Book Read Free

Take him!

Page 11

by Parejo, Sandra

  “Hi, baby! How was your time with Georgina?” He says giving me a quick kiss on my lips and nobody sees us, as if we were two kids.

  “Great. She’s a fascinating girl.”

  “Just like her uncle, don’t you think?” He adds. I punch him in his arm and we get in the house.

  In the inside, everybody goes to have a shower to get warm to eat lunch together afterwards.

  Georgina is falling asleep, as she’s exhausted because of the morning playing, and I also am.

  After lunch, Álvaro tells me:

  “Do you feel like going somewhere with the Jeep so you can see the wonderful landscape?”

  “Sure.” I tell him.

  “Dad, I’ll take the car for a while. I’ll go out with Martina so she can see the landscape.”

  “Of course, son, no problem.”

  When they hear us, the two shrews add:

  “Oh! Álvaro, take us, Irene would like to see the landscape too.” Noelia says with her good girl tone.

  I know Álvaro didn´t like it at all. But as he doesn’t want to be rude, he accepts.

  A while later, we’re walking to the Jeep and Irene wins the first battle, as she yields her place so I can sit in the backseat with her friend Noelia. But before I can open my mouth, Álvaro intervenes.

  “Martina, sit down here with me.” He says pointing at the backseat driver.

  Irene, not saying a word, jumps at the back. Two seconds later, he starts to speak like a parrot to catch Álvaro’s attention. I confirm that he doesn’t know him because she doesn’t know he doesn’t like chatterboxes a lot.

  Álvaro caresses my leg once in a while, when he explains things about the place or wants me to see something. The truth is that the valley is gorgeous, it’s covered with snow and the sun shines in the sky in a beautiful afternoon.

  We decide to go back home as it’s dinner time and it’s very dark. I go back very happy, the two girls at the back aren’t so happy.

  At night, Lucía calls.

  “Hi beautiful! I went to your place this afternoon and you weren’t there. Where are you?”

  “I’m at la Vall d’Aran.” I tell her.

  “Excuse me?” She asks surprised which is normal. Normally, the furthest I go is to the supermarket in the area.

  “It’s a long story, I’ll tell you some other time.”

  “Don’t even think about it, who are you with?”

  “I came with Álvaro.”

  She starts screaming like a crazy person.

  “But what are you doing?” I tell her.

  “You’re with him, girl, this thing between Álvaro and you is serious. It’s so great! “


  “No, what? You’re with him spending Christmas together, and you tell me this is not serious?” She talks to me as if I were stupid.

  I omit that his family is here too, because I know that if I tell her, she’ll scream again.

  “Look, it’s not exactly like that, I’ll tell you some other time. I have to go, he’s waiting for me to dinner.” I try to stop her.

  “Enjoy yourself, you deserve it.”

  “Kisses.” And I hang up before she continues.

  Our time to leave has come.

  Today the year ends and we go back to Barcelona to celebrate it with my friends.

  Days went by calmly. Álvaro’s family embraced me, except from his cousin and her friend. But I don’t blame them, I’m sure that Noelia had told her that her cousin was hot and single. And he appeared as hot as promised, but with me by his side.

  Little Georgina gets a bit sad and asks:

  “Uncle, why are you leaving now?”

  Álvaro and I look at each other and finally, he catches her and says:

  “We’re spending tonight with Martina’s friends, who haven’t seen her for a few days. Besides, I have to prepare things to go back to work tomorrow.”

  “But you’ll work and she won’t. She’s on holidays, as me and as all teachers are… She can come back until holidays are over.” That tone reminds me of someone… She’s just like him, bossy and organizer.

  “We’ll come back some other day.” Álvaro says as he puts her on the floor and kisses her goodbye.

  The little girl hugs my leg with strength.

  “Stay a few more days.” She says using the imperative.

  She’s very fond of me, as I am of her. We’ve spent a long time together playing, reading and eating chocolate and she doesn’t want me to leave.

