI/Romance Thriller ~ Book 16)

Page 5

by Kelley, Morgan

  Those were her words, not Elizabeth’s.

  Her kids cracked her up.

  The idea of spending Halloween with her kids made her happy. It was going to be a blast. In fact, it almost made up for the fact that she had a babysitter to and from work.


  As she headed toward her division, she peeked around the corner to see if Igor was lurking. He was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she got lucky and the earth swallowed him whole.

  Or he was abducted back to his own world.


  Yeah, it didn’t matter. She was free of her paid stalker, and that, in itself, was a miracle.

  While the coast was clear, she figured it was time to get to her office. While much smaller than it used to be, it was still hers. It had been earned in blood, sweat, and tears.

  She loved it.

  This was what she was always meant to do. Before, she felt like she was playing a role of Director of FBI West. Now she really and truly believed that this was her calling.

  She was home.


  Elizabeth knew she was always meant to be a special agent. It was her life to the core.

  Well…next to motherhood and being a wife.

  Those, too, were her calling. She was simply grateful that in today’s day and age, she was blessed with the ability to handle both.

  It was one hell of a juggling act, but she was giving it all she had and coming out on top.

  She was happy.

  Her kids were happy.

  And from the accolades that morning from her husbands, they were damn happy.

  As she approached her office, she wasn’t thinking about the closet with the open door. One of the cleaning guys were likely in there, getting ready to work this morning.

  As she passed the small opening, a hand reached out, grabbed her, and yanked her into the darkness of the confined space. Before she could fight, a mouth crashed down against hers and she was pressed to the wall.

  Elizabeth didn’t need to struggle.

  She knew that hard body anywhere. The scent of a dewy forest overwhelmed her senses, and her heart skipped a beat.

  “Callen,” she muttered into the kiss.

  When he was sure that she recognized him, and he wasn’t going to get his ass handed to him, only then did he set her hands free. Immediately, they found his hair.

  It was bliss.

  As she let him control the kiss, Elizabeth used his hair to fulfill her own sexy fantasy. It was wrapped around her fingers, trapping her to his body.

  “If this closet had a lock, you’d be naked,” he muttered. “I wish I picked a better place to grab you.”

  Yeah, she did too.

  “Damn it.”

  Callen’s low warm laughter filled the small space. “Hey, beautiful. Come here often?”

  “Yes, I actually do. I like making out in closets with any man I can get my hands on.”

  He growled at her response.

  It made her laugh.

  It was time to be serious.

  “Hey, my love, I missed you. I’m going to assume that your paper signing went well or was it bad and you needed to be cheered up so wife molestation was on the top of your list?”

  He had news for her.

  It was always on his list—good or bad day. He was a man, she was a woman, and he loved the way she felt against his body.

  In fact…

  He grabbed a handful of her ass.

  “Callen James,” she muttered breathlessly.

  “It went well,” he said, running his mouth over her throat before finding that delicious spot he loved between her pulse and collarbone. The scent of her perfume was there, and it made Callen rock hard.

  Yeah, even in a janitor’s closet.

  Sue him.

  “I happened to miss my girl, and I thought I’d give you a surprise.”

  She stared up at him. “I’ve seen your dick before. In fact, I’ve pretty much got it memorized. I don’t think you can count that as a surprise, handsome. Well, not anymore.”

  “Not the surprise I was thinking about, but if you really want me to whip it out...”

  “Again, damn it that there are no locks.”

  He grinned in the dark of the room before hitting the light switch. “I picked something up for you.”

  “Callen James.”

  “I know. Just celebrate with me. I promise I won’t do it again.”

  She hated being the ‘Debbie Downer’ but if she didn’t stop him, he’d cover her in jewelry. Still, she could see the look in his eyes, and this was important to him, so she would celebrate the signing of his contracts.

  “I can’t wait,” she offered.

  Callen lifted his hand, and the pretty bauble fell from his fingers and hung on the chain.

  “It’s a feather,” he stated. “I went with simple. When you see it, I want you to think about your Indian braves. When we were young, we had to do things to earn each feather we have for our war bonnets. You’re my feather, Lyzee. I had to survive hell to get the most important one I’ll ever have, and I want to give it to you.”

  It was sweet.

  She wasn’t shocked at all. Callen was romantic. Beneath the big bulky Native was the gentle heart of a passionate man, and it beat for her and her alone.

  Elizabeth touched the shiny platinum feather and knew that her poet didn’t pick anything lightly. This had meaning to him, and that made it special to her.

  “I love it.”


  “Yes, I do,” she admitted, turning around so he could drop it over her head and secure it at the neck.

  She wasn’t lying. Anything Native inspired made her happy. It was part of her husbands’ heritage and therefore part of her.

  And her kids.

  It mattered.

  Elizabeth touched it as it sat against her chest. “I’ll think about you each time I see it.”

  “Will you wear it for me?” Callen asked. “I know it’s not fancy.”

  She touched his cheek. “I’m not fancy. I’m plain old Elizabeth. It suits me.”

  How she didn’t see herself like they did astounded him. She was far more than plain.

  She was spectacular.

