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Taken By Desire: Demonic Desires Book 1

Page 12

by Valerie Twombly

  His grin grew wide and she caught a hint of fangs. “Oh baby, I’m only getting warmed up.” He parted her legs. The scruff on his jaw was surprisingly soft on her skin as he kissed her thigh. Anticipation drove her to the edge, and she found herself digging her fingers into his head to guide him to the sweet spot.

  He chuckled as he continued the torturous light kisses so close to her sex. She could feel his hot breath across her folds and wanted to scream. Suddenly he reached under her and gripped her ass then lifted until mouth and clit met.

  She groaned.

  He swirled his tongue around the bundle of nerves and traced imaginary lines that sent her soaring. She moved her hands to the fur pelt under her and dug her fingers in as she rode on the very edge. He slid his tongue along her folds, allowing her to pull back from her fall into bliss ever so slightly. However, he had other plans and pushed his tongue into her slit.

  She pressed her sex harder into him. “Dear god.”

  His tongue continued to delve and swirl and again, he brought her to the edge. Her breathing came in short pants until she thought she might hyperventilate. When she was about to cross over into heaven, he stopped and left her in Hell.

  Her wicked demon wasn’t done, though. He inserted two fingers, twisted and turned, stretching her in a slow pumping motion and again she headed for the edge. Almost there, he flicked his tongue over her clit and she shattered. White light flashed behind her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. When he finally set her back down, she had only a moment to push through the fog of ecstasy before he was naked and poised over her. How the hell had he managed to get his jeans off so fast, she wondered but was grateful he had.

  His green eyes met hers and the desire she saw in their depths caused her skin to pimple. Never had she been with a man who wanted her as much as he did. Time stopped and they were the only two that existed in the world. He slipped the tip of his cock into her. For a moment, bliss crossed his face as he closed his eyes and hissed. In painstakingly slow motion, he slid in another inch and her torture began all over again. She wanted all of him.

  “More,” she whimpered.

  He opened his eyes and his gaze never wavered. “I want to enjoy every second with you. I’m in no rush for this moment to end.”

  His words nearly melted her. She wrapped her hands around his biceps. The strength that lingered beneath her fingertips, as he held himself above her, matched the hardness in his features. Black hair fell over his face as he continued to stare at her through a curtain of dark waves. This man…this demon, was a warrior. Everything about him screamed it, yet he remained so gentle with her. When he finally had seated himself to the hilt, they both sighed.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. As their tongues danced together, so did their bodies. Greydon kept a slow, steady tempo of thrusting and withdrawing until she thought she would go mad. Aimee had been with other lovers before, but none had made her body hum as Greydon did. His shaft continued to rub all the right places, as if specially made to fit only her.

  He broke their kiss and began nuzzling her neck. She tilted her head to allow him easier access, and deep down she wanted him to bite her. She didn’t have long to wait before his fangs sank into her neck and sent a pulsing energy straight to her clit. Her body exploded in an intense orgasm that had her clawing at his back. Seconds later, he withdrew his fangs and his gaze locked onto hers. He shuddered with orgasm of his own, sending her over the edge again.

  They lay with their limbs entwined and their breathing labored; yet, he was careful to keep his full body weight from crushing her. Several moments ticked by without either speaking. Greydon propped himself up, slipped free and rolled to his back, pulling Aimee into his arms.

  “I must apologize,” he whispered.

  She lifted her head from the crook of his arm and looked at him. Did he already regret their lovemaking? “For what?”

  “I hadn’t meant to bite you, but I found myself unable to resist. Still, that’s no excuse to do so without your permission.”

  She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “I didn’t mind one bit. Matter of fact, I confess that I hoped you would.” Good grief, I just had sex with this man and yet I’m blushing over the fact his fangs were a turn on. His grin went from ear to ear, and she made a mental note that no matter the species, the male ego liked to be stroked.

  “In that case, I’m happy to have obliged.”

