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Dust Bunny (Rust Bucket Universe)

Page 11

by Atk. Butterfly

  "You are correct," said Dave. "However, the intent of the rights bill framers was for all humanity belonging to the Union to practice integration and tolerance, not segregation and isolation. It's sad that one of the few places on Earth that permitted different lifestyles and practiced tolerance in full accordance was this very chamber. If it wasn't for the visibility of the Representatives to the public, some of the members of this fine governing body wouldn't have been able to move freely about on Earth without finding themselves in peril from people who might think the law was being broken. In fact, some of the citizens of our Union are forced to make a choice between two or more cultures. A good case in point is that of some of the citizens of Glint. Some of them are forced to choose between the culture of Glint and of Edun. They don't have the right to choose both and they should have that right. Simply put, our society isn't made up of just a few different lifestyles or cultures that can be easily categorized and assigned a planet. It's really composed of many, most of which are combinations of two or more of what we now have. Literally millions of our citizens are forced to choose which single culture they feel is more important to them and then live with that choice. There are so many different lifestyles that a planet will never be settled for most of them within the next millennia if the problem is addressed in the way our forefathers first compromised in uniting the Earth's nations, contrary to the URB."

  "I see," said Ethel. "Unfortunately, you're right. We're probably going to have numerous problems at first if we follow through on what you're recommending."

  "Madam Chairman, the right choice is often difficult. That's why it takes people of great stature like yourselves to make it happen so that we can prevent wars. Too often in the past our people fought among themselves because one group failed to realize that society had changed. Consequently, those who were deprived found it necessary to use violence. That forced the other side to retaliate. For now, our armed forces are united against a common enemy. I can't promise that they'll remain united if this problem isn't resolved before this war ends," Dave replied.

  Stephen asked, "How much of the Navy would fight on the side of the outer planets if we fail to resolve this issue?"

  "In my opinion?" Dave asked.

  Stephen nodded.

  "Over half the Navy would fight on their side. Perhaps a solid two-thirds despite the fact that most of them are from Earth," Dave answered.

  "But why? Don't they feel any loyalty to Earth?" Stephen asked.

  Dave answered, "It's not a case of loyalty. It has to do with why many of them joined the military in the first place. They see it as an opportunity to make something of themselves and have something when their service is terminated. Since the land you're giving away is mostly on the outer planets, it's obvious to them that if they expect to have peace when they finally settle down, they better act in accordance with the best interests of their neighbors to be. Clearly, they've already reasoned that the outer worlds will honor the same land commitments as you made to them in the first place."

  Stephen asked, "And you, Admiral?"

  "My loyalties have always been to the Union and remain so."

  Stephen said, "I take it then that you would lead our forces if a civil war came."

  "If asked, yes, even though I don't relish the thought of killing our own people over something that can be settled peacefully."

  Ethel asked, "Would you win?"

  Dave replied, "I honestly don't know if only because I'd be going up against a great many officers who know how to fight well and also know tactics and strategy as well as myself. If I am capable of winning, it will be only after a protracted war involving heavy losses on both sides that leaves us hating each other for several centuries."

  "Thank you for your advice, Rear Admiral Oden. We appreciate the delay you endured in order to talk with us before you return to Beulah to resume the fight against Malak. You leave with our sincere best wishes and prayers," said Ethel.

  Admiral Oden stood and saluted the Congress before he turned and walked out.


  The welcome banner left no doubt that people expected Admiral Oden back since the news of his victory in Congress flashed across the Union over the Universal Internet almost as soon as the results were known. Standing in the front of the crowd of well-wishers was Admiral Kyle Kruler who was sure that he would soon be a Captain again. Admiral Oden stepped out of the passenger ship and strode forward. He returned Admiral Kruler's salute before extending his hand to shake with an old friend.

  "Kyle, you look exceptionally good with an admiral's rank on you. Wear them in good health," said Dave.

  "I'm still an admiral?" asked Kyle.

  "You already proved that you're qualified, so yes, you are," said Dave with a smile. "Shall we finish the welcoming ceremonies and then get to work?"

  "Absolutely, Dave?" Kyle asked hesitantly.

  "Absolutely, Kyle," Dave replied, putting Kyle at ease by addressing him with his first name. "The Navy gave you the promotion, not me. I only recommended you and suggested a precedent for them to justify giving it to you."


  With Admiral Oden back in complete charge of Union defenses, Opal finally and quietly de-activated most of its armed forces now that Serapha wasn't a part of the Union. Without the Union backing Serapha, it didn't appear to pose as great a threat anymore.


  Dave moved back into his office a few days later after taking a few days to be with his family since the Navy was in good hands with Kyle on duty. Dave looked the situation over and nodded at the sight of the small task force sent out by Kyle to snoop around the Malakin Empire.

  "Good. You practically read my mind on that," said Dave.

  "Just followed your notes and applied what you taught me when we were assigned together," said Kyle.

