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Dust Bunny (Rust Bucket Universe)

Page 24

by Atk. Butterfly

  "Admiral Oden, I am still here and overheard Nicky's idea. I will not be embarrassed over him taking out Milik. As you always say, the Union is too important for our egos to matter," Benz said.

  "Benz, I'm glad I can count on you. Inform the Malakins that we will show them we are not reliant solely on the Thunderhead missile. We will show them that we can destroy a world by turning the universe against them whenever we choose to do so. In the meantime, they'll be too afraid to move their warships from Milik. Some of your forces should be freed up to run amok on the other five worlds to slow down their war production during the next few days," Dave said.

  "I understand," Benz replied

  "Admiral Nick, launch an asteroid at Milik when you are ready. Thank you for coming through when we really needed you," Dave said.

  "Admiral Oden, Admiral Reason here, son. I've been monitoring your discussion as well. I'll smooth it over with Congress. They won't be happy, but under the circumstances, I'm sure they'll agree that we have little choice. They don't want to see too many more of our men and women die. I'm fairly certain that a massive charge by a number of our ships just to launch one Thunderhead will be costly in those terms. Be prepared to use another Thunderhead on the next target without telling them which world in advance. I don't think they'll give up after Milik is destroyed."

  Dave knew by now that it wasn't the massive deaths they'd be causing that really bothered Congress. They were already doing that with the Thunderheads. It was their tampering with the universe that worried the members of Congress. It was one thing to use small asteroids. It was quite another to use a large one.


  Admiral Nick selected a manageable, mid-size asteroid from the very large specimens they were tracking. He selected it partly because it could be sent out quickly and partly because he wanted to have even larger ones available if called upon to send out more. As soon as it was ready, a dense torpedo spread was sent in front of the asteroid just before it was launched at Milik using carefully prepared calculations.


  The minutes turned into hours and the hours turned into days after Admiral Wund announced that Milik would be targeted by an asteroid large enough to destroy it just as thoroughly as the Thunderhead could do. During the interval as both sides awaited the asteroid's arrival, both sides continued to fight. The Union force fought to keep most of the Malakin fleet bottled up near Milik. As well, the Union force launched attacks on the other Malakin worlds and military bases with better success than usual.

  Around Milik, the Malakin fleet did its best to engage the Union forces. It tried to force some of the Union forces into the area where the Malakin forces were soon able to predict the asteroid would come from. It was essentially the only hole in the Union perimeter since it was guarded less so there would be plenty of maneuvering room for Union ships to avoid the asteroid when it arrived. Some of the fiercest fighting around Milik occurred there. Constantly, Union warships and their crews distinguished themselves in the endless array of skirmishes in that area.


  Only suggestions from two ship captains caused the battle to shift back away from that sector after almost a day of endless fighting there.

  Because she suggested one idea, Diane's ship went in first as they charged headlong at the Malakin warships surrounding Milik and performed a Dust Bunny spin. Diane's ship emerged below the protective perimeter of Malakin warships and continued to rotate as the crew forced the cruiser to execute a turn so that they could blaze a path out back to the Union forces. As soon as the Dust Bunny was back inside the Union force, another ship in a random location charged just as suddenly at the protective Malakin warships.

  The other idea required a few Union warships to travel back along the projected trajectory of the asteroid and launch torpedoes at intervals. By the time the torpedoes reached the Malakins, the torpedoes would be nearly invisible until their engines switched on after locking onto a target. One thing was certain. There was no lack of targets so none of the torpedoes were wasted.

  Because of the sudden attacks from both ideas, the pressure was relieved on the lightly defended area as Malakin forces were forced to spread out more to avoid presenting juicy targets. They were soon spread out so much that it was virtually impossible to tell which warships belonged to which set of three. Any of the Malakin warships trying to make for the lightly defended area could be more quickly spotted then and acted against as a result, if a torpedo wasn't already activating against them.


  As the asteroid neared Milik, Union forces stepped up the pressure on the defending warships. Only when the asteroid was an hour away did the Union forces finally pull back as they got out of the way of the huge rock that would destroy Milik.

  Admiral Wund performed the maneuver skillfully and carefully, keeping the Malakins off guard with random ships still charging at the enemy while his main body of warships gradually pulled back, widening the distance between the two forces.


  The asteroid crashed into the planet with dreadful results. It tore out a gouge in the planet before it bounded up into an orbit around Milik, stripping away part of the atmosphere as it did so. Huge storms sprang up everywhere while dust blew around the world in a blanket. Some of the Malakin warships were caught off guard by the gouge that came up at them from the planet. Two of them were crushed as the world's first moon established itself.

  The planet's surface went through horrible quakes along with volcanic activity. The asteroid didn't kill off the population of the world outright. However, it did destroy over a tenth of it in the first minute. Many more would die later. Some would die slowly as the conditions on Milik changed into what would soon condemn the survivors to constant uncertainty about what weather conditions would be on their world from day to day as their planet took on an extreme wobble in its rotation.


  Admiral Wund resumed broadcasting his surrender demands to the Malakin Empire an hour after the asteroid hit Milik. This time he made it very uncertain to the Malakins about which world would face destruction. Still they refused to surrender.

