Wait For Me (A Military Romance Book 1)

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Wait For Me (A Military Romance Book 1) Page 4

by Phoebe Winters

  “Because I’m your girl and I have your best interest at heart.”

  Erin crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out. “Sure.”

  “I do, and you know it.”

  “What happens if he rejects me again? Will you still have my best interests at heart?”

  “I’ll kill him myself. He’s not the only trained soldier around here.”

  Amy’s uncle Charley was a former sergeant in the U.S. Army. Since his retirement, he’d run his household like an infantry unit. Being in his care since and adolescent, Amy was used to structured parenting. Doing chores wasn’t your normal clean up your room or wash the dishes. Sometimes, he’d have Amy running drills, preparing her for real-life situations that Charley said could happen anytime. Amy was the closest to an unofficial solider that Erin knew; having the skill to put a rifle together in seconds, in case of an emergency.

  “Besides, he won’t,” Amy continued. “Unlike you, I saw the way his eyes stretched over you and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one in the room who could feel the zing you guys were letting off.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Amy laughed and shook her head. “Sure, you don’t.”

  The doorbell rang and they both turned their heads towards the entrance. George lifted his head as if deciding whether barking at the newcomer was more important than his meal. He waited a second then determined it wasn’t. Turning away, George went back to his bowl and continued eating.

  “Now what?” Erin groaned.

  “Maybe you don’t have to go to him at all,” Amy said.

  “He doesn’t know where I live unless you told him.”

  “I haven’t told him anything, but it’s not like he can’t find out. He did find your club, didn’t he?”

  The doorbell rang again, and Erin’s nerves shot through the roof.

  “Do you want me to answer it?”

  “No!” Erin shouted.

  Amy gave her a questionable look. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive,” Erin said moving around the island toward the front door. “If you have it your way, Caleb and I would be in the back making out,” she mumbled.

  “I heard that,” Amy said, “and you don’t need my pressure to make out. It's clear you guys have that settled on your own.”

  “Ha, ha,” Erin said closing in on the door.

  “Who’s kidding?” Amy returned.

  Erin looked through the peephole and released a noticeable exhale as she opened the door and stepped to the side.

  “Oh look, the gangs all here!” Mariah said entering without being told. She bounced inside wearing a cream ruffled blouse, slim fit jeans and dark brown ankle boots. Her blonde hair drifted over her shoulders in a bounty of curls and in one hand she carried an iPhone while the other held a brown camel tote that was her handbag. Mariah waved over at Amy then turned to Erin.

  Erin closed the door and Mariah slipped her arm through Erin’s in a link.

  “So,” Mariah began, coaching Erin back across the room to where Amy sat. “Do you have your date for the Centennial Ball? Are you taking Jason?”

  The Centennial Ball was an annual event where the town of Panama City would come together and dine with one another for dinner plates that cost up to $250 and more. It was held strictly to gather donations for a charity of the member’s choice. This year it was for DAV, Disabled American Veterans.

  “I didn’t know I needed a date. I just planned to show my support individually.”

  Mariah frowned. “Why would you do that when Jason’s been begging you to go?”

  “Because I don’t want to go with Jason.”

  “And,” Amy added. “Caleb’s back.”

  Mariah’s eyes popped in surprise. “Caleb—her Caleb,” she said pointing to Erin with a stutter.

  Amy nodded. “The one and only.”

  Mariah gasped. “How did I not know this?!”

  “There’s not much to know. I think he came in last night,” Erin said.

  “And went straight to look for Erin,” Amy added again.

  Mariah’s mouth fell further.

  “Close it or a fly might find its next home,” Erin muttered.

  A loud squeal shrieked from Mariah and she jumped on her toes and clasped her hands. “Oh my God, you must be so excited, just in time for the ball! This has to be a dream come true—” Mariah paused quickly. “Wait a minute, if he’s back, does that mean Luke and Micah are coming home, too?”

  Mariah’s eyes were bright, and Amy nodded. “Hell yes.”