  ―I promise to come back soon ―I tell her.

  “Really?” She asks.

  “Yes.” I state. Then I kiss her and we say goodbye.

  I’m not sure if I’m lying to Georgina.

  The rest of the family also says goodbye and Álvaro’s mother is very clear:

  “Martina, in February is my and Miguel’s wedding anniversary. We’re going to throw a big party with relatives and friends. We’ll be expecting you, of course.”

  “Mom…” Álvaro says telling her off.

  “Mom, what?” His mom challenges him. “You’ve insisted on saying you’re only friends, restraining yourselves from being more affective to each other before us. But son, I’m your mother and I notice. I see things and nobody has slept in your bed for a single night, I don’t think I need more information…”

  Álvaro’s father, sister and brother-in-law are cracking up. The other two women look at us with some disgust.

  “Mom, you’re such a busybody.” It’s the only thing Álvaro says and somehow, it confirms her mom’s hypothesis.

  I thank her for the invitation and I delightly accept it, although I’m not very sure if we’ll be still seeing each other in February.

  We get to Barcelona a few hours later and Álvaro tells me:

  “I take you home so you take your clothes. We’ll get ready in mine.”

  “It’s better if you leave me at home and I prepare myself there. We can meet at half past nine at Angélica’s. I’ll send you the address to your phone in a bit.”

  “Are we going there separated?” He asks scandalized.” I’ll pick you up at nine.

  “Okay.” I don’t want to fight.

  When we arrive at my place, he double parks and as he caresses my face, he tells me with that voice which drives me crazy:

  “Take whatever you need to spend the night at my home.”

  I know what those words mean and I freeze up.

  He kisses me sweetly and I leave the car, I run off and get into my apartment. It’s been days since I wasn’t at my home and I feel relieved for coming back.

  I still have a while before getting ready, so I decide to lie, rest and meditate.

  When there’s one hour left for Álvaro to pick me up, I get up from the couch, take a shower and get ready. I put on a stretched and long black dress with one shoulder strap decorated with gemstones and the other shoulder is totally naked, so I decide to let my hair down. I make up using just a bit of blusher, maybe I can cover that pale face I have.

  At nine, as perfect as he is, Álvaro knocks on my door. He’s spotless, wearing a gorgeous suit and his perfume wraps me, hypnotizing me again.

  He kisses me softly on my lips and takes my hand to turn me around and says:

  “Wow!, you’re prettier every day.”

  I smile at him, but I don’t tell him he’s very hot and that he makes me shiver in a way that intimidates me.

  Finally, I take my suitcase with the things I need to spend the night with Álvaro in it, as he requested, but I’m not even sure of what I put in there or if I’ll need them.

  At ten we get to Angélica’s party. It’s a small dinner until after eating the grapes, which is when the rest of people will arrive and her friend Félix, the DJ who will spice up the party.

  When we get there, Lucía and Néstor are already there, Emma and her boyfriend Iván, two Angelica’s friends with their partners and Carlos and his ex-wife.

  We all greet each other as we usually do on
the last day of the year, that is, euphorically.

  But especially, I’m a bit longer with Carlos, who introduces me to his ex-wife Mónica.

  She’s a very beautiful and serious black-haired woman. We only tell each other a couple of words during the whole night, but to be honest I’m a bit resentful with her.

  Néstor and Álvaro spend a great amount of time chatting as the girls and I want to be together and they die to question me, so when they have the chance, they come closer as if they were three lions about to eat a small gazelle, or that’s how I feel.

  Angélica is the one who begins.

  “You could have told me you were coming with someone.”

  “I didn’t know if he would come or not, I’m sorry.” I lie and apologize at the same time.

  “And?” Lucía says.

  “And here we are.” I say playing the fool.

  But sweet Emma can’t take it anymore and she explodes.

  “Tell us fucking something!”

  The rest of us look at her in shock, but they’re waiting for my answer.

