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Madison's Life Lessons

Page 6

by Gracen Miller

  A swift parking job left him straddling two parking spots. He leapt from the vehicle and slammed the door behind him, barely restraining the rage boiling inside him. Barely restraining the urge to sprint across the park to her.

  Madison indicated she’d meet him near the water fountain at the center of the recreational area. Quickening his pace, he cast his gaze about, taking note of those strolling in the vicinity.

  The moment he topped the small hill, Madison was flung into his view. She sat on the concrete bench that edged the fountain. Her shoulders were slumped forward, her elbows on her knees and her face hidden behind her palms.

  Wrath itched beneath his skin like a million stinging wasps. Curling his fists at his sides, he again promised retribution to whoever had caused her distress. He took a moment to relax his taut muscles. Going to her angry wouldn’t help either of them.

  Seeing her so broken did nasty things to his restraint. Micah took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. Failed to help his temper. Not a big surprise since he figured nothing would. He went to her, and noted the whispered buzzing he stirred with a group of women to the right. Their gossip would have to be diffused later. Madison needed him more.

  Micah placed his hand on Madison’s shoulder. She tensed beneath his touch, but tilted her head back. Red-rimmed blue eyes met his gaze. He resisted his instinct to tug her into his embrace and demand the cause of her anxiety. Resisted telling her he’d seek immediate justice against the one who harmed her.

  Madison reacted to his touch, rubbed her palm across her pants and squeezed his hand resting on her shoulder. Her response appeased his instincts and tamed the demon within demanding swift justice.

  “I shouldn’t have called you,” she said, her voice raspy from crying. “I just didn’t know who…there was no one else to—” A tiny head shake and her gaze fell away, as did her hand.

  Friendless? Was that what she indicated by her broken sentences? Any fool could discern girls weren’t her friends because they envied her. Males weren’t her friends because they all wanted her. He silently promised to give her friends so loyal they’d die for her.

  “I’m glad you called. Let me,” he said and gave a little pull on her backpack. She allowed him to ease it off, tugging her arms free of the straps. Micah placed it between his feet as he sat beside her on the concrete surface, leaving less than an inch between them. “You want to tell me what’s going on?”

  Or point me in the instigator’s direction so I can kill them slowly?

  “Not really,” she said looking everywhere but at him. The crying was over, that was a good start. Good for his temper too.

  “You terrified me. I broke a handful of laws rushing to you.”

  She turned her head to look at him. Her eyes remained puffy, but she’d be good as new in a few hours, all evidence of her weeping eradicated. “Sure you did.”

  Easy to discern she believed that like she believed a bad pick-up line.

  “I did a U-turn into oncoming traffic, went well over seventy down Jefferson Street and parked illegally.” Micah brushed his knuckles across her cheekbone and her eyelids went half-mast at the gentle touch. “Why are my actions so hard for you to believe?”

  Madison shrugged, looked away quickly. Micah guessed the question hit a sore nerve.

  “Your family loves you and would—”

  She snorted loud enough to interrupt his sentence.

  “I believe every teenager thinks their parents don’t love them or are unreasonable.”

  “Not every teenager’s father blames her for gaining unwanted attention from men.”

  Those words were spoken so solemnly, Micah knew not to question their validity. The floodgates on his temper burst wide open again and he struggled to keep his voice flat. “Anyone who has met you knows you’re above reproach, charmingly innocent.”

  And driving me fucking crazy with her innocence.

  “When men stare at me and flirt with me without any enticement from me,” she chewed on her thumb nail, “that’s damning enough in Daddy’s eyes. An innocent girl wouldn’t provoke such an action.”

  What an ass her father is! Maybe a few screws loose too for him to think such nonsense. He hadn’t met a pastor yet that wasn’t a touch crazy. Causing the father problems wouldn’t be a bit of a problem; a juicy sex scandal should do the job nicely.

  “I cannot speak for the other men, Madison, but I only seek friendship from you.” A lie to damn his soul, but for a worthy individual. “Is he who upset you today?”

