Voices from the Great Black Baseball Leagues
Page 38
Dykes, Jimmy
Earnshaw, George
Easter, Luke
Edelman (pitcher)
Eggelson, Mac
Ehmke, Howard
Eller, Hod
Ellis, Rocky
Elson, Bob
Ethiopian Clowns
Etten, Nick
Fagan, Bob
Fain, Ferris
Farrell, Luther
Feller, Bob
Fernandez, José
Ferrick (pitcher)
Fette, Lou
Finley, Charlie
Finner, John
Fitzsimmons (pitcher)
Flood, Curt
Flores (pitcher)
Forbes, Frank “Strangler”
Foreman, Sylvester
Foster, Andrew “Rube”
Foster, Bill “Willie”
Fournier, Jacques
Fowler, Bud
Fox, Nellie
Foxx, Jimmy
Frankhouse, Fred
Frasier, Albert
Freeman, Buck
Freese, George
Freitas (pitcher)
French, Larry
Frick, Ford
Frisch, Frankie
Fry, Lonnie
Fullis (ballplayer)
Fulton, Louise
Gagliano, Tony
Gaines, Joe
Gall, J. E.
Galloway, Chick
Garcia, Mike
Gardner, Jelly
Gatewood, Bill
Gehrig, Lou
Gehringer, Charley
Geisel, Harry
Gelbert (ballplayer)
Gibson, Bob
Gibson, Josh
Gibson, Sam
Giles, George
Gilkerson (team owner
Gilliam, Junior
Glenn, Oscar
Gomez, Chili
Gonzales, Mike
Goodman, Ival “Ivy”
Goodwin, Lonnie
Gordon, Ed
Goslin, Goose
Gottlieb, Ed
Gould (pitcher)
Grant, Charley “Chief Tokahoma”
Grant, Mudcat
Gregg (pitcher)
Green, Silas
Greenberg, Hank
Greene, Guy
Greene, James “Joe”
Greenlee, Gus
Griffith, Clark
Grove, Bob “Lefty”
Haines, Bib
Haines, Jess
Haley, Red
Hall of Fame (Cooperstown, N.Y.)
Hamilton, George
Haney, Fred
Harder, Mel
Harney, George
Harrell, Bill
Harridge, Will
Harris, Andy
Harris, Vic,
Harrison, Whitey
Hatley, Red
Hauser, Joe
Hawkins, Lemuel
Hayakawa, Sessue
Hayes, Frankie
Hayes, Johnny
Hayes, Tom
Heath, Jeff
Heffner, Don
Heilmann, Harry
Heimach (pitcher)
Heintzelman, Ken
Hensley, Rollie
Henderson, Rats
Henrey, Bob
Henrich, Tommy
Henry, Preacher
Hensly, Eggy·
Herman, Babe
Herrmann (pitcher)
Hewitt, Joe
Hickey (American Association president)
Hilcher (pitcher)
Hill, Jimmy
Hill, Peter
Holland, Bill
Holloway, Crush
Holmes, Frank
Holmes, Philip
Homestead Grays (Pittsburgh and Washington)
Hopp, Johnny
Hornsby, Rogers
Houck, Ralph
House of Davids (Michigan)
Howard, Elston
Howard, Frank
Hoyt, Waite
Hoz, Miguel de la
Hubbard, Jess
Hubbell, Carl
Hudlin, Willis
Hudspeth, Highpockets
Hughes, Sammy T.