  “Álvaro overheard Carlos had plans for Christmas and I didn’t want to join him, and he told me that either I went with him and his family, or he stayed with me.”

  “And his family?” Lucía asks incredulous.

  “Ooooohhh, so cute!” Emma says, she’s back to be the sweet and romantic girl we know.

  “As I knew he would stay with me and I wanted him to be with his family, I gave in. We’ve been fine and we came back here today.”

  “What do you mean by we’ve been fine?” Angélica asks. “What happened between you two?”

  “Well, at first we went as friends, two days later we kissed and we’ve been doing it until today.”

  They all scream like crazy people and I roll my eyes.

  “And the sex?” Angélica asks shamelessly.

  I shake my head.

  “What is it? You’re not happy?” Emma asks when she notices my unrest.

  “It’s been all too fast and I feel a bit overwhelmed.”

  “Martina, you must open up and enjoy. Today a new year begins and you also must begin a new life Angélica advices, although it seems an order.

  “I’m not ready.” I admit.

  “What are you afraid of?” Lucía tells me out loud.

  But it’s Emma who answers.

  “Same as usual. She doesn’t want to be cheated again.”

  “But Álvaro isn’t the bastard Rubén is. There’s no comparison… you can see from far away that he’s into you.” Lucía defends him.

  We all turn around and see Álvaro doesn’t take his eyes off me and looks at me as if I were edible.

  “Well, he wants me to spend the night together at his place, but I don’t know if I’m going.”

  “Are you crazy? You must go.” Angélica says.

  “Do whatever makes you feel comfortable, don’t force yourself.” Emma cheers me up.

  The bell goes off and the rest of the guests come in.

  Two hours later I notice Álvaro is tired and I tell him to leave. He nods quickly.

  We say goodbye to the guests. I kiss Carlos quickly, I haven’t been able to talk to him much because he was with his ex-wife and I didn’t want to disturb him, but we agree to meet next week. Finally, the girls give me a final piece of advice.

  “Listen to your heart.” Emma says.

  “Attack!” Angélica adds.

  “Have a great time.” Lucía tells me.

  Finally, we leave the party and go to take Álvaro´s car which is parked in a near parking lot. When we get out to the street, Álvaro kisses me and takes my hand. We walk a few more meters and asks:

  “Are you okay?”

  I shrug.

  “Is it because of me?”

  I do it again.

  “Can you speak, please? You’re driving me insane doing that.” He says a bit desperate.

  “I don’t know what is happening to me.” I try to explain myself. “I think this is going too fast and I’m not sure.”

  “We talked about this, we both have our insecurities, but we have to trust each other and everything will be fine.”

  He smiles, in a way that makes me feel he’s gorgeous and I’d cover him with kisses right there in the middle of the street, but I can’t. There’s something in me that asks me for caution. I don’t want to go over what I did and have to run to another place. I like my life in Barcelona, my school, my friends and my apartment.

  “I’m sorry but I can’t.” It’s the only thing I can say.

  I notice how he gets tense and his gaze become colder.

  “I’ll take you home.” He finally says.

  He takes me to the parking lot and doesn’t let my hand go until we get to the car. We get inside and drives in silence to my home.

  Then he double parks and asks me:

  “Do you want me to go in with you and stay for a while?”

  “No, I’m sorry.” I say, although it hurts.

  I open the door and run to my apartment. When I enter, my heart sinks and I burst into tears.

  The following day I spend the day in my bed crying, I only get up to eat an apple in the morning and a yogurt in the evening.

  I feel stupid, I like the boy a lot and he makes me feel things I never felt with who I thought was the love of my life, but I can’t trust him and I don’t want to suffer again.

  I decide to call Carla to know how her holidays went.


  “Hi, honey!”

  “What are you doing? How is Álvaro?” My eyes fill with tears with that question, but I try to pretend.

  “I’m at home and Álvaro is also fine, but he’s at his place.”