  "You'll make Rear Admiral yet. Then I'm going to wonder if someday whether I'll be reporting to you."

  "Naw, you'll make Fleet Admiral before then. It's a nice thought, though. Thanks."

  "Don't underestimate yourself. You're probably got more political savvy than I have. It wouldn't be wrong for you to become my superior officer someday," Dave remarked. "I only know of one other officer with more political savvy than you."

  "Who's that?" asked Kyle.

  "Soon to be Commodore Shirley Sorenson, if I'm any judge of ability," Dave answered.

  "I wish her luck. Who knows, we might both be reporting to her."

  The two men chuckled at the remark and then went back to planning.


  Serapha's naval shipyards became busy as they finished repairing the warships that had to be towed back to their territory. New construction projects began building more warships to increase the size of their fleet. It was obvious to them that they were on their own and couldn't use the Union Navy to force Opal to its knees.

  Fleet Admiral Cain was an acknowledged hero for bringing in Admiral Oden and a Malakin dreadnought, despite his earlier failure against Beulah. His later successes had managed to overshadow his greater loss. Now he was being briefed on the campaign that Serapha would have to undertake on its own and by itself, at first.

  "Admiral Cain, this is our planned strategy. When the fleet is rebuilt and strengthened, we will eliminate Opal once and for all. We don't believe the Union will interfere while most of its forces are disposed against Malak. Besides, they're still trying to settle their internal differences. That should work in our favor. However, if the Union does interfere, we believe that they will choose our side since many of the citizens of the Union are God-fearing people. They would rather fight against the atheists of Opal than take up arms against us when we have much more in common with them. After all, we have freedom of religion and nearly every religion in the Union is represented here. There are many more religious people in the Union than there are non-believers."

  Cain replied, "Yes, Councilman Tucker. I understand."

  Tucker said, "Very good, admiral. When you attack, fo
rce the Opal warships into Union space. Don't destroy them all in Opal's territory. Make some of them run. Then destroy them where the Union can see you preventing the Opal forces from causing them any harm. That will help put public opinion within the Union of Planets on our side and cause them to choose our side if they become involved."

  "Councilman, what if the Opalian forces will not run?" Cain asked.

  Tucker responded, "There are ways to guide others into following God's will, even if you have to first nudge some crippled Opalian ships into Union territory and wait a while before you give chase. Is that clear?"

  "Yes sir, very clear," Cain said.


  A few days after Admiral Oden arrived back at Beulah, Congress sent an apology to each of the five worlds that had declared their independence. The apologies were viewed with careful consideration. Absolutely nothing was said about the five worlds that could be construed as negative. It was a hopeful sign of reconciliation, the leaders of the five worlds finally decided. Communications soon resumed in earnest between them and Congress.

  Nearly a week later, the five worlds sent their representatives back to Earth to rejoin the Congress where they declared that they were still members of the Union. Admirals Oden and Kruler received the news at their headquarters with delight.

  "It feels good having one Union again," said Dave.

  "Sure does and I'm an admiral to boot," Kyle said.

  "Shirley is definitely going to be promoted next month to commodore," said Dave.

  "How do you find out some of these things before me?" asked Kyle.

  "You've got to listen to rumors and conversations, then read between the lines. It's remarkable how much information you can pick up in a club or a break area," said Dave.

  "Still, I'd like to know how the politicians managed to agree and put the Union back together," Kyle said.

  "Simple, Kyle. Congress agreed to implement the universal rights Union-wide as soon as Malak is defeated. Then Congress persuaded the five outer worlds that it would be a little bit difficult implementing those fully while the war is still in progress. They're concerned that we might have to be called in to quell any planetary riots should anyone object to full implementation and Congress doesn't want anything to interfere with our war efforts. They also intend to accept Leuion as soon as the full Congress convenes. I understand their representative is also on the way to Earth," said Dave.

  "Is that all?" asked Kyle.

  "Not quite. The Navy, as it's done before, is going to lead the way. We'll be the first to permit any and all service members to practice their lifestyle within any unit, whenever possible. That means that there will probably be no more 'N' units in the Space Marines. We are to be the standing proof that Congress intends to honor the agreement when the war ends. So we all better get used to naked people wearing shoes and nothing more, other than their rank painted on, when they come in for work each day. That's probably, no, I almost forgot Echo's culture. You and I better get used to seeing people make passionate love in public on board ships when they're off duty should the mood to do so strike them."

  "We're actually going to put up with that?" asked Kyle.

  "We'll have to if we're to set the example for tolerance within the Union. That or we can say goodbye to the Union now," replied Dave. "But I don't think it's going to be as bad as people think, though it will seem new or novel at first. Some people will make a big thing of it whether it's to complain loudly or openly take advantage of their rights. After awhile, it will become about like it is now to sometimes share a shower with someone of the opposite gender while on board a ship."

  "I never had to do that."

