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Madison's Life Lessons

Page 11

by Gracen Miller

  “You’re stunning, Madison.” A brief smile tugged at the corners of Raguel’s lips.

  Her stomach heaved, as a sliver of nerves lanced down her spine.

  “I’m on my way to the altar with Micah, but he wanted me to give you a message beforehand, to help settle your nerves.”

  Madison smiled, warmed that Micah guessed her needs so accurately all the time. I am the luckiest woman alive.

  “Excuse us, Mr. Wescott, but I should deliver this in private.” Raguel pulled her several steps away from her father and kept his voice low. “Micah says to put aside any fears you have. Today begins a brighter future with a woman he loves and adores. He promises to fill your life with happiness and to cherish you for an eternity.”

  She squeezed his forearm and blinked back tears. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”

  “Let us go now and create a new world together.”

  Madison nodded. Raguel kissed her temple and walked down the hall to the door that would lead to the front of the church. She squared her shoulders and stood straight. In a matter of minutes a new world would dawn for her and Micah.

  Instead of nerves jangling down her spine, anticipation tingled her skin.

  Life Lesson Twenty-Eight

  Micah watched Madison walk down the aisle. She looked at no one, but him. She nibbled on her bottom lip, the only sign of nerves she displayed. But the gleam in her eyes suggested excitement instead of anxiety. The latter was the theory he preferred to go with.

  His goddess clothed in white. A chaste woman dressed in the purest of colors. Her golden blonde hair hung loose around her shoulders. No veil hid her face, because she came to him not shrouded in secrecy but embraced her new future openly. The opal runestone he’d had specially crafted into a necklace and engraved with the deity Beliel’s sigil danced like fire around her throat. It’d been his Christmas gift to her and she’d oohed and ahhed over it. Pride fisted his heart in a tight knot that she honored him by wearing the opal on their special day.

  “Who gives this woman to this man?” Raguel spoke loud enough his voice would carry to the back pews.

  Bruce’s voice sounded strained when he spoke. “Madison gives herself to him.”

  Perfect. All he needed was her freewill, not her father’s. Micah extended his arm, palm up and she accepted by placing her hand into his. “I freely give myself to Madison, as well.”

  Offering himself to her wasn’t required, but he hoped one day she’d understand the significance. Madison smiled as he squeezed her hand reassuringly.

  They progressed through the ceremony, each speaking their “I do’s” and “I will’s” at the appropriate moments. As Micah slid her diamond encrusted wedding band onto her finger, he spoke vows from his heart.

  “Madison, you are the master of my universe, my heaven and my salvation. Before you entered my life, I only existed, blind to what it really meant to live.” Tears glistened in her eyes, but he had more to say. “I embrace my future with you by my side with the expectations of an eternity of love filled with unending happiness. After today, I vow to you, kitten, only death will claim the power to separate you from my devotion.”

  She cupped his cheek with her palm and mouthed, “I love you, Micah.”

  Micah kissed her and muttered against her lips, “And I love you.”

  “We’re not to the kissing part yet.” Raguel’s voice held a tinge of humor and a wave of mild laughter sifted through the congregation.

  “Sorry,” Madison said quickly, a cute blush hitting her cheeks.

  Dropping his voice a notch, so only Madison and Raguel could hear, Micah said, “You’re killing me, Raguel, wrap it up please.”

  Raguel grinned. “Patience is a virtue, my brother.” Micah would wring his neck if he slowed down the wedding. “Madison, you have a ring for Micah?”

  She pulled a titanium band off her thumb and pushed it onto Micah’s ring finger. “Micah, you’re my white knight that rode in on a black Porsche. You taught me to trust again, how to believe in myself and demand respect from others. But I fell in love with the man you are, gentle, kind, good-hearted.” Micah shifted. He claimed none of those traits. She stepped closer and his thoughts vanished. “I don’t know when I fell in love with you, Micah Dominus, but you’re now the King of my heart.”