  With her black glossy curls, icy blue eyes, and freckle-spattered nose, Elizabeth was a treasure.

  “I was going to do something romantic tonight, but I really wanted to see you wearing it today. I couldn’t help myself.”

  Elizabeth turned around and pulled him down to her mouth. Slowly, she shared her love for him with a kiss. It was full of every emotion she felt for the man.

  Here was one of her heroes.

  When she set him free, he held her close. “That was pretty amazing.”

  She happened to agree.

  When her mouth was touching his, or Ethan’s, the world came screeching to a halt. It was that damn powerful.

  “Want to head into the office and see if anything has come in for us yet?” she asked as she twined her fingers with his. They didn’t even think about doing it.

  It simply happened each and every time.

  He hoped not. “Sure. Can I hold your hand when we get in there?”

  Normally, she’d say no, but since their office was off to a secluded section—which she believed Gabe had arranged with a purpose—she didn’t mind. Everyone inside knew that they were a couple.

  Callen mattered, and he needed this. Besides, today, they were celebrating his signed contracts.

  “Sure, but no ass grabs.”

  He laughed as she pushed open the door to the janitor’s closet.

  Standing there was Ethan, and he looked amused as he leaned against the wall in his suit and tie.

  “I’m not shocked to find you and my brother making out in the middle of the day. Oh wait! It’s still the beginning of the day.”

  Elizabeth snorted. “The jig is up. It looks like someone is getting written up for copping a feel in the janitor’s closet.”

bsp; “Yes, you are, Elizabeth.”

  “HEY! It wasn’t me! I was innocent this time. Your lecherous brother did it.”

  Callen faked innocent. “I was walking to the office and she jumped me, boss. I tried to fight, but she overpowered me with those really strong legs of hers. They’re like a vice.”

  She stared at him. “Yeah, one that you’ll never feel around your body from this minute forward for lying like a damn rug.”

  Both men started laughing.

  “You two are horrible influences. You should be ashamed of yourself, Ethan Blackhawk.”

  He fixed his spiffy tie. It had ravens all over it, and it was his favorite one from his wife.

  “I wasn’t the one making out in the closet.”

  She didn’t give him a chance. Instead, she grabbed him by the tie, yanked him down, and plundered his mouth. Elizabeth kissed him as if he’d been away at war and this was his moment of return.

  His whole body reacted to that one touch of lips. It was as if molten lava was filling his body to the point where he was ready to explode apart.

  He actually had to lean against the wall for support before his legs went to jelly.


  She made him weak in the knees.

  When she yanked out his hair tie, tossing it who knew where, Callen began laughing.

  “See? I told you she accosted me. I guess it’s not so unrealistic, now is it?”

  When she finally set him free, his lower lip was between her teeth. He actually moaned.

  “Jesus, Lyzee,” he muttered. “That was a ridiculously hot kiss. I really missed that, and you.”

  “I missed you, too, Cowboy. Now what did you want to see me about? I’m sure you’re not slumming with the agents for shits and giggles. You certainly have bigger business to attend to in your office.”

  Ethan had a hard time thinking straight. The only ‘business’ he wanted to attend was accosting Elizabeth a few times. He could still taste his wife on his lips, and she was delicious. In fact, it made him want to jump her in that closet.

  Maybe Callen had the right idea after all.

  “It’s not happening,” she said, reading the look on his face and the way he looked back and forth between her and the closet. “You boys are predictable. If you want to dip your stick in the comfort of your woman, you need to pony up and let me use your office.”

  In his mind, he was picturing it.

  It was scorching hot too.

  Ethan tried to regain his composure. “I have a case for you two. It just came in.”

  Elizabeth lifted a brow. “You’re not my boss. Why are you handing out my next assignment?” she asked.

  This reminded her of the Voodoo case where Ethan had lost control and took over her job. She really hoped it wasn’t going to happen again.

  She liked her marriage.

  She loved him.

  But she’d kick his sexy ass back to the Rez if he tried.

  It was the separation of work and wedded bliss that was getting complicated. Ethan wanted to be boss, but she ran her own shop.

  It had to be that way.

  Too many cooks spoiled the pot, caught the kitchen on fire, and ended up in divorce court.

  “We had a friend call in a favor. When I listened to all the details, it sounded like something that would be right up your alley, Elizabeth.”

  She still stared at him.

  “A friend?”

  “Yes, that’s what I said. A friend needs your assistance, and I figured you’d be up for it.”

  “What’s the catch?”

  He laughed.


  His wife really didn’t trust him, did she?

  “There’s no catch. I swear I’m not keeping anything from you on this one.”

  Yeah, she didn’t buy that at all.

  There had to be something to this. Ethan didn’t leave his office on a Friday when he had back-to-back meetings unless something big was coming down the pike.

  This had to be huge.

  She wasn’t born yesterday. In fact, she knew this man better than anyone else did. If he was there, personally escorting them to his office, she didn’t buy it was because he missed them.

  Not possible.

  “You’re Ethan Blackhawk, protégée to sadistic Gabriel Rothschild. There is ALWAYS a catch when it comes to either of you. In fact, word on the street is that you’re even worse than he is when it comes to being an evil bastard.”


