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Madison's Life Lessons

Page 15

by Gracen Miller


  “Just take me home!” Before I lose it. To think she’d worried about his welfare and he was catching flights to Rio under another identity. Probably to start a new life, with a new career and a new wife. The very thought sickened her. “Please, just take me home,” she whispered staring out the window blindly, tears thickening her voice. She needed to hold her son, needed to know something was still real in her life.

  Why? Why had he deceived her?

  Matt cranked the vehicle and pulled out of the parking lot. Her thoughts rehashed her life with Micah, from Christmas morning when they first met in her father’s church and coming full circle to their final evening together. They’d made love and she’d disappointed him again, because she couldn’t be the woman he wanted, wouldn’t allow her defenses to lower enough to enjoy his sexual favors. Every time Micah took her to their bed, her father’s words haunted her, reminding her that she was a whore. Words spoken from the lips of a dead man had still been very much alive in her head.

  Her head spun thinking of Micah’s words after he’d taken her the last time. All his sweet talk about loving her and protecting her, he’d said every word knowing he planned to leave her and Amos. They’d been lies! Deceived from the beginning to the end of their relationship, only to wind up having her heart betrayed by the one man she’d placed above all others.

  She sniffled and swiped at the tears blurring her vision. I’ll trust no one ever again. Not after this.

  “We’ll work this out.”

  Madison didn’t want Matt’s comfort. She wanted to hug her child and figure out how she went on from here.

  I hate Micah. Dear God, how she hated him! She leaned her forehead against the cool glass as the tears coursed down her face.




  (Book One of the Road to Hell Series)

  ~About the Author~

  Gracen is a hopeless daydreamer masquerading as a “normal” person

  in southern society. When not writing, she’s a full-time basketball/football/guitar

  mom for her two sons and a devoted wife to her real-life hero-husband. She’s

  addicted to writing, paranormal romance novels and movies, Alabama

  football and coffee…addictions are not necessarily in order of priority. She is

  convinced coffee is nectar from the gods and blending coffee and writing

  together generates the perfect creative merger. Many of her creative worlds

  are spawned from coffee highs.

  To learn more about Gracen or to leave her a comment, visit her website at:




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