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Wait For Me (A Military Romance Book 1)

Page 11

by Phoebe Winters

  “I know, that’s not what I meant. What I meant was, you were discharged?”

  “I was going to be discharged, but I didn’t want that. So, I was placed in Army Reserve.”

  Erin’s mouth dropped. “That’s basically keeping you active while allowing you to enjoy your civilian life like any other person.”

  Caleb cringed at her statement. Again, it bothered him to think of enjoying his life when Timothy couldn’t. Erin saw the grimace on Caleb’s face and it hit her that she’d spoken too fast.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I can’t say that I understand how you feel, but I’m not sorry you’re alive.”

  Caleb nodded and tugged her chin.

  “I understand your reservations for wanting to be with me in public. From now on, I won’t ask until you and I have made a decision on how we will move forward; together or apart.”

  For some reason Erin didn’t like the sound of that but she kept her mouth shut and nodded anyway. It was after all what she’d asked for in so many words.

  “At least let me follow you home to make sure you get there okay.”

  Erin nodded, still unable to use her words. Caleb glanced over at the Sander’s front porch then back to Erin.

  “They’re watching, aren’t they,” she asked.

  A broad smile covered Caleb’s handsome face. “Yeah.” He reached for her arm and pulled her slightly away from her car. With his other he opened the driver side door and helped Erin inside.

  “I’m right behind you,” he said.

  Erin nodded, and Caleb shut the door then strolled to his vehicle. Once there, he threw up a hand in a wave at Mrs. Sanders who stood peeping through the blinds. She didn’t hide it either, or the worried expression on her face.


  Wounded Warriors Retreat

  Navasota, TX

  As soon as they arrived, the atmosphere felt different. Caleb Malone removed his aviator glasses and took his eyes over the scenery. Acres of land surrounded them. Green grass, and a woodland area sat in the backdrop. Further than that, hills and mountains rose, almost as if they were connected to the skyline. The breeze in the air was perfect; a soft slow wind that held no chill and only fresh air.

  “It’s beautiful isn’t it,” Erin said standing next to him.

  Caleb slipped an arm around her shoulder and Erin responded with an arm around his waist.

  “Very,” he said.

  “I think the organizers want to get started right away,” Erin said.

  “Then I guess it’s a good thing we went straight to the room and put our things up.”

  “Yeah.” Erin leaned into him and Caleb held her close at his side.

  “Thank you for doing this with me,” he said looking down at her.

  Erin blushed. “Thank you for giving it a chance.”

  “Anything for my girl.”

  He tickled underneath her chin and Erin squealed. She attempted to run from him and he grabbed her up and tossed her over his shoulder.

  “Hey!” she squealed. “No fair! How would you feel if I put you on my shoulder?”

  Caleb chuckled. “Yeah, I liked to see you try.”

  Erin pressed her nose against his face and took a small bite of his ear.

  “Girl, that only makes me horny.”

  Erin squealed out a giggle.

  “Okay folks gather round,” the organizer said appearing out of nowhere. He glanced over at Caleb and Erin just as he placed her back on her feet. “I’m glad you guys are getting an early start on today’s adventure,” he added.

  Other couples chuckled as all eyes turned to them. The organizer was a middle-aged man with short blonde hair and blue eyes. He was dressed down in a jean jumpsuit with combat boots on his feet. Locked around his waist appeared to be a harness and Erin wondered what their day would bring.

  “Welcome to Camp Zen Retreat Center. As you all know this program is for veterans and servicemen and women who’ve been wounded from war. This specific program is also for the families as well. Here, you’ll take the time to slow down, breathe deeply, build relationships, and reconnect with those you love most.”

  The couples were nodding as they were all hopeful in a successful experience.

  “Our first adventure of the day starts right now. If you’ll form a line starting here, my wife Linda here will hand you all a harness.”

