Take him!
Page 7
But this time I stand firm.
“I’m very tired, Lucas. It’s been very nice this reunion.”
“We can make up for lost time ―he insinuates, but I ignore it.”
I say goodbye and I go back home. Remembering my childhood with Lucas makes me sad and I spend the night crying.
On Sunday I decide to go running again and I go to see Carlos too.
“Here again, dear?” He knows I’m not good and he speaks with tenderness.
I tell him about my mood-enhancing shopping, my reunion with Lucas and all the feeling I had and Carlos states:
“You must recognize Carlos made an impact on you.”
I nod. I don’t have any other choice but recognize it and wait for it to die out.
So far, I managed to spend a week without seeing him.
Week 7
On Monday I resume my ritual of switching gears again and I tell myself I can’t be with men while I remember my promise.
At lunch time, we leave with Lucía, who although is on holidays, she’s dying to see us and rub in her wonderful honey moon in the shores of Thailand.
Luckily, she has to tell us so many things, that I sigh in relief for not being the center of attention of those three witches. But that doesn’t last long, as Lucía attacks again asking Emma and Angélica directly.
“Has she had this bitter face during the past week?”
They both nod.
“For what I’ve heard, Alvaro’s face is exactly like yours. We were with some colleagues of Néstor yesterday and they said that Álvaro is unbearable, he locks up in his office and doesn’t leave even to eat lunch.” Lucía tells.
“That’s why we haven’t seen him for those last days.” Emma says understanding all at once the absence of the man.
“Look, Martina, you should reconsider it.” Lucía says.
“Reconsider what? You told me yourself he doesn’t spend time with women.” I defend myself.
“It seems different with you. Otherwise, why is he so angry?” Lucía adds.
“Because he must have some other problems.” I defend myself again.
“But recognize you’re one of them.” Angelica attacks.
I sigh deseperatedly but, luckily, it’s time to go back to class.
At five, on my way home, I run into one of my young students as I cross a playground. He’s playing distractedly while his father speaks with another man.
“Teacher… teacher… look what I’m doing. “ Little Nicolás says playing with some roller skates.
I clap and laugh.
Suddenly, I see Nicolás father walks to where I am to greet me, he outstretches his hand and introduces me to his companion.
“Hello, Miss Martina.” Nicolás’ father says.
“Hello, Mister Nadal.” I greet as I shake his hand.
“I introduce you to a big friend.” He says pointing at Álvaro and adds. “Álvaro, this lady is Martina, Nicolás’ teacher.”
He outstretches his hand and so do I.
He observes me with his serious look but I only try to smile.
After the introduction, I tell them I’m in a hurry and I must go. Then, I say goodbye to Nicolás with a kiss and I run off. My heart is racing but I managed to escape.
After a few meters, I feel a hand squeezes me and stops me. It’s him who, with his serious look, is watching me intently. He finally says:
“I can’t stand this. I need to see you.”
“Álvaro, we have already talked about all this.”
“That’s not true. I want you to give me your true opinion.”
“Fine, I will, but not here and not now.” I know Nicolas’ father is watching us and I don’t want to make a scene.
“Then tell me where and when.”
“I don’t know… this weekend.”
“Impossible… unbearable. Tonight. At your place.”
“Okay.” I accept to end this as soon as possible.
He’s still holding me tightly and as he’s already calmer, he lets me go, but he gives me a kiss on my hand first.
He doesn’t insist on taking me home because he knows I will stand him up.
I’m running to catch the train on time.
I don’t know why I agreed, I don’t want to tell him anything. I just want to get home soon in order to think about what I’m going to tell him.
The first thing I do once I get home is calling my niece, as every Monday, so I can relax a bit.
“Hi, auntie! Four days and twenty-three days left!”
“For what?”I say playing the fool.
“What do you mean with for what? Are you crazy? For the concert of the century!” She clarifies.
“Listen, honey, you’re coming next Friday, aren’t you?”
“Yes, mom is taking me to the station when I finish high-school.”
“Okay, I’ll wait for you at the usual door, in Paseo de Gracia.”
“Great! I haven’t slept for two days, I’m very
“Try and rest, honey, otherwise you’ll be dead when the concert com”es.
“See you on Sunday… I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Time went by very quickly. I only manage to take a shower and prepare myself a bit. When I’m getting out of the room, someone knocks on the door and I know it’s him.
I open and see him with his serious look.
I notice he had a shower and changed his clothes and I can only think on how handsome he is.
He gets in and stands in the living room. Is he nervous or it’s just me? He can’t stop touching his hair and he hasn’t opened his mouth yet. He finally does it.
“Look, Martina, I… I apologize for the other day. I know I addressed the issue without having into account your opinion and I interpreted things that you might not think or feel.”
