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Dust Bunny (Rust Bucket Universe)

Page 19

by Atk. Butterfly

  Diane felt sick at their combined situation. Her ship couldn't move and the Mars City couldn't defend itself. She had a choice of staying with her ship and drifting out in space for who knew how long or taking a chance on a transfer to the destroyer and hoping that the enemy didn't spot them and close in for an easy kill. It was too risky, she decided, to transfer her crew to the destroyer. It would show up on sensors and wouldn't require more than one enemy fighter to destroy it. "Negative on our transfer. We will remain on board the Dust Bunny. Would you prefer to transfer to our ship?"

  "If you have hull integrity, I have wounded I'd like to transfer," Mike replied.

  "That's affirmative, we have hull integrity," Diane answered.

  Wade came into the bridge, supporting two crew members on his shoulders. He released them gently and said, "I've got one more to bring in here. That's all that's left of us. The engines are ready to engage when you want to."

  Mike called back to the Dust Bunny. "We have four wounded to transfer."

  "Affirmative. Send them when you're ready," Captain Blith replied.

  Mike thought for a moment and then called again, "Can you send some personnel over to help with the transfer? There are only two of us still left standing."

  Diane felt shocked at his request. There were only six people left alive out of their entire crew? She radioed back, "Yes, I'll send assistance over immediately."


  Slowly, the battle moved farther and farther away from the two stricken ships as each side maneuvered to avoid crippling blows or enemy maneuvers that might be disastrous. Neither side gave an inch as they pummeled each other from both long and short ranges. Between the two stricken ships and the two forces locked in combat, other ships, mostly dead, drifted leaving a trail of destruction in space from the starting location of the battle to where it still raged. Inside some of the disabled ships, crews struggled to make repairs so that they might re-enter the fight or return home.


  Minutes later, several space-suited personnel came inside the Mars City to assist the wounded over to the Dust Bunny. For a few moments, they stared in stunned disbelief at the destruction and carnage in front of their eyes. Only when Mike and Wade tugged at them did they remember their assignment. They then took the wounded personnel out of the destroyer and over to the cruiser. Mike and Wade remained behind.

  "Mike, what are your orders?" asked Wade

  "We'll stay with the Dust Bunny and see what we can do to run interference for them if someone else should show up. As long as our engines hold up, we can block shots at their rear."

  "I wonder how bad their engines are?" Wade said.

  "I don't know. I'll ask," Mike replied. He plugged back into the ship to ship radio. "Mars City to Dust Bunny. Come in, please."

  Captain Blith switched to her ship to ship radio and answered, "This is Dust Bunny. Your wounded are coming on board now. We don't know their conditions yet. We will advise you as soon as we know."

  "Uh, thanks, Dust Bunny, but we were wondering how bad off your engines are. I've got a top notch Ensign here who can work wonders with engines."

  "Thanks, but it's not for lack of talent. Our repair parts were lost when our engines were hit," Diane replied.

  "She said they lost their repair parts in the same hit," Mike said to Wade.

  "Ask them what they need. We've still got lots of parts available. Hell, I'll even take parts off our engines if we can get theirs going again. They've still got guns!" Wade exclaimed.

  Mike nodded and called back to the Dust Bunny. "Dust Bunny, we still have parts and will cannibalize our engines to put yours back in running condition. Please advise what parts are needed."

  Diane heard the message and then pressed her intercom. "Ensign Durwell report on the intercom!"

  A moment later she heard his voice.

  "Ensign Durwell, can destroyer parts fit our engines?" she asked.

  "Most of them can. It might work if they have the right parts," he answered.

  "They said they're willing to take their engines apart to get us the right parts. Will that suffice?"

  "I think so, Captain. It's worth a try. I'll prepare a list as soon as I get back to the engine room, ma'am."

  "Right. Do that and hurry."


