Substitute Starlet

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Substitute Starlet Page 3

by Marie Kelly

  With a small groan he snaked his other arm around her waist pulling her harder against him her hands flattening against his chest as his tongue slid against hers. As the two clung to the other, heat licking at them both, she gave a gasp, pushing him away, stepping from him, her eyes full of confusion.

  Logan dropped his eyes, hiding the fire so obvious in them before looking back at her, his voice husky, “I... I’m sorry Sunny. I... ”

  Raising her hand, she shook her head, stepping further back from him as her hands wrung nervously by her side. “It… It’s fine Logan. We both had a shock, people do weird things they wouldn’t normally do when shocked.”

  He regarded her thoughtfully, knowing that his need had nothing to do with shock, his body wanting her back in his arms. Frowning, he turned away, clearing his throat. “Yes. Well I’m still sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

  Looking around she shuffled her feet whispering softly, “You said you had a shower?”

  Logan’s humour rose once more as he led her to a bathroom, “Yes. It came with the apartment”, the sexual tension between the two lessening, Tara flicking him a look full of gratitude. Seeing this, Logan’s voice dropped another octave, heat once more slamming into him. “Take your time. The other door leads to my room, and I will leave something on the bed for you to put on till Ross arrives.”

  Nodding her head, not prepared to argue or show how uncomfortable the thought of having the bathroom lead to his bedroom was, she allowed him to push her into the elegant and fully-fitted marble room, locking the door behind her as she stripped off the bloodstained clothes.

  Standing under the stinging jets of water, she shuddered remembering the horror on the man’s face. While she was familiar with the procedure, she had never been required to do anything like that under such circumstances, relieved that nothing had gone wrong, her mind torturing her with all the things that could have. Logan’s kindness as he cared for her as the enormity of what she had just done kicked in had brought a fleeting smile to her face.

  Groaning, she remembered his words, “Who the hell are you?” With panic she savaged her lips. Had she blown everything? Did he know that she was not Sunny? Would he realise that she was not the star his company had hired for the shoot, but some stand-in lookalike? With dread she wondered how she could make this right.

  With another small groan she touched her lips, the memory of his on hers causing her to shiver once more. What had happened? Tara was not one to allow a good-looking man to sweep her off her feet, that had always been Susan’s way. However, with just the touch of his lips she had found herself melting against him, encouraging him, the memory exciting her once more before groaning, she gave herself a shake. “Pull yourself together Tara, you are taking Susan’s role far too seriously.”

  The bathroom contained everything that she needed. She brushed out her long hair, allowing it to fall around her. When dry, she wrapped a towel around herself before moving into the bedroom as directed. As promised he had left her a long shirt which she pulled on gratefully, the garment falling to her knees, Tara having to roll up the sleeves several times before her fingers poked out.

  Finally ready, she moved back out into the main living area, this time her eyes able to take in the amazing apartment she found herself in. With a small self-depreciating smile she reminded herself of her earlier determination not to step foot in his apartment, her lips curling in a grimace – be careful what you wish for.

  Hearing her bare footsteps, he appeared, his eyes sliding appreciatively down her. “Now I wish that looked half as good on me as it does you.”

  Tara gave a lopsided grin, “Down boy.”

  Logan laughed loudly once more as he turned, moving into a large kitchen. “I made you coffee.”

  With a smile she took the cup gratefully into her hands, his voice growing softer, “I phoned the hospital and Steve Jennings, the man you saved, is doing just fine.”

  Relief flooded every part of Tara as she flashed him a thankful smile, that smile once more flipping Logan’s insides as he lifted his own cup. “Ross is on his way over with clothes for you”, adding with a chuckle, “I had to tell him what happened, he is very protective of you. He DEMANDED to know what had happened. I told him you would explain when he got here”

  Giving a small smile she nodded, “Yes, as managers go, he is definitely the best. I know for a fact that he cares more about Sunny James than what he can get from her.”

  Looking questioningly at her he did not ask why she referred to herself in the third person, but once more admired her. Wearing no makeup, she looked as beautiful as she did with it, not something many of the stars he knew could say.