As I see he put his best foot forward, I loose myself a bit and add:
“I also apologize. I know I’m not very nice sometimes, but I thought we had a deal.”
“I accepted that deal because I wanted to stay with you at that moment, it was a desperate action.”
“I don’t want a relationship.” I confess openly.
He looks at me.
“Not even with me?”
“With nobody.”
“Before meeting you, I was also sure I didn’t want a relationship either.”
I don’t know what he means with this, but he continues. He just says:
“But can we be friends?”
“I’m okay with that, but I must confess I’m not good at being a friend.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Maybe I’ll tell you someday.”
“Then, friends? “ He says.
“Friends.” I state.
Things are like that… and we look at each other as friends are supposed to look at each other.
I invite him to eat something for dinner. I improvise a kind of dull dinner, but he doesn’t complain. We hang out relaxingly and when we finish, it’s him who decides to leave.
“Well, I’m leaving. Tomorrow I have a flight at five in the morning.”
“You’re catching a flight at five in the morning and you’re still here?” I ask shocked.
“Yes, I’ll sleep in the plane.” He says calmly.
“And where are you going?”
“I’m going to Shanghai to open some new offices. I’ll be out until the end of this week.”
“Alright. Have a good trip.” I tell him at the door.
“I’ll see you when I’m back.”
Then he does that thing that I love: He kisses my hand.
On Tuesday I have a weird feeling. I’m happy for making amends with him and because everything is a bit clearer. But I feel I’m fooling myself a bit.
On Wednesday I eat with the girls, apparently Lucía had a fight with Néstor and she wants to tell us.
“If we’re arguing eleven days after getting married, how is it going to
be in a year? I think my marriage is in crisis.”
“It’s a small fight. Don’t exaggerate.” I try to calm her down
“And why are you so happy?” Lucía attacks me.
Then I tell the girls about my reunion with Álvaro and our agreement in being friends. I omit some parts of the story because otherwise they’ll harp on their opinions.
Suddenly, Lucía asks me:
“So you know he’s on a trip.”
“Yes, in Shanghai.”
I automatically become alert. Why does she tell me that?
“And that he’s with Silvia?” She asks again.
“Who is Silvia?” I ask giving away my insecurity but trying to pretend I don’t know who she is.
“The hot blonde who was with him at my bachelorette party and at the wedding too. Rumour has it in the company that she has a huge crush on him and that, once in a while, they meet.”
“I didn’t know that, but he didn’t have to tell me either, did he?”
“He didn’t have to hide it from you either, did he?” Emma says, planting the seeds of doubt.
“But who cares! She only wants to be his friend ―Angélica defends me.”
But inevitably, I feel insecure for the rest of the week.
Luckily, Friday comes quickly and my niece is already with me. When I pick her up at the station, I realize how pretty and old she is, how much I miss her and the anger I feel because I can’t enjoy her every day, as I did before.
We decide to go to have a hot chocolate with cream to a café in the Rambla.
From the window we can see the mimes and we love them. She updates me about Justin Bieber’s life, his mother and hers. I, however, tell her things about my work and she complains about how boring I am.
We eat some pizzas for dinner and we spend the night talking and listening to Justin’s songs. My niece wants me to familiarize myself and go at full speed to the concert.
On Saturday, at ten in the morning we’re waiting in the line at the Palau San Jordi. I don’t understand why we have to go so early if we have seat tickets. But according to her, Justin can show up at any moment to greet his fans.
However, this doesn’t happen and we go in the venue at four o’clock.
At half part six, in delay on top of that, the concert begins.
At the third song I’m a bit tired. I check my phone and I see it lights up. It’s a phone call and I startle when I see it’s Álvaro.
I answer, but I can’t hear anything, obviously.
But one second later I get a text on the phone.
I answer instantly:
Thirty minutes later he answers again.
I answer:
And he continues:
I finally accept
He answers quickly.
I try to concentrate on the songs and I finally enjoy myself because I see the happy face my little Carla has.
When the concert finishes, he hugs me as she’s thrilled.
“I’m hungry.” She tells me.
I’m not surprised at all, she hasn’t eaten anything in the whole day because she was nervous.
“Do you want to have dinner with one of my friends?”
She looks at me in shock and finally tells me:
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Ha, ha!” I laugh and I clarify. “Carla, he’s just a friend, okay?”
She nods and I ask again:
“Do you feel like eating dinner with him?”
“Of course I do. Is he handsome?”
“Phew!” exclaim making her believe that he’s not much. But I know she’s going to love him.
We leave through the door and, leaning on his car, I see him waiting with his car double parked and his serious look.
“He’s there, come on quick.” I tell my niece.
“Is that one?... Auntie, but he’s hot!” I snort again which means he’s not so much.