  Mike and Wade, along with some enlisted personnel from the Dust Bunny worked feverishly to remove the needed parts from the Mars City's engines. Already, almost all of their spare repair parts had been carried over to the cruiser. Those were being used already by other personnel to rebuild the Dust Bunny's engines.

  "You know, it might be a good idea to leave a booby trap for the Ape-oids if they come calling," Mike said.

  "I can rig that. You want the engines to look normal?" asked Wade.

  "Can you do that?" Mike replied.

  "I think so. You just better make sure that all our people know about the booby trap. I'd hate to think I was killing some of our salvage people."

  "Leave that to me. Let's finish getting these parts off."


  In the distance, an Ape-oid fighter finished its repairs. Its crew decided to check out other nearby ships. They were too far from the battle to rejoin it, but not from dozens of other ships, mostly theirs, that they could check for survivors or an easy kill. Carefully, they powered up their engine.


  "Ship powering up! Size indicates it's fighter class. No responder signal. Not likely one of ours unless the responder was damaged."

  Captain Blith heard the operations report and used the intercom to warn her gunners. "Attention all gunners. Fighter class ship powering up nearby. No responder signal. Make visual contact and verify identity before firing or fire if fired upon." She then switched to the engine room and asked, "How are the repairs coming along?"

  "Fine, Captain. Give us another half-hour and we'll be able to move. Might even be able to make near full speed. The Mars City parts are in good shape."

  "Thank you. I'll remember to compliment them. Keep up the good work, yourself," she replied. Then she switched to the infirmary. "How are the wounded?" she asked.

  "Captain? Ours or the people from the Mars City?"

  Diane held her temper and replied, "All of them, please."

  "We've stabilized all the wounded. We can't do much for two from the Mars City. The other two are coming along just fine. They should be okay inside of a day or two at most. Most of our personnel are doing even better. They'll be able to return to duty soon. I think our having a heavier hull was responsible for their injuries being less severe."

  "Affirmative. Keep me posted on the more seriously wounded. We may be going back into action soon, whether we want to or not. Be sure that you have them well-padded and secure. Thank you."


  "All right, Wade. Let's get out of here. It's time to bid Mars City farewell and wish her luck," Mike said.

  "Right, Mike. Wish I could recover my spiro-nut," Wade replied.

  "I'll send you out for another, if you want."

  Wade grinned as he chuckled, "No thanks. I can live without a spiro-nut. I'm right behind you now."

  Both men snapped on a thruster and exited the Mars City. Moments later, they jetted toward the Dust Bunny where repairs were nearly completed.


  Mike reported to Captain Blith after instructing Ensign Cargille to check on their crew for him. "We booby trapped the engines of the Mars City. I left a note at the bridge in standard Union code about the trap. That's the only place they can activate both the engines and the booby trap. What do you want Ensign Cargille and myself to do on board now? We're ready to assist your crew in whatever needs doing."

  "Relax, Lieutenant. Give yourself a break. Give your ensign one, too. Where is he?" Diane asked.

  "I sent him to look in on our wounded. It was the only thing I could think of to give him a breather," Mike replied.

  "Then why don't you go look in on your wounded as well. I'll give you both a
holler a little later when we need you again. You and your crew did well today. Thank you," Captain Blith said as she saluted the lieutenant.

  Mike returned the salute and then made his way to the infirmary. Wade was still inside it, talking with some of the crew who were conscious.

  "Lieutenant!" one wounded crew member said. "They want us to stay inside these suits."

  Mike looked at the woman inside and understood. "Sorry," he said, "but those are the rules for wounded on board ships during combat. You'll be able to get out of those sometime soon."

  There was a slight vibration through the ship as several gun stations suddenly opened up on an approaching enemy fighter and tore it to bits with overwhelming firepower.

  "Anyway, it feels like we're in action again, so stay in those suits. You all know the rules," Mike said.


  The engines came on line a few minutes later. Gently, at first, the Dust Bunny tried out her new legs and became maneuverable again.

