Substitute Starlet

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Substitute Starlet Page 2

by Marie Kelly

  For the first time her voice contained true respect as she leant forward gently patting the man’s hand, her dislike of him quickly evaporating with her newfound respect. “Yet you put her before money? Even knowing that?”

  Holding her gaze with real feeling he whispered softly, “Every time.”

  Standing up, Tara moved into her kitchen, lifting two cups as she called out to him. “In that case, call me Tara, and explain to me why you came to me for help.”

  As the two sat drinking their coffee, Tara listened to Ross, her eyes growing wider and wider with disbelief. “We need to make sure that your sister stays in the clinic – agreed?”

  Tara nodded her head, “So the only way to do that is if we can find somebody to be at those shoots and interviews for her.”

  Understanding finally hit Tara as she spluttered on her drink. “You want ME to do those interviews?”, her voice incredulous as he nodded warily.

  “You and Susan are identical twins – right?”

  Nodding, she replied, “Yes. But do I LOOK like Susan? She is... Well we are very different.”

  Looking more closely, he frowned softly. “She has her hair different. Wears makeup and more revealing clothes. But yes, if you look closely enough, yes you do.” Continuing to regard her thoughtfully he mused, “You are the same height. Same build. You just need... a makeover.”

  She huffed out an unbelieving laugh. “You’re serious!”

  Ross nodded. “She needs a month Tara. One month. She is doing so well in there. She may never have another chance.”

  Sighing, she frowned, “I have a job Ross. I can’t just walk out.”

  Looking beseechingly at her, he spoke slowly, “You must be due holidays. She needs you Tara.”

  Sighing, she groaned, knowing that she could not turn her back on her sister. “Fine. I will speak to my work tomorrow. They might be willing since it is this time of the year. Everybody usually wants Christmas off. ”Giving another half-laugh, she flicked a look at him, “Will mean that I will be working Christmas and New Year’s. Again.”

  His smile brightened up the whole room as he began thanking her over and over. Holding up her hand, she laughed back. “Well one step at a time. Perhaps you should fill me in on the plan.”

  The following day Tara spoke with her human resources department, explaining that she had a family emergency and wanted to take extended holidays. The woman she spoke to seemed relieved that she was prepared to use the time as holiday rather than trying to push for additional days, not something that the hospital liked to grant. With that settled, she was then accompanied by Ross to one of the most exclusive salons in the city, Tara gawping open-mouthed at the prices they were charging.

  “Like I said Tara, all you need is a makeover, and a good one.”

  Groaning, she had placed herself in the hands of the salon, quickly finding herself being taken for a full body massage, Tara finding herself enjoying the experience. Relaxed, her hair was then cut, styled and coloured before a makeup artist spent over two hours showing her the best way to apply it, pulling together a bag full of what she would need.

  As she looked in the mirror at the end of the day, she was stunned. She looked amazing. Even her eyes appeared larger than normal, her lips shining with the gloss making them full and sensual. With surprise she had to admit that she did indeed look like Susan.

  Ross who had once more appeared nodded his approval as he settled the bill. “Amazing, just amazing”, he beamed, winking at her, “Nobody will ever know that you are not Susan James.”

  The next day they had flown from the UK to Hollywood, Ross insisting on calling her Sunny, so that she would become accustomed to her sister’s showbiz name.

  The car pulling up in front of the luxury condo pulled her thoughts back to the present, as they arrived at Susan’s home.

  “OK, we need to go through your appointments and put together the right wardrobe for each one and get hold of a guest list for every event in case there is anybody that you need to watch out for.”

  Giving a small grin, she nodded, “You are very good at what you do Ross”, he flashing a grin back at her.

  The following day she woke early, Ross breezing into her room. Gasping, she stared at him, too stunned to even speak, seeing the way he pulled the curtains back. He moved to the cupboard to pull out a summer dress which he threw onto the bed before breezing back out as he jovially cried to her, “Time to get up. You have a photoshoot in five hours and you need to get there in plenty of time for wardrobe and makeup. Coffee will be ready in ten minutes, so move it missy.”

