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Plain Brown Wrapper: A Cruise to Remember

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by Michelle Hasker


  This story contains scenes that may be offensive to some: explicit sex and language. Please store your reading material carefully where it cannot be accessed by underage readers.

  Plain Brown Wrapper: A Cruise to Remember

  Copyright © May 2008 by Michelle Hasker

  This e-Book is a work of fiction. While references may be made places or events, the names, characters, incidents, and locations within are from the author’s imagination and aer not a resemblance to actual living or dead persons, businesses, or events. Any similarity is coincidental.

  Aspen Mountain Press

  PO Box 473543

  Aurora CO 80047-3543

  Published by Aspen Mountain Press, May 2008

  This e-Book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction fines and/or imprisonment. The e-Book cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this e-Book can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher.

  ISBN: 978-1-60168-106-5

  Published in the United States of America

  Editor: Nikita Gordyn

  Cover artist: Jinger Heaston


  Dedication – for Jess who encouraged me to try first person POV

  Chapter One

  “Do I look fat?” I turned, trying to see my reflection from every angle. When I bought this tiny bikini I’d been happy with my weight, but I’d put on a few pounds. I wasn’t sure if it was just me, or if I was too fat to wear this in public.

  “What?” Gabriel, my roommate and fashion savior called from the living room.

  I took a deep breath for courage, and walked out into the living room. I struck my best sultry pose, put one hand on my hip and held the other out and pouted at Gabriel.

  “What are you doing, Irene?”

  “Do I look fat?” I dropped the runway model pose and straightened to my full six foot height. Gabriel was one of the few men I knew that was taller than me. I didn’t have to slouch when talking to him, and we looked great together.

  “No. You have a luscious body.” He looked back down at his game of solitaire.

  “Gabe.” I shook my head and sat on the arm of the sofa. I knew he was gay, but that didn’t explain why he’d be that desperate to look away from my body. “I do look fat, don’t I?”

  “No. You have a nicely toned body. You’re a bit white though. You need to spend more time in the sun.”

  I sighed and pushed his shoulder. “You know what I mean. You won’t even look at me now.”

  “You’re practically naked.”

  “So?” I nudged him again and laughed. “You’ve seen me parade around in my teddies, what’s more revealing about this?”

  Gabriel moved away from me so I slipped between him and the arm of the sofa. “Spill it, loverboy.”

  I loved watching his skin flush when I called him that. Sometimes I’d do it just to watch his pretty face color. Gabriel was one fine specimen of man. He’d make some man really happy one day. What a shame for us ladies, though. If he weren’t gay, I’d have taken him for a test drive. Or two. Or a bazillion.

  I fanned myself with one hand and leaned over to look at his cards. He was playing the pyramid one where the cards had to add to up to thirteen. I found two cards that equaled to it, but he reached to draw another card instead of making the match.

  “Stop!” I smacked his hand and leaned over him. “You missed this one.”

  Before he could argue, I pulled off the two cards and put them in a pile. Almost immediately I saw another set of cards that added to thirteen. Again he sat there for a while then reached for a card from the draw pile.

  “Gabe.” I made a loud exasperated sigh. I brushed against him when I reached for the cards. My nipples pebbled at the contact and a spark of desire heated my belly. Before he could notice my reaction, I pulled back and pointed. “There. Those two.”

  “I know how to play the game. Don’t you have a date to get ready for or something?”

  A wave of anger washed over me. He knew I wasn’t seeing anyone right now. Most men had problems with me living with a man. Even if he was gay. My brother Sebastian had asked me to let Gabe move in for a month. That was a year ago.

  “You know I don’t have a date, and Valentine’s Day is only two days away. I can’t believe it. And I already bought the tickets for the Lover’s Valentine Weekend Cruise. How was I supposed to know Derek was going to get jealous of you?”

  Gabe ignored me and reached for the draw pile again. I smacked his hand harder this time. Why did men ignore me? The blonde hair might be natural, but I’m not stupid.

  “All your men get jealous of me. I can’t help it that you pick weak, self-centered men who think I lust after their bodies.”

  “Actually, Derek thought you were lusting after me.”

  Gabe looked up at me quickly, shock evident in his face. I really did want Gabe. If he’d been lusting after me, I’d have been more than happy to show him that I was a great catch. So was he. He was perfect in almost every way. He even left the toilet seat down.

  “Well, we all know that’s impossible, isn’t it?” I sighed and reached over him to grab two more cards that equaled thirteen. That was when I noticed that he had a hard-on the size of Manhattan.

  Any other woman would have behaved herself, but not me. When I got the devil in me, heaven help the object of my indecent intentions.

  “So what’s bothering you tonight?” I put my hand on his thigh and squeezed as I leaned over him again. My cleavage was mere inches from his face. I could feel his heated breath on my skin. I shivered as goose bumps broke out across my chest and arms.

  If Gabe’s weird mood tonight was anything to go by, there might be some truth in Derek’s argument. Gabe’s erection could be unfulfilled desire for his boyfriend, or it could be part of the reason he couldn’t look at me. Part of the reason he didn’t like my near naked body so close to his. Was my gay roommate holding out on me? Could he be bi? How had I never noticed this before?

