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Wait For Me (A Military Romance Book 1)

Page 7

by Phoebe Winters

  “Get out.”

  Surprised, Caleb took another step towards her. “Erin, I don’t want to fight—”

  “Yes, you do! Because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be saying this to me right now. How dare you come back here and ask me to give you another chance only to turn around and tell me you’re leaving again out of some duty you feel to kill yourself in the military.”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “The hell it isn’t! That’s exactly what you’re doing, Caleb! You think it makes it better because you’re telling me this time. You’re delusional! And I can’t be a part of your life while you try to kill yourself.”

  They had another intense stare down.

  “I’m not trying to kill myself.”

  Erin folded her arms tightly and bit down on her teeth. She was seeing red, and unless Caleb started making sense, she was seconds away from throwing him out. “What do you call it, Caleb?”

  “Please, understand me, baby. I can’t live with myself like this.”

  Caleb reached for her again. Seeing his eyes mist over, Erin allowed him to pull her into his embrace.

  “It's not just the nightmares. My soul hurts. I chose this life, I should deal with the consequences.”

  Erin’s heart broke for him. “Caleb,” she paused and tried to collect her thoughts. “I don’t’ know how much to tell you it's not your fault. But please, don’t do this.”

  A phone rang out and Caleb kept his attention on her face while he fished inside his Capri shorts for the device. It slipped into his palm and he pulled it to his ear.

  “Yeah,” he answered. Caleb’s eyes moved away from her face after hearing the voice on the receiving end. “Staff Sergeant Hopkins,” he announced.

  Erin’s eyes widened. Why would his sergeant be calling today?

  “Yes, I understand.” Caleb removed his other arm from Erin and checked his wristwatch. “Yes sir, thirty minutes is fine. See you then.”

  Caleb disconnected the call and dropped the phone back into his pocket. His gaze shifted around the room, and for the first time, he scanned the area, taking in Erin’s cherry oak wood furniture and queen size canopy bed. When his eyes found her again, he answered her unspoken question.

  “He wants to meet with me.”

  “In thirty minutes, yeah, that much I gathered,” Erin said a bit feisty.

  Caleb sighed. “This wasn’t much of a lunch date, was it?”

  “I wouldn’t consider this a date at all. But besides that, are you going to consider what I’ve said, or is your mind made up?” Erin wanted to reach him, but she didn’t know how to pull him out of the consuming decision he’d made.


  “I need you, Caleb.” Again, the words slipped right out of Erin’s mouth in an attempt to save his life. Deep down, Erin’s words were heartfelt and truthful, but she still tried to tell herself she was just doing it to help him.

  Caleb’s gaze froze on her and he drew Erin closer to him. He kept their connection until their faces were mere inches apart.

  “You need me, Erin?”

  Being so close to him made Erin’s body betray her. Her skin heated instantly at the soft caress he trekked up and down her back.

  “Ye-yes,” she said in a whispered stutter. “Don’t leave me again.” Her true feelings were showing, and this time, her eyes misted over with renewed tears. “Let me help you through this. If you really want to be with me again and regret everything that happened in the past, you would let me help you. Don’t break my heart again.”

  Erin forced herself to believe she was putting on a show, but it was useless. If he denied what she was asking, she’d break again; and this time, she would put him out and never look upon his face again. A tear crept from her eye and Caleb wiped it away. He blew out a deep breath.

  “When can I see you again,” he asked.

  Erin’s thoughts shuffled. Nocturnal Encounters would be opening its doors at 8 pm. “I have to work tonight, but if it suits you, you can come by.”

  Caleb ran his fingers down her cheeks. “Will you get a break?”

  “I can take a break when I want. I own the place, remember?”

  Caleb nodded. He did remember. He also didn’t forget that she’d taken the money they saved to get married to do it. But he wasn’t upset in the least.

  “I’m glad you found something you love. I’m sorry for all the grief I’ve caused you. It seems to be the story of my life,” he said.