  “Mr. Dominus—”

  “Micah,” he corrected. “You called me in crisis, and gave me a mini heart attack. I believe I deserve a small boon. Call me Micah.”

  A touch of a smile. “You’re dangerous…Micah.”

  She made him work for each small victory, but damned if they weren’t satisfying when he won them.

  He grinned and nudged her with his shoulder. “Not all that dangerous.” At least not dangerous to you. “Back to my question, what upset you today?”

  Life Lesson Fifteen

  Madison sighed and stared across the park. Kids squealed their delight, while parents—mostly mothers—watched on protectively, some engaging their offspring in active play. She envied those children, but didn’t begrudge them their good fortune.

  When I have children, I’ll be a good mother. If I can’t figure it out, then I’ll read books, do anything to get it right, but most of all, they’ll know they’re loved.

  “Madison?” The single word reminded her he’d asked a question.

  Micah brushed hair behind her ear, a gentle gesture that left her shivering. She struggled not to turn into him and force an embrace. Just to be held by someone who acted like they cared would be awesome.

  Foolish desires led to reckless outcomes, her daddy always said so. What had propelled her to call him? If she’d been thinking clearly, she wouldn’t have—

  “If you don’t start talking, I’m going to start guessing,” he warned in a low voice, as his fingers shifted through her hair. It was a privilege he hadn’t earned and she should request he cease, but she didn’t because his touch comforted her. He went on. “I’m pretty sure I can come up with a lot worse than what likely occurred.”

  “No, Daddy had nothing to do with today.” Madison swallowed back a gulp of fresh tears that threatened to emerge. She cleared her throat and watched a bird hop along the ground, bobbing into the earth randomly. “I’m ashamed to tell you what happened.”

  Warm, powerful fingers closed around her nape and his thumb swished against her pulse. Nervous excitement danced through her body in a warm flush.

  “Did you do something wrong?” he asked, his voice low and understanding.

  Refusing to meet his gaze, she shook her head. But she felt like she’d done something naughty.

  “Then you have nothing to be ashamed of. You’re not accountable for another person’s actions.”

  “I know,” she whispered. Logically she did, but logic had nothing to do with the guilt of seeing her Momma and those men. She’d stood there too long, gotten too big of an eye-full. Those were visuals that would never go away.

  A finger touched her chin and combined with the hand on the back of her neck, he turned her to face him. “I cannot be your defender if you refuse to tell me what occurred, kitten.”

  “I…” She wet her lips. Telling him her mother’s heinous actions felt wrong, as if she betrayed a secret even though she hadn’t promised to keep one. “You can’t tell anyone.”

  Her request seemed to amuse him if the slight tilt to the corners of his eyes was any indication. “I swear.”

  She cleared her throat and said in a rush, “I found Momma in bed with someone. Two someone’s actually.”

  Strong fingers tightened on her neck and a flash of something dark shifted in his eyes. She never wanted to be on the receiving end of that glare. “Yeah, I imagined much worse,” he said slowly. “I can understand your grief, however. Does she know you s
aw her?”

  “Yeah, she smiled when she saw me and kept going at it with them.” Madison shuddered at the memory of Momma’s salacious grin. “They were Deacons from Daddy’s church.” Strange, but sharing the bad news with him made her feel a touch better. “I’d always thought sex would look pretty, but that…that was so not pretty.” She felt the blush spread from her neck up into her cheeks. “I’m sorry, that was too personal.”

  Madison went back to staring at the children and chewing on her thumb. Micah’s hand shifted off her neck. He plucked her thumb from her mouth and ran his finger over the jagged nail. “Sex is beautiful when it’s two people who love each other.”

  “And you’ve been in love to speak so wisely…Micah?” How she found the gall to look him in the eye and ask that bald question, she didn’t know. How she did it without blushing was a bigger mystery. The only thing she was certain of was the ease with which they connected.