  Raguel cleared his throat, but neither of them stepped away from the other. Micah wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close, uncaring that it went against tradition.

  “For as long as the Dominus name has existed, Micah’s family has participated in a marriage tradition where the marrying couple covenants with one another. Micah and Madison, your chalices…” He offered the goblets to each of them. “Since the man is the head of the household, Micah will lead the covenant.”

  Micah captured her blue eyes in his gaze, anticipation scurrying through his nervous system. His heart pounded in his chest so hard it was like a drumbeat in his ears. All of his preparation and planning led to this moment. “Madison, I offer you this covenant…to protect you and defend you, to love you and place no other ahead of your needs. The nectar of my lineage is yours for the taking.” A slight frown lined her forehead, but he hurried on. It’d be many years before she understood that sentence or the severity of the pact they made. “I bind my life to yours throughout eternity and your death shall become mine.”

  Madison laced her arm around his as any other married couple did on their wedding day when they toasted one another. She knew what to say because he’d given her her lines last night. He had faith in her not to mess them up, while eagerness swirled like flies in his gut.

  “Micah…” She cleared her throat and spoke louder. “Micah, you’re my heart and I never wish to be forced to live without you—” not part of the covenant “—so I accept your covenant and bind my life to yours of my own freewill. Your death shall become mine, also.”

  Micah smiled. Everything had gone as planned, everything except he hadn’t expected to fall in love with her.

  “To you,” she said and sipped the bloody-red wine. She swallowed and shivered. Micah smiled, encouraged by her reaction to the wine’s other contents.

  “To us and our new world.” He drained half the wine…but there was only one thing remaining. He leaned in and nipped her bottom lip, hard enough to draw blood on the inside of her mouth. A slight gasp at his roughness marked her surprise. He soothed the injury away with his tongue and groaned as the power of the covenant washed through him. “You’re my woman now, kitten, now and always.”

  Madison nodded, slow and unsure, a hesitancy he disliked and one that was unexpected.

  Micah inclined his head toward the congregation. “Shall we finish the covenant?”

  “Yes.” Her voice trembled. Why the sudden uncertainty? Because of the unexpected and aggressive bite? If so, it’d been necessary to finalize the covenant. Time was his friend. He could soothe away her hesitation. And when she was ready for the truth, she would understand his actions today.

  He laced their fingers together and in unison they faced the crowd. As one, they toasted the onlookers and spoke together. “This covenant bind souls together as one. No man or God may dismantle the pledge between husband and wife.” They finished off the remainder of the liquid in the chalices.

  Micah smiled and caught the wide-eyed fear in Bruce’s gape. Bruce understands the importance of our deal. He allowed his smile to widen into a toothy grin. Seated beside Bruce, Celeste made silent hand-clapping movements, a toast to their success.

  “It is done.” Raguel’s voice rang out. “Micah, you may kiss your bride.”

  Micah needed no further provocation. He turned to Madison and dragged her into his embrace. Because he didn’t do chaste well, he gave her a wet, sensual kiss that left her trembling in his arms by the time he lifted his mouth from hers.

  Life Lesson Twenty-Nine

  Micah reclined in a chair, watching his wife schmooze with the various politicians and friends that attended the wed
ding. He just wanted the goddamn reception to be over so he could consummate their marriage. Fucking mercy, the very idea of sinking his body into hers….

  “I bet I know what you’re thinking.” Elias tugged out a chair and sunk onto it, the smirk teasing the corners of his brother’s mouth irritated him.

  “I would recommend you keep your thoughts to yourself unless you want to be eating your teeth.”

  Elias chuckled, but saved himself a punch to his mouth when he handed over a glass of liquor. Micah drained it in one gulp.

  “Patience, big brother, you’ll be between her thighs soon.”

  “Don’t be crass.” Micah nailed him with a glare. “Not about her.”

  “Touché.” His brother’s eyebrows flashed upward. “That’s a first.”

  “She’s a first.” To have something to distract him, he twisted his glass on the table. “She’s our future.”