Hunter (pitcher)
Indianapolis ABC’s
Indianapolis Clowns
Irvin, Monte
Israel, Half a Pint
Jackman, Bill
Jackson, Rufus
Jackson, Sunnyman
James, Bill
Jansen, Larry
Jenkins, Fats
Jethroe, Sam
Jimenez, Hooks
Johnson, Chappie
Johnson, Cornelius
Johnson, Grant “Home Run”
Johnson, Heavy
Johnson, Jack
Johnson, Jewbaby
Johnson, Judy
Johnson, Lou
Johnson, Rafer
Johnson, Tom
Johnson, Walter,
Jones, Cleon
Jones, Mint
Jones, Stuart “Slim”
Joseph, Newt
Kachline, Clifford,
Kaline, Al
Kansas City Monarchs
Keenan, Jim
Keller, Charlie “King Kong”
Keltner, Ken
Kemp, James Gabby
Kennedy, Vern
Kesler, Jerome
Kimball (pitcher)
Kiner, Ralph
Kleinknecht, Merl,
Kline (pitcher)
Koufax, Sandy
Kress, Red
Kuenn, Harvey
Kuhel, Joe
Lacey, Sam
La Guardia, Fiorello
La Marque, Lefty
Landis, Kennesaw Mountain, Judge
Lanier, Max
Lavan, Doc
Lee, Scrip
Lemon, Bob
Leonard, Buck
Leonard, Charlie
Leonard, Dutch
Lewis, Bubber
Lewis, Buddy
Lewis, Rufus
Lillard, Joe
Lindell, Johnny
Lloyd, John Henry “Pop”
Logan, Johnny
Lombardi, Ernie
Lopat, Ed
Louis, Joe
Lowrey, Peanuts
Lugue, Adolph
Lundy, Dick,
Lyons, Jimmy
McCarver, Tim
McClellan, Danny
McClure, Bob
McCormick, Frank
McCovey, Willie
McDaniels, Booker
McDonald, Webster
McDuffie, Terris
McGraw, John “Muggsy”
McHenry, Austin
Macintosh (ballplayer)
McNair, Hurley
McPhail, Larry
McQuillen, Frank
McQuinn, George
Mack, Connie
Mack, Earl
Mackey, Raleigh “Biz”
Maddox, Lefty
Maglie, Sal
Maisel, George
Majerkurth (umpire)
Malarcher, David “Cap”
Maltzberger, Gordon
Manley, Abe
Manley, Mrs. Effa
Manush, Heinie
Mapes, Cliff
Mapp (pitcher)
Maranville, Rabbit
Marcelle, Oliver
Marquard, Rube
Marquez, Luis
Marshall, Jack
Martin, J. B.
Martin, Pepper
Matchett, Jack
Mathews, Eddie
Mathewson, Christy
Mathis, Verdell
Matlock, Leroy
May, Lee
Mays, Carl
Mays, Willie
Mazeroski, Bill
Meine, Heinie
Melton (pitcher)
Memphis Red Sox
Mendez, Jose
Mesa, Pablo
Metcalfe, Ralph
Meusel, Bob
eyers, Deacon John
Milan, Felix
Miller, Bing
Miller, Dempsey
Miller, Jake
Miller, Water
Mills, Charles
Minoso, Minnie
Mize, Johnny
Moody (pitcher)
Moore (team owner)
Moore, Dobie
Moore, Joe “Red”
Moreland, Nate
Morris, Barney
Morrissey, John
Mulligan, Billy
Mullins (ballplayer)
Murphy (team owner)
Musial, Stan
Myer, Buddy
Narleski (ballplayer)
Nashville Elite Giants
“Nation, Carrie”
National Baseball Library,
Neun (ballplayer)
New York Black Yankees
New York Lincoln Giants
Newark Eagles
Newcombe, Don
Newsom, Buck
Norman, Bill
Northrup, Jim
Novikoff, Lou
Nugent, Gerry
O’Doul (ballplayer)
Old-Timers’ Association
Oldham, Jimmy
Oliva, Tony
Oliver, Al
Olmo, Luis
Olson (pitcher)
Oms, Alejandro
O’Neil, John “Buck”
O’Neil, Steve
Ott, Mel
Ovens, Jesse
Owens, Oscar
Owens, Smokey
Owens, Willie
Pafko, Andy
Page, Ted
Paige, Leroy “Satchel”
Parmelee (pitcher)
Parnell, Red
Partee, Roy
Partlow, Roy
Pasquel, Jorge
Patterson, Pat
Pearson, Lenny
Pedroso, Eusaquio
Pedroso, Fernando Díaz
Pegler, Westbrook
Pellot, Victor
Perez, Javier
Perez, Tony
Perkins, Bill
Perrone, Joe
Pertica, Bill
Pesky, John
Petway, Bruce
Phelps (ballplayer)
Philadelphia Giants
Philadelphia Hillsdales
Philadelphia Stars
Phillips (pitcher)
Pittsburgh Crawfords
Pittsburgh Homestead Grays, see Homestead Grays
Plaskett, Elmo
Pillette, Howard
Porter, Anderson “Pullman”
Posey, Cum
Posey, See
Powell, Jake
Powell, Piggie
Powell, Willie
Powers, Jimmy
Quinn, Jack “Picus”
Radcliff, Alex
Radcliffe, Ted “Double Duty”