  “Gabe?” I licked my lips and waited for him to look at me.

  His piercing blue eyes met mine. They were wide and unfocused for a few seconds, but then resumed their normal gorgeous baby blue color. I smiled and licked my lips again, watching his eyes follow the movement of my tongue.

  Derek was right! Damn it all. I couldn’t decide if I was more pissed at being lied to, or at the time wasted when I could have been getting it on with Gabe. Whatever my brother’s motives had been in talking me into letting Gabe move in with me, I’d be forever grateful. For that, and the creep who started the fire at Gabe’s apartment building. At least I would be, if Gabe agreed to fulfill every single one of the naughty fantasies I’ve had about him.

  “Will you go on the cruise with me?” I don’t know where the words came from, but the minute I asked the question everything fell into place. All the times he quickly looked away when I looked at him. His moods when I came in late from a date. The fact that he’d yet to bring a boyfriend home.

  “Why—” His voice broke. He cleared his throat. “Why do you want me to go on the cruise?”

  “Because it’s already paid for. Who else can I take on such short notice?”

  “Why not one of your girlfriends? Singles are always going on cruises, aren’t they? Maybe you and Crystal can hook up with someone on the boat.”

  “It’s a couple’s cruise. There are no singles on this boat, unless the
y’re staff.” I narrowed my eyes and leaned closer. “Since it’s your fault I don’t have a date, you have to go with me.”

  Gabe gasped and leaned back, but his eyes didn’t move from my lips. I cracked a smile. He was trying really hard not to look at my breasts.

  “Seriously, Gabe. I’m not wasting the tickets.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea. You have a suite. You were probably planning on sharing the bed with Derek.”

  “I got a suite with two beds and a pull out sofa in the living room.”

  “Two beds?”

  “The suites with two beds were a little bigger. I don’t know. They looked bigger.”

  “You really splurged on this vacation, didn’t you?”

  “Yep, and I’ll be damned if I am going to miss out on it because of you. I need you to go with me, just for appearance sake. It’s the least you can do.”

  He sighed and looked back down at his cards. “Ok, I’ll go. I hope you don’t regret this, Irene.”

  “Thanks.” I kissed his cheek, letting my lips linger while I pressed my breasts against his arm. Biting back a moan of pleasure, I stood up and retreated to my bedroom before he saw how excited I was.

  While I was standing in front of the mirror, I realized he’d never answered my question. I went back to the living room but he wasn’t there. A low moan came from his bedroom. I grinned and walked over. Another piece of evidence against him.

  “Gabe?” I shouted and knocked on the door.

  “What is it?” His voice sounded strained. I fought hard not to giggle.

  “Got a minute?”

  “Not really. Is it important?”

  “Yes.” I bit back another giggle when he groaned.

  “Okay, give me a minute.”

  The bed creaked, then a drawer opened and closed. Another drawer opened and closed, and then he finally walked over to the door.

  “What do you want?” he snapped as he opened the door a crack.

  “You never did answer my question. Do I look fat in this?” I slid my hands up my sides and cupped my breasts. “I think the top is too tight. What do you think? I don’t want to be accused of indecent exposure or anything.”

  Gabe’s Adam’s apple worked double time, his eyes glued on my breasts. I peeked past him and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Damn. I’d hoped to catch him masturbating.

  “Your bikini isn’t indecent. It’s a tad small, but you fill it out well, but not so well you’re busting out of it, if that’s what you mean.”

  “You’re rambling, Gabe. Why are you nervous? I wasn’t interrupting anything was I?”

  “Yeah, I’m rambling, but not because I’m nervous. What could you have been interrupting?” His face flushed a dark red.

  “You know.”

  “Were you hoping to interrupt me doing something?” Was that horror or interest in his voice?

  “Maybe. Maybe I’m into a little voyeurism. Perhaps I like to watch men jack off.”

  “You like to watch men what?” His face paled and he a step back.

  “I like to watch men period. But I really like to watch them masturbate. The intense concentration on their face as they work their hard cock…” I made sure I punctuated the last word before I sighed. “There’s just something about knowing you can get a man so worked up he can’t wait, and has to relieve the aching pressure himself. Stroking his thick erection. Rubbing his hands up and down, smearing lube and pre-cum all over the tip and shaft.”

  “Um, Irene—”

  “The only thing I like better than watching a man masturbate is pleasuring him with my mouth. Sucking cock should be considered an art form, Gabe. There are so many ways to pleasure a man with your mouth.”

  “Irene, please.” He turned around and picked up a shirt off his bed. “You shouldn’t be talking to me this way. Your brother would kill me for even listening to you. Hell, he’ll cut off my dick.”

  “You exaggerate.”

  “I don’t know what’s come over you lately, but I don’t like it. I think you’d better stop this joking around. No wonder Derek was confused. If you acted like this with him, you probably came on too strong.”

  “Most men like strong women.”

  “Strong women? Damn, Irene, you’re a pervert.”