  She had a very valid point.

  Only this time, there really wasn’t one—not when it came to his wife and brother.

  “Really? I’m worse?”

  Callen laughed. “Uh, this isn’t something to be proud of, Ethan. That was kind of an insult.”

  He grinned.

  “Not in my world. Anyway, baby, Boone Savage called. He and his partner pulled a double homicide that looks unrelated from the outside, but once you scratch the surface, it seems to tie in a missing person case too. That’s three potential victims, and that means the FBI.”

  Okay, that had her attention.

  She genuinely liked Merry’s boyfriend. He was a decent guy and a good detective. So far, she was intrigued.

  “What else?”

  “He needs help, and it’s local. I know how much you’re looking forward to Halloween with the kids, so I figured if you start working this one, Gabe can’t send you out.”

  “OH. MY. GOD!”

  Ethan looked around.


  “It’s true! You’re sneakier than Gabe is! The student has become the master. The rumors aren’t wrong!”

  That made Ethan laugh.

  “I think Callen was right, and you just insulted me,” he stated, heading toward his office with his wife and brother following.

  As they rounded the corner, Elizabeth grabbed a handful of suit-clad ass in front of all of his agents.

  She knew it flustered the hell out of him, but she didn’t care. There were also other rumors going around, and they involved the younger female agents finding her husband smoking hot.

  That manhandling was to prove a point.

  She was marking her territory. Ethan Blackhawk was, is, and always will be taken.

  “Elizabeth! I feel so used and cheap,” he said, dropping his arm over her shoulders as she walked beside him.

  She couldn’t help it.

  It wasn’t easy being the boss’s wife—especially Ethan Blackhawk’s.

  Chapter Two

  The Hoover building was impressive. What was even more impressive was that Boone Savage hadn’t been yanking her chain. He really did know the Blackhawks, and from the looks of it, he was pretty close with them too.

  Boone Savage was on a first name basis with everyone they’d met on their way in there.

  When he and Sima strolled into the office, they were escorted to the deputy director’s office for their meeting. Since their boss heard the details, and he cleared them to go to the FBI, it was going to come down to the man in the office.

  The very intimidating man in the office.

  Ethan Blackhawk was nowhere to be found, but the place screamed powerful. From the large desk to the wall of pictures behind him, there was no doubt that the man had enough clout to bury both of their careers.

  Sima Nelson hoped her partner knew what he was doing. The last thing they needed was a pissed off director haunting their every step. If this hunch of his was bogus, they’d just wasted the man’s time.

  At the sound of footsteps, they both turned to face the door. In came Ethan, his wife’s hand firmly in his, and Callen Whitefox behind them.

  “Boone!” Elizabeth stated, heading his way. “How are you adjusting to the weather up here?” she asked, giving him a hug in greeting. “Is it cold enough for you, my friend? Ready to run back to ‘The Big Easy’?” she asked.

  She had nothing but deep respect for the man. He left his life behind to chase Merry and to make sure that she was safe a
nd protected.

  That, to her, proved he was a decent guy.

  “I hate it, but I love the company I get to keep, so I’m sticking for the long haul.”

  She gave him a fist bump.

  That’s when she realized there was a woman beside him. Ethan had briefed her, but Elizabeth liked to intimidate the newbies. This one was staring at her as if she was an animal behind the glass at a zoo.

  Yeah, the woman was lucky she was in a damn good mood today.

  “Who’s this?” she asked, jerking her head toward the exotic looking woman beside him. She was tall, thin, and ethnic, much like Boone. Elizabeth was guessing Indian, and not the Rez kind.

  “Elizabeth Whitefox-Blackhawk, I’d like to introduce you to my partner, Sima Nelson. She got stuck with me as my new babysitter.”

  Elizabeth held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Detective Nelson.”

  “Same here, Mrs. Whitefox-Blackhawk.”

  Callen started laughing.

  He couldn’t help himself. The look on her face was priceless at how the conversation started.

  He knew that the one sure-fire way to irritate Elizabeth was to strip her down to someone’s wife and ignore her job title. In the office, she was a boss.

  “Actually, it’s director. I may work beneath Deputy Director Blackhawk, but I still have my title. I earned it kicking a lot of asses around the country.”

  Sima flushed red. “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you, Director. This place has me rattled.”

  She shrugged and took a seat on the corner of Ethan’s desk. She knew for a fact that her bossy husband loved it. She could tell when she’d catch him watching her with those sexy blue-black eyes. Since he was playing by the rules, she’d let him fuel his office sex fantasies.

  “This is Callen Whitefox,” Ethan offered, “also a director in the FBI, and our partner.”

  Ethan didn’t explain what kind of partner.

  Lately, it was best to assume that each and every person they came across already knew that Elizabeth and he had a threesome with his half-brother.

  It was all over the tabloids.

  The paper.

  The news.

  If you weren’t aware, you lived under one hell of a rock.

  Callen shook her hand in greeting and then focused on the other detective. “Boone, it’s good to see you again. I hope you’ve settled in and are enjoying the city.”


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