  Elias shrugged and leaned casually into his seat, propping an ankle over his knee. “That doesn’t grant her instant respect.”

  They’d been through this same conversation half a dozen times. Until his brother showed Madison some regard, he guessed they’d never get along. “What more does she need to offer you?”

  “Displaying traits as a child proves nothing of her future ability. She’s been through a lot of shit since then, that good for nothing pious father of hers deserves a slow bloody death.”

  “He’ll receive his comeuppance.” Soon. That was a promise his brother could bank on.

  “Let’s not forget Celeste and how she’s fucked up the situation more than once.”

  “Not her fault.” Micah sighed and rubbed his fingers across his forehead. “Maternal instincts aren’t a part of her makeup. I should’ve paid more attention; put a halt to her shenanigans sooner, that inattention is my burden to bear.”

  Elias snorted, drained the liquid from his glass and set it on the table. “We both were negligent where they were concerned, brother. I want her to be all she can be, we all do, but she’s digressed from her childhood craftiness. She’ll have to relearn those abilities, embrace them, before she can claim the seat we’ve designated for her.”

  “And if she doesn’t?”

  Elias offered him a cool regard. “You know the answer to that.”

  “No.” He could not allow his brothers to harm her. Just the thought soured his stomach and spawned uneasy treasonous thoughts.

  “Micah—” His brother began slowly, as if gauging his words carefully. “—you knew the outcome was possible from the beginning.”

  “I love her, Elias. I cannot allow harm to befall her regardless of her faults or success.”

  “Love?” A snort told Micah what Elias thought of that word. “That emotion will get you stabbed in the heart.”

  “Maybe. But you heard the covenant I made to her. To allow any of you to harm her would go against it.”

  “Indeed. I was surprised by your words, not the ones I expected. It was obvious Raguel didn’t expect them. To bind yourself to her like that…it should’ve been discussed with all of us. But—” Elias flicked imaginary lint off his trousers. “—none of us are opposed to giving you time to get the job done to our satisfaction.”

  The threat to his wife’s safety had him seeing red. Micah jumped to his feet.

  “Easy, brother.” Elias made a settle down motion with his hands. “No decision has been made and we’ve agreed to give you a lot of leeway to work your magic.” He grinned, a sparkle in his eyes. “If anyone can bring her back, it’ll be you. Why you’re practically the King of Lust. How many innocents have you debauched over the years?”

  Too many to count, but his brother’s words had the desired effect and diminished his fury.

  “And I promise to have your back until the very last moment.” A promise among brothers was as good as a covenant. “She’ll have to carve out your heart—or stab it—before I’ll seek her blood.”

  “Thank you.” His brother’s support meant everything to Micah.

  “I entered into this plan wholeheartedly, giving you my full support. I believe in it and I’m convinced you can and will succeed.”

  Micah smiled. “And if I succeed, we all win.”

  “I’d toast to that, but I’m out of alcohol.” Elias waggled his glass at him.

  They could remedy that problem.


  Two hours later, Micah finally had Madison on his private jet. He’d left her in the cabin to discuss the flight plan with the pilot and was antsy to return to her. Eager to sink inside his wife, claim her virginity and know how she felt from the inside out, warred with his concentration. Because of his over-eagerness, the pilot was forced to repeat himself more than once and Micah spent more time than he’d planned with him. Had he been on his own turf, he’d have allowed the pilot to handle the flight as he wished. But until the perfect moment arrived, he still had to maintain a semblance of appearances.

  When he finally returned to the cabin, he discovered Madison curled up on her side, asleep in the bed. A bone colored silk gown, with the tiniest, almost transparent straps, displaying her curves. Even though it covered all of her assets, imagining what the material covered, made it more provocative than revealing lingerie.

  Kneeling on the edge of the bed, he stripped off his tie and shirt, tossing them carelessly to the floor. He placed his palm on her ankle and slid it up her leg to her hip, as he moved to lie behind her on the bed.