  Mariah suddenly felt dizzy. “Oh my God. The last time I talked to him he didn’t even mention it.”

  “Probably because he wanted to surprise you,” Amy said. “But you know my uncle knows everyone and whenever he gets information, so do I.”

  “And what exactly did he find out?” Mariah asked with an intake of breath.

  “If I tell you, you promise not to faint?”

  “Oh my God!” Mariah squealed, and a mist of tears glazed over her blue orbs. “They’re coming home!?”

  Amy nodded again. Unable to hold in her excitement, she squealed right along with Mariah. Amy stood to her feet and she and Mariah hugged as tears crept from their faces. They jumped for joy and Erin couldn’t help but smile and feel a tug at her own heart; something like what she’d felt last night when Caleb walked through the door.

  The celebration went on for another few minutes before the two finally wiped their eyes and tried to settle their fast beating hearts. Needing another cup of coffee, Erin walked around them and headed for her espresso machine.

  “Erin, you should’ve woke me up last night girl. I wanted to scream with you when this day arrived.”

  Erin poured her coffee then turned to her long-time friend.

  “Unfortunately, my reunion wasn’t nearly as full of happiness as I’m sure yours will be. But you know why, and I don’t want to revisit it okay, so, let’s not get into it.”

  Mariah’s excitement dimmed, and she went to speak, but Erin held up her hand. “Please.”

  Mariah glanced over at Amy.

  “She did me the same way. But I’ve at least gotten her to agree to talk to him.”

  The glow in Mariah’s eye resurfaced. She’d been rooting for them all since the very day Caleb, Luke, and Micah left for basic training.

  “I can accept that,” Mariah said.

  Erin shook her head. She wondered if Caleb’s friends were doing him the same way, forcing them into a conversation. One that you so desperately want to have. Erin tried to erase that last thought, but it didn’t budge, refusing to go away much like that of her lingering friends.

  She cast her eyes back at the wall clock.

  “Oh my, look at the time,” Erin said.

  Mariah and Amy frowned simultaneously.

  “Is that your way of trying to get rid of us?”

  “No, but if you want me to have a conversation with Caleb it won’t be later. It has to be now.”

  “Why, because you’re afraid of what might happen if you two are in the room together… alone?”

  Erin took a sip of her coffee. “Don’t be silly. Just give me the information on where he’s staying.”

  “At the Sheraton Bay Point Resort downtown. Room 402.”

  “Why is he staying in a hotel room?” Erin asked.

  “I guess when you get there, you can find out,” Amy said.

  “Do you have a number, too?”

  “No, but I’m sure their front desk can connect you to his line.”

  “Why do you need to call anyway?” Mariah asked.

  Erin pursed her lips. “I can’t just go marching over there demanding we have a conversation. Who knows if he’s there or what if he has a visitor?”

  “Who cares. It’s you, they can get out.”

  “Mariah!” Erin screeched.

  Amy lifted a hand and turned to Mariah. They gave each other a high five.

  “My girl!” Amy said.

  Erin dropped her head. She didn’t know what she would do about her crazy friends but thinking about calling Caleb made her gut churn. What would she say? What would he?


  Hey man, did I wake you?”

  Jeff stuck his head in the room as Caleb turned away from the door to head into the kitchenette.

  “Come in,” Caleb’s baritone voice tread over his shoulder.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” Jeff muttered, entering the suite and closing the door behind him.

  The Sheraton Bay Point Resort was an elegant beach vacationer’s dream. The updated modern hotel displayed contemporary furnishings with its 30-million-dollar renovation. Deluxe accommodations greeted guests as they settled in for a night or a week’s stay. Amenities included a 24-hour fitness center, a full-service spa, 36 holes of championship golf, and numerous heated pools. Taking his eye across the presidential suite, Jeff scratched his head.

  “How much are they paying in the Army now?” He strolled up to the kitchenette counter and leaned against the marble top.