  Captain Blith looked at the incoming signals on the hologram imaging display. The battle was still raging on and had curved in direction somewhat. It wasn't really getting farther away from them anymore. She ordered, "Helm, put in a course to come up behind the enemy ships. I want as much speed as we can safely manage. First sign of trouble, back off and hope that we didn't push our luck too much."

  "Course ready, Captain," the helmsman replied.

  "Proceed on course, Helm," Diane ordered.


  Commodore Sorenson monitored the battle progress constantly. Her ship had been hit a few times, but was in fine condition despite the hits. A few of her older ships were dead and destroyed, drifting somewhere back along the path the battle blazed through space. Two of her more modern ships were also gone. Others, of her more modern warships, were in varying degrees of damage. Two were seriously damaged and falling behind where they might be picked off by the enemy who was very good, despite his high losses.

  The fighters had held up their end, but were still engaged with the enemy in another location. They couldn't be called upon to help since they had more than enough to do on their own. Shirley could only hope that she could maneuver the enemy force away from her two more seriously damaged ships to give them a better chance for survival.


  Admiral Oden monitored the relayed sensor readings on his own displays. He could see how the battle was shaping up and was glad that it was Shirley and not some other squadron commander who was there. She was extremely capable and he had no doubt that she would win. Still, he could see that to win, her force was being hurt severely.

  Regardless, Dave went to communications and issued instructions. Soon after, a squadron scrambled and was joined by Navy salvage teams. The squadron was mostly for the protection of the salvage teams and to help plug up the window around Bragh so that more Ape-oid warships couldn't get off planet. However, Dave felt fairly certain that the Ape-oids had probably sent almost everything they had. Anything less would have been too little to do the job since the Ape-oids had some idea of how strong the Union was.


  "We're being hailed by one of our fighters, ma'am."

  "Okay, maneuver close enough to pick them up. Make it quick!" Diane ordered. She switched to the hangar on her intercom. "Make ready to pick up fighter crew survivors."

  Moments later, several suited crew members from the cruiser jetted over to the fighter and snapped on a line. They grabbed hold as the line was brought back in while others signaled the bridge to proceed.

  "Helm, resume course and speed," Diane commanded.


  The fighter was winched into the hangar where the fighter crew looked relieved to be on an operable ship again.

  "Jeeze! We're glad to see you guys! Any idea where the Dragon is?" Lieutenant Barter asked.

  "We're on our way to rejoin the squadron right now. What's wrong with your fighter?"


  Minutes later, Captain Blith received a quick report from the hangar. "One fighter back in operation. Do you want them to launch now?"

  "You got the fighter, too? How'd you do that?" she asked.

  "We winched them in. Faster than trying to put thrusters on the crew and jet back in. Do you want them to launch?"

  "Uh, no. Give them a few more minutes rest. We'll let them be our big surprise in a few more minutes," Diane replied.

  "Yes, ma'am."


  "Ship coming our way, Commodore. Responder shows it to be the Dust Bunny. She's making good speed, too."

  "Thank you." Shirley switched to her communications to pass instructions to the Dust Bunny. "Dragon to Dust Bunny. Dragon to Dust Bunny. Take position to assist Sparrow Hawk and Bald Eagle. Take position to assist Sparrow Hawk and Bald Eagle."

  Diane switched on her transmitter and replied, "Dust Bunny to Dragon. Would prefer to come up behind enemy force. We can detail one fighter to care for injured birds."

  Shirley replied quickly, "You have a fighter?"

  "Affirmative. We picked up and fixed one damaged fighter. The fighter crew is eager and ready to go again," Diane answered.

  Shirley thought quickly and replied, "Affirmative. Plan approved!"


  A few minutes later, Diane called out on the intercom, "Battle stations! Launch fighter!"

  Dust Bunny approached near the two stricken cruisers and fired at the approaching enemy ships from long range while the fighter launched itself. Dust Bunny continued to distract and inflict damage on the two enemy ships closing in on the stricken cruisers while the fighter flew between some of the bolts and emerged into the midst of the enemy ships. There it engaged them at close range while the Dust Bunny moved out on its way to the main battle.