  I hesitated, confused by his reaction. He’d seemed to be into my verbal foreplay a minute ago. What had happened to change that?

  “Look at me, Gabe.”

  He sighed but turned back around. He held the shirt in front of his shorts so I couldn’t even peek at his crotch. Instead I grinned and nodded my head. He was aroused by my dirty talk and innuendo. He wanted me to leave before he betrayed his true feelings. This cruise was going to be fun.

  “We board the boat tomorrow. Will you be ready in time?” I batted my eyelashes at him.

  “Yes. Now go so I can call out of work and finish packing in peace.”

  As tempted as I was to force my way in and help him pack, I smiled and turned around. When I closed my bedroom door I realized I still didn’t have a straight answer from him. He said I didn’t look fat, but he wouldn’t look at the suit long enough to see how I looked in it. In fact, he couldn’t take his eyes off my breasts. I grinned. This was definitely going to be a fun cruise.

  Chapter Two

  I put my hands on my hips and sighed noisily. Gabe had promised to meet me here, but it was almost time to leave port. Damn him. I had the sinking feeling if I went up on deck he’d be standing there, waving goodbye to me. I was a fool to think he’d come.

  A knock on the door interrupted my pity party so I barked a little harsher than I intended. “What do you want?”

  “It’s me. You gonna let me in, or should I go back on shore?”

  Yes! Gabe had come! I jumped up and tried not to run to the door. “It’s about time you got here,” I snarled as I opened the door.

  Instead of the normal attractive blush that usually colored his cheeks when I was rude or embarrassing, his lips thinned and he pushed past me into the cabin.

  “Where’s the sofa bed? I’ll take that, and you can keep the bedroom.”

  “That’s not fair. There are two perfectly good beds in here.” I turned and led him back into the luxurious room. As soon as I’d found out he was coming with me, I’d called and ordered a few extra luxuries. I just hoped Gabe liked surprises as much as I do.

  “It’s no big deal. I’ll take the sofa bed.”

  “What’s the matter, Gabe? Afraid to sleep in the same room with a woman? I know you prefer men, but I didn’t think it was so bad that you couldn’t sleep in the same room with me. We do share an apartment, after all.”

  The look he turned on me made my every nerve ending come alive. The fire in his eyes, and the hunger in his expression as he licked his lips and looked me up and down made me wetter than I’d been in months. Hell, he made me wetter than I’d ever been. I wanted Gabriel with a passion that frightened me. He was right. Sebastian probably would cut off his dick if he found out something happened between us. But, not until after I’d pleasured every delicious inch of him.

  I sat on the bed and swung my legs while he unpacked. I’ve always had trouble sitting still, and now was no exception. Nerves danced a quick jitterbug in my stomach, and unease crept up my spine. What if I was wrong and he really was gay?

  He looked over at me and snarled. “Do you need to swing your legs like that?”

  “Sorry.” I blushed and tucked my legs under me to keep them immobile.

  “Now you’re staring at me, Irene. Don’t you have anything better to do?”

  I sighed and fell back onto the bed. None of this was going how I’d planned. He’d waited ‘til the last minute to get here, and had to be in a pissy ass mood.

  “Don’t mope, Irene. I came, didn’t I?”

  “Hmph.” I snorted and turned to look at him through narrowed eyes. “But not the way I intended.”

  “Excuse me?” He looked back up at me again.

“Nothing.” I narrowed my eyes and shot angry darts at him. Or at least I pretended to. Stupid, brainless male. Here I was all ready for the taking and he wasn’t even paying attention. Could I have really made that much of a mistake? No. Derek had to be right. Had to be.

  * * * *

  I crept out of the bathroom and frowned when I saw that Gabriel had turned off all the lights. The television gave off enough light for me to make my way across the room to my bed, but it didn’t give Gabriel the chance to see my new sexy nightie. I’d spent a small fortune on the red ribbon and lace nightmare. At least it had been a nightmare to put on, but it was supposed to come off with one tug on the ribbon around my throat.

  The afternoon and evening had gone as I’d expected. Gabriel had been stand-offish and boring. He did relent and act cordial during dinner when he realized there were no singles on the cruise. I’d hoped he would loosen up a little more, and give me another indication that Derek was right, but there’d been none.

  Now I stood there in the bathroom doorway staring at him as he curled on his side either oblivious to my evil gaze, or uncaring. The light from the TV was just enough for me to see the light dusting of hair on his chest that always drove me crazy. I lost myself in thoughts of running my hands through that hair. Of how it would feel as it brushed against my nipples. Of what—

  “Are you going to stand there all night glaring at me?”

  I snorted and then sashayed my way across the room, taking my time walking in front of the television as I went.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Irene?”

  His tone made me even angrier than I’d been before. “Me?” I snapped. “Try you! You ruined my cruise because you chased away yet another of my boyfriends. Now we’re here, we could be having a good time, but you insist on sulking. It’s your fault Derek dumped me, and it’s your fault I’m not getting laid tonight!”

  “Is sex the only thing you think about?”


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