  Micah grinned. “Busted.” He winked, but his expression grew serious. “I imagine when I make love to…the woman I love—” why did his pause leave her feeling as if he already knew the name of his lady love, but he wanted to keep her a mystery? “—it will be beautiful. Just as it should be.”

  Lucky girl. The thought flittered through her head before she could’ve guessed it was coming.

  He laced their fingers together and she didn’t resist. “Did the Deacons see you?”

  The contact of his skin pressed to hers, was too powerful for her to form coherent words, so she shook her head.

  “Good,” he said, but the dark edge to his voice didn’t make her feel good. Instead, she feared for someone’s safety. She looked at him, certain his expression would absolve her worry. His features were devoid of emotions, but his eyes were intense enough to brand her soul. So caught up into staring into his eyes, his words startled her, “It is ideal that only you and your mother are aware of her treachery.”

  Madison blinked. “Why?”

  “The Deacons won’t fear you’ll inform your father. An awkward situation for all involved with their working relationship.” Micah shifted her hand to his thigh and she held her breath. Contact with his leg, even through his clothing, was so personal and she worried what others would think, but not enough to see who might be watching. He disentangled their fingers and positioned her hand palm-side up.

  Her breathing resumed, stuttered and she managed to squeak out, “Shouldn’t Daddy know?” But she wouldn’t be the one to tell him. The bearer of bad news too often suffered the brunt of irrational anger.

  “What purpose would it serve for him to know?” His fingertip swirled against her palm, creating sensations so powerful, it threatened to overwhelm her and she labored to craft a response to his question.

  “Isn’t honesty always better?” Her voice sounded husky, as if just roused from sleep. She knew it was because of his touch. Fascinated by that fact, she stared at their hands. A modest caress, but it created havoc with her equilibrium. She swayed toward him, but caught her body’s slight movement and clutched her fingers around the edge of the concrete to stabilize herself.

  Micah’s fingertip circled and circled until it was repositioned on her wrist and his thumb pressed firmly against her throbbing pulse.

  “Gullible words uttered from chaste lips,” his words uttered low and throaty, but with a touch of amusement. Madison’s gaze flashed to his, while all of his attention was fastened on her mouth. “Do you really believe honesty is better in all situations, Madison?”

  “It has to be.” She licked her lips, took a deep breath and finished with conviction. “Otherwise, everything is built upon lies and any relationship built upon that foundation will crack and crumble.”

  He leaned forward and for half a dozen heartbeats she thought he would kiss her. She wouldn’t stop him. Lord no! She wanted to experience the press of his lips against hers, even though she knew it would lead to an outcome she hadn’t foreseen for herself. She suspected an embrace from him would lead to a future not of her making and she still didn’t pull away.

  Heartbeat erratic, it pounded like a drumbeat in her ears, as his cinnamon scented breath puffed against her mouth. The pad of his thumb landed on her bottom lip and he brushed the digit back and forth, slow enough to torment.

  “Madison?” Her name came out rough and ragged, a carnal kiss.

  In a rush of awareness, she recognized she stared at his wide, kissable mouth. She tore her gaze upward to meet his arctic colored eyes, but there was nothing wintry or cold about his stare. Instead, his look melted her resistance in a blast of sensual recklessness.

  Life Lesson Sixteen

  Madison is mine!

  That fact was painted as clearly in her eyes as if a billboard were plastered over her head. He could’ve claimed her without one objection uttered from her gorgeous mouth. She allowed liberties she wouldn’t have granted an hour before. His hand on her shoulder, his fingers kneading her nape and in her hair, and his caress against her wrist…small privileges, but he relished each one more than he would priceless commodities.

  An honorable man wouldn’t take advantage of her weakness. Micah didn’t pretend to be an honorable man. He certainly held no desire to be one. Fools and losers could savor their reputation, while he raced to the finish line victorious.