  The two sat for a few seconds, drinking their coffee, before Logan broke the silence. “You saved that man’s life”, he finally stated, his voice full of wonder.

  She gave him a nervous half-laugh, shrugging off his words. “Right place, right time.”

  His eyes which held hers were full of confusion. “How did you know what to do? That he hadn’t choked on something. You could have been wrong.”

  Looking down into her coffee, she frowned, taking her time to pull together the right words. “My aunt was a nurse, and her son suffered from a peanut allergy. One day he went into shock and just like the man today, he started to swell. My aunt had to perform a similar procedure on him and later she explained it all to me.”

  Hoping that the story sounded plausible she looked back at him, seeing the way he watched her, before with a small admiring sigh he nodded, “Well it was very lucky for him that you were there, and if you had me confused before Sunny James, imagine how I feel now”, once more giving her that wide boyish smile of his.

  Chuckling, she replied playfully, “Yes I’m a puzzle wrapped in an enigma, stuffed inside a blonde shell.”

  Logan nodded in agreement while inwardly determined to solve that puzzle, not sure why this woman was having such an effect on him. As head of Venta Productions he was both wealthy and powerful, his ruthless ability to control competitors and allies alike legendary, mainly due to the fact that he could read people so well. Sunny however, was new – unexpected – and she fascinated him.

  Leaning in closer to her he held her gaze, a light deep within his. “I honestly do not make a habit of this Sunny, but I would really like to take you out for dinner... For the two of us go out on a proper date.”

  Nervously clearing her throat, her eyes flicked from his. As she took another sip, her mind once more flew back to earlier and the way she had fallen so willingly into his arms, knowing that she needed to back away from this man, sure that on no account should she be alone with him again.

  Placing the cup down she fixed him with a sure look. “That is really nice of you Logan. But I really don’t think that is a good idea.”

  Logan felt surprise at being turned down, not used to women saying no to him. “Why is it not a good idea Sunny?”, his voice enquiring, watching as she bit her lower lip, her fingers clutching the cup.

  “I am trying to portray the right image. You have seen the way the press have dealt with me. It is just better that I stay off their radar for a bit. Or at least that is the advice given to me yesterday – that I am careful who I’m seen with.”

  Frowning softly, he mentally kicked himself knowing exactly what she was talking about. The press took great pleasure in reporting his many affairs with celebrities and members of the social elite. He felt the small chuckle rise within him as she had thrown his own words back at him. Smiling deeply into her eyes she saw the respect within. “I have never had my own words turned on me quite so effectively.”

  Sunny unsuccessfully tried to hold back the small laugh which rose to her lips, her mouth curling softly. “However… ”, he began as the apartment intercom burst into life, ringing loudly, Logan dropping his eyes from her as he sighed in frustration, grimacing as he grinned his voice full of humour “Saved by the bell.”

  The sound of Ross, his voice
full of concern filled Tara with relief, not sure why she felt so unsafe around the taller man. As Logan buzzed him into the elevator he moved to the hall to greet the manager, thankfully leaving Tara time to pull herself together.

  Stepping from the elevator, Ross regarded the imposing figure of Logan Callen, smiling nervously at once more being in the presence of the powerful owner of the production company, his eyes flicking nervously around, looking for Tara.

  “Erm... it’s nice to see you again Mr Callen”, he managed in as bright a voice as possible. Moving forward Logan laughed, taking Ross’s hand in a more friendly shake. “Let’s skip the formalities Ross. Call me Logan.” Moving back towards the kitchen where Tara waited, the smaller man following him, his mouth was open with surprise at the dramatic change in the mogul.

  “I… Err... Yeah… That sounds great… Logan”, going silent as he finally saw Tara, his eyes opening wider in disbelief seeing her wearing only a man’s shirt, scowling with a disapproval which he was unable to hide.

  Seeing this Logan paused for a second, his eyes questioning, “Are you two... an item?”, he asked, his tone serious, her refusal to go on a date with him suddenly making sense.

  However both shook their heads, crying loudly, “No!”