  An hour later, another Thunderhead missile was launched with ease against one of the other Malakin worlds. An hour after its launch, it shattered its target.

  Again, Malakin communications filled the channels as the surviving worlds discussed their fate unless they surrendered. There was no input from Milik, even though it wasn't totally destroyed. Its people were too busy surviving dust storms, quakes, and other hazards. Anyone on Milik who did want to communicate was interfered with by those same conditions as they tried to transmit or receive.


  Minutes before another Thunderhead missile was to be launched, the Malakin Empire finally surrendered. All Malakin armed forces just as suddenly ceased fire and awaited further instructions. Admiral Wund issued orders for the military bases to be abandoned and for all Malakin military to gather on the remaining Malakin worlds. Two Union squadrons took possession of the abandoned bases in order to establish a military presence to monitor further activities by the Malakin Empire.

  Chapter 18

  On the three intact Malakin worlds, the Malakin people were stunned to learn after their surrender that the Union didn't want them as slaves. Until that moment, they were just as certain as they could be that humans of the Union of Planets wanted to enslave the Malakin Empire in order to reach the magic number of twenty-seven member worlds in the Union. It had, after all, been one of their own goals to see their empire reach that same magic number. They were completely puzzled by the Union destroying worlds it needed in order to reach the magic number of twenty-seven and the even more mystical eighty-one.


  With peace re-established, Admiral Oden returned to the much quieter Space Academy to resume his duties there. It wasn't the same as before, with a sizable number of cadet ensigns wearing camouflage body paint rather than uniforms because of Union-wide implementation of the URB. It also had
twice the number of cadet ensigns as before with each class made up of two hundred individuals eager to become a part of the Navy.


  Somehow, the rest of the Union realized that tolerance was better than fighting as in the case of Serapha and Opal. Neither was willing to bend and both paid the price. Slowly, each of the Union member worlds permitted different lifestyles to be practiced wherever its citizens chose.

  Admiral Oden acted as Grand Marshal of another Union Day celebration, this time on Echo. He didn't have to go nude, as he earlier thought he would, because of the very same tolerance that was now in effect for the entire Union of Planets. He was also permitted to travel about in open-top hovers once more and enjoyed the fresh air as he led the parade that held more meaning for the people of Echo than ever before.


  Politically, Congress quietly worked behind the scenes to inform Bragh that any further attack from them would not be tolerated. Then the Union Navy, just as quietly, removed the space mines from around Bragh so that the Ape-oids could resume peaceful travel and trade in space. Sensors were, however, left in place to provide an early warning in case Bragh decided to ignore the offer of peace and launch a massive force.

  One of the first things that some Ape-oid leaders did was to visit Serapha to view the extent of the damage and ascertain whether the Union was telling the truth. Shortly afterwards, Bragh committed itself to peaceful intentions and restructured its government. It began to trade with various worlds in the Union for the first time ever. It finally asked for membership almost a year later to everyone's surprise. It was accepted as the twenty-fourth member planet shortly after a Congressional tour of Bragh confirmed that the Ape-oids were serious and met all the requirements.

  To the surprise of the Ape-oid world, their request to clean and resettle Opal was also granted by Congress. Rights to the planet were sold by its survivors to the Union before they left to seek their new home. The Ape-oids put a number of their citizens to work on reclaiming the planet from the damage inflicted upon it by Serapha. They even found the other members of the Union willing to assist them.

  Admiral Oden wasn't taken completely unawares by the request for his presence on Bragh, despite it being his first visit ever in a peaceful role. He could understand how his input was needed as he was still Commandant of the Space Academy. There was much to be coordinated with the merging of the Ape-oid's military into the Union's forces.


  Dave stepped off the Navy cruiser that carried him and others to Bragh. An impressive array of Bragh's finest officers stood at attention in full dress uniform to greet the Union visitors. It took very little time for most of the Ape-oid faces to spot him among the military and civilian guests. For one more time, Dave wondered how he'd be received as he'd been more than a little responsible for defeating the Ape-oid's in three major engagements. It wasn't long before he was paired off with his counterparts who were responsible for Bragh's Space Academy which would close up shop partly as it would no longer produce military officers.


  "Rear Admiral Oden, why is it that some of us still outrank you in this coming merger of our forces into the Union military?" Fleet Admiral Crugg asked.

  "Yes, I was amazed to learn that I'd retain my rank if I opted to remain in the military despite fighting against you before. I thought that certainly I'd be demoted to a rank where I'd stagnate for the rest of my career. Still, why aren't you in charge of the Union Navy? You're clearly their best officer," Rear Admiral Sint said as he nodded his head sagely.

  "Suffice it for me to say that we've learned there's no honor in kicking someone for what took place in the past. Instead, we feel that there's more to be gained by recognizing the abilities of those joining us and treating them with due respect," Dave answered.

  "But you're clearly a better officer than us," Sint exclaimed.

  "I appreciate your kind remarks. However, we're not here to figure out who's the best. What we have to do now is bring your officer candidates into the Union so there will be others like you to provide leadership in the future."