  Looking at the streak of energy that was Ross, she groaned, fighting the desire to turn over and go back to sleep as her eyes landed on the clock, another moan ripped from her mouth - it was only six in the morning.

  Pushing the covers from herself she staggered her way into the shower to allow the jets of water to bring some life back to her tired body. With a grimace she realised that perhaps her sister’s life was not as glamorous as she first thought.

  Chapter Two

  Three hours into the photoshoot, Tara had been laid in every conceivable pose, her makeup always perfect while her hair was so pouffed and lacquered that it did not move. She had been surprised at just how long it took to prepare for the camera, and how many different people were involved in the process. The photographer had initially been wary of her, no doubt based on the many negative reports about Sunny he must have read in the papers. However, her willingness to do as she was told and sense of humour to all those she met soon saw him smiling and laughing with her.

  Tara in turn found herself enjoying the experience. She was a natural, moving and looking at the camera in the exact way the photographer wanted. He had been patient with her, and soon any nerves she might have had disappeared as she draped herself seductively or pouted playfully as requested. As they had taken the last set of shots, her eyes widened seeing Logan Callen appear from the shadows, his attention focused on the photographer who smiled as the two talked.

  She however, could not help but feel both nervous and strangely excited seeing the handsome man from the previous day. Having the opportunity to really examine him for the first time she once more had to admit that he was very probably the most perfect man she had ever seen.

  Well over six feet, with broad shoulders which tapered down to slim hips, she was not the only person to notice him. Every other woman in the room was also casting their eyes in his direction. Dropping her look, she frowned softly, not sure why she should find herself staring. He was the owner of the studio, a man well known for his womanising, not the kind of person she could ever be attracted to, could she? Tara chastised herself for even having to ask the question.

  Just as she finished having yet another touchup to her makeup, both Logan and the photographer, Jeff, moved over to her, Logan fixing her with eyes which were far warmer than the previous day. “It is nice to see you again Miss James.”

  His soft velvety voice sent inexplicable shivers down her spine as she pulled a shaky smile to her lovely face.

  “And you too Mr Callen.”

  His lips twitched as he gave a soft chuckle. “I really do think that you and I should perhaps skip the formalities Sunny. Call me Logan.”

  Raising her eyebrow, remembering the withering look he had given Ross she wordless nodded, her eyes though not as warm as normal. “Jeff tells me that the shoot has been a huge success. Apparently the camera loves you.”

  Looking sheepishly over at the photographer she smiled wider, the fact he had been so kind filling her with warmth. “Well I think if that is the case it has a lot to do with the talents of the person behind the camera, and the wonderful staff here.”

  Looking around, Logan could see the way the set team beamed at her obvious genuine praise of them, once more surprised. Starlets were notorious attention-seekers, not known for their generosity in sharing any limelight. There was something very different about Sunny James, and Logan was drawn to her.<
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  “I understand that you were just about to finish. I would like to take you for dinner. Give us a chance to get to know each other, talk about the movie.”

  Not really knowing what to say, Tara was oblivious to the way the set crew looked at each other with surprise. While he was seen with many women, Logan Callen was not known for ever mixing business with pleasure.

  Moving closer to her and giving her his most dazzling smile, one which gave his handsome features a more boyish quality, he added softly, “I do feel we may have gotten off on the wrong foot yesterday, and I would like a chance to remedy that.”

  Unable to keep the laughter from her lips she chuckled, her blue eyes shining approvingly at him as she nodded her head gently, “Sure, I think that would be good. Let me get changed”, before disappearing into the dressing room.

  Waiting for her, Logan frowned softly. When she had turned those wonderful eyes on him, they were full of humour, shining so brightly, those eyes deep enough for any man to lose himself. Logan felt the strangest sensations of electricity run down his spine. He had been relieved she left when she did, not sure why he suddenly found himself speechless.