  Erin felt her heartbeat pick up. There were so many emotions flooding throughout her, she didn’t know which one to lean on.

  “I’ll look for you tonight. If you don’t show, that’s fine too, but don’t go off and leave without telling me.”

  Caleb cracked a smile. “I wouldn’t do that again. I told you.”

  Erin let out an elongated sigh.

  “Walk me to the door.”

  She nodded, and they turned to leave the room. Strolling down the hallway side by side, Caleb and Erin were quiet as they both mulled over their collective thoughts.

  At the front door, Erin spoke up. “You should take your lunch since we never had the chance to eat.”

  George’s ears sat straight up, and the Labrador jogged over to Caleb as if noticing he was leaving.

  “I’ll grab something after I leave the station.”

  “Are you sure?”


  Caleb reached out to grab her chin. The strum of his fingers tickled her flesh and made her shiver. Again, Caleb was making Erin feel things she’d thought she’d put away for safe keeping. Tugging her chin gently, Caleb hovered over her as she easily glided into him. His eyes combed throughout her face then fell to her lips. He was asking without vocally making a request.

  Erin only had seconds to decide if she wanted to fall into this cycle again of loving Caleb; wanting and needing him every second of her life. Flashes of their yesteryears, the good and bad sailed through her. But, it was Caleb who took the lead. His lips cruised into hers and mixed with the softness of her mouth. He covered her completely, sucking on her top lip before sliding his mouth over her bottom. Caleb’s hands sank into her waist and pulled her harder into his core. A buzz fell over them both and heat wafted around as they melted into the consummation of the kiss.

  Their breathing became bated, as their warm breaths mixed. They invaded one another’s mouths and tasted each other’s palate.


  A moan drifted from them, but neither Caleb nor Erin knew which one made the sound. At the time, they didn’t care. The unadulterated eroticism of the kiss tinged their skin and sent their nerves in an outpouring over their skin. Erin’s hands drifted up Caleb’s torso, covered his shoulders, then rounded his neck. Her vagina thumped, and the seat of her panties became threatened by the moisture that coaxed from it. Caleb’s hands roamed down and took in a gripping palm full of her ass. Another moan slipped from them and Caleb drew her waist to him, lifting her slightly so her crouch could feel the hardness of his shaft.

  It was the bulging erection that made Erin snap back to life. The pressure of his hardness gave her heart an extra palpitation and she realized they were closing in on something they’d never crossed before.

  Pulling her mouth away from his, their lips smacked at the disconnection. Caleb’s smoldering gaze seared her, and he licked his lips as if needing to taste the flavor she’d left on his tongue once more.

  “What’s wrong?” His thick voice drummed, easy and smooth.

  “Nothing,” Erin said almost too fast. She cleared her throat. “Um,” she smiled slightly. “Nothing,” she said again.

  They watched each other for the better part of a minute.

  “You should probably get going,” she said.

  “I see, now you want to put me out,” he responded.

  Erin’s brows shot up. “No. That’s not what I’m doing.”

  Caleb chuckled. “I’m just playing with you, sweetheart.”

wiped the corners of her lips with the pad of his thumb then kissed her quickly once more on her lips before releasing her.

  “Do you mind if I have your number,” he asked.

  Erin grinned. “Sure, let me have your phone.”

  Caleb reached into his pocket and handed over his device. He curved his gaze over Erin’s body as she entered her digits.

  “I’ll call you when I’m on my way,” he said.

  “To the club?”

  “Yeah. Unless you’d rather me come back here. I’d love to have dinner with you, for old times’ sake.”

  For some reason, dinner with Caleb didn’t make Erin think of old times, but of the new times they could make.

  “I may take you up on your offer.”

  Caleb’s gaze shimmered as he looked forward to that possibility. He pinched her chin and stepped away from her to open the door.

  “I’ll see you then,” he said.

  “Yeah, see you.”