  Ross turned to the beautiful blonde. “Hey don’t make it sound like I’m chopped liver or something.”

  The other two laughed at the comment, Logan taking in the looks which passed between them, adjusting his perception of their relationship. Not lovers he thought, more like brother and sister, this thought filling him with relief.

  “Logan said that there was some problem at the restaurant and that you needed new clothes”, the statement holding a plethora of unasked questions within it which made her chuckle. “Please, please tell me this is not something else that the press are going to be taking out of context again”, the words out before Ross even remembered whose apartment he was in. Seeing the irritation in her eyes Logan moved forward and started to tell the story in great detail, Tara blushing at the picture of virtue he painted of her as Ross’s mouth dropped wider and wider.

  “Wow, you saved the guy’s life?”, he finally muttered, respect so clear on his features, as Tara shifted shyly.

  “Right place, right time”, she repeated before moving forward and taking the bag from his hands. “Are those my clothes?”, seeing as Ross nodded.

  “If you don’t mind, I’ll get dressed”, she murmured softly, Logan nodding.

  “You know where my room is. Just use that.” Ross’s look narrowed slightly at the comment, Tara rolling her eyes back at him, before quickly she turned and fled into the bedroom, happy to be out of his shirt. Holding it up to her nose she held down the small sigh still smelling his scent which clung to it, finding it unsettling, her mind once more flying back to the way he had kissed her. She muttered chastising words to herself as she dressed, before leaving his bedroom, finding the men deep in conversation about golf, both delighted to find that the other had such an interest in the sport.

  Entering the kitchen, she gave a warm grin. “As much as I appreciated the loan of your shirt Logan, it is nice to be back in my own clothes”, seeing as his lips twitched, a sparkle in his eyes.

  “Anytime Sunny”, the double meaning so clear, she feeling the rush of heat fill her. “Also, perhaps you can reconsider my other offer. You have my phone number”, he added.

  Flicking a shy smile at him she chose not to comment, nodding instead, before with farewell shakes of hands the two left the penthouse apartment.

  In the elevator Ross turned to face her, his face alive with curiosity, “Am I wrong, or did the top man at Venta Productions, Mr Bigshot himself, just make a pass at you?”

  Tara shrugged as she tried to downplay the whole event. “He was just being nice. My hands and clothes were covered in blood. I really don’t think it would look good for me to walk through town like that.”

  His eyes danced with mischief. “I see. That was all.” Tara nodded as he chuckled. “So what were you doing eating in his favourite restaurant in the first place? And what was the whole ‘You have my number’ thing?”

  With a flick of her hair she gave him an innocent look. “He happened to be on the floor as my shoot was finishing and wanted a chance to apologise for yesterday. That was all.”

  Ross’s loud laugh made her frown, her eyes questioning as he grinned back at her. “I doubt men like him apologise often and Logan Callen never goes down to photoshoots. NEVER. Oh no Miss James, he did not just ‘happen’ to be there. He was there to see you.”

  Giving a dismissive wave of her hand, she changed the subject, asking how her sister was, Ross instantly switching to telling her of his conversation with Susan that day, Tara smiling seeing the warmth in his eyes.

  Chapter Three

  The following day, both Ross and Tara were awakened early by the ringing of the doorbell. Tara pulled on a wrap as she moved out to the living room in the small two bedroom condo, surprised to see that a dressed Ross had already answered the door.

  Pacing backwards and forwards, a small woman, perfectly presented, was animatedly talking to him, he for once unable to get a word in. As Tara entered, still slightly groggy, not quite fully awake, the two turned to look at her. Peering at the clock and groaning Tara took in that it was only six in the morning. Did these people ever sleep? Her questioning eyes met theirs. Before she had time to open her mouth the stranger threw her arms out in an affectionate gesture moving towards her. “And here is our star now.”

  Grabbed in a bear hug, Tara could only stare at Ross for some clue as to what was going on, his expression comical as he shrugged. Finally she was released and the woman moved around Tara, looking her up and down. “Oh my God. You really are stunning”, she declared loudly, Tara giving a soft smile and a slight sigh.