  Moving into the foyer of what looked like an apartment building, Tara looked questioningly at Logan, “Where exactly did you plan on eating?”

  His lips curled in a smile before moving through one of the side doors. “This is one of the best-kept secrets in Hollywood”, he chuckled before adding with a wicked grin, “The fact that my penthouse is in the same building is completely coincidental.” Following him, Tara frowned, not sure what Logan Callen’s expectations were, but determined that she would not be setting foot in his penthouse.

  The maître d' greeted Logan like an old friend, reverently leading the two to a quiet table, Tara raising her eyebrows at the romantic trappings of candles and a half-hidden booth.

  With a sigh she regarded him with a more sombre look. “Seems they know you here.”

  Giving a return laugh he nodded, “Yes. But my motives are pure Sunny, please sit.”

  Regarding him thoughtfully she took a seat opposite, not in the one beside him he had indicated, seeing once more as his sensual mouth curved at her choice.

  “Somehow Logan, ‘pure’ is not a word that I would use in regard to you.”

  His laugh was unexpected, his eyes dancing with humour as he leant forward. “I do not get you Sunny”, his look now more assessing as it flicked down her. “OK. You are the epitome of a starlet: beautiful, perfectly turned out, but you are also smart as hell, with a wicked sense of humour.”

  She had not been prepared for his forthrightness, feeling a small blush rise to her cheeks as Logan gave another laugh.

  “See? How many woman would find that uncomfortable? You are definitely not what I was expecting.”

  Dropping her eyes, she murmured softly, “And what where you expecting?”

  Silent for a second, he watched the woman before him, her discomfort obvious, just one more thing that did not sit well with his image of her. “Well, given the headlines, I expected you to be vain, demanding, self-serving and emotional. I was fully anticipating a major tantrum yesterday in my office.”

  Smiling softly, Tara knew that he had described her sister to a T. Looking quickly back at him, her lips quirked, a teasing light once more in her eyes.

  “Sorry to disappoint you”, she chuckled, as he shook his head.

  “No, I am certainly not disappointed. It makes a nice change for me to be wrong.”

  With that the waiter arrived, taking their order, Tara refusing any alcohol, settling for water as had Logan.

  ”So tell me about yourself”, he probed gently as the server moved away, Tara watching him shyly, formulating how much to tell him. However, before she had time to answer, she glanced over at a nearby table aware of raised, panicky voices.

  Looking carefully she could see as a man and women stood, the woman’s face full of panic as she rushed to the man. She frowned seeing as the woman grabbed his arm, the man with his back to her seeming to be struggling. She found her concentration leaving the handsome man before her, sensing instantly that something was wrong.

  As the woman cried out for help, Tara was already out of her seat, moving quickly to the stranger, her assessing eyes taking in his distress in a fraction of a second. He was struggling to breathe, his face already starting to swell.

  Voices around her were confused as more of the restaurant become aware of the drama unfolding around them.

  “Is he choking?”, several cried out, Tara knowing that this was not the case, her medical background telling her instantly what the problem was.

  Turning quickly to the panicking woman, she calmly spoke. “Where is his EpiPen?”

  The woman staring at her in confusion, stuttering, “I... I don’t know. This is our first date.”

  Looking at the man whose eyes were full of panic she repeated the question, seeing as he struggled to finally say “Home”, Tara feeling as her stomach dropped. Taking a deep calming sigh, she looked around “Does anybody here have an EpiPen?” her look falling to the waiter “Do you hold them?” biting back the groan as all shook their heads. Turning once more to the man before her, she tried not to show her concern.

  “Call 911”, she instructed, her voice authoritatively calm, hearing instantly the flurry of activity as many of the other diners had done just that.

  Beside her, Logan’s concerned voice broke through her frenzied thoughts. “Is he choking?”