  “Why aren’t you together? You didn’t have a fight, did you? You’re very stubborn, I know you.” My niece tells me off.

  “Carla, please, don’t speak to me like that. Everything is fine, but I already told you Álvaro and I are only friends.” I lie to her, as nothing is fine.

  “Oh!, okay. If everything is fine, it’s okay. And about being friends, I remember that, but I tell you that won’t be for much longer.”

  “But Carla, can you stop giving me some mother advice and tell me how your holidays went?” I say desperate.

  “Fine, although I missed you… you already know that.”

  My eyes are filled with tears again.

  “And how’s the little one?” I try to change the subject.

  “Bothering me. You know, he’s annoying as his mother.”

  “You’re very agitated today.” Although this time she makes me laugh.

  “Auntie, I’m studying with Alexia and we’re running out of time because we want to go out in a bit.” I love my niece’s sincerity.

  “Well, I’ll let you go then, honey. Call me if you need something, otherwise we’ll talk next Monday.”

  “Okaaaaay… Goodbyeee.”

  And she hangs up.

  Week 10

  Monday morning I get up when I hear someone knocking on my door. I’m unpresentable in my pajama and my face is swollen for the crying. I don’t know if it’s Álvaro and I don’t know if I want it to be him, or don’t.

  “But, what’s going on here? ―Angélica asks. ―I knew something was going on since Néstor called me this morning to tell me someone pissed on Álvaro’s cereals.” Lucía adds.

  Then I start sobbing and crying again.

  “But, what happened? Did he say or do something wrong?” Emma asks.

  When I calm down, I start to explain all my fears and the reasons why I don’t want to have any kind of relationship with Álvaro.

  “You can’t be like that forever, you must be with someone.” Lucía says.

  “I don’t want to see him suffer. You know what happened.” I defend myself.

  “You’re going to lose a great man if you continue going down that road.” Angélica says-

  Angry, I answer:

  “Maybe that’s what I want, losin
g him. I didn’t look for him.”

  When they realize I’m a wreck, the change the subject quickly and start gossiping about New Year’s Eve party.

  After a while, they finally leave and I can relax.

  In the evening I receive a text from Álvaro.


  Judging by the tone, I know he’s calmer. But I decide not to reply.

  At mid-week I start functioning more normally, now I only cry half of the day and I’m starting to make some work for class in advance, which will be good for the next weeks.

  I’m meeting Carlos for lunch at his café, I wear some jeans and a sweater and I go to the park. On my way there, I believe to see Álvaro’s car and my heart races, but it’s a false alarm.

  When I get to the café, Carlos is speaking on the phone. I sit next to him waiting for him to finish, but I unintentionally overhear what he says:

  “I’ll get there around four.” Pause. “Me too.” Pause. “ No, I do more.” Pause. “Yeees… Kisses.”

  Judging by the sweet words I don’t know if he’s talking to one of his children or his ex-wife.

  I hope not to jump into conclusions, as I prefer he tells me.

  “Hello, gorgeous!” He says as soon as he hangs up. “It was Mónica.”

  “Wooow…! I’m so happy for you, Carlos.”

  “This is going very good, Martina, very good. My children are very happy and my parents, and her parents. Although my mother is a bit resentful, but I think she’ll be okay.”

  “If you’re happy, it’s worth it.”

  “Thank you for your support, gorgeous, I knew you wouldn’t judge me. And how is it going with that hot boyfriend you have? He’s so into you that he couldn’t stop looking at you for a second the whole night.”

  My face reflects everything that happened during these past days and he shuts his mouth right away.

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing happened. I ran off and since we left the party, I haven’t seen him again.”

  “But why?” He asks incredulously.

  “Same as always, Carlos. The same reason as always.”

  “Don’t waste your time, Martina. The hours you’re stuck on your fears, are hours you’re wasting, and I speak from experience. Give yourself a chance, you deserve it.”


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