  He stepped back into the sun and Erin watched him step down her wooden porch and strolled to an Audi sitting in front of her mailbox. Once at his car, he turned to her and waved while opening the driver door and easing inside.

  Erin waved back then shut the door, quickly pivoting on her heels. Her back sunk into the wooden frame as she let go of her first wind of air, blowing so hard her bangs flew up. What was she going to do now? Everything she vowed never to do again was happening as if she had no control over herself.

  Erin had to get a grip, or she’d find herself head over heels in love with Caleb, again.


  She hadn’t tried to dress to impress, but it happened anyway. Erin stood on the balcony of Nocturnal Encounters rethinking the bandage dress that wrapped around her body and curved over her form like a second layer of skin. The dress was all black with a sleek silk feel that clung to her; sailing down to a stop right above her knees. She was clearly dressed more risqué than usual, all the way down to her four-inch Christian Louboutin’s that she’d almost broke the bank purchasing on one of those crazy days she decided to throw caution to the wind and shop till she dropped. That wasn’t something that usually happened. But for the sake of her sanity, after everything that happened between she and Caleb, Amy encouraged Erin that retail therapy could pull anyone from their woes.

  Amy was right. The reprieve was short-lived, and Erin never got around to wearing the shoes. That all changed today. Her excuse was plain and simple; Nocturnal Encounters was an upscale club after all, so there was nothing wrong with her formal wear; or so she convinced herself.

  Erin glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 10:42 pm, there was no sign of Caleb, and Amy was running late. Dex was currently behind the bar and Erin knew then she’d have to hire more people. As if conjuring her, Amy ambled through the door with an extra pep in her step. Erin observed her friend as she stopped by the bar briefly to apologize to Dex for being late, then made her way to the stairs to check in with Erin.

  The door swung open without so much as a knock, and instantly Amy halted. Her eyes bulged and slowly she crept over to Erin with her brows rising further the more of Erin’s appearance she took in.

  “Ooou...” she crooned. “Did you get laid or something girl? What did I miss?”

  Erin’s eyes balked. “You’re crazy.”

  Amy shook her head no. “I don’t think I am,” she ventured closer to Erin. “What’s the occasion?”

  Erin leaned into her hips and folded her arms. “What are you talking about? We’re at the club, people dress like this in here all the time.”

  Amy nodded. “Yeah, people, but not you.”

  “I’m not sure if I should take that as an insult or not, but I’ll decide to ignore it for your sake. You’re late. Where have you been?”

  “I’m sorry, it was either be late or miss a phone call with Luke and well,” Amy shrugged. “You understand, don’t you.” Amy pouted doing her best to put on a puppy dog face, so Erin would forgive her.

  “I’m hiring new people asap.”

  Amy looked affright. “You’re not going to fire me, are you?” Amy began to explain before Erin could answer. “You know how it is, you couldn’t possibly—”

  “Calm down. I’m hiring more people I guess I should say. Sometimes things happen, and I can’t be short a man or two and definitely not three.”

  “Oh, yeah sure. Honestly, I’m surprised you hadn’t done it by now with the popularity of Nocturnal Encounters.”

  “I hadn’t done it because I don’t like hiring random people. I like to know my staff personally. Outsiders can be trouble.”

  “Oh, honey, that’s with any business. If you need some recommendations I have a few.”

  “Like who?”

  “A few of the girls that are in the competitions I do are in need of jobs.”

  “Do you trust them?”

  “Maybe one or two.”


  “I mean, I’ve only known Shelly and Tamara for a year, but that’s long enough to know someone, right?”

  “Hmmm, possibly.”

  “Anyway, they’ve mentioned needing jobs when they’re not in a competition. Apparently, staying at home with mom isn’t working out for them anymore.”

  “Or maybe mom wants them to pay rent.”

  Amy laughed. “You might be right.”

  “How old are these ladies?”

  “Our age, 24, 25.” Amy shrugged.

  “Find out a little more information and bring me back the details.”

  Amy chuckled. “How did I not know all of these years that you were such a hard ass?”