  Tara shook her head. “No. He is having an anaphylactic reaction to something.”

  “How do you know?”, he asked softly, as she tried to sit the man down to calm him.

  “I just do. Now stand back please.”

  Obeying without question, the tone of her voice brooking no further argument, Logan watched the young woman as she took charge of the situation.

  “Dammit”, she cried as the shaking man pitched forward, Tara and Logan catching him and laying him down onto the floor as he grew still, slipping into unconscious. With determination in her voice she cried to the waiter, “Get me a small clean sharp knife, napkins and…”, looking around she spotted the thick straws in one of the children’s drinks, pointing to it, “one of those.”

  Laying him on his back, she felt the items being pressed into her hand, the crowd as one becoming silent in hushed horror. Concentrating, she felt his throat, feeling for the gap under the Adam’s apple, above the next section of cartilage. Without hesitation she used the small knife to cut into his skin feeling his blood ooze from the wound.

  Pulling the slit wider, she quickly inserted the thick straw, her eyes moving to his chest, feeling relief flood her seeing as it began to rise as air filled the man’s lungs. Using the napkins to create a bandage around the edge of the wound, which had already closed over the straw she finally sat back, relieved as the man started to slowly come around.

  “You have to stay perfectly still”, she soothed, gently holding his shoulder to keep him down.

  As his eyes focused on her, those expressive eyes full of such wonder, he mouthed gently to her, “thank you.” Around her, she heard the applause, suddenly so aware of where she was, looking nervously to the door wondering how long paramedics took to respond in tinseltown.

  Thankfully they arrived within five minutes, Tara explaining what had happened quickly and concisely as the paramedics looked in surprise at the stunning woman, her hands and clothes covered in blood as she spoke to them as if she was one of their own. With smiles they took over, congratulating her on her quick action.

  With the man finally safe and on his way to hospital Tara felt her body crash, shaking, knowing that it had been pure adrenalin that had seen her through. Beside her Logan took her arm, leading her back to their table. Waiters and the management hovered around them as he now took control, biting out commands to bring her a drink. Any drink. As it came, he pushed it into her shaking hands, his eyes serious as he demanded that she drink it.

  Lifting it to her lips she coughed as the liquid warmed its way down her throat, Logan holding the glass until she finished, Tara feeling the shock recede.

  “Who the hell are you?”, he breathed, his voice full of confusion and shock.

  For the first time Tara noticed the blood stains on her dress and on her hands, as she grabbed a napkin trying to wipe it from her. “I need to go. I need to get this off me”, she whispered, shivering slightly as she made to stand.

  Logan however, stilled her, looking deeply into her eyes. “You can’t go through the streets like that. You can use my shower, and we can call Ross to bring clothes over.”

  For a moment she thought to argue, before looking down at the shirt she wore, the blood so clear on the crisp white material. Nodding, Tara allowed him to take charge and to lead her out of the restaurant and to the elevator. As the doors of the elevator opened she found herself inside his large apartment, not really taking in the beauty or opulence of her surroundings. Logan chatted as brightly as he could, trying to take her mind off what had happened, so aware of how white and pale she had become, as the shock of what happened still showed on her lovely face. Pulling her around to face him he stared gently down on her.

  “I will get you towels.”

  Her hand grabbed his sleeve as she frowned, her brows knitted together as she looked up at him “C… Could we phone the hospital? Make sure he is OK?” Blinking in surprise, he had not expected her sole thought to be with the man she saved, Logan feeling strange as she raised her head, her eyes full of such genuine concern, “I just need to know that he is OK.”

  Nodding, he gave her a reassuring smile. “Sure, I’ll do that.” Relief filled her features, Logan once more feeling the strangest sensations flood him. Totally unable to stop himself he lifted her chin, his thumb sliding along her velvety lips as his head dropped to claim them. Tara shuddered, her body stiffening with surprise before she gave a soft sigh relaxing against him as she kissed him back.


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