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Act of Blood (An FBI/Romance Thriller ~ Book 16)

Page 15

by Kelley, Morgan

  “Broderick and Johanna are inside with her,” Boone stated, giving Chris the head’s up.

  He didn’t even hesitate. Instead, he headed to the door and knocked. After he heard about five locks being undone, Chris was let inside. Before even greeting Joey and Brody, he saw the woman he was looking for, and Merry looked horrible.

  “Hey! Are you okay?”

  She burst into tears.

  Chris wrapped his arm around her and led her into the living room. He waved the two agents off, so they could go help Ethan and Boone. He had this one under control.

  “Merry, what’s going on?”

  She told him everything.

  It came rushing out is a gush, as it finally felt good to get it off her chest. Merry trusted the man beside her.

  Chris was like a big brother.

  He listened silently as the cat was let out of the bag, and she had to trust the people she called family. They would definitely keep her, and Boone, safe.

  Chris sat beside her and held her hand. He let Merry get it off her chest. When she was done, he handed her a tissue.

  “I’m so afraid, Chris.”

  “Meredith Peyton, you should have told me you were being hurt like that. I would have helped you,” Chris stated.

  “He’s insane. He would have hurt you too. I’m so afraid for Boone. He’s in danger. That’s why I didn’t want him to come here.”

  He hugged her. “Merry, he loves you. He’s not going to let you deal with this alone.”

  She was aware.

  “It gets worse.”

  “Than a man physically abusing you? I don’t see how that’s possible.”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  “Does Boone know?” Chris asked.

  “Yes, but other than you, no one else does. I’m afraid Derek is going to find out, and he’s going to hurt our child.”

  He squeezed her hand. “You need to tell Elizabeth and Ethan so they can up your protection. If he’s unhinged, you and your child are in danger. Not giving them the full picture is not going to make their jobs easier.”

  She was aware.

  “I know.”

  At the sound of the door, Merry actually grabbed her gun. That said it all to Chris. She was scared shitless.

  “It’s just Ethan and Boone.”

  When they entered the room, Boone immediately went into soothing mode.

  “Cher, it’s okay.”

  She knew he didn’t believe that at all. He was worried.

  “Merry, you and Boone need to pack a bag,” Ethan stated. “You can’t stay here.”

  She stared up at her boss. “Where are we going to go that he can’t find us? Mars?”

  Ethan crouched down before her.

  This woman was a friend, and she was an employee. There was no way he was letting her deal with this alone. Ethan knew how crazy the ex was.

  “You’re going to the lab, Boone is going to hang out with you, and tonight, you’re coming to my home.”

  Her eyes went big. “You can’t be serious. You have kids there. We’ll risk them.”

  “Merry, I have round the clock protection duty.” He glanced over at the detective. “Did you see the two cars that followed us here?”

  “Yes, the two black ones?”

  “Yes, they’re my private security. If you stay at our house, you’re safe. No one will get to you there. I promise. It’ll buy us some time until we can find Derek Zanders.”

  Chris was staring at her.

  Merry knew what he wanted her to do.

  She closed her eyes. “I have to tell you something before you bring me to your home.”

  “What is it?” he asked, taking her hand in his. She was cold, clammy, and scared shitless.

  Ethan couldn’t blame her.

  “We’re having a baby. I’m so afraid he’s going to find out and try to kill my child too.”

  Ethan’s face softened.

  He got it.

  When it came to his little ones, he would be just as afraid. There was nothing more frightening than the prospect of losing your child.

  “That’s not going to deter me from having you in our home. You both can stay at our place. You’ll be safe there. No one will get you at night.”

  Boone listened to Merry’s boss, and he could hear the concern and genuine affection in his voice.

  “Okay, sir.”


  “Okay, Ethan.”

  “Go pack a few bags. After work, you’ll head to our home. Elizabeth will be glad to have backup. There is far too much testosterone there.”

  She tried to smile. “Thank you.”

  He patted her cheek. “We take care of our family, Merry. You know that.”

  She got up and headed upstairs to do what he asked.

  As soon as she was gone, Boone spoke up, “I need a favor,” he whispered.


  “If Derek Zanders succeeds in taking me out, I need a promise that you will take care of Merry and my child. She has no one in this world, and if I go down…”

  Ethan got it.

  A Native man always had his brother’s back. “I’ll make sure she’s fine, but you don’t have to worry. Elizabeth and I will make sure you’re safe.”

  Boone shook his hand and headed upstairs to pack a bag. Now that he knew Merry would be okay, Boone would easily lay down his life for them both.

  “This is bad,” Chris stated to his boss and friend.

  Ethan didn’t argue.

  “What are you going to do?” Chris asked.

  What could he do?

  “We’re going to find Derek Zanders and teach him that it’s wrong to hit women.”

  “And then what?”

  Ethan thought about it as his phone began ringing. It was his brother. He was just the person he needed to talk to about this.