  “Micah?” Madison whispered, rolling onto her back as her eyelids fluttering open and closed. It’d been a long day for her with lots of excitement. The man he’d been before falling in love with her, wouldn’t have cared about her exhaustion, but would’ve taken her anyway. Micah couldn’t bring himself to treat her so harshly. He’d rather suffer than require more from her.

  “Sleep, kitten.” He dragged his fingertips from her shoulder to her wrist. “There’ll be plenty of time tomorrow to teach you the ways of men.”

  “Hmm…” She snuggled closer.

  Pulling her tight in his embrace, he kissed her temple and held her through the night, ignoring the hard-on that demanded he claim her promptly.

  Life Lesson Thirty

  “Oh, my…Micah!” Madison walked further into their penthouse suite in Paris. The entire wall facing her was made of floor to ceiling windows. “The view is spectacular.”

  “Plenty of time to enjoy the view another time, kitten.” Micah gripped her shoulders and spun her around. His hands cupped her head and held her head steady for his aggressive kiss.

  Not one of his normal kisses that coaxed her into submission. This one was so insistent, unease scurried up her spine and she pulled away from him. Or tried. The slight movement launched him into action. An arm circled her waist and secured her against him, his tongue plundering her mouth until she couldn’t breathe. He jerked her purse off her shoulder and tossed it.

  Madison wrenched her head to the side and gasped, “Micah, slow down!”

  Lifting his head, he stared at her, the gleam in his eyes ravenous reminding her of a starved man she’d offered food to on the street corner a year ago. Fear that what he craved would be removed from his grasp before being granted the privilege of sampling it. That was what she saw in his gaze.

  This urgency he displayed frightened her. His demeanor out of character, she could’ve believed a demon possessed him.

  His fingers were on her shirt, tearing at her buttons. Her hands trembled as she lifted them to capture his wrists. A flash of orange surfaced in his eyes, but died so quickly she passed it off as an over-active imagination coupled with her escalating alarm.

  “You’re scaring me.” Even her voice trembled.

  Micah stepped backward. His chin rested on his chest and he stared at her from half lowered lids. The stance reminded her of something out of a horror flick. Chills scattered across her exposed flesh and she resisted fleeing. This was Micah. He wouldn’t harm her…she didn’t think.

  Madison wasn’t eve
n aware she retreated until she bumped into a table behind her.

  A deep breath expanded his chest and lifted his shoulders. “Adjourn to the bedroom.”

  That was the last place she desired to be. “But—”

  “Go, Madison!”

  She bolted, slamming the door behind her and swinging the lock. A nervous giggle tickled the back of her throat. Before today had anyone cautioned she’d be locking her husband out of the marriage bedroom, she’d have laughed at them.

  Micah watched her flee. Smart girl. He’d been on the verge of ripping her clothes off, tossing her to the floor and fucking her until she begged for mercy. If he’d been able to display any mercy, he seriously doubted it.

  Not an advisable plan for introducing his virginal wife to sex.

  He swiped the hair off his forehead and fisted his hand. Had she been anyone else, not even the fear in her voice or the evidence of that fear on her face would’ve saved her. He would have taken her how he pleased, caring little for her satisfaction. But he created a life with her, a future so grand she’d be awed by what he planned to give her. He couldn’t risk the world for a reckless fuck.

  The metal click of the lock being thrown by Madison took the edge off his rampaging lust. That false sense of security wouldn’t keep him away from her.

  Micah strode to the bar, downed two glasses of Whiskey as he stared out the window. The skyline of Paris was a glorious view. The Eiffel Tower to his right stole his attention from everything else.

  Patience had ruled him until yesterday. The taste of her blood on his tongue after the nip he’d delivered to her bottom lip—part of sealing their covenant, she’d unknowingly accepted his in the chalice toast. Her hemoglobin still burned like fire in his veins. She’d shivered when she swallowed his blood, the evidence he’d needed to know she felt something when ingesting his life force. His wife held more power than she realized. The influence she would have over him if she realized her sway…a dangerous predicament for a man of his prestige.


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