  Honestly, kitten, I want to kiss you. If he said that aloud, she’d bolt. Her breathing grew choppy from his touch, but he ventured further, slipping his thumb from her bottom lip, and followed the slow drag of his hand downward to curl around her throat. After kissing you slowly, I would nibble right here—his pad swished over the pulse in her neck—and savor you as long as I could get away with it. All fucking night if he had his way.

  “Madison,” he said her name again because she’d ceased paying attention and had most likely forgotten he’d said her name a few minutes ago. “You’re a trifle naïve if you truly believe what you just said. Honesty is always best? Are you positive?”

  “I—Yes.” Madison licked her lips and he kicked the temptation to kiss…Fuck no!...ravish her aside. She would make the first move in their relationship. “I do believe in always being honest.”

  She looked so sincere saying that garbage, Micah chuckled. “I’ll tell my clients your sentiments and see how they respond.” Her pulse licked against his thumb in an irregular cadence. “They all proclaim innocence, but none of them are.”

  Creases plowed across her forehead in an adorable frown. “That doesn’t bother you?”

  “Even the guilty need a defender, kitten.” Micah shifted his hand off her throat to the base of her neck. His fingers slithered through the fine strands of her hair, down to the ends, as he fantasized about taking her while he held her down with his hand wrapped in the silky mass.

  “You must think me terribly inexperienced?” The vulnerability in her eyes compelled him to draw her closer, and shield her from the brutal world. He withstood the compulsion by flattening his palm against her nape.

  Inexperienced? Yes, but charmingly so. It made him want to rumple her decorum more than a little. See how low he could bring her, how she would pant when he brought her to climax. Years awaited their marriage bed and he was already anxious to experience intimacies with her.

  “Would you prefer to be experienced like your mother?” He’d have a small chat with Celeste promptly. Before the day ended, things would be resolved.

  “God, no, but something about you makes me want to be more than I am. And it’s embarrassing exposing my greenness to you.” Even in the face of her mortification, she held his gaze. He liked that. It indicated backbone and fire. She’d need stamina to endure his livelihood.

  Her words, however, bothered him. “I demand that you be you. I want nothing else but to experience the real you.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but your legal arm doesn’t extend outside the courtroom.” She grinned. “You cannot exactly demand anything of me, especially that.”

  “You’ll do as you’re told or I wi
ll stuff you in my trunk until you comply.”

  “Good luck with that, Mr. Dominus,” she said with a cheeky grin. “I’ve got a healthy set of lungs.”

  Damned if he didn’t love the way she teased. “In case you haven’t noticed, I out bulk you, kitten.”

  She rolled her eyes and he bit his tongue to keep from laughing. “You’re so arrogant thinking brute strength would subdue me.”

  “My arrogance is charming.”

  “No,” she said with a firm shake of her head, but a saucy glitter resonated in her eyes.

  He clucked his tongue. “Already breaking your own honesty rules. I’m disappointed in you, Madison.”

  “Liar.” She nudged him with her shoulder. “You find my attempt at prevarication adorable.”

  Damn right! Everything about her was adorable.

  “Thank you.” Her demeanor turned serious in a blink.

  He massaged the back of her neck. “For what?”

  “Cheering me up and—” she looked away fast and withdrew her wrist off his thigh “—coming to my rescue.”

  Micah pinched her chin gently and turned her head so he could peer into her eyes. “I am always here for you no matter what. Always.”

  He would give her everything within his control, including the world worshipping her if possible. She was that important to him.

  Life Lesson Seventeen

  Micah drove an antsy Madison to her home. The sun blazed long tendrils of orange and red along the skyline with the oncoming sunset. The red Mazda she said had been parked in the driveway was gone. It was rather brazen of Celeste to have her lovers park their car so noticeably anyway.

  “I’ll walk you to the door,” Micah said as he parked his black Porsche curbside in front of her house.

  “I’m good.”

  He wrapped his fingers around her arm, and waited for her to look at him before he spoke. “I’m walking you to the door. No arguments.” It was the gentleman thing to do. He would think she’d appreciate the gesture.


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