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Mindfuck - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist (Mind Games Book 1)

Page 72

by Gabi Moore

“I’d love to see one,” Dion told him with a smile.

  “I just happen to have a pack of cards on me.” The detective took a step back, withdrew a standard pack of playing cards from his pocket and shuffled it several times.

  After he finished shuffling the cards, he handed one to Dion. “Ace of hearts, as you notice, now please hold the card facing downward.”

  As instructed Dion flipped the card over and held it down.

  “Now let me look through the pack and see if I can find something that beats it,” he said. Jones shuffled his deck of cards several more times and withdrew a card. He turned it over to reveal a six of diamonds.

  “Don’t think I’ve found anything to beat what you are holding. Why don’t you turn the card over and let’s try it again.”

  Dion flipped the card over to reveal the card that had now transformed into a six of diamonds.

  “Didn’t beat it, but at least I found an equal,” the detective laughed.

  “Nice,” Dion said. “I won’t even ask you did that because you won’t want to give the trick away. You ever use your stage magic to solve crimes or get suspects to confess?”

  “No, just to build rapport and confidence with people I talk with and find a way to kill time. It helps to loosen tension. If we have to go into someone’s home for instance, I can help entertain the kids while my college is interviewing someone. Works to bridge feelings to all the communities we help out.”

  “I see. I know some tricks myself; would you like to see one?”

  “Of course,” the detective said with eager eyes. “I’m always looking to build my repertoire. What can you show me?”

  Chapter 7

  “Can I have three random cards out of your pack?” Dion asked. The detective shuffled the deck and handed him a trio.

  Dion smiled, took the cards and walked back over to a table where he’d sat with his friends before the encounter with the ghoul cleaners. He carefully placed the cards in a small lean-to where they supported each other on top of the table. Then he walked around the arrangement to make sure there were no air currents from any direction to blow it over.

  He walked back to Jones and Lilly. “You see the cards. They came out of the same deck you handed me. You notice there are no air gusts or wind currents in this section of the mall. We’re too far away from the door to let it affect them. Right now, no one is next to the table. So would you not agree that the cards should stay in place until someone comes by and knocks them over?”

  “I’d expect them to stay put, yes,” Jones agreed.

  Dion folded his arms and concentrated.

  This was not something he did very often. The air elementals were very difficult to summon and wouldn’t always appear when needed. They tended to be flighty and hard to control. When they did show, sometimes they performed their job a little too well. The one from early in the day had exhausted him. But for what he needed, it shouldn’t be too hard to bring one up.

  He was still for a good thirty seconds until he felt one around this part of the mall. This wasn’t a large one, but enough to do what he needed. Dion concentrated and let it know he would be very grateful if the elemental could simply knock the cards over. The air elemental was intrigued and decided to help him, making Dion remember that, until he obtained his full power from the Air Elemental Grandmaster, Dion owed him a favor. Dion agreed and promised to let it out through the nearest door. With the deal sealed, the air elemental swooped in the direction of the cards.

  Jones expected the cards to merely fall over, the result of a kinetic trick Dion would set up. All he needed to do was time it out so the cards appeared to fall on his command. The detective had seen such tricks done before and, if done properly, always impressed a bar audience. But what happened here surprised him to no end.

  The three cards blew up into the air by a gust of wind that sent them flying across the concourse. They landed far from each other, which forced Dion to walk over and pick them up. He walked back and returned them to the detective. While he was bringing them back, he spotted something in a nearby trashcan and made a detour toward it.

  It was the map.

  The ghouls had managed to dump it before they took Emily. Relieved, he rolled it up, put it under his arm, and headed back in the direction of the detective.

  “That was amazing,” Jones said as Dion handed him the cards. “I have no idea how you pulled that trick off and don’t even want to ask. You have been practicing a long time?”

  “All my life.”

  “Do you have any idea if anyone has come up missing in this place lately?” Lilly asked Jones. “One of our friends has been gone for a few days and her mother thought she might have gone here before she left.”

  “Never heard a thing about people disappearing at this mall. But it’s a new one. The one on the other side of town? Maybe, they’re having some trouble over there, always happens when you have a place where people congregate. I’ll keep an ear out and let you know if I hear anything.”

  “Thank you,” Dion said. “I’m sure you have Lilly’s phone number at her parents’ house. We would appreciate it. Oh, and one other thing, when you leave could you hold the door open to the count of five?”

  “Sure, any reason why?”

  “Something I’m working on that involves the trick I just showed you. I think you’ll feel a gust of air at the five second mark.”

  “No problem.”

  Jones walked to the door, opened it and held it open for the five-second count. At the fifth count, he turned and looked at Dion with a face that said “Well?”

  His jacket was pushed aside by the gust of wind as the air elemental flew out the door and into the freedom of the outdoors. Dion could sense the relief it felt to be outside the mall and into the fresh air. The detective gave him a funny look as the door automatically closed behind him.

  “You have to tell me how you did that,” Lilly said. “With your abilities, I’m guessing.”