He sees us and walks towards us. He’s wearing casual clothes.
“Hi!” He says coming too close to me.
“Hello. How was your trip?” I ask him.
“Very long.” He answers sharply while he continues to look at me.
“This is my niece Carla. He’s Álvaro.” I make the introductions.
He outstretches his hand and my niece jumps and gives him two kisses. She’s so cheeky.
“How was the concert?” He asks her.
Carla starts rambling about how wonderful Justin Bieber is.
Then I try to save the situation and say:
“We should go to dinner, it’s getting late.”
“I booked a table at a friend’s restaurant, I hope you like it.”
We enter to his car. When he starts it, without expecting it, he caresses my leg and asks about my hand and my week. I tell him everything is okay and I omit that I’ve been jealous since I found out the annoying blonde was with him. I wish to aks him who he went with, but I prefer to do it at any other moment.
We get to one of the most exclusive restaurants in the Tibidabo Avenue, where there are some spectacular views of Barcelona.
“Ah, no! I’m sorry, Álvaro, but I can’t afford a dinner here. And, besides, have you notice what we’re wearing?” I tell him off and I point at our t-shirts with Justin Bierber’s face on them.
“Please, you’re my guests and you’re gorgeous.”
Carla, excited about the place, wishes to leave the car as soon as possible.
“I think it’s great. Don’t be such a spoilsport, auntie!”
“Listen to your niece, she seems very sensible.”
I feel he’s winning her and, if he continues like that, it won’t be longer.
Finally, I give in.
We get into a beautiful hall and we sit at a small
table with some incredible views, where we eat some delicious food.
Carla is delighted with everything and she loves
to chat with Álvaro, who responds patiently to all her questions.
“And why are you friends with the owner of the
“Because my parents and his parents are old friends.”
“Are your parents old?”
“Carla!” I tell her off and add. “Finish your dessert and rest your tongue for a bit.”
She finally does as I say, even if it’s just because a boy from another table doesn’t stop looking at her and she chooses to behave in a very serious and decent way. Álvaro and I notice and we tell each other everything with our gazes. However, she doesn’t take long to use her tongue.
“Geez, auntie, I would stay with you forever.”
“Honey, you know you can come whenever you want.” I tell her with all my love.
“Which day are you leaving?” Álvaro asks.
“Tomorrow… I guess I’ll catch the train which goes to my home village around five o’clock.”
“Is it very far?”
“No, around forty-five minutes by train.” He answers.
“If you want, your aunt and I can give you a lift. “
“No, I don’t think so… My aunt would never go to my home village.” He says, and she feels very pleased with herself.
Álvaro watches me shocked and I look at him with my usual silly face.
“I wish she came once in a while to visit us.” She adds again.
Álvaro doesn’t want to ask, but I know he realizes that what my niece is
saying doesn’t make much sense.
I try to end the issue.
“Álvaro, don’t bother, she’ll be fine going on the train.” I say sharply.
“I’m sure of that. What are your plans for tomorrow?” He asks that.
“I want to go for a walk through the Ciutadella Park and visit Carlos.”
“And who is Carlos?” He asks curiously.
“Carlos is a special friend of my aunt, right?” Carla says with a big smile.
I could tell him that he’s just a friend, but when I notice how he got tense when he heard “a special friend of my aunt” I decide to leave him with the doubt.
At that moment, a man dressed as a cook shows up and goes to our table.
“Álvaro, my friend!”
“Juan, thank you very much for everything. The dinner, as always, delicious .” He says to him.
Álvaro gets up, hugs the owner of the restaurant and right away, he introduces us to him.
·This is Martina and her niece, Carla.·
I get up, outstretch my hand and my niece imitates me perfectly.
“I loved the pop rocks thing, it’s so cool!”
The two men burst into laughter.
“We can go now, shall you come with me?“ The cook tells Álvaro.
“Of course.” He answers. “Girls, Juan wants to show me a new part of the restaurant. Do you come with us?”
We both nod and we get up delighted.
Álvaro whispers to my ear:
“Carla is going to love this.”
I look at him puzzled.
Finally, we reach a hall where there are around fifteen people eating dinner. Juan goes to one of the boy who we only see his back and is wearing a cap. He tells him something, he gets ups and turns around with a smile. My niece starts screaming one second later and I’m very thrilled.
“Oh God, oh God!... it’s him… I’m dying!!”
The boy, who can’t understand a word in Spanish, laughs as if he understood what she’s saying.
“Hi Carla, How are you?”
“Fine, fine… thanks.”
“I have been told that you’re a big fan.”
“I can’t speak and think in English… I need you to help me, please.” Carla tells us.
“He says he has been told you’re a big fan” Álvaro translate.