  “We’re going to kick his pathetic, sorry ass.”

  Chris was absolutely down with that.

  Family always had your back.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *


  Seven Thirty A.M.

  When she woke, Callen was gone.

  Even though she missed waking up with him, Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile. It had been a much needed evening together.

  They’d made love.

  Ate pizza.

  Drank beer.

  Watched a movie.

  Then fell into bed to roll around all over again. It was the epitome of perfect evenings. She felt a million times better. At least Callen understood what was bothering her. Now she could stress over the other things.

  Like the case.

  Today, she needed to get those autopsy reports. She also needed to figure out what that fifty thousand dollar check was for, and hit up two more interviews.

  It was going to be a long day.

  Getting out of bed, she contemplated a shower. Then she picked up the scent of Callen on her skin, and she figured screw it. Today, she wanted to remember what they’d shared.

  Making love in a rainstorm was pretty spectacular.

  Her poet rocked her world.

  Glancing around the room, she saw her ‘go bag’. It was the one she kept in her ride in case they had to go out on a case. Callen must have gotten it for her.

  Yeah, she really loved him.

  The only thing that would make this day better was if she could see her other sexy Native.

  She missed Ethan.

  After getting dressed, she headed for the door. She could hear Callen talking on his phone, and she assumed it was Ethan. Callen sounded angry.

  When she left the room, she caught the tail end of the conversation. It wasn’t about them, but Merry and Boone.

  Elizabeth listened to the conversation, and it pissed her off.

  Poor Merry.

  No one should be afraid every day of their life, looking over their shoulders for something bad to happen.

  Elizabeth had been stalked by crazy. It was
a horrible thing, and she felt for her.

  When Callen hung up, she broke the silence. “Is she okay? Does she need anything?”

  He told her what had happened.

  “He’s a dick. We need to find him and stop him before he hurts her.”

  Callen agreed.

  “Both of them are going to be staying with us. Ethan wants them there in case this crazy bag of shit tries to hurt her.”

  She smiled.

  “Uh, why does that statement make you happy, Elizabeth? It shouldn’t.”

  She explained, “Finally! The security team will have someone to protect who needs it. Maybe now I can ditch that pain in my ass, Igor.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Thank you for getting my things.”

  He would give her his heart from his chest if she asked. A bag of clothes was nothing.

  Elizabeth noticed he wasn’t in a suit. “You’re wearing jeans and your normal attire.”

  “Yes, I am. Technically, we’re in the field, it’s our day off, and I wanted you to see the old me.”

  “About last night…”

  “Don’t you dare apologize to me for having feelings. You have every right to be upset, Elizabeth. If you’re hurting, or worried, you should come to us. We don’t want you upset, and especially not about our relationship.”

  She knew he was right.

  “I don’t want you to quit your job as a writer, Callen. I want you to stick with it to see where the journey ends.”

  He moved toward her. “If that’s what it takes to make you happy, I’ll give it up, Elizabeth. Jackson James…”

  She stopped him.

  “No. You’re that man, Callen. You’re Jackson James, and I’m proud of you. If you need to write, I say write. Just let me have this part of you every once in a while.”

  He kissed her on the tip of the nose. “Oh, angel, you can have every part of me.”

  Callen pointed down.

  It made her laugh.

  He was a pervert, and she loved that about him.

  “There’s the goof I fell in love with. Here’s the sexy man I need in my life.”

  He kissed her. As their lips met, there was that overwhelming sense of peace. It was always there and waiting to be tapped into when the world went crazy.

  They had this.

  When he broke free, he was grinning. “I got you breakfast. I figured you should eat before today. It’s going to be a marathon.”

  Yeah, weren’t they all?

  “Did you get me something frou-frou from the room service menu?”

  He laughed. “Hell no! I grabbed you a coffee and bagel. You could have had bacon, but you told me you don’t like me showering you with presents. Bacon screams fancy-schmancy, and you aren’t having any of that.”

  She stared at him.

  It took everything not to laugh at him. “Seriously? Now you listen about buying me shit?”

  He snorted. “A happy wife…”

  She rolled her eyes. “Give me my damn bagel. I’m hungry.”

  Callen tossed her a bag and winked at his wife. She was definitely better today. Now she had to work it out with Ethan. That’s why Callen had called him.

  The men would fix this, and they’d be back on track before she ever noticed the difference.

  Neither man wanted to lose her.

  Elizabeth bit into her bagel. She was so hungry she could have eaten through the paper wrapper.

  “I have one more present for you,” he offered, heading into the foyer.

  “What?” she called after him.

  When he returned with a dome-lidded plate, she stared at him.

  “What’s that?”

  He lifted the lid.

  Her heart melted.

  It was bacon.

  “Callen James, you are the sexiest man in the room. I could really kiss you right now if I wasn’t going to pack my mouth full of porky goodness.”

  He lifted a brow.

  “Elizabeth, I’m the only man in the room.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  He held out the plate for her.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, angel. I swear.”