  Chapter 16

  Aimee fell asleep in Greydon’s arms and he was loath to move. Her curves fit perfectly next to him so he teleported them directly to his room and into his bed without disturbing a hair on her head. He would have stayed by the fire, but he didn’t want to be discovered by Fang or Bethany.

  Not tired, he lay there and watched her sleep. The soft flesh of her breasts pressed into his side, and her slim leg crossed over his, caused his cock to stir but he refused to take her again. Instead, he tried to think about the upcoming rescue that he and Fang would go on in only a few hours. Would he find his brothers? It made sense that one or both of them would have been taken to the facility. If Zolar truly wanted to find a way into Oshivana, then having the royal blood was necessary.

  Another realization struck him. What if he and Fang failed? What if they were both captured or taken down? That would leave Aimee and Bethany stuck in this world with no way to get out. Shit. Where could they be safe yet able to get back to their people if he failed to return? Their people…she is one of us. He was still confused by that and not sure what it meant for either of them. He was positive about one thing though. His feelings for her were becoming very real.

  Aimee stirred, opened her eyes then lifted her head. “Are we in your room?”

  “Yes, is that okay?”

  She snuggled back into him. “Perfectly.”

  He stroked her hair. “Fang and I will have to leave soon, but before we do there is something I need to discuss with you.”

  “Hmm, what would that be?” She rubbed her foot on his calf.

  “Where you will stay while I’m away.” Aimee bolted up into a sitting position and he groaned at the sight of her breasts jutting out like great mountains. “Sweetheart, you really need to cover yourself before I lose my self-control and take you again.” The morning light streamed through the window, and he could see her cheeks grow pink before she grabbed the sheet and covered herself.

  “I thought I would stay here and go through the scrolls.” Her voice was laced with disappointment.

  “That plan hasn’t changed, but I realized if I fail to return then you have no way to leave here and get home.”

  “Well then make sure you come back. See? Problem solved.” She flashed him a seductive smile.

  He quickly decided he’d better get dressed or he would never leave his bed. He swung his legs over the side and stood up. “I need to shower.” He stopped and looked over his shoulder. “I’d invite you to join me, but I’m afraid Fang would have my hide for being late.”

  She smiled. “I understand. I’ll just slip back to my room.”

  Aimee grabbed her clothes, quickly dressed and let herself out while he showered. When she entered her own room down the hall, Bethany was there to greet her with a big grin on her face.

  “Well, look what the cat dragged in. How was it?”

  Aimee scowled at her. “I don’t kiss and tell. Besides, I need a quick shower before the guys are ready to leave.” She hurried to her room and private bath before her friend could bombard her with any more questions she wasn’t ready to answer. Once in the shower, she stood under the hot water and cursed.

  “How the hell can I be falling for this guy already?” She grabbed the shampoo. “I mean I sleep with him one night and…” She knew her feelings for him had begun even before last night and it vexed the hell out of her. The smart thing to do would be to end it now before she got hurt. “I mean, come on Aimee, the man is a freaking demon prince! Why the hell would he ever want anything more t
han sex with you?”

  She scrubbed her skin a little too hard, rinsed and stepped out of the shower. Her mood had gone from happy to sour with no one to blame but herself. She quickly donned a pair of jeans and a lavender tank top, combed her hair and did a quick braid. When she walked back into the sitting room, Bethany had also changed into shorts and a tee.

  “Fang dropped by and said as soon as you were done, we’re to meet them downstairs.”

  “Okay, let’s go then. No sense in keeping them waiting.” She headed out the door, but before she could grab the handle, Bethany touched her arm.

  “Are you okay? For someone who just spent the night with Mr. Sex-on-a-stick, you don’t seem too happy.”

  She’d have to confess sooner or later, but this time it would be later. “After they leave we’ll talk.”

  Bethany nodded and seemed content––for the moment. However, she knew as soon as the men were gone, her friend would force her to spill or make her miserable.