  Sylvia's crew quickly took out the more damaged enemy ship and then concentrated its efforts on the remaining Ape-oid warship. It was hardly a fair fight as it maneuvered in close and fired its Mark VI gun at near point blank range against the enemy ship. Once that was over, Sylvia's fighter took up a protective position near the two damaged cruisers while they made repairs.


  Dust Bunny's appearance was no surprise to the enemy after engaging the other enemy ships at long range. However, there was nothing that the enemy could do without changing their formation. The enemy was caught between a rock and a hard place as the Dust Bunny approached their unprotected rear. If the Ape-oids broke formation to react to both threats, they were doomed. If they didn't, they were still doomed. Desperately, the Ape-oid warships tried to perform a necessary maneuver to escape from the trap without success.

  With the enemy formation broken, the 25th Squadron seized the moment and charged inside it taking the enemy by storm at point blank range. Within ten more minutes, the battle was over as a few surviving Ape-oid warships fled at high speed to escape certain destruction while others drifted helplessly under the watchful guns of the squadron.

  Commodore Sorenson issued instructions to the squadron. There was still a battle raging on between their fighters and the other half of the Ape-oid fleet. She sent one ship after the escaping enemy warships to keep track of them, another to assist the two damaged cruisers, and then led the rest of the squadron to relieve the fighters.


  Dust Bunny pulled near the two damaged cruisers for a second time. The fighter soon landed back on board. Captain Blith called over to the cruisers and inquired as to their condition and need for parts or other assistance. Soon afterwards, she sent her two spare officers from the Mars City over to the Sparrow Hawk to fill needed positions there. Ensign Cargille headed immediately to the engine room where his help was needed. Lieutenant Chalver reported to the gun stations.


  Admiral Oden looked approvingly at the hologram imaging device. Shirley had taken advantage of what she had and performed well under the circumstances. Soon she would be in the mopping up phase. Her losses had been somewhat more than anyone might have wished, but there was little that could
be done about that when war was involved.

  He looked at the reports and saw that the losses were mostly older ships. He didn't mind the ships being lost as much as the men and women aboard them. The people were simply irreplaceable. He could only hope to redeem their sacrifice by keeping the Union free and intact for their families.


  With the squadron's unfettered appearance, the remaining Ape-oid force quickly turned and ran in almost every direction. They knew the battle was lost then. Their command had kept them fighting in hopes of finishing off the fighters in time to fight the squadron, but the Union fighters were too tenacious, too aggressive, too skilled, and too small to hit easily. The Ape-oid ships weren't. The enemy commander's ships and tactics were matched by the small fighters with ease. Only skillful maneuvering by the Ape-oids had kept them in the battle.


  When the relief squadron later arrived, the combat ships escorting it continued onward to close the window over Bragh. Commodore Sorenson's squadron took over the defense of the salvage teams while some of their ships were repaired to return to Beulah. Other ships were taken in tow for the journey back.

  Chapter 14

  Before the Seraphan fleet got back to Serapha, it mutinied. Fleet Admiral Cain found himself ignored on the bridge as his officers openly planned another attack on Opal. The fleet changed course and moved back as one group. That lasted only a few hours before part of the fleet changed course and speed again to race ahead and strike on its own at Opal in defiance of what the officers on board the flagship decided.


  Admiral Kyle Kruler wasn't at all surprised when the Seraphan fleet turned around and headed back for Opal. It was merely one of the scenarios he thought possible. Now it was a reality. He left instructions with the staff for him to be called when the Seraphan warships neared Opal. Then he sent a message to Admiral Oden, advising him of the turn of events.


  Fleet Admiral Cain helplessly watched the sensor displays as reports came in from the Seraphan group that raced back to fight again. They didn't even have as many ships as the Opalian fleet. They didn't last long, either.


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