  "I wish that was easy. Fully three-quarters of the under classes have left our academy in disgust. The remainder understand that they'll have to qualify under new rules," Commandant Deni Weitek sighed

  "Then it's a tremendous loss to all of us since we'll have need of all the talent we can obtain if we're to remain strong and free," Dave said.

  "Those who remained still have doubts though our retention in rank seems to have eased their doubts somewhat. Before I conclude my tenure as Commandant, I hope we'll have time to compare instructions? No, that's not the word. What's that phrase, Rear Admiral Sint?" Weitek said.

  "Note, I think. Notes! I forgot it's plural," Sint replied.

  "Ah, yes, notes. We should compare notes. Rear Admiral Oden, your language caused us problems more than once in the preceding conflicts. Doubtless we should have paid more attention to the movies we intercepted before the first war. Maybe we wouldn't have needed to fight then," Weitek said.

  "You watched movies?" Dave asked.

  "Many of them. Some were clearly terrible, but we are at fault for not discerning that your movies were merely entertainment and not something for us to base a war upon. We thought you'd enslave us like in those Ape Planet movies," Sint replied.

  "I've seen that old movie series. Is that really why we fought?" Dave asked.

  Fleet Admiral Crugg nodded sadly.

  "Our own movies have always been historically based, so we mistakenly believed yours in the wrong manner. It's too bad that we caused the deaths of so many on both sides. You have our humble apologies for causing so much grief," Weitek said.

  "Let's talk no more about what happened other than to use it to guide ourselves so that we don't act too hasty in dealing with others we might find in the future," Dave said softly.


  "Your officers have to have a college degree first? Is that what the Union changed between our first and second encounters? I felt lucky to be alive after the second encounter when your forces tore into us like demons," Weitek remarked.

  Dave shook his head. "That's been the standard for a century now. When we have more free time, I'll explain what happened to change everything. We made some serious errors of our own as time passed."

  "I do hope I learn this before I report for my new assignment," Weitek remarked.


  Commandant Weitek walked to the head of the stage and faced the Ape-oid cadets still present within the academy. His bearing left no doubt that he was still a force to be reckoned with as he eyed the cadets before speaking. "Rear Admiral Oden is here to evaluate you for admission into the Union of Planets' Space Academy. Those of you fortunate enough to qualify will find that you have a hard task ahead of you in gaining acceptance after the misfortune we've caused."

  An Ape-oid cadet stood for recognition.

  "Yes, Cadet? You have something to ask?" Weitek asked.

  "Yes sir. Cadet Daut, sir. How can you place the blame on us when we were only defending our world?"

  "Cadet Daut, there is more to what happened than you might realize. I am aware of more facts than you are at present. Take my word for it, we were at fault."

  "Excuse me, but I'd like to put in my two credits worth here," Admiral Oden said.

  Commandant Weitek glanced at Dave, then nodded.

  "Cadet Daut, I've already read your personnel records. I'm truly impressed with your background and feel certain that you'll be accepted. I'd like to give you your first assignment now. Your assignment is to create an Ape-oid modern history course with special emphasis on why Ape-oid leaders felt a war was necessary. When you report to the Academy on Beulah, your instructor will grant you time to present the course to the other cadets," Dave said.

  Cadet Daut glanced at Commandant Weitek for a moment.

  "I'll see to it that you have access to top level command information before you leave for Beulah. Accept the assig
nment," Weitek said.

  Cadet Daut nodded thoughtfully and sat down. Another cadet stood.

  "What's your question, Cadet?" Commandant Weitek asked.

  "Sir, Cadet Coom. May we ask questions of Rear Admiral Oden?"

  "This is supposed to be . . ." Weitek paused when his eyes caught sight of Dave nodding. "You don't mind, Rear Admiral Oden?"

  "Not in the least. Turning this into a question and answer period might be an excellent way of conducting an evaluation. What's your question, Cadet Coom?"

  "Sir! Are you the bravest yuman in the Union?"

  Dave chuckled slightly, then became more serious as he answered, "No, I'm far from being the bravest human in the Union. In fact, if we use the term people so that it then includes everyone we know about, then I'm very far from being the bravest person around."

  "Then there is someone else with more honors than you? You have so many plus I thought you commanded the dreaded Rust Bucket?" Coom asked.

  "It's true that I commanded the, uh, dreaded Rust Bucket for awhile. However, honors as you call these awards aren't all there is to being brave. Some of the bravest people never received any honors. They were either too humble or died before they could be honored. In fact, I consider many of these awards as evidence of failure," Dave replied.

  "Failure? How can that be?" Coom asked.

  "Some of these awards were given for fighting that should have been avoided. Anytime someone has to fight, they're admitting that they failed to maintain peace. Of all the honors I wear now, I'm most proud of those given me for saving lives," Dave replied.

  "But there is honor in fighting, is there not?" Coom asked.

  "Only if you're defending your life or the lives of those around you. Defending freedom and other things of similar worth is always honorable," Dave replied.

  "Then you're saying . . ."

  Dave interrupted. "I'm saying that your people fought for honorable reasons even though those reasons were first based on misinformation."


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