  The two took the three flights of stairs down to the main room, which appeared to be a common meeting room. It was a big open space with several seating areas covered in burgundy velvet and adorned with matching silk pillows. Aimee’s heart raced when she spotted Greydon pacing the floor. Dressed in black from head to toe, he had a dagger strapped to one thigh and a pistol to the other. A bandolier hugged his chest and every loop filled with ammo. The man prowled the room like a lethal predator ready to pounce on its prey.

  When the girls entered, he stopped and pinned his stare directly at Aimee. She swallowed and should have been afraid of the dangerous man across the room, but she’d seen his gentle side. Still, she wished she could read his mind and tell for sure what he was thinking.

  “Have you decided?” His tone was void of emotion.

  “I’m staying, but I can’t speak for Bethany.” Her friend gave her a questioning look. “Greydon explained to me this morning that if something should happen and they don’t return, we could be stuck here.”

  Bethany’s eyes widened. “Oh shit, that’s not good at all. But if you’ve decided to stay, I’m staying too. Besides, I have every faith these two will be back.”

  “Very well, then. Fang let’s go.”

  Greydon stormed out of the room and through the courtyard with Fang hot on his heels.

  “You spent the night with the girl, so why the foul mood?” Fang asked as he sidled up next to him.

  “There is nothing wrong with my mood,” Greydon growled.

  “Uh huh. Well, at least you seem pissed enough to kick some ass.”

  Greydon gave him a sidelong glance and freed his pistol from its holster. “Are you fucking ready? Or are you going to continue commenting on my mood?”

  Fang bowed his head. “Forgive me, my prince. I am ready.”

  He grunted and laid his hand on the other demon. Since Fang hadn’t been to the compound, Greydon would have to lead the way. Seconds later, they had teleported into a dimly lit hall with weapons at the ready. Both men pressed their backs against the wall, Fang on the opposite side of the corridor. Greydon jerked his head to indicate they were to move forward with caution. Something was off about the place, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. All he knew was that his demon itched to be set free and rain down all kinds of hell.

  They continued down the corridor until they came across a door. Greydon touched the handle and tested it. Unlocked. Fang positioned himself on the other side and on the count of three, Greydon pushed the door open and both men jumped into the room with guns pointed.

  Empty, except for the unmade bed and a dresser. They backed out and continued on their quest. Several minutes later, the hall opened up into a large room that reminded Greydon of a common room found in a prison. Books, a TV and a few couches filled the area.

  “I don’t like this. Either they are waiting to spring a trap or they’ve left,” Fang whispered.

  “I agree. Let’s move on, but keep your senses on high alert.” Greydon led them out of the area and down another dimly lit corridor. This one brought them into a medical area equipped just like any state of the art surgical hospital. The thought of Aimee strapped to the table, with them doing who knows what to her, darkened his mood even further. He spun around and vacated before he trashed the place. If there was anyone still here, he didn’t want to make too much noise. As it was, they had to dodge a few cameras.

  They checked out an office that had every filing cabinet drawer flung open and emptied. “I’d say our suspicions have been confirmed.” Greydon stormed out of the door. “I should have come back sooner.”

  “We came back as soon as we could,” Fang said.

  “Not soon enough. All we can hope for now is that they left us some clues.” He hoped like hell they would come across something, no matter how small, that would help him find his brothers. In the meantime, he would continue to kick himself in the ass. He had let his dick do the thinking for him. Instead of coming here last night, he had enjoyed the softness of a female. Not just any female, but the one he’d decided belonged to him.

  “So what the heck happened last night?” Bethany questioned.

  Aimee pulled out a scroll and unrolled it with extreme care onto the table. She stared at the first one. “Last night was wonderful, the best of my life. It’s this morning that has me concerned. I think I’m in over my head.”

  Bethany came up beside her and looked at the scroll “Looks weird.”

  “I see some ancient Greek, but then there’s a mix of something I don’t recognize.” She ran her finger across the paper, surprised at the excellent condition considering the age. I wonder how old these are?