  “Because, I’ve never had to show it. Everyone around me is my friend, in one way or another.” Erin glanced out over the balcony. “Please, go save Dex. Besides, I need his full attention on the crowd and what’s going on.”

  “Yeah, yeah, of course.”

  Amy turned to leave the room then stopped by the door.

  “Whatever happened to the conversation you were supposed to have with Caleb?”

  “How did I know you wouldn’t leave before asking me that?”

  “I almost did.”

  “Almost doesn’t count.”

  Amy peered at Erin, then took a few steps back into the room. “There’s something you’re not telling me,” she said.

  Erin rolled her eyes. “Girl, you make it sound as if we’re married and I’m cheating on you.”

  “Hmm, that’s still to be determined.”

  Erin shook her head. “I spoke with Caleb; now, are you happy?”

  Amy smiled with a nod of her head and a conspiratorial wink.

  “Okay, and?”

  “It’s not a short story. We talked about a few things; things that I don’t have time to go over now because I need you behind the bar.”

  “Mmhmm, I see what you did there,” Amy said. She rose her hands in surrender. “I get it, but just so you know, this conversation is not over.”

  “Oh, I’m sure,” Erin retorted.

  Amy looked Erin up and down once more. “There is definitely something you’re not telling me, but I’ll get to the bottom of it; or send Mariah up here to do it for me.”

  “Is Mariah here?”

  “Not yet, but you know she’s just a phone call away.”

  Erin rolled her eyes again and flipped her hair off her shoulders. Her gaze turned back to the crowd just in time to see Caleb stroll through the door. Even from a distance, the thrill she felt earlier scattered over her skin and it took massive effort not to quiver in front of Amy.

  “Well look who just walked in,” Amy said, following Erin’s line of sight.

  Erin tried to pull her vision back over to Amy, but it was like trying to separate metal from a magnet. Her eyes were stuck as she took in the entirety of him. Caleb was so incredibly handsome. It amazed her that he could have such a strong structural face and still manage hints of softness, especially from around his eyes. The short sleeve button down shirt that rode over his tone p
hysique disappeared into his pants as he strolled with seriousness in his dark gaze. He scanned the restaurant looking for someone, no doubt her. The way his clothes fit him, with just an inflight of space kissing his muscular build and toned thighs, made Erin cross her legs where she stood.

  “Mmhmm,” Amy murmured.

  “Are you still here?” Erin asked keeping her eyes glued to him as he made his way to the stairs. It was then that Erin snapped her eyes toward Amy to find a giant smile covering her face.

  “Okay, I’m going.” She turned around as Caleb climbed the last two steps and simultaneously they sidestepped each other.

  “Hey Caleb,” Amy said holding her smile.

  “What’s up, Amy. Am I interrupting?”

  “Not at all; I was headed to the bar.”

  “Then, I’m just in time.”

  “Must be your lucky day.”

  “I’d assume so.”

  “See ya.” Amy made her descent and Caleb approached the opening. He took his knuckles across the door in quick tap.

  “Come in,” Erin said without missing a beat.

  Caleb moved inside and was pleasantly surprised at what stood before him. He remembered Erin when she was a young teen, right up to her young adult years. She was skin and bones, with ponytails, but Caleb thought she was cute all the same. It wasn’t a secret the two had a crush on each other. But they remained friends as they continued to grow throughout the years. It wasn’t until later in high school that they moved into a relationship and it had been the best thing that happened to him.

  To see this Erin that stood before him, all grown up, beautiful, and running her own show, only intensified the love he had for her. Caleb wanted desperately to explore if they could be more, but his own demons slowed him down and made him think twice.

  “Hey, you,” he said easing into her personal space.

  A cologne wafted from him, and it mixed perfectly with his natural scent.

  “Hey,” Erin said.

  He drove his dark penetrating gaze over her then reached out and pinched her chin. “You’re beautiful,” he said. “An angel, to be more precise. How lucky could a person be to call you their own.”


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