Reardon, Beans
Rector, Connie
Redding, Cannonball Dick
Redus, Frog
Reed, Donald
Reel, Jimmy
Reese, Pee Wee
Renfroe, Othello
Reynolds, Allie
Rickey, Branch
Riggins, Bill
Riles, Huck
Ripple, Jimmy
Rizzuto, Phil
Roberts, Ric
Robertson, Sam
Robeson, Paul
Robinson, Brooks
Robinson, Frank
Robinson, Jackie,
Robinson, Neil
Robinson, Skindown
Rodriquez (ballplayer)
Rogan, Bullet Joe
Rogers, Nat
Rommell, Eddie
Ronald (baseball commissioner)
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rossiter, George
Rowe, Schoolboy
Rucker, Nap
Rudolph, Dick
Ruffin, Joe
Ruffing, Red
Runyon, Damon
Ruppert (team owner)
Russell, Branch
Russell, John Henry “Pistol Johnny”
Ruth, Babe
Ryan, Red
Ryba, Mike
Sadler (pitcher)
Sain, Johnny
St. Louis Giants
St. Louis Stars
Sales, Frankie
Salmon, Harry
Sanguillen, Manny
San Antone Black Acres
Saperstein, Abe
Scales, George “Tubby”
Schang, Wally
Schlichter, Walter
Schmidt (pitcher)
Schmitz, Johnny
Schott (pitcher)
Schupp, Freddie
Seaver, Tom
Seay, Dick
Seinsoth (pitcher)
Semler, Sap
Serrell, Barney
Sherman, Johnny
Sherrid, Roy
Siebold, Socks
Simms, Bill
Sisler, Dick
Slaughter, Enos
Smith, Chino
Smith, Ducky
Smith, Hilton
Smith, Ken
Smith, Wendell
Snider, Pancho
Snow, Felton
Society of American Baseball Research
Sothers, Buzz
Southern (ballplayer)
Speaker, Tris
Stainback, Tuck
Stanky, Eddie
Stanley, Neck
Stargell, Will
Starks, Otis
Stearnes, Tuckey
Stengel, Casey
Stephens, Paul “Jake”
Stine, Lee
Stirnweiss (ballplayer)
Stovey, George
Strawbridge (team owner)
Streeter, Sam
Streuss (pitcher)
Strong, Nat
Strong, Ted
Styne (pitcher)
Suhr, Gus
Suttles, Mule
Swanson (ballplayer)
Sweatt, George
Swift, Bob
Sylvestri, Joe
Tapley (ballplayer)
Tatum, Goose
Taylor, Ben
Taylor, C. I.
Taylor, Candy Jim
Taylor, Glenn
Taylor, Tony
Terry, Bill
Thevenow (pitcher)
Thomas, Clint
Thomas, Showboat
Thompson, Hank
Thompson, Sandy
Thorpe, Jim
Thurston, Hollis
Tiant, Luis “Sr. Sinny”
Tobin, Jim
Tolan, Eddie
Torres (pitcher)
Torrienti, Cristobel
Touchstone, Clay
Tovar, Cesar
Travis, Cecil
Traynor, Pie
Trent, Theodore “Highpockets”
Trouppe, Quincy
Trucks, Virgil
Tut, King
Tyler, Steel Arm
Uhle, George
Urbansky (ballplayer)
Van, John
Vander Meer (ballplayer)
Vargas, Esteban
Vaughn, Jim
Veeck, Bill
Vernon, Mickey
Waddell, “Rube”
Walberg, Rube
Walker, Bill
Walker, Charlie
Walker, Dixie
Walker, Frank
Walker, Moses Fleetwood
Walker, Welday
Wallace, Bobby
Wallace, Dick
Walters, Bucky
Waner, Lloyd
Waner, Paul
Warfield, Frank
Warneke, Lon
Washington, Kenny
Washington, Namon
Washington, Pete
Washington Homestead Grays, see Homestead Grays
Watkins, Murray “Pop”
Weaver, Big Jim
Well, Rogan
Wells, Willie
Welmaker, Roy
Welsh, Winfield
; Wesley, Edgar
West, Max
Whatley, Speed
White, Bruling
White, Chaney
White, Sol
Whitehill, Earl
Wickware, Frank
Williams, Billy
Williams, Chester
Williams, Harry
Williams, Jesse
Williams, Joe “Cyclone” or “Smokey”
Williams, Lefty
Williams, Marvin
Williams, Morris
Williams, Nish
Williams, Robert “Bobby”
Williams, Ted,
Williams, Tom
Wills, Maury
Wilkinson, James
Wilkinson, W. L.
Wilson, Artie
Wilson, Hack
Wilson, Jud “Boojum”
Wilson, Tom
Winegarner, Ralph
Winford, Jim
Winters, Nip
Woods, Parnell
Woods, Ron
Wright, Bill
Wrigley (team owner)
Wynn, Early
Yancey, Bill
Yokely, Laymon
Young, Big T. J.
Young, Dick
Young, Fay
Young, H. W.
Young, Pep
Zarilla, Al
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