  “You are far too kind. I’m sorry I must be a sight. I’ve not even brushed my hair”, she mumbled, her voice still full of the tiredness she felt.

  Before her the other woman shook her head, truly surprised at how naturally gorgeous Sunny James did indeed look. “No... No… You are a picture. Gorgeous. Believe me, you take off the makeup on some women and it is like ‘Night of the Living Dead’”, she effused before sticking her hand out with a wide grin. “I am Rita Star. Please, no comments about the surname. What else was I going to do with my life with a name like that, other than make stars?”

  Giving a small chuckle, Tara shook her hand, moving over to sit with Ross, her smile warm as she watched the newcomer, waiting to find out what was going on. “I’m sorry – did the studio send you?”, her polite question making the other woman laugh.

  “Oh where is my head? Logan Callen asked me to come right over.”

  Her persona instantly became professional as she took a seat facing the two. “Ross, you will find that today your phone is going to be ringing off the hook.”

  Ross looked at her questioningly. “Why?”, he began as she held up her hands, pulling a small notebook computer from her bag.

  “Because of this… ”

  Pressing a button, the machine instantly sprang to life, Tara realising that it must have been in sleep mode. The two were stunned to see the grainy video of Tara working on the man from the restaurant. Looking closer at the website she groaned softly. “This is on YouTube?”, she asked, her voice incredulous, Rita nodding.

  “Yep”, her finger pointing to the number of views. “And as you see, it has gone viral. Last night and this morning my office has been dealing with calls from talk show hosts, all desperate for you to appear as their guests.”

  Tara paled, her eyes filling with horror. “Me? They want me? Why?”

  Snapping her machine shut, Rita gave a wide grin. “You saved that man’s life Sunny. You are the star of one of the most prestigious movies going to be made this year, and you calmly step in to save a man’s life. Not only that, but you have a history of being wild... And you are seen with the head of Venta Productions – a man wit
h just as wild a reputation as you.”

  Frowning, not understanding, Rita laughed, “This is gossip gold for these shows”, her face becoming more serious, “That said, we have to manage this.”

  Ross sat forward, his brows knitting together, “What do you mean – manage?”

  “Well I have spoken with Logan and he informed me that your previous behaviour was meant to help the movie. Is that right?”, Rita’s intent gaze moving between the two.

  Flicking a nervous look at Ross, Tara cleared her throat slightly, “Erm, yes.”

  Smiling, Rita continued, “Well believe me Sunny, that was not the kind of publicity you needed.” Breaking into a large smile, she patted her computer warmly, “However, this... This is EXACTLY the kind we need. Not only that, but it also happens to be the kind that Mr Callen needs.”

  Her eyes narrowing, Tara looked carefully at Rita, “How does it help him?”, she asked warily, as Rita rose once more to her feet, Tara sure that she was not good at sitting still.

  “Because my dear, we are going to give the press exactly the story they are looking for – how love tamed two wild children and changed a zero into a hero.”

  Tara felt herself bristle at being referred to as a zero, Rita seeing the look on her face, her nose crinkling in apology. “Sorry – that needs more work.”

  Turning to Ross she handed him a card. “When the calls come, please do not talk to anybody. Pass everybody through to my office and we will coordinate everything. I hope that we will be able to get together later for coffee so that we can work together on this.” Ross took the card with a lopsided grin as Rita smiled warmly at Tara. “Tomorrow we are all meeting at Mr Callen’s office at 1:00 to discuss tactics. I hope that you can clear your schedules as this has become priority numero uno.”

  As the two looked on, the whirlwind that was Rita Star swept once more to the door, waving farewell to them both before disappearing, leaving them staring at each other in bewilderment.

  For the rest of the day, Ross had indeed found that the phone rang off the hook, Tara’s eyes opening wide as he would tell her who was calling, recognising the names of the many talk shows represented. Giving a laugh full of humour Ross looked wistfully out of the window. “Susan would have loved this.” Tara absently nodding her head. Yes Susan would, she would be in her element, but Tara was not. To her the simple task of standing in for her sister for a couple of weeks seemed to be snowballing out of control.


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