  “So, why do you think you’re in over your head?” Bethany said.

  “Am I crazy for having feelings for him? I mean I did tell him I liked him.” She turned her head and looked at Bethany.

  “And what did he say?”

  “He said he couldn’t get me out of his mind, and he hoped I would give us a chance.” She copied the letters she knew on a piece of paper.

  “Wait a minute, I’m confused.” Bethany reached over and touched Aimee on the arm. “It sounds to me like you guys have the start of something here. What’s the problem again?”

  Aimee took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “He’s a prince, soon to be a king.” She threw her arms up. “His future is to bring all this back to life. I’m not what he needs.”

  Bethany rolled her eyes. “You sell yourself short. You have a lot to offer, and if he wants you then you should trust your feelings.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t get it. If his culture is anything like I think it is, based on what I know of ancient civilizations, I am below his station. At some point, he will have to choose a queen. Hell, for all I know his wife may have been chosen for him already.”

  Bethany planted her hands on her hips. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing. The Aimee I know has more confidence than anyone I’ve ever met. What did you do with her?”

  She had to laugh. “I think finding out I carry demon DNA has me a bit frazzled. What does that mean for me exactly?”

  Bethany stepped back. “I’m jealous. Who knows, maybe you can perform some of that voodoo magic too—you just don’t know it yet.”

  She snorted. “Voodoo magic?”

  “Yeah, ya know, vanishing into thin air. That would be so cool.” Bethany sported a big grin and Aimee laughed again.

  “I doubt I’ll be doing any disappearing acts on my own.” Though she had to admit, any magic would be pretty cool.

  “So can you make heads or tails of any of this stuff?” Bethany looked back at the scroll.

  She shrugged. “Most of it’s Greek. This says something about a king and queen who will come and bring the destruction of an evil god. They will also bring a lost civilization back to the world.” Aimee straightened. “Huh. Greydon said something about his father’s Oracles declaring he would be the one to kill this Zolar. I assume that’s the god this is referring to,
but Greydon is still only a prince.”

  Bethany rubbed her growling stomach. “I’m hungry. Do you suppose this place has any food besides the fruit I keep picking off the trees?”

  “We can explore. I need a break from this anyway.” Aimee looped her arm around Bethany’s and they exited the room.

  “So correct me if I’m mistaken, but wouldn’t Greydon technically be a king if his father were dead?” Bethany questioned.

  “Hmm. Well I guess so, but I have no idea how their monarchy works.”

  “Maybe you could become his queen.”

  Aimee felt her jaw go slack. “Don’t even joke about such a thing.” The sudden realization of him with another woman grated on her. Last night, in the throes of desire, she had been willing to give them a chance. Maybe she should find out if he did have a betrothed before she got in way too deep.

  Chapter 17

  Greydon and Fang had spent the last couple of hours scouring the compound. So far, they had come up empty-handed. No people, demons or clues and his mood grew darker by the second. They currently were in the process of securing what appeared to be the lowest level where the worst of the cells were located. Simple and small, these rooms reminded him of the human jails he’d seen and nothing like the more posh ones they’d found a few floors above them. These were clearly meant to hold those who were stronger or had magical powers.

  “I can sense the magic weaved together on this floor to keep those here from leaving,” Fang snarled.

  “Yes. There is no doubt demons were held here.” As the words passed Greydon’s lips, they neared the end of the corridor and approached the last cell. He caught a familiar scent which set him into a dead run. When he reached the cell, he looked inside, his heart pounding in his chest. The empty cell held only a bed with a piece of paper lying on it. The door was open so he approached with caution. Fang grabbed his arm to stop him, but he shrugged him off. It only took him three strides to reach the bed and snatch up the paper. The ball of anger in the pit of his stomach grew larger as he read the words on the page. In a fit, he crumpled the paper into a ball, fisted his hand and punched the wall with a loud roar.


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