  "My friend, you don't know what you missed," said Dave with a wink, giving Kyle the impression that he had indeed missed something. "Anyway, the most we'll have to do is set a few guidelines about what areas such activity is still prohibited within. It wouldn't do to have an emergency exit or set of critical switches blocked by amorous couples. Provided we keep the guidelines simple and the prohibited areas limited to only those that are really essential, it should work out."

  "What about drug users?"

  "We won't have any change in Navy policies concerning drugs. The Supreme Court decision from long ago that the Navy has the right to restrict incapacitating drugs from its ships for recreational use will remain in effect. I really don't see it as a problem since most of the enlisted personnel are in the service for free homesteads on less populated planets when they get out or because they're dedicated like yourself."


  Even farther out in space, the small stealthy task force neared its goal. Still no messages left it as radio silence continued to be strictly enforced. Moving into locations where they could remain hidden, the task force quietly went to work.

  Not too long after its ships took up positions, small devices that would be easily missed among the billions of similarly small objects floating in space were launched with just enough momentum to make them resemble natural objects. Each was sent in a different direction to eavesdrop on traffic in space among the Malakin inhabited worlds. Even if the signal from one of the objects was picked up by a Malakin operator causing it to be eventually found and destroyed, duplicates would take over from other nearby locations to keep the stream of information flowing.

  As soon as those were launched, other more specialized probes were launched at the Malakin worlds, themselves, to provide even more detailed and necessary information.

  Their mission accomplished, the ships left their hiding location and swept forward toward the Malakin worlds in battle formation.


  The full Congress held its first session and considered the first bill. Representatives from Echo, Edun, and Gabrielle started the ball rolling. They were quickly joined by Adriena and Beulah in recommending a vote. Finally, the sixth necessary nominating vote was cast by Earth's representative.

  With that, Congress voted on membership for Leuion. Moments later, Leuion's representative strode forward to take her seat as a full member. Almost as quickly, the admission was reported to both the Union military and Leuion's military so that they could consolidate their navies into a mightier force to oppose the Malakins with.


  "Admiral Benz Wund, meet Admiral Kyle Kruler, the industrious man who ran our defenses while I was indisposed," said Dave as the two men shook hands.

  Admiral Wund said, "I'm honored to meet the man who ripped apart the Malakins while Dave was absent."

  "I'm pleased to meet you, Admiral Wund."

  "Dave! Now the three of us shall whip those Malakins!" exclaimed Benz.

  "I think it might possibly take more than three of us, but we can get the ball rolling for now," Dave replied as the three admirals retired to a planning room where some other officers waited patiently.


  The small task force raced in at one Malakin world. Caught by surprise without any orbiting protection, the Malakins were stunned as the attack began. Half of the task force took up protective covering positions to run their sensors and warn the others of retaliating Malakin forces. The other half entered the world's atmosphere and swept around the planet, taking sensor readings as well as image readings of the surface. By the time they were in their second high speed orbit they knew where some of their targets were located and fired upon them with unerring accuracy. Some of the targets were seeded with delayed-action weapons that would claim more Malakin war-making resources later when the weapons were activated.

  As soon as the second sweep was finished, all the ships left the atmosphere, rejoined the other ships of the task force, and headed away from instead of toward Union territory. As they did, their communications sections sent back quick bursts of information to the Union.


  "Admiral Kruler! They've struck! We just hit them back!" exclaimed the communications officer who burst in on the planning. Then the officer remembered that Rear Admiral Oden was back in command and turned to him
. "I'm sorry, sir. I forgot you're back."

  "I'll let you make up for it next time. Carry on, lieutenant," said Dave. "Kyle, how does it feel to be the architect of the first strike against the Malakin home worlds?"

  "I thought it was your idea," said Kyle.

  Dave said, "You put it together and sent it out. That makes you the architect, regardless. In fact, many people were thinking the same as I that it would be a good shot in the arm for Union morale to strike back. It doesn't matter that it was only a hit and run attack."

  "Is a toast in order, then?" asked Kyle.

  Dave nodded and let Kyle pour some drinks for each of them. Dave knew it was a good time to let the young admiral feel the joy of success. Doubtless, he would someday have his share of failures. Until then the successes Kyle achieved would build him a foundation to support himself on and successfully weather those failures with.

  Minutes later, the same communications lieutenant came in again with information for the admirals from the task force. He approached Admiral Oden first.

  "Go ahead and give them to Admiral Kruler. He designed this attack and deserves to see the results first. Thank you anyway, Lieutenant," Dave said.

  Kyle accepted the disks and placed the information into their independent terminals, machines that weren't part of the Universal Internet. Quickly enough, all the admirals could see images of one of the Malakin home worlds as well as the targets that were destroyed. A few comments could be heard occasionally as the admirals viewed the images. While they did so, they noted some of the reasons why the Malakins were able to send so many warships against them.

  Dave asked, after they saw the information once, "Kyle, what do you think?"

  "Well, they blew the shit out of many of those targets. I'd say they did a good job," Kyle remarked.

  "That they did, but what do you think of the general setup on this world?" asked Dave.


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