  Caleb lifted a glass of orange juice and drank it down in one elongated swallow. “Enough, I guess,” he said.

  Jeff nodded and continued to admire his surroundings. “Maybe I should join. Working with the band that never took off has given me a reality check. All dreams are not meant to be.”

  Caleb’s brows knocked together as he frowned. “Trust me, I’d much rather have been in a struggling band then go through what I experienced.”

  “Which was what? I’ve always wanted to ask you that from the moment you called and shut yourself off from the world.”

  Caleb also leaned against the counter and slowly sat his glass on the top. “That’s a loaded conversation,” he said sternly. “One that I’m not ready to have.”

  “When do you think you’ll be ready?”

  “I don’t know,” he said in a thick voice.

  Jeff assessed his friend. “Whatever you went through must have been tough. When you’re ready to talk about it, I’m here man.”

  Caleb nodded once.

  “I don’t mean to push you but if you take too long I just might.”

  Caleb’s brows creased as he frowned again.

  “I need to know,” Jeff said.

  “What are you, my girl?”

  “Whoa, chill with the name calling.”

  “Calling it like I see it.”

  Jeff folded his arms. “Well tell me what happened last night. When you came marching out of Erin’s office, I thought you were going to knock someone’s head off.”

  “Close,” Caleb said deciding to refill his OJ.

  “What happened?”

  “Jason happened.”

  Jeff looked on, waiting for Caleb to elaborate.

  “Erin’s seeing him.”

  Caleb’s jaw locked, and his gaze stared off into the distance.

  “Did she say that?” Jeff asked bewildered.

  “In so many words.”

  They both got quiet and Caleb found himself getting angry once again. Jeff cleared his throat.

  “Well I didn’t see that coming.”

  Caleb sat his glass down and it slammed against the counter harder than he meant to.

  “Me either.”

  “What’s your plan?”

  Caleb looked over at Jeff. “What are you talking about?”

  “Come on man. I know you’re not about to let Jason Singleton date Erin.”

  “It’s not really up to me.”

  Caleb’s brow twitched as he said it.

  “So, you plan to let it run its course?”

  “Hell no.”

  Jeff laughed. “I didn’t think so. Now like I said before, what’s your plan?”

  Caleb eyed Jeff. “I don’t really have a plan. But I’ll figure something out.”

  Caleb knew he’d been in the wrong last night. He’d been in Panama City for only five hours when he made the decision to seek Erin out. He’d paced the room of his presidential suite wondering if it was a good idea. But it was impossible to be back in the city and not find her. Besides that, his nightmares had not gotten better. The thought of her helped soothe him through them. He didn’t want to think of Erin as his crutch, but besides loving her to death, she was like his elixir; one that was meant for him in every way. She was the perfect remedy. Now, he just had to figure out how to contact her again. She no longer lived with her parents, and they probably had strict instructions to never give Caleb her information with the way he ended things.

  More probable than anything, they may not even want to see Caleb with Erin, for fear he may break her heart again. The thought damaged his soul and made him sorrowful that he’d hurt her. He wanted to rectify that, if she would give him the chance.

  “I love her,” Caleb announced.

  This didn’t surprise Jeff, but it did confuse him a little.

  “Then why did you break up with her?”

  Caleb became quiet. It was the sole question that most people he’d been close to wanted to know when he pushed them all away. Jeff waited patiently, but after a few minutes with no response, he countered with a retort of his own.

  “I guess that’s the thing you’re not ready to answer.”

  Caleb took a final swig of his orange juice just as the cordless phone on the wall rang out. Caleb turned his head to the receiver; another frown covering his face. Who would be calling him on the hotel line? He snatched the receiver off the wall and plastered it to his ear.

  “Yeah,” he spoke out.

  The person on the other end cleared their throat.

  “Um, yeah, I’m looking for Caleb Malone, is this the right room?”

  Hearing her voice was like a breath of fresh air.


  “Yeah, oh this is you,” she said. “Do you have a minute to talk?”