  Here was the proof.

  And that was good enough for her.

  Downstairs, they crossed the lobby and headed toward the doors. As soon as they hit them, they were inundated with media. It looked like a swarm of microphone-toting crazies were coming for them.

  It was insane.

  As soon as she saw them, Elizabeth tried to release his hand, only Callen wasn’t having it.

  He refused to hide anymore.

  They were a couple, and he didn’t care what they thought about it. Elizabeth had checked them into a hotel without Ethan, and it was bound to happen.

  That screamed couple, and frankly, the media had been hounding them for a long time.

  Everyone knew the truth.

  “Are you two a couple?”

  No reply.

  “Was this a romantic interlude?”

  They were ignored.

  “Where’s Ethan? Does he know?”

  Neither batted an eyelash.

  “Are you cheating on your husband with his brother?”

  They didn’t answer the questions. They could ask a million questions, and they weren’t going there.

  It simply wasn’t anyone’s business.

  As Callen was helping Elizabeth into his truck, one of the reporters crossed a line, and it pissed him off.

  “Are you two passing her back and forth between you in some sick game?”

  Okay, so maybe he’d answer one question.

  Callen spun around and grabbed the man by the front of the shirt. When he lifted him up and onto his toes, he glared at him. “What did you say?” he asked.

  “I said…”

  He didn’t give him time.

  “Have some respect! She’s a human being! She’s not a toy you share. You’re trashing our woman.”

  Elizabeth closed her eyes.

  Well, there it was.

  They now had confirmation. Callen wasn’t the best when it came to keeping the lid on the can of secrets. In fact, she almost expected her phone to start ringing and Gabe to be on the other end, having a massive freak out. While the world suspected, they couldn’t confirm.

  Now they could.

  The man sputtered as Callen dropped him. “Move or I’ll run you over!”

  The media did as he said.

  When he got inside the ride, his face said it all. “I really hate the media.”

  Elizabeth burst out laughing. It was as if he was preaching to the choir. They all hated it.

  “I wasn’t aware. I thought they were in line to become your new best friends.”

  It calmed him down.

  “About what I just did…?”

  She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek despite the media snapping their pictures.

  “It was hot.”

  He grinned. “How hot is hot? Are we talking hold my hand at work hot? Or are we talking slide to the middle and let me put my arm around you as we head in—hot?”

  She didn’t even have to think about it.

  “It’s more like give you a blowjob on the way to work hot.”

  He stared at her. “Please, Elizabeth, tell me that you’re not yanking my chain.”

  “I’m not kidding.”

  Callen grinned. “I’m going to manhandle the media more often,” he vowed as he drove out of the parking lot. Gone were the worries about what he’d just said to the media.

  He had other things to worry about.

  His fly was down.

  Elizabeth’s head was in his lap.

  And she was keeping her word.

  Despite it all, it was turning out to be one hell of a day for him.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  Hoover Building

  When she arrived in the morgue, her team was already doing their thin
g. Elizabeth, like always, was proud. Before she could even start the day, she had to handle something.

  “Meredith, I need to see you in Doctor Leonard’s office, right now.”

  She didn’t even look at anyone else.

  Those icy blue eyes were focused on one woman, and one woman alone.

  Elizabeth headed toward the office to have the discussion. It was needed.

  “Team, I want the autopsy results, and I want to know about the fifty thousand dollars. I suggest you be ready because I just had a run in with the media. It makes me cranky.”

  Okay, maybe giving her husband one hell of a blowjob in his truck calmed her down, but they didn’t need to know that. She liked to keep her team on the edge.

  They didn’t hesitate.

  The team got working.

  Once in the office, she waited for Merry. Boone tried to follow her in, but she pointed at the door. “I need to speak to my tech, please.”

  He didn’t look happy.

  Merry smiled reassuringly at her boyfriend, and then closed the door behind her.

  “Elizabeth,” she said, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Come here.”

  She opened her arms and gave Merry a huge hug. “It’s going to be okay. I promise you that we’re going to stop him. You have to trust us.”

  She began weeping even harder. “I’m sorry! I hate that this has followed me to work.”

  “Darlin’, you can always come to us. We’re family. We protect our own.”

  She was aware.

  “Now, a little birdy—a raven—told me you have something to tell me. I hope you’re not going to give this jackwagon the satisfaction of you running.”

  “No, ma’am.”


  “I’m pregnant.”

  She smiled. “What are you having? Oh wait! I’m going to start the baby pool. For once, it’s not me! I am so going to have fun with this one!”

  Merry laughed.

  It lightened the fear in her heart. If there was one person in the world, other than Boone, that she trusted, it was this woman.

  “For the record, it’s not fair for a pool since everyone knows when Boone and I likely got pregnant.”

  She held her hand. “Fair is a matter of perspective. I’m just glad that for once, no one’s checking out my baby bump and trying to measure my circumference.”


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