  The couples got in formation and two by two they were all given the necessary equipment for their first exploration. Afterward they walked two acres across the field and followed a trail into the woods. They passed a creek and a few squirrels that scrambled up trees to get out of their way. When they made it to a floating car, Caleb and Erin glance overhead.

  “Oh boy,” Erin said, and a huge smile crossed Caleb’s face.

  “What’s wrong, baby doll? You’re not scared of a little zip lining, are you?”

  Erin shoved him playfully. “Not when I’m with you.”

  The words slipped out of her mouth and she popped her lips closed. Caleb wrapped his arms around her and drew her in placing a kiss on her forehead.

  “I’m glad you feel that way. I would never let anything happen to you.”

  “I know,” she said.

  Inside the floating car, the couples held still as it road to a treehouse built like a large hut. They emptied out and ironically the first couple up was them.

  “Which one of you would like to go first,” the organizer asked.

  “I will,” Caleb said. “I want to be on the receiving end when she comes to me.”

  Erin heard all kind of double meanings, but she worked to calm her fast beating heart.

  “Alright, let’s get you hooked.”

  It only took a few latches to connect Caleb to the line. He stood tall and strong, appearing ready for anything.

  “Ready, here we go!” The organizer let him loose and Caleb went flying over the stream and wooded area below.

  “Wooo!” He shouted, making Erin and the others laugh out loud.

  Her heart warmed to see him enjoying himself, but her pulse quickened when it was her turn.

  “You’re up!” The organizer said turning to Erin.

  “God, he made that look so easy,” she said.

  “It is easy, you’ll be fine,” he reassured.

  Erin watched as the organizer snapped her together.

  “Ready?” he said.

  “You can do it baby!” Caleb shouted.

  Erin smiled as the couples behind her whooped and hollered, helping Caleb build Erin’s confidence. It was then that she realized she’d do anything or go anywhere with Caleb.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” she said, keeping her focus on a grinning Caleb.

  “Here we go!”

  Erin took in a deep breath as she sailed in the direction of Caleb. She took her eyes off him for a second, long enough to catch a glimpse of the beautiful scenery around her. When she made it to the other side, Caleb caught her as she rushed into his arms. The warmth that enveloped them immediately made her heart beat even faster than that rush had.

  “Oh my God,” she said, “that was amazing.”

  “It was, wasn’t it,” he said. “And I have you to thank for it.”

  Erin blushed.

  “Why do I all of sudden feel like I can do anything,” Caleb continued.

  Erin grabbed his chin making sure to stare him in the eye.

  “It’s because you can do anything. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, baby.”

  Caleb captured her lips. It was a reflex that he couldn’t and didn’t want to contain. When they came up for air they smiled with yearning at each other and the rest of the trip was an even bigger hit.

  For five days and four nights, they were met with a different quest. They fished, reminding them of being lakeside in their high school days. The canoe brought a different set of adventure, and the kayak was just as thrilling. During their five-mile hike, Caleb and Erin found themselves veering off the trail to make out
and fill each other up. They never went too far and always popped back into the group before anyone noticed they were missing. On the mountaintop, they sat side by side with their legs folded underneath them in a quiet meditation where they both reconnected with God. At least to them it felt like there was a spiritual awakening that resided on the mountaintop.

  After it was over, they strolled back, hand in hand, quiet and thinking things through. Caleb hadn’t expected to feel reinvigorated, like it was okay to live life outside of the Army. But the solace and serenity gave him a new will for life; the will to live and not merely serve for the obligation of it.

  The revelation surprised him as he never thought the Wounded Warriors could help with the scars he possessed. But he’d been proved wrong and all along it was Erin that held the answers, whether she knew it or not. The last day of their retreat was just as revitalizing as the first with a final quest on horseback. As Caleb and Erin rode their mares alongside each other, the quietness around them was removed.

  “I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” Caleb began.

  Erin smiled over at him. “Don’t thank me, thank this wonderful program.”

  “Yeah, but without you, I would’ve never come here.”

  “I’m happy you enjoyed yourself. It’s been one of the best times in my life.”

  “Me too,” he said. “What would you think about me staying,” he said.

  Erin’s eyes widened. “Why would you ask me a question you already know the answer to?”

  Caleb chuckled. “I mean, if I stayed only in the reserve.”

  Erin studied him for a moment.

  “I’d like to be here with you, but still have the brothership and bond I had when on active duty. And if the country really needs me in the state of an emergency…”

  “I understand,” she said.

  Erin didn’t know what to say. The army was a part of Caleb now, so this proposition was a good one and she would take it.

  “I’d love for you to be an army reserve,” she said.

  Caleb’s eyes twinkled. “Yeah?”

  Erin blushed. “Yeah.”

  Caleb stopped his horse and climbed down. He strolled over to Erin and lifted her, pulling her into his arms. The thickness of his biceps encircled her waist and her arms coiled around his neck. They kissed, soft, slow and long before pushing their foreheads together and exchanging heated breaths.

  “I love you,” Caleb said.

  Erin’s complete nervous system went into a frenzy.

  “I love you, too.

  They kissed again.

  “Will you be my date for the Centennial Ball?”

  Erin laughed. “Of course. I thought you’d never ask.”

  They kissed again as a current of air swirled around them.


  Disabled American Veterans

  Centennial Ball

  The all white Hummer limousine cruised to a stop in front of Centennial Metro Center. The chauffeur left the driver seat and glided with ease to open the back door. When the door was opened, snaps from the local news station’s cameras, Fox 10 and WFGX, flashed before the couple could make their debut. Dressed down in a white mess jacket with his special skills military badges outlining the top jacket, Caleb slid out of the vehicle, debonair and fetching. His tuxedo shirt was pressed from the steam room and a bow tie fit snuggly around his collar. Black trousers covered his toned thighs and rode the length of him to black oxford shoes that held a pristine shine. Caleb hadn’t forgotten the suspenders. They held his debonair look in check and the shirt studs and cufflinks accessorized his overall appeal.

  Camera’s continued to snap and as he held a hand out, Erin reached for him, accepting it with a light-hearted smile. He drew her out and she fit right into his easy embrace. For a wild moment, they ate each other up with compelling stares.

  Erin was dressed to the nines in an A-line princess V-neck floor-length chiffon lace evening dress. It mimicked the black and white in Caleb’s suit with her arms covered in a see-through lace that coaxed into a deep black across her breasts then flourished at her waist into a lacy ball gown. The heels she wore brought her just a few short inches from Caleb’s height. Together, they linked arm and arm and made their way into the grand hall. It was their first official outing as a couple again. Seeing the stares from onlookers didn’t bother Erin one bit. She was sure, this time, that this was right, and the reservations she once held had diminished.

  “This is us,” Caleb said pulling to a round table covered with fine china.

  He removed her chair, and as she sat, scooted her up to the table before taking his seat.

  “Well, aren’t you too looking like the quintessential guppies.”

  As soon as Erin heard Amy’s voice, a smile covered her face.

  “This must be a new record,” Erin said.

  “What’s that?” Amy asked.

  “You’re on time for something. I can’t believe it.”

  “Oooh, that was low. But I’ll let you have it since you’re in good company tonight. I won't embarrass you.”

  “Don’t forget I’m your boss too so…”

  The ladies laughed.

  “Mr. Malone,” Amy greeted.

  “Ms. Van Winkle,” he responded, “or should I call you Mrs. Scutter,” he said in reference to Amy’s boyfriend, and his army buddy, Luke.

  “Yes,” she said, “Mrs. Scutter has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

  Caleb chuckled and nodded. “I think so. What do you think, babe?”

  Erin blushed at his sentiment. “I think you’re right.”


  Erin turned around and almost groaned upon seeing Jason. Caleb’s smile turned into a glower immediately, but Jason ignored him keeping his focus on Erin.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  “She knows that asshole, and she doesn’t need you to tell it to her.”

  Erin covered Caleb’s hand to calm him.

  “How can I help you, Jason?”

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “No,” Caleb stated plainly.

  “I wasn’t talking to you so mind your business,” Jason spat back.

  Caleb removed himself from the chair and stood to his feet.

  “Oh shit,” Amy said.

  “Caleb,” Erin rushed to stand. “Don’t do anything you ‘ll regret.”

  Caleb glared at Jason. “Leave or I’ll beat your ass like I should’ve done in high school, but it will be worse. Much worse,” he promised.

  Jason thought it over and it was quick. What were his chances of beating Caleb fair and square in a fist fight? He weighed the options and looked Erin over once more before deciding against it. Jason left without another word and Amy whistled.

  “Damn it, brother,” she said. “You all macho, macho, man and shit. Don’t kill him, okay? He doesn’t know any better.”

  “I think he does now,” Erin said. She turned to Caleb. “Are you okay?”

  Caleb returned his gaze from Jason’s retreating form to her soft comforting face. “I am.”

  They reclaimed their seats, and the speaker approached the podium. He captured the attention of the audience, speaking about the hope and future for veterans as they reclaimed their civilian lives. The DAV held over thirteen hundred chapters and one million members across the country. Its mission was to provide service for its member in the way of transportation to and from doctor appointments, hosting job fairs so they could get back into the workforce, and claim more than two hundred and fifty thousand annual benefits. The charity was dedicated to those who served the country and were proud to call the United States their home.

  The crowd cheered in response to the speaker, and after the official announcement, another name was called.

  “At this time, I’d like to introduce you to one of our soldiers who just came home from Iraq this summer. He’d like to share something with us and I’m honored to shake his hand. Mr. Caleb Malone.�

  The crowd roared again, and Caleb stood to his feet. Taken back, Erin smiled brightly and clapped along with the crowd. She had no idea he was speaking tonight, and she wondered why the secret. Caleb glanced down at her and winked, then strolled casually to the stage. As he passed, other women followed his trail while leaning into their friends to whisper something Erin was sure she’d rather not hear.

  “Thank you,” Caleb said into the mic. He turned and shook the announcer's hand and the announcer stepped back. “Being in the United States Army isn’t something to take lightly. It is a man’s war,” he said repeating Erin’s father, “and it can cost a person the most precious thing anyone could ever have. Their life.” Caleb glanced around the room at others who hung on to his every word.

  “While stationed in Baghdad, I lost a dear friend of mine. It changed me almost to the point of wanting to punish myself for living. You see, when you know someone, laugh with them, cry with them, and fight by their side, watching them perish is the worst thing in the world. You lose yourself, and your purpose and if you don’t have a proper support system,” Caleb’s gaze met Erin's, “then it can kill you, too. But I was one of the lucky ones. Not only is an organization like DAV important because of this, but it’s also a reason to continue to donate and keep the charity alive.” He paused then spoke right to her. “Erin, when I went through what was the darkest time in my life, I withdrew from you thinking I was a burden and you were better off.”

  He cleared his throat.

  “I was wrong, and I want to apologize to you in front of all these lovely people here, and the city of Pensacola,” he said motioning to the news cameras that were recording live feed. “Without you, I would still be a wanderer, searching for my purpose and doing what I thought was the honorable thing to do. I love you, and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t regret the decision I made long ago.”

  Caleb removed the microphone and moved from the stage with it in his hand.

  “I’ll never make the mistake of letting you go again. No matter what happens, you’re stuck with me, babe.” He made his way through the maze of tables and everyone followed his path. “So, I have to know if you forgive me and love me enough to try again.” He pulled up in front of her and Erin’s heart rocked in her chest. Caleb reached for her and she accepted his proffered hand.


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