  “I made a deal with an air elemental which was stuck inside this part of the mall,” Dion explained. “It’s supposed to be off limits to them, from what I can tell. It wanted outside and I offered to let it go if it would knock the cards over. All Jones had to do was hold the door open long enough for it to escape. It’s gone and that was the burst of wind you just saw.”

  “Wow, can you actually see these things around us all the time?”

  “It depends on how powerful they are. An Elemental Grandmaster can bind and control them. I haven’t reached that level. Not even close. It’s why I need to find the other Elemental Grandmasters, so I’ll have all the abilities. Right now, I can see air elementals riding in storm clouds and recognize ghouls on the ground. Water sprites aren’t so hard to see either and they will gladly do things for me just to get attention. I’ve seen fire elementals dancing around in buildings, which were burning down. There’s another kind of elemental too, but I don’t know much about them.”

  Dion pulled out the papyrus and sat down in front of a table outside one of the shops. He unrolled the map and looked at it. Lilly could tell by his groans that something was very wrong.

  “They get food all over it?” she asked him. “I saw you pull it out of the trash.”

  “No, the writing has changed. It was in Coptic, now it’s in ancient Sumerian. I can’t read the new language.” He held it up for her to look at. He was right; this was a completely new style of writing which was even more bizarre than the last one.

  “It has to have something to do with it being close to the ghouls,” Dion said. “This map was made by someone with particular cartographer skills. They made it so that the language is fixed to the last person who last used it. If we use it to find Emily, the next person who sees it will be looking at a map in English.”

  “But the ghouls didn’t use it for anything. They tossed it away.”

  “I know, and there’s not a thing I can do about it. Something about the ghouls being elementals affected the map. I don’t understand
it either, but the end result is that we don’t have a map I can read.

  “So what are we going to do? You want me to go to a pay phone and call Jones’ house? I can always tell his wife we need his help bad and he’ll come back. Don’t know how long that will take….”

  “No, I still don’t want to get him involved. We bring him into it and whoever runs this mall might get very angry. There are all kinds of things they can do to ban us from the place. The right word to Officer Karanzen and we’d never be able to get back inside here.”

  “Is there any other way to read it?”

  “I’ll have to find a seer stone,” he told her. “It’s a small crystal you can use to read any document in any language. Now, who around here would sell one of those…” he looked around the mall at all the stores in the distance and eventually his eyes spied a gift store called Trollworks.

  “Think I found it!” Dion announced as he got up from the bench with the map back under his arm.

  Lilly followed Dion to the store, which had a small display of minerals and silver jewelry in the window. It also had a few black light posters, something she hadn’t seen around in years. Perhaps the store had plenty of stock it wanted to get rid of.

  Inside, her eyes were struck with a variety of colors and her nose with an assortment of scents. Lilly felt the chill of cool air and turned to see a terrarium on the counter where all sorts of curious plants grew. Small animals worked their way around inside the tank, but she couldn’t identify the species. She turned and saw a glass case filled with cut geodes, polished quartz and other beautiful minerals. The entire store was filled with samples from the mineral kingdom with one special case filled with fine stones set in silver rings and brooches. Around the walls of the store, which was very small, were posters in fluorescent colors designed to glow under ultraviolet light.

  “I thought they would sell,” said the man behind the counter. He was in his thirties and had a black beard with matching long hair down his back. He was short, not even five foot in height, but had a strong countenance. “And of course, they stopped selling as soon as I had a warehouse full of them. Did you want to buy one, perchance?”

  “We’re interested in something else, Hobbs,” Dion said to him. “This is Lilly, by the way. Lilly, meet Heinrich Hobbstone, but everyone around here calls him Hobbs.”

  “Well met,” he told her. “I hope the business picks up or I might end up moving out. I used to have a much bigger space down near the campus, but then waterbeds quit selling, so I’m here.”

  “You have a lot of interesting things to sell in your store,” she told him as she perused the black light posters, record albums and small balances. “I’m not even going to ask what is on the back shelf.”

  “How old are both of you? The state mandates I ask, which is why I just did.”

  “Eighteen,” they both said at the same time.

  “You have driver’s licenses?” he asked them. They both reached down their pockets and handed them over. The man carefully held them up to the light to look them over.

  “You can’t tell the fakes unless you know the real ones inside and out,” he said. “One of these days, the state is going to come down hard on people and then they’ll regret looking the other way to turn a fast buck. As for myself, I plan to be here as long as I can. Big future in the books and posters. The music, not so much.” He handed the ID’s back to them.

  “Okay,” he said, “Now I can talk to you. Just don’t ask me about the stuff I sell on the back shelf. The last thing I need is a pretty young girl wanting to know how to use massage oils. I have enough to deal with by being short and without a girlfriend.”

  “I can’t imagine how you would go without a girlfriend,” Dion laughed. “Popular guy that you are. You must have a little black book somewhere?”

  “I use it to record the calls from my ex-wives,” he said. “Now what is it you needed to see me about? I quit selling concert tickets last month, by the way. Lost a chunk promoting the Babe Ruth show with Hawkwind opening. Someday people will remember those bands, but not now.”