  “I’ll always have time to talk to you Erin,” he said.

  The line became quiet.

  “Always, Caleb?”

  He could hear the annoyance in her voice. She was reliving the call. The one where he’d specially told Erin, that he wouldn’t reach out to her again, and to move on with her life. Caleb shut his eyes tight and felt foolish. He walked out of the kitchenette headed for his sleeping quarters. Once he was out of earshot with Jeff, he spoke again.

  “I need to talk to you too, Erin, but what I have to say needs to be said in person.”


  “Please, Erin. I want to look you in your eyes when I speak again, it’s important for us both.”

  “How do you know what’s important for me?” She responded.

  “I know you’re angry.”

  “Do you now?”

  Caleb’s gut tightened. He knew Erin wouldn’t be easy on him after what he’d done, but it still stung.

  “You’re right to distrust what I’m saying now.”

  “Oh yeah, why is that Caleb?” She asked, her attitude getting spicy. Before he could respond Erin cut in. “Could it be because you said the very opposite the last time I spoke to you?” Her voice rose.

  “Technically the last time we spoke was last night—”

  “I’m not playing with you right now, Caleb, so stop with the jokes.”

  “Okay, you’re right,” he responded.

  “The only reason I called you was because I was dared too and—”

  “And you can’t say no to a dare,” he said finishing her sentence.

  Erin became silent.

  “Let me guess, Amy dared you.”

  Erin was still silent. This was hard for her, reliving memories they’d shared while they were no longer together. It further broke her heart. Erin shut her eyes tight and blew out a deep breath.

  “Caleb,” she started, never thinking she’d ever say his name again. “I just need to know one thing.”

  Caleb was listening so intensely the phone practically melted into his ear.


  He closed his eyes and realized at that
moment, he’d been holding his own breath.

  “I need to see you, Erin. We can’t have this conversation over the phone.”

  Erin slipped her hand up her neck and rubbed it slightly with her mind in a state of disarray. This conversation needed to be had. If for nothing else, it would give Erin some closure. She tussled another minute with the idea before giving in.

  “Your place or mine,” she asked.

  “Give me your address.”

  Erin rattled off the directions to her townhome and Caleb added the details in his smartphone.

  “Have you had lunch,” he asked.

  Erin hesitated. “No, but I’m getting ready to order from the deli down the street.

  “I’ll pick it up for you on my way.”

  “Now,” she asked.

  “Yeah,” he responded. “Unless you’d rather me come for dinner.”

  An involuntary quiver raced down Erin’s spine. “Um, we can have lunch,” she said quickly. There was no way she could tolerate Caleb at her home at night. Who knew what that could turn into. “I haven’t placed my order yet,” she said numbly.

  “I’ll place it for you,” he offered. “Turkey sandwich, with sliced cucumbers, light mayonnaise, with a side of carrots with hummus.”

  Again, Erin became silent. “I see your memory still works,” she said.

  “You have no idea how much of a good and bad thing that is. At any rate when it comes to you, I remember everything. You think I wouldn’t?”

  Erin bit the inside of her lip and sighed. “I don’t know. How long will it take you to get here?”

  “Fifteen minutes tops.”

  Erin cursed inwardly. She needed a little more time than that to get herself together.

  “Fifteen minutes with a stop at the deli?”

  “Unless there’s a mix-up at the deli.”

  “Okay…” Erin shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “I’ll see you then.”

  “Soon,” he said.


  “I’ll see you soon,” he repeated.


  The call dropped and both Erin and Caleb hesitated before their legs moved at the same time.


  Her wardrobe had never appeared so unfashionable. Erin stood inside her walk-in closet passing over every item she came across. Her style was chic and ladylike, but for some reason now, none of it looked appealing at all. You’re thinking too hard about this meeting. She was, and Erin despised it. Why did she feel the need to change clothes anyway? What was wrong with the cotton pajama pants and shirt she had on? Don’t be ridiculous.


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