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Act of Blood (An FBI/Romance Thriller ~ Book 16)

Page 52

by Kelley, Morgan

  Too close.

  They were both a bloody mess.

  “What happened?” Ethan asked, pointing at the man who was staring blankly at the ceiling.

  “I came in, and he’d already killed them,” Callen stated, pointing at Leslie and Jewel. “He was about to kill me, too, but he offered me a pen to leave my will.”

  That horrified Elizabeth and Ethan.

  Agents Madden and Seaton entered the room.

  “Holy shit!”

  “Who shot them?” Johanna asked.

  Callen told them too.

  “How did you kill him?” Brody asked, as Logan released his final breath. He’d bled out all over the floor.

  It seemed fitting since he’d killed so many people.

  Eight victims had finally gotten their justice.

  He held out the fountain pen in his bloody hand. “When he gave it to me, he got too close. I wasn’t going to die today. I was going to get home to my wife, husband, and kids. Fuck that. I wanted to live.”

  “And the second shot?” Ethan asked.

  “After I stabbed him in the jugular, he took one more shot.” Callen pointed at the ceiling and the two bullet holes there.

  Elizabeth was steps from a breakdown. This had been way too close.

  “Then he died. I was just about to call the police and then you.”

  She wanted to cry, but she couldn’t.

  Instead, she stared to laugh.

  “Uh, what’s so damn funny?” Ethan asked. “This is really not amusing. The paperwork on this alone…”

  She laughed even more as the adrenaline crash came. She couldn’t help herself.

  “I think she’s lost it,” Callen stated. “She’s finally gone over the edge.”

  Elizabeth fought for composure. “You realize what this means, right?” she asked, as they heard sirens coming from outside the building.

  Someone must have called the cops when they heard the gunshots. The city around them was alerted, and the mayhem was about to begin.

  Talk about publicity.

  They were about to explode bigger than a sex tape. The media was going to have a field day with this one.

  “What?” they all said together.

  “This proves that the pen is, indeed, mightier than the sword.”

  They all stared at her.

  She didn’t just go there, did she?

  Yeah, Elizabeth Blackhawk really did.

  And oddly, in this case, it was the damn truth.


  Three Days Later

  It was her most favorite time of the year. Next to Christmas, Halloween was a close second for her. She could dress up, pretend she was someone she wasn’t, and it was all good.

  Once in a while, it was nice to be someone else. Being badass Elizabeth Blackhawk was a heavy weight to carry three hundred and sixty four days a year.

  For tonight, she was going to be someone else.

  When she got home from grocery shopping with Ethan, Callen was waiting for them. He had three garment bags and their costumes.

  Elizabeth was excited.

  Ethan suspicious.

  And Callen?

  He was as giddy as a schoolgirl.

  They all went to separate rooms as Wyler got the kids ready for their outing. They were going to drive into Georgetown, stop at their agents’ house, and work the streets for the candy.

  Tonight wasn’t about work.

  It wasn’t about the dead.

  It was about their kids.

  And they were going to make the most of it.

  When Elizabeth pulled out her costume, her heart skipped in her chest.

  He picked the perfect one.

  Of course he did. Callen, with the heart of a poet, knew how to touch them both. This was more than a costume.

  This was a shout out to them, and to what they’d built the last five years.

  It mattered.

  They mattered.

  This spoke of their lives, and what they were building together.

  As she headed toward the stairs, after fully dressing, she could hear Ethan fuming, and Callen laughing his ass off.

  That sounded about right.

  When she saw them, it was hard not to smile. Apart, the costume made no sense, but together…

  The Three Musketeers.

  They were united and a unified front.

  This was perfect.

  “I think tights should be on the ladies, not the men. That’s all I’m saying. We could be Moe, Larry, and Curly, and skip the girly-wear.”

  Callen was laughing. Ethan, in his plumed hat and tights, wasn’t any more girly than theirs, but he was more irritated by it.

  “Hey there, husbands.”

  They both turned to look at their wife.

  The arguing stopped.

  “She’s dressed as one too? What the hell are we—other than crazy?” Ethan asked.

  “You don’t get it?” Callen asked. “I told you our costumes signified us.”

  Ethan tried to put it together.

  Elizabeth went to her men and gave them each a kiss. “We’re the Three Musketeers,” she offered.

  That stopped his bitching.

  His face relaxed and he grinned.

  That said it all.

  Ethan hugged his brother. “I take it back. This is the perfect costume, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. For you two, I’d wear tights and this feathered hat.”

  “So you’re okay with it?” Callen asked. He’d gotten a backup costume for Ethan, just in case. After all, the man was the Deputy Director of the FBI. He did need some decorum.

  Ethan wouldn’t change a thing.


  Family came first, and he’d let the media snap a million pictures of them. This just proved they were a couple, and wasn’t that the point the last week?

  “The media can take all the pictures they want. I’m proud to wear this with my spouses,” he offered.

  Just then, the kids came running into the room. Cat was dressed all in black, but they weren’t sure what she was.

  “What is Catherine, Dad?” Callen asked.

  Before he could answer, Cat had the center stage. “I’m a cat burglar. I steal cats,” she said.

  They laughed. This was her fourth costume change this week, and finally, she found her perfect costume. Not only was that ironic, it was larceny based, and she was living up to her DNA.

  CJ pulled a play pistol and shot his brother.

  “Who are you, my love?” Elizabeth asked, getting down to their level.

  “I’m J. Edgar Hoover. I fight the bad guys. I’m going to be the head Fed one day, like Daddy.”

  You know…

  They didn’t doubt it. Ethan proved anyone could do it if they fought hard enough.

  “Of course you are,” she said, kissing him. “We will be so darn proud too.”

  EJ was next.

  “Guess who I am!”

  They had no idea.

  “Who are you, handsome?” she asked her other son.

  “I’m Billy the Kid,” he offered. “He liked kids, that’s why they called him that, right?”

  Wyler laughed. “Yes, yes, that’s why, EJ.”

  Charlie was dressed as a princess, and Christopher Anthony, he was simply a bumblebee.

  “Are you three sure you can handle this?” Wyler asked.

  They smiled. Every day, they chased criminals. This was the easiest job yet.

  Their little criminals were at least only after candy.

  Callen grabbed Christopher Anthony, Ethan picked up Charlie, and Elizabeth wrangled the rest.

  “Where’s Chris?” Elizabeth asked.

  “He’s at his mother’s with Bethe. He said he’ll meet you there,” Wyler stated. “He was trying to spare all of us from his mother’s holiday antics. Apparently, she loves Halloween.”

  Well, as a witch, she probably would.

  “What is he dressed as?” Elizabeth asked.

; “He told me not to tell you.”

  “Come on!”

  “He’s Newton, and Bethe is an apple.”

  They all started laughing. Yeah, this was going to be a fun night for all of them. It was good to have a break, and spending it with the kids…


  “Bye, Dad!” they shouted, as the security detail followed them out.

  When Maeve came around the corner with some hot apple cider and cookies, he grinned.

  “You, me, the couch, and a scary movie?”

  “I don’t know if I can handle scary,” she offered. “Those kinds of movies freak me out.”

  “I could keep you safe,” Wyler asked. “You know…in case you got worried.”

  She liked the sound of that. There was something sexy about the Native man. Maybe it was his smile, the Native good looks, or it could have been how he loved kids and his family. That was always sexy to her.

  “Promise?” Maeve asked, as they both took a seat.

  “Well, I may not be able to keep you safe from everyone,” he offered.

  “Really? Who’s going to get me?”

  Wyler rubbed his hands together menacingly.


  Then he attacked.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  Two Weeks Later


  It was just another day at the FBI.

  Elizabeth was in the morgue, having her morning meeting with the team. Callen was there, sipping coffee as he listened to the update from his wife. Chris and Tony were there, getting things ordered for the lab. Johanna and Brody were sitting on a morgue table, side by side.

  As the team discussed some important things, the morgue doors opened.

  Everyone glanced over to see Merry and Boone there. He looked a million times better, and she did too. It was amazing what a little peace could do for a person.

  “Merry!” Elizabeth said, going over to give her and Boone a hug. “We’ve missed you.”

  She looked nervous.

  “We were just having our meeting. You’re just in time to jump in and join the fun.”

  Merry was holding Boone’s hand. “I know. I wanted to be here for it.”

  They headed over.

  The whole team could feel the anxious energy.

  “You’re leaving, aren’t you?” Elizabeth asked, before the woman even had to say a single thing.

  She nodded. “I’m turning in my badge and gun, and going back to New Orleans with Boone.”

  She wasn’t shocked.

  Everyone else…yeah, they clearly were.

  “When we were down in New Orleans, I made a promise. I vowed that if I ever got out from under Derek’s stalking, I’d go back. I felt so much peace there, and so does Boone. As much as I love you all, and I really do, I have to go back. He deserves to be happy too, and he made a huge sacrifice following me here.”

  Boone dropped a kiss to her cheek.

  Elizabeth saw this coming.

  She’d told Merry to follow her heart.

  That was the man beside her.

  “I’m going to miss you so much,” she said, wiping her eyes. When she headed toward the doctors, she had something to say to each of them.

  “You’re a very sweet man, Christopher Leonard. Not only are you a damn good doctor, you’re an even better friend. You’re going to be okay. I know you are.”

  She hugged him.

  “I’ll miss you, Merry. You keep in touch. I expect to hear from you all the time, and then pictures of the baby.”

  She was well aware. “I’ll miss you too. Thank you for being my family when I didn’t have any.”

  He patted her cheek. “We’ll always be family, Merry. Distance changes nothing.”

  “Thank you for that.”

  She moved on to the next man. “Tony, you’re quite possibly the most insane man I’ve ever met in my life. From the bones to the bugs, every day with you was an adventure. Thank you for making work fun. There were days it was so hard to keep it together, and you always made me laugh. I’ll never think of show and tell the same again.”

  He hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re happy, Merry. You deserve it,” he said. “I’ll miss you.”

  She’d miss them all.

  Seaton and Madden each hugged her.

  “You two stay safe. Watch each other’s back, and I hope Boone and I look at each other like you two do. You were both meant to be a couple. I’m so happy you finally found each other.”

  “You will,” Brody said. “It’s there. We all can see it when you’re with Boone. He’s the one.”

  She believed that to the center of her being.

  “Thank you for your friendship.”

  This was getting harder and harder.

  Merry stopped in front of Callen. “Take care of the boss. She needs someone to babysit her.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I know.”

  “I’m proud of you, Callen. You had demons, and you beat them. It’s been a pleasure working with you these last two years. I’ll never forget your happiness and optimism. You will always make me smile when I think of you, and blush when I read your books.”

  He gave her a hug and kiss. “I’ll miss you too, Merry. Make sure you call us.”

  She wiped her eyes.

  This was so damn hard.

  Glancing over at Boone, he smiled at her. It gave Merry the strength to say what she had to say to Elizabeth.

  This was going to be the hardest one yet.

  “I already know,” Elizabeth said, cutting her a break. “You don’t have to say it.”

  Merry sniffled. “Yes, yes, I do. I’m going to miss you the most.”

  Elizabeth held her hand. “Let ‘er rip then,” she offered.

  “You are one hell of an enigma. When I took this job, I was scared shitless of you. On the outside, you’re tough, hard, and so damn bossy.”

  She laughed. “Thank you, I think.”

  “On the inside, you’re the kindest, sweetest, most loving person in the world.”

  Merry took a deep breath.

  “It’s been an honor working under you, Elizabeth. Thank you for being a mentor, a friend, a mother, and badass when the rest of us couldn’t do it. When I have my child, I hope I’m as good a mother as you are.”

  That brought tears to her eyes. “You will be, Meredith Peyton. You absofuckinglutely will be. I promise.”

  That was as good as gold. Elizabeth didn’t promise unless she was sure.

  “I need to know. Are you mad at me for walking away?”

  She hugged her and stared at Boone. “Not in a million years. There comes a time when the ducklings have to leave the pond. You’ll still be mine, just swimming in a different place. You can always come home to family, Merry. You can always find your way back, and we will welcome you with open arms.”

  She was crying.

  “Shhhhh, it’s okay, Merry. I can tell you right now that this is absolutely the right choice.”

  She was beginning to believe it.

  Now the weight was off her shoulders, and she believed it with her whole heart. “Please tell Ethan thank you. He’s in a meeting. I tried to see him.”

  Elizabeth patted her cheek. “Merry, we’ll see you again. That I can promise you too.”

  Boone held out his hand. While he offered to stay there with Merry, she’d insisted on leaving.

  “I’ll take really good care of her,” he offered. “I swear on my life.”

  They didn’t doubt that.

  “It’s not goodbye,” Callen said.

  Merry smiled. “It’s see you later.”

  She pulled off her badge, gave it a kiss, and then pulled off her gun. “Thank you, everyone. I mean it. You’ve made my life a million times better, but now it’s time to be a mom.”

  They all got it.

  They all knew how she felt.

  Merry placed them on the morgue table and took in the room one last time.

  No one sp

  It was like saying goodbye to a good friend and your worst nightmare at one time. This room wasn’t for the weak.

  You had to respect it.

  Finally, she smiled.

  It was time to go.

  “See you in the smoke,” Boone said to Elizabeth.

  She laughed. “God! I really hope not.”

  Merry blew them all a kiss, took a deep breath, and walked away from the FBI and her old life.

  Outside the morgue, Boone kissed her. “My turn, and then we’ll head out.”

  They didn’t need to pack.

  Derek had destroyed everything they owned. This was a fresh start and a new life.

  Merry wiped her eyes and let him lead the way.

  It was a new beginning.

  And it was time to get on their way.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *

  New Orleans

  Two Days Later

  She was as nervous as hell.

  This was huge.

  She was about to meet Boone’s family. The entire drive there, he’d been reassuring her. It didn’t really matter. She knew the magnitude of it. He was showing up at his parent’s house with her in tow.

  Oh, and a baby.

  This was huge.

  As they pulled into the driveway on the Rez, he leaned over and gave her a kiss. “Relax. Trust me.”

  She did.

  If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have walked away from her family to be part of his.

  As he came around the side of his truck, he helped her down. “You have this.”

  She had to. This was now her life. There was no going back, despite what her friends had said.

  As they headed toward the porch, the door opened, and two people were standing there. Boone’s father was pretty much what she’d expected. Boone looked like him.

  His mother—she looked tough—but she reminded Merry of Elizabeth Blackhawk, only older. You could tell she’d been a cop. Her eyes held the wealth of years of working the street.

  “Mom and Dad, this is Merry,” Boone said, bringing her up onto the porch.


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