  “I need a seer stone,” Dion said. “Do you have any here? I’m willing to pay a good price for one.”

  “Why are these things so popular lately?” Hobbs asked him. “I had a man come in here just last week and I sold him a brown one.”

  “Did it work?” Dion asked him.

  “I guess it did. Never saw him again and I’m sure he’d have brought it back if it didn’t do what it was supposed to do. The guy claimed he’d found some metal plates in his backyard with Phoenician writing on it and needed to stone to translate. I told him the stones would work fine for any human language, but just because it translated, didn’t mean it would make any sense. You ever see what one of these will do for an old German text? Heck, you have to hunt around and find the verbs because they’re buried on separate pages. Not to mention the way words are blurred. Everything comes out ‘little girl neutral radish guild house forward’, if you understand what I’m talking about. Anyway, let me see what I have.”

  Hobbs ducked under the shelf, not hard for him to do, and picked up a box. He placed the box on the counter and waited.

  “Something wrong?” Lilly asked him as they waited with him.

  “It only opens if it trusts the person who held it. Bought it from a kobold mine years ago and they built it to hold valuables to their specifications. They don’t trust anyone and hide all their valuables in these boxes.

  The box appeared to be carved from a blue stone with spectral qualities. It had dragons sculpted into the surface and on one side the image of an earth-moving machine. Slowly, there emerged a hum from the box as the lid opened a little bit at a time.

  “Guess it trusts us,” Hobbs laughed. “These things are expensive, but they’re safer than banks if you need to hide special items. I’d trust it before I would a safety deposit box.”

  Hobbs took out a green stone and put it down in front of Dion. It was smooth, appeared to be made from jade, and had a transparent quality to it. Dion picked the stone up and handed it to Lilly who turned it over and noted the fine polished surface.

  “You might want to test it out before you take it,” Hobbs told them. “I’d hate for you to leave here with one that didn’t work. Everyone would blame me, as usual.”

  On top of the counter, Dion rolled out the map with the cryptic letters on it. He weighted it down with a stone smoking pipe on one end and lava light on the other.

  Hobbs looked at the map with him. “You do have some strange letters on this,” he commented. “This is one of the better ones and it should make it readable. I have stones that can outperform it, but I save those for treasure hunters. Let’s see if it can do the job.”

  The green stone began to pulse with an inner light and projected it across the map. Lilly stood there with Dion and watched as the light scanned across the map. As it did so, the letters on the map changed color and began to move. The letters morphed into different patterns as it tried to find some common goal.

  “You sure this will work?” Lilly asked the man.

  “Give it a chance. This seer stone came from the Islandia. I have confidence it will do the job.”

  Slowly the letters reassembled into something that resembled English. Now Lilly could read it too. The letters marked the pathways into and out of all the mall sectors and even showed the location of the underground kingdom of the ghouls. She looked and noticed some of the temporal doors marked by the map, which the ghouls had used to take Emily away after her abduction.

  “So how do those doors stay marked if they can be taken by the person who knows how to work them?” she asked Dion.

  “The doors appear and disappear at different times. The door the ghouls took with them appears at another location in an hour. See? The map lists the times the door will appear and where it will show up.”

  “So all we have to do,” Lilly said, “is to find where the next door to the ghoul subbasement will open?r />
  “Little bit more difficult,” Hobbs said. “The door opens to a corridor which terminates in the subbasement where the ghouls live. You need to take that passageway down there if you are going to end up where Emily was taken. And the passageway will be dark. Ghouls don’t care as they have special vision which allows them to see in the dark.”

  “But even cats have to have some light,” Lilly pointed out. “Do these corridors have a light source of their own?”

  “Not always, and it’s not a good idea to take a torch down there with you as they signal to the ghouls that someone is in the corridor. You need to get down to their subbasement without them knowing you are on the way.”

  “And ghouls can see in a spectrum other than visible light,” Dion explained to her. “They can use infrared radiation to find their way around. They have excellent hearing as well.”

  “So what are we going to use once we find the door?”

  “I have just the thing for you,” Hobbs said. The little man went below the counter again and came back up with a cardboard box. He placed it next to the seer stone box.

  “Picked this one up the last time I paid a trip to the kobold mines. I do a fair amount of business in the rock and gemstone market, so I thought it would come in handy. But I think you will need it better than me. At least right now.”

  He opened the box to withdraw a carbide lantern attached to a miner’s helmet. It was attached to a container, which strapped to the waist and had a small valve hooked to the lamp. The lamp fit snuggly on the helmet.

  “Is it some kind of magic?” Lilly asked him.

  “Depends on how you define magic. This one uses sacred calcium carbide stones which, when treated with holy water, release sprits in the form of acetylene gas. The sprits travel up to the lens where they are ignited. They provide the divine light of illumination to the path you seek. So it is a kind of elemental earth power, just one miners use all over the world.”

  “What do we do if the ghouls attack us?” she said. “They’ll know we